Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

Psychologists suggest that conspiracy theories often serve as a crutch for emotionally needy people, allowing them to feel good about themselves for seeing truth where others don't. They believe the world is being taken over by hidden forces, that an apocalyptic battle is at hand and now is the time for heroes to act
You guys are my heroes. Thanks for saving us from the hidden forces.
Psychologists suggest that conspiracy theories often serve as a crutch for emotionally needy people, allowing them to feel good about themselves for seeing truth where others don't. They believe the world is being taken over by hidden forces, that an apocalyptic battle is at hand and now is the time for heroes to act
You guys are my heroes. Thanks for saving us from the hidden forces.

Well.....I'll admit.....the matrix is a comfy place to spend your life.
SO MisterBeale believes some internet joker who makes a lot of statements claiming he has proof, and claimed the official report that was released is total BS....

You know the official report written by people who had access to the inside of the school and the shooters house. the people that had the real evidence that they have pictures of. The people who actually talked to all the eyewitnesses, all those who survived that is.....

But the nutcase who claims the kids weren't real and the parents were actors is believable...

Un fucking believable...........

Whoa whoa whoa, slow down there Ollie. Let's not be hostile or throw out the Ad hominem at each other. There is no need to make specious claims or project and assume what we think each other may or may not believe.

What I am sure of, is that the government report proves absolutely nothing. We are TOLD things, this is true. We are told that they have had access to inside the school. But the school was demolished before the report was released. . . . so, no one can really verify if that is so, can we?

Perhaps you are right, perhaps this guy is an internet joker. But what is posted at his site is what has already been posted all around the web. It has already been established to be as credible among the main in society as the MSM sources. There are a couple of points I am not sure I agree with, but most of them, yeah, they are a given at this point. If you understand that all of our media is controlled by just eight corporations, and that these corporations meet with political leaders at the Pratt house in New York to steer policy, then you aren't naive. If you don't understand this, than you are easily led to believe what ever media wants you to believe.

I'm skeptical Ollie, of everything. Don't just assume that because I posted the First source, I necessarily believe everything posted in it. OTH, don't believe the I post the official source to discredit the first. I like to research ALL sides of a story and remain open to new information. You should know me well enough to know that by now.

I don't claim to know what the truth is. What I do believe, is that the history that is being concocted, by the corporate media, in conjunction with the establishment, is probably not a full picture of what is going on. If it were, they would not dare attempt to use this terrible tragedy for political gain from day one out of the starting gate. Actually, it was from before day one. If you do the research, Nancy Pelosi had the legislation written up a month prior. Thankfully, I'm not the only American that is smarter and more courageous than they give us credit for.


[ame=]Beautiful Rant By Adam Curry About How Fake the Sandy Hook Shooting Is, The No Agenda Show - YouTube[/ame]
As badly as it pains me to say this, in terms of arriving at a respectable consensus on the Sandy Hook tragedy (even among those predisposed to be skeptical of the official narrative), I have very little faith in the avenues available to the general public.

In my opinion, the best we could do, as a movement, would be to identify as many potential motives as possible, and raise our voices in direct opposition to all apparent efforts to serve those motives. We should do our damnedest within the law to see to it that this possible 'psyop' doesn't have its intended effects. Only then would its planners think twice before pulling off another one in the future.
SO MisterBeale believes some internet joker who makes a lot of statements claiming he has proof, and claimed the official report that was released is total BS....

You know the official report written by people who had access to the inside of the school and the shooters house. the people that had the real evidence that they have pictures of. The people who actually talked to all the eyewitnesses, all those who survived that is.....

But the nutcase who claims the kids weren't real and the parents were actors is believable...

Un fucking believable...........

How you continue to deal with these morons is incredible...
As badly as it pains me to say this, in terms of arriving at a respectable consensus on the Sandy Hook tragedy (even among those predisposed to be skeptical of the official narrative), I have very little faith in the avenues available to the general public.

