Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

painfully corny, bro

What can I say?

In my defense, look at what it's in response to...

Defending tinfoil hat lunacy?

Yea, it does make it kinda worse tbh.

Not defending it per se, just highlighting the irony of some of the more childish attacks.

I suppose I could be called a hypocrite for sinking to your level in order to do so, but whatever... :)
What can I say?

In my defense, look at what it's in response to...

Defending tinfoil hat lunacy?

Yea, it does make it kinda worse tbh.

Not defending it per se, just highlighting the irony of some of the more childish attacks on it.

I suppose I could be called a hypocrite for sinking to your level in order to do so, but whatever... :)

You don't really think too deeply, eh?

Pauline aka pete or repeat a lot - - - - -

throws mud first.

He calls people who are a bit more (sane) in their approach Nazi lovers, goose-steppers, etc.

At that point, it's ad hominem to disguise his insecurity and weakness of position.

And it deserves equal to or greater ridicule.

I've never called someone a name who wasn't a scumbag or an asshole to an unassuming innocent or nice person in the first place.


I am the world's greatest bully of bullies, the anti-bully. You can read about me.
You don't really think too deeply, eh? ...

Well, again in my own defense, it's enormously challenging to plumb the depths of a plastic kiddie pool.

Pauline aka pete or repeat a lot - - - - -

throws mud first.

He calls people who are a bit more (sane) in their approach Nazi lovers, goose-steppers, etc.

At that point, it's ad hominem to disguise his insecurity and weakness of position.

And it deserves equal to or greater ridicule. [...]

...but whose insecurities and weaknesses are masked by your ad hominem? :dunno:
You don't really think too deeply, eh? ...

Well, again in my own defense, it's enormously challenging to plumb the depths of a plastic kiddie pool.

Pauline aka pete or repeat a lot - - - - -

throws mud first.

He calls people who are a bit more (sane) in their approach Nazi lovers, goose-steppers, etc.

At that point, it's ad hominem to disguise his insecurity and weakness of position.

And it deserves equal to or greater ridicule. [...]

...but whose insecurities and weaknesses are masked by your ad hominem? :dunno:

My ad hominem is pure retaliation.
Also worthy of note is the mind with the penchant not just for some, but for any and all conspiracies is the epitome of the kiddie pool.
Its not even an argument to BE fallacious.

These particular theories are NOT EVEN WORTHY of debate. And theres a very REAL how come.

Leave your house, and maybe......just maybe, you might meet or have family involved in one of these horrific occurences.

And the bottom line is simple: people who actually believe it was a hoax are the weakest willed, purely disgusting and pussy individuals walking the face of the Earth.


Because you believe something so horrifying and to such a great scale with as little evidence as fucking internet research and dont have either thr BALLS or the DECENCY to go ahead and visit one of these small towns and research it yourself. We call that "honor," & "courage of conviction."

Its the lowest form of integrity to entertain these psychotic conspiratorial fantasies on the backs of REAL LIFE VICTIMS, many who are children, while not having the fucking guts to go get face to face answers.

Scum, is what it is. And it deserves to be stomped out into the asscrack of history as such.
Whats worse, is that those with a penchant to believe that every little thing is a conspiracy are the ones who actually take every little piece of conflicting information as pure fact the moment they hear it from another sycophant - they never vet their source or double check their information which is evidenced by most of their would-be facts turn out to be false or have reasonable explanation............


They are the height of irony and the epitome of brainwashed sheep.
Its not even an argument to BE fallacious.

The intention to dismiss arguments without debate is precisely what makes it fallacious.

Case in point:

[...]These particular theories are NOT EVEN WORTHY of debate. And theres a very REAL how come.

Leave your house, and maybe......just maybe, you might meet or have family involved in one of these horrific occurences.

And the bottom line is simple: people who actually believe it was a hoax are the weakest willed, purely disgusting and pussy individuals walking the face of the Earth.


Because you believe something so horrifying and to such a great scale with as little evidence as fucking internet research and dont have either thr BALLS or the DECENCY to go ahead and visit one of these small towns and research it yourself. We call that "honor," & "courage of conviction."

