Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

so says rerun....

Message Board Bullies are usually big ole pussies in reality. You and your asshole cohort Ollie have run off quite a few good Posters. But i won't be one of them. I thoroughly enjoy kicking Nazi Bully ass. :)

Name one poster they have 'run off'. Then provide some evidence that the poster was actually 'run off' by them and didn't simply stop posting, as people often do.


It's an old tired game they've been playing for years here. They've made this Forum very unpleasant for many. There used to be many more Posters frequenting it. But most just decided to stop coming and dealing with permanent resident Trolls like dawgshit and Ollie. There actually used to be some very interesting discussions here. But people just got sick of their old "Uh, you wearing your tin foil hat?", Uh, you must live in your Mother's basement." and "You hate America!!" shite. They just bullied em away. But like i said, that won't happen with me. I know their just Nazi Bully creeps. And Bullies just can't stand getting bullied themselves. So, i'll be sticking around. I have fun with it.
Message Board Bullies are usually big ole pussies in reality. You and your asshole cohort Ollie have run off quite a few good Posters