In my opinion, the best we could do, as a movement, would be to identify as many potential motives as possible, and raise our voices in direct opposition to all apparent efforts to serve those motives. We should do our damnedest within the law to see to it that this possible 'psyop' doesn't have its intended effects. Only then would its planners think twice before pulling off another one in the future.

Outstanding post my friend......and you are 100% correct.

It is a matter of exposing people to the truth one at a time. Most, like the zombies on this thread, are just beyond gone, thus, you don't waste your time. Interestingly, it appears as if it is the younger generation that is becoming more and more skeptical of the "official" media accounts, and Sandy Hook was definitely part of that.
SO MisterBeale believes some internet joker who makes a lot of statements claiming he has proof, and claimed the official report that was released is total BS....

You know the official report written by people who had access to the inside of the school and the shooters house. the people that had the real evidence that they have pictures of. The people who actually talked to all the eyewitnesses, all those who survived that is.....

But the nutcase who claims the kids weren't real and the parents were actors is believable...

Un fucking believable...........

Typical CT behavior. They reject anything which does not feed their lunacy while subscribing to anything which does. If they could apply their cynicism to their CT beliefs they would laugh at their silliness ... as most norms do.
Oh......and not one single solitary EMS worker was allowed within 100 yards of the school. Hmmmm......sounds reasonable. In fact, helicopters were hovering overhead at the school when the first EMS units were contacted. I suppose that happens most everyday!!!

DO tell, Who brought out the two children who died enroute or at the Hospital? Who brought out the two wounded adults who survived?

The interview of the CME......clearly legit!!

You maybe have proof it wasn't? That's proof not opinion.

One of the richest school districts in the United video whatsoever of this kid entering the school.

I have no Idea if it is one of the richest school districts or not, where did this information come from? And while you are looking for that give us a rundown on what video surveillance was in use at the school.

A 150 pound kid carries 3-4 weapons and at least 180 rounds of ammo ( see CME statement ) with him and carries this out with a kill rate that is 60% higher than any other mass shooting all within 5 minutes. A 150 pound autistic kid......with zero special military type training and nobody but nobody ever saw him at a gun range.

One Ar 15 Weight with 30 round magazine is less than 9 pounds. 2 pistols, and even 500 rounds of ammo.....I'd say a 10 year old could carry it.....

Victoria Soto has a FACEBOOK page 4 days before the day of the was a RIP page.

Face book pages can have their names changed with the original date. Got any proof the page was shown beforehand? Didn't think so.

A neighbor who supposedly rescued about a dozen kids changes his story of the events not once, but three times!!!!

I've heard people describe the same combat action at least 5 different ways...

No video of Lanza trying to purchase a weapon in a Ct. gun store the Tuesday before the shooting.

Does the store have a video system? Who says he was there, and why would he need another weapon he had his mothers...

An autistic kid destroys a hard drive on his computer but not a page of any kind of manifesto.


600 students in the school.......not a single interview of any other parents in the school to see how this tragedy effected them.

You think not? Because you haven't seen them?

Dozens of people marching in a circle at the fire the front door........out the back the front door.........out the back door. OK

Please provide video of this race track.

Zero photos of the crimes aftermath.

I for one do not care to see 20 dead kids. You some kind of sicko? Don't bother answering that.

Zero photographic evidence of 600 children being evacuated from the school. OK

I do seem to remember seeing Pics or video of kids being moved away from the building. But I could be wrong.

Official report states that the school administrators ran ROWARDS the shooter to investigate when they were gunned down!!! OK

Yes and?

The single released photo of the Parker family shows the 6 year old little blonde girl on the fathers lap.......but one problem. She has no legs.

Debunked. Look closer....
SO MisterBeale believes some internet joker who makes a lot of statements claiming he has proof, and claimed the official report that was released is total BS....

You know the official report written by people who had access to the inside of the school and the shooters house. the people that had the real evidence that they have pictures of. The people who actually talked to all the eyewitnesses, all those who survived that is.....

But the nutcase who claims the kids weren't real and the parents were actors is believable...

Un fucking believable...........