Its the lowest form of integrity to entertain these psychotic conspiratorial fantasies on the backs of REAL LIFE VICTIMS, many who are children, while not having the fucking guts to go get face to face answers.

Scum, is what it is. And it deserves to be stomped out into the asscrack of history as such.

Not to concede the accuracy of your sweeping personal attack on "people who actually believe it was a hoax", but true or false, none of those character traits have any bearing whatsoever on the veracity of specific points made by such people. It's entirely plausible that shut-ins of low integrity and no balls also happen to be correct in several aspects of their arguments; and your refusal to see them as "WORTHY" of debate on the basis of a rather *cowardly character assassination an exemplification of the ad hominem fallacy.

*I could just as easily dismiss your ass on the basis of my own little assessment of your character, but I won't. :)
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You missed the line about my intentions are to NOT EVEN DEBATE IT. dumbass.
You missed the line about my intentions are to NOT EVEN DEBATE IT. dumbass.

Speaking of missing the point, THAT, in conjunction with your stated reasoning as to why "these particular theories are NOT EVEN WORTHY of debate" is what makes your intentions the offspring of fallacious reasoning.
Actually, its your inability to read between the lines. Some people go outside in real life and are actually effected by these events to know for a fucking FACT theyre not a hoax.

Those were the lines you shoukd have read between.

You didnt.

Good for you defining what is logical and illogical and fallacious in debate. You waste your breath. I dont need to debate this i need to ridicule the scum of the earth who use tragedy to entertain their paranoid delusional fantasies.

And i will continue to do so. They have no strength or courage, no wit and no integrity. I will treat them like animals.
Actually, its your inability to read between the lines. Some people go outside in real life and are actually effected by these events to know for a fucking FACT theyre not a hoax. [...]

True enough.

Still others understand the definition of "hoax" is broad enough to account for the likelihood of very real victims; in which case face-to-face communication with the suffering families would be entirely moot.
But this isn't about Tonkin.... Is it.... That is a whole other subject. And even that isn;'t exactly a false flag, but a royal screw up...

Your video makes me sick, I've watched parts of it before but just the first part where Lanza was too weak to carry an Ar15 and 2 pistols is enough to make one laugh..And how much of a shot do you have to be to fire into a group of kids huddled in a corner? It takes about a second to hit a button and eject a magazine and slap in a new one, faster if you've got them taped. I don't know if they were or not.

At any rate your video is again nothing more than uninformed opinion.

Here is the real aftermath of Sandyhook, or at least a small part of it.

Ravens Angel: Josephine Gay - YouTube

Just wondered why no one wanted to comment about this little girl and her family.

Maybe someone would like to go explain to the Ravens that they are backing a hoax?

Oh gawd, hop off your high horse. The shaming people into silence routine is so old at this point. I feel a Goose Stepper preach-fest coming on..."YOU HATE THE CHILDREN!!!" YOU HATE AMERICA!!!"

Jeez, anything to defend your beloved Big Brother, huh? But guess what, people are still gonna question. People aren't falling for the old tricks anymore. Deal with it.

No dip shit, but someone earlier in this thread claimed they had heard nothing from any of the families, might even had been you, I didn't bother going back to look it up. So how about it chump, do you have the guts to go to Newtown and talk with the families or go tell the Ravens your weak theories?

Didn't think so.....Spineless fuck.
What is really so screwed up in Pauline mind is that we cannot prove anything to her.

Reason is the Official investigations is the only proof there is and she refuses to accept anything official as fact....

So Pauline will wait for another internet idiot to make another worthless opinion based video and attempt to call it the truth...Without proof of course.....

And still somewhere locked away are hundreds of Photos of dead children, and statements of at least 2 adult survivors and probably statements from some child survivors. You know, kids that were not killed in the classrooms. You do know that there was at least one kid in the one room that wasn't hit and several in the other room.... Or hasn't the conspiracy controllers revealed that yet?

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