How you continue to deal with these morons is incredible...

I get bored sometimes and they do provide some comic relief.....
Hey 9/11......not one single parent was allowed to ID their own kid. Not one. Guess it happens all the time.

Oh......and not one single solitary EMS worker was allowed within 100 yards of the school. Hmmmm......sounds reasonable.:up: In fact, helicopters were hovering overhead at the school when the first EMS units were contacted. I suppose that happens most everyday!!!:eusa_dance:

The interview of the CME......clearly legit!!:blowup::blowup::blowup:

One of the richest school districts in the United video whatsoever of this kid entering the school.:eek:

A 150 pound kid carries 3-4 weapons and at least 180 rounds of ammo ( see CME statement ) with him and carries this out with a kill rate that is 60% higher than any other mass shooting all within 5 minutes. A 150 pound autistic kid......with zero special military type training and nobody but nobody ever saw him at a gun range.:D

Victoria Soto has a FACEBOOK page 4 days before the day of the was a RIP page.:lol:

A neighbor who supposedly rescued about a dozen kids changes his story of the events not once, but three times!!!!:banana::banana:

No video of Lanza trying to purchase a weapon in a Ct. gun store the Tuesday before the shooting.:wtf::happy-1:

An autistic kid destroys a hard drive on his computer but not a page of any kind of manifesto.:gay:

600 students in the school.......not a single interview of any other parents in the school to see how this tragedy effected them.:uhoh3:

Dozens of people marching in a circle at the fire the front door........out the back the front door.........out the back door. OK:coffee:

Zero photos of the crimes aftermath.:lol::up:

Zero photographic evidence of 600 children being evacuated from the school. OK:slap:

Official report states that the school administrators ran ROWARDS the shooter to investigate when they were gunned down!!! OK :rock::rock::uhoh3:

The single released photo of the Parker family shows the 6 year old little blonde girl on the fathers lap.......but one problem. She has no legs.:fu:

EDIT>> PS....I have spent my life in the field of autism. Almost 30 years as an administrator in an 90 million dollar agency in New York. The first bizarre part of the whole me......was seeing the spot the car was parked in just outside the front door. I have read this nowhere else on the internet. An autistic kid behaving in such an unconventional manner ( not using a marked spot to park in ) is so highly improbable, my radar went WAAAAAY up for the first time with one of these type events. Then.......dozens of other "facts" that to this day are unexplained. For those out there that are a bit more curious at seeking the truth......I submit that you all need to very seriously consider the authenticity of the information you receive from conventional sources and realize too that there are other people out there who cannot leave their house in the morning without desperately clinging to the official media story ( you can guess on this thread who that may be:lol::lol::lol:) <<EDIT

Nothing to see here Sheep. Move along. ;)
Hey I get it......a huge majority of the people just cant escape the matrix. Some, like those who always gravitate to this forum trying to do the debunk thing, desperately cling to the matrix. I used to be exactly like these meatheads Ollie and GT........automatically buy the official reports EVERY SINGLE TIME!! I get it why people do......its some really terrifying stuff.

Im not at all sure about this illuminati thing but what I am sure about is that the symbolism surrounding it sure does show up in a lot of places where fucked up things have occurred. What I am also sure about is that Sandy Hook, as officially reported, definitely did not happen. You have to have a plate in your head or be otherwise dim to think Newtown happened as "they" say it did.

Yeah, it is pretty funny observing them so obsessed with coming here to 'Debunk' all Conspiracy Theories. I just look at it like there must still be a tiny spark of doubt and curiosity left in em. Big Brother hasn't crushed that completely yet. I mean they sure are here a lot, no? Some of em actually feel compelled to come here to defend him. I guess they feel they're even being heroic coming here to dutifully defend their Big Brother's honor. They believe they're on the side of good and righteousness. Something bizarre like that. But we've had these discussions before. Some are likely paid Government Internet Trolls. But others are just good old fashioned obedient Sheep. The Forum is called 'Conspiracy Theories.' It's all just theory. It's people getting together to question Big Brother. Nothing more, nothing less.

Gomer Pyle Ollie,,candyass,dawgshit,Uncensored, rat in the ass and the newest one soupnazi are all paid trolls.

They give it away in the fact they devote their entire lives to coming here trolling the boards night and day and when cornered with facts they cant refute,they evade them and change the subject and post lies to try and save face in defeat.

THATS the trypical behavioir of paid internet trolls.

Candyass,Gomer Pyle Ollie,Uncensored,and soupnazi are beyond any doubt paid government trolls.

Its not just this site they come and troll at,they post on MANY other message boards as well their lies and propaganda defending the lies of government corruption to no end.

To go to SEVERAL message boards like they do and troll night and day posting lies all the time constantly like they do,thats a dead give away right there.Nobody has THAT much time on their hands to go around posting lies like they do everyday constantly unless of course they are getting paid for it.

people like G.T and freedom becki for instance though,they're not.They seldom ever venture into this section and they dont post lies constantly when confronted with facts they cant refute.They either leave or come back with just one liner insults to feel better about themselves.thats just the typical behaviour of brainwashed sheep in denial.

Yeah, i'm sure a couple of em could be paid Government Internet Trolls. That wouldn't be too surprising these days. The Government does employ such Trolls. But most are just obedient Sheep. Like Ollie for example, the Military beat & broke him like a dog. Pleasing his Master is all he knows. I actually kinda feel bad for Sheep like him.

And I do have to laugh when they try to get all high & mighty. They hop up on their high horses to preach the word of Big Brother. They try to shame people into silence & obedience. All that stupid "You Hate Children!!!" and "You Hate America!!!" shite. They really do feel they're on the side of good and righteousness. But in reality they're not. Their Government lies to them 24/7. And it's a Conspiracy 'Theories' Forum anyway. It's all about discussing theories. And l think with some of em, there is still a tiny bit of doubt and curiosity left. I think that's why some of em keep coming here to hang on my every word. Obviously they'll never admit it though. Anyway, hang in there. Never stop questioning Big Brother.
Now now Pauline, never once have I said that you hate children or that you hate America....

I have said that you were stupid, and you never disappoint us in proving it..

Now if you ever have any actual proof against the Government I'll be glad to hear it or see it...

But so far we've seen opinions and coincidences, and faked photos.... But you would never use those would you?
I just had to ask, because that was the first glaring problem I found wrong with the report. I would like to see this school "psychologists" license. I would like to know if what they say is true about it. . .

Pretty good summation here.

And of course, that snow job fairy tale incomplete with any verifiable fact we have been awaiting with baited breath. . .

Consistent with Public Act 13-311, [10] exceptions to the state Freedom of Information Act [11] and C.G.S. Sec. 17a-101k(a) [12] this report will not list the names of the twenty children killed in Sandy Hook Elementary School, nor will it recite 911 calls made from within the school on that morning or describe information provided by witnesses who were in the classrooms or heard what was occurring in the classrooms.

Gee, thanks for the details. So much more believable.
speaking of irrational conspiracy nuts!
Yeah, it is pretty funny observing them so obsessed with coming here to 'Debunk' all Conspiracy Theories. I just look at it like there must still be a tiny spark of doubt and curiosity left in em. Big Brother hasn't crushed that completely yet. I mean they sure are here a lot, no? Some of em actually feel compelled to come here to defend him. I guess they feel they're even being heroic coming here to dutifully defend their Big Brother's honor. They believe they're on the side of good and righteousness. Something bizarre like that. But we've had these discussions before. Some are likely paid Government Internet Trolls. But others are just good old fashioned obedient Sheep. The Forum is called 'Conspiracy Theories.' It's all just theory. It's people getting together to question Big Brother. Nothing more, nothing less.

Gomer Pyle Ollie,,candyass,dawgshit,Uncensored, rat in the ass and the newest one soupnazi are all paid trolls.

They give it away in the fact they devote their entire lives to coming here trolling the boards night and day and when cornered with facts they cant refute,they evade them and change the subject and post lies to try and save face in defeat.

THATS the trypical behavioir of paid internet trolls.

Candyass,Gomer Pyle Ollie,Uncensored,and soupnazi are beyond any doubt paid government trolls.

Its not just this site they come and troll at,they post on MANY other message boards as well their lies and propaganda defending the lies of government corruption to no end.

To go to SEVERAL message boards like they do and troll night and day posting lies all the time constantly like they do,thats a dead give away right there.Nobody has THAT much time on their hands to go around posting lies like they do everyday constantly unless of course they are getting paid for it.

people like G.T and freedom becki for instance though,they're not.They seldom ever venture into this section and they dont post lies constantly when confronted with facts they cant refute.They either leave or come back with just one liner insults to feel better about themselves.thats just the typical behaviour of brainwashed sheep in denial.

Yeah, i'm sure a couple of em could be paid Government Internet Trolls. That wouldn't be too surprising these days. The Government does employ such Trolls. But most are just obedient Sheep. Like Ollie for example, the Military beat & broke him like a dog. Pleasing his Master is all he knows. I actually kinda feel bad for Sheep like him.

And I do have to laugh when they try to get all high & mighty. They hop up on their high horses to preach the word of Big Brother. They try to shame people into silence & obedience. All that stupid "You Hate Children!!!" and "You Hate America!!!" shite. They really do feel they're on the side of good and righteousness. But in reality they're not. Their Government lies to them 24/7. And it's a Conspiracy 'Theories' Forum anyway. It's all about discussing theories. And l think with some of em, there is still a tiny bit of doubt and curiosity left. I think that's why some of em keep coming here to hang on my every word. Obviously they'll never admit it though. Anyway, hang in there. Never stop questioning Big Brother.
SO MisterBeale believes some internet joker who makes a lot of statements claiming he has proof, and claimed the official report that was released is total BS....

You know the official report written by people who had access to the inside of the school and the shooters house. the people that had the real evidence that they have pictures of. The people who actually talked to all the eyewitnesses, all those who survived that is.....

But the nutcase who claims the kids weren't real and the parents were actors is believable...

Un fucking believable...........

Whoa whoa whoa, slow down there Ollie. Let's not be hostile or throw out the Ad hominem at each other. There is no need to make specious claims or project and assume what we think each other may or may not believe.

What I am sure of, is that the government report proves absolutely nothing. We are TOLD things, this is true. We are told that they have had access to inside the school. But the school was demolished before the report was released. . . . so, no one can really verify if that is so, can we?

Perhaps you are right, perhaps this guy is an internet joker. But what is posted at his site is what has already been posted all around the web. It has already been established to be as credible among the main in society as the MSM sources. There are a couple of points I am not sure I agree with, but most of them, yeah, they are a given at this point. If you understand that all of our media is controlled by just eight corporations, and that these corporations meet with political leaders at the Pratt house in New York to steer policy, then you aren't naive. If you don't understand this, than you are easily led to believe what ever media wants you to believe.

I'm skeptical Ollie, of everything. Don't just assume that because I posted the First source, I necessarily believe everything posted in it. OTH, don't believe the I post the official source to discredit the first. I like to research ALL sides of a story and remain open to new information. You should know me well enough to know that by now.

I don't claim to know what the truth is. What I do believe, is that the history that is being concocted, by the corporate media, in conjunction with the establishment, is probably not a full picture of what is going on. If it were, they would not dare attempt to use this terrible tragedy for political gain from day one out of the starting gate. Actually, it was from before day one. If you do the research, Nancy Pelosi had the legislation written up a month prior. Thankfully, I'm not the only American that is smarter and more courageous than they give us credit for.


Yeah ... Carlin was a comedian and The Matrix was a sci-fi MOVIE.
It's time you CTs get off your high horses and have your reality checked by a professional.
Oh......and not one single solitary EMS worker was allowed within 100 yards of the school. Hmmmm......sounds reasonable. In fact, helicopters were hovering overhead at the school when the first EMS units were contacted. I suppose that happens most everyday!!!

DO tell, Who brought out the two children who died enroute or at the Hospital? Who brought out the two wounded adults who survived?

The interview of the CME......clearly legit!!

You maybe have proof it wasn't? That's proof not opinion.

One of the richest school districts in the United video whatsoever of this kid entering the school.

I have no Idea if it is one of the richest school districts or not, where did this information come from? And while you are looking for that give us a rundown on what video surveillance was in use at the school.

A 150 pound kid carries 3-4 weapons and at least 180 rounds of ammo ( see CME statement ) with him and carries this out with a kill rate that is 60% higher than any other mass shooting all within 5 minutes. A 150 pound autistic kid......with zero special military type training and nobody but nobody ever saw him at a gun range.

One Ar 15 Weight with 30 round magazine is less than 9 pounds. 2 pistols, and even 500 rounds of ammo.....I'd say a 10 year old could carry it.....

Victoria Soto has a FACEBOOK page 4 days before the day of the was a RIP page.

Face book pages can have their names changed with the original date. Got any proof the page was shown beforehand? Didn't think so.

A neighbor who supposedly rescued about a dozen kids changes his story of the events not once, but three times!!!!

I've heard people describe the same combat action at least 5 different ways...

No video of Lanza trying to purchase a weapon in a Ct. gun store the Tuesday before the shooting.

Does the store have a video system? Who says he was there, and why would he need another weapon he had his mothers...

An autistic kid destroys a hard drive on his computer but not a page of any kind of manifesto.


600 students in the school.......not a single interview of any other parents in the school to see how this tragedy effected them.

You think not? Because you haven't seen them?

Dozens of people marching in a circle at the fire the front door........out the back the front door.........out the back door. OK

Please provide video of this race track.

Zero photos of the crimes aftermath.

I for one do not care to see 20 dead kids. You some kind of sicko? Don't bother answering that.

Zero photographic evidence of 600 children being evacuated from the school. OK

I do seem to remember seeing Pics or video of kids being moved away from the building. But I could be wrong.

Official report states that the school administrators ran ROWARDS the shooter to investigate when they were gunned down!!! OK

Yes and?

The single released photo of the Parker family shows the 6 year old little blonde girl on the fathers lap.......but one problem. She has no legs.

Debunked. Look closer....

What is shockingly exposed by your point-by-point destruction of these CT "facts" is the unadulterated BS and outright fabrications CTs must cling to just so they can inject themselves into and be the hero of the story. Some of these guys evidently have never spent a day with their feet on the ground.
Oh......and not one single solitary EMS worker was allowed within 100 yards of the school. Hmmmm......sounds reasonable. In fact, helicopters were hovering overhead at the school when the first EMS units were contacted. I suppose that happens most everyday!!!

DO tell, Who brought out the two children who died enroute or at the Hospital? Who brought out the two wounded adults who survived?

The interview of the CME......clearly legit!!

You maybe have proof it wasn't? That's proof not opinion.

One of the richest school districts in the United video whatsoever of this kid entering the school.

I have no Idea if it is one of the richest school districts or not, where did this information come from? And while you are looking for that give us a rundown on what video surveillance was in use at the school.

A 150 pound kid carries 3-4 weapons and at least 180 rounds of ammo ( see CME statement ) with him and carries this out with a kill rate that is 60% higher than any other mass shooting all within 5 minutes. A 150 pound autistic kid......with zero special military type training and nobody but nobody ever saw him at a gun range.

One Ar 15 Weight with 30 round magazine is less than 9 pounds. 2 pistols, and even 500 rounds of ammo.....I'd say a 10 year old could carry it.....

Victoria Soto has a FACEBOOK page 4 days before the day of the was a RIP page.

Face book pages can have their names changed with the original date. Got any proof the page was shown beforehand? Didn't think so.

A neighbor who supposedly rescued about a dozen kids changes his story of the events not once, but three times!!!!

I've heard people describe the same combat action at least 5 different ways...

No video of Lanza trying to purchase a weapon in a Ct. gun store the Tuesday before the shooting.

Does the store have a video system? Who says he was there, and why would he need another weapon he had his mothers...

An autistic kid destroys a hard drive on his computer but not a page of any kind of manifesto.


600 students in the school.......not a single interview of any other parents in the school to see how this tragedy effected them.

You think not? Because you haven't seen them?

Dozens of people marching in a circle at the fire the front door........out the back the front door.........out the back door. OK

Please provide video of this race track.

Zero photos of the crimes aftermath.

I for one do not care to see 20 dead kids. You some kind of sicko? Don't bother answering that.

Zero photographic evidence of 600 children being evacuated from the school. OK

I do seem to remember seeing Pics or video of kids being moved away from the building. But I could be wrong.

Official report states that the school administrators ran ROWARDS the shooter to investigate when they were gunned down!!! OK

Yes and?

The single released photo of the Parker family shows the 6 year old little blonde girl on the fathers lap.......but one problem. She has no legs.

Debunked. Look closer....

What is shockingly exposed by your point-by-point destruction of these CT "facts" is the unadulterated BS and outright fabrications CTs must cling to just so they can inject themselves into and be the hero of the story. Some of these guys evidently have never spent a day with their feet on the ground.

Skooks has no interest in actually having an honest debate. He's a troll, a ghoul, or both.
Oh......and not one single solitary EMS worker was allowed within 100 yards of the school. Hmmmm......sounds reasonable. In fact, helicopters were hovering overhead at the school when the first EMS units were contacted. I suppose that happens most everyday!!!

DO tell, Who brought out the two children who died enroute or at the Hospital? Who brought out the two wounded adults who survived?

The interview of the CME......clearly legit!!

You maybe have proof it wasn't? That's proof not opinion.

One of the richest school districts in the United video whatsoever of this kid entering the school.

I have no Idea if it is one of the richest school districts or not, where did this information come from? And while you are looking for that give us a rundown on what video surveillance was in use at the school.

A 150 pound kid carries 3-4 weapons and at least 180 rounds of ammo ( see CME statement ) with him and carries this out with a kill rate that is 60% higher than any other mass shooting all within 5 minutes. A 150 pound autistic kid......with zero special military type training and nobody but nobody ever saw him at a gun range.

One Ar 15 Weight with 30 round magazine is less than 9 pounds. 2 pistols, and even 500 rounds of ammo.....I'd say a 10 year old could carry it.....

Victoria Soto has a FACEBOOK page 4 days before the day of the was a RIP page.

Face book pages can have their names changed with the original date. Got any proof the page was shown beforehand? Didn't think so.

A neighbor who supposedly rescued about a dozen kids changes his story of the events not once, but three times!!!!

I've heard people describe the same combat action at least 5 different ways...

No video of Lanza trying to purchase a weapon in a Ct. gun store the Tuesday before the shooting.

Does the store have a video system? Who says he was there, and why would he need another weapon he had his mothers...

An autistic kid destroys a hard drive on his computer but not a page of any kind of manifesto.


600 students in the school.......not a single interview of any other parents in the school to see how this tragedy effected them.

You think not? Because you haven't seen them?

Dozens of people marching in a circle at the fire the front door........out the back the front door.........out the back door. OK

Please provide video of this race track.

Zero photos of the crimes aftermath.

I for one do not care to see 20 dead kids. You some kind of sicko? Don't bother answering that.

Zero photographic evidence of 600 children being evacuated from the school. OK

I do seem to remember seeing Pics or video of kids being moved away from the building. But I could be wrong.

Official report states that the school administrators ran ROWARDS the shooter to investigate when they were gunned down!!! OK

Yes and?

The single released photo of the Parker family shows the 6 year old little blonde girl on the fathers lap.......but one problem. She has no legs.

Debunked. Look closer....

Yikes're in deep.

And ps.......philosophy is gay.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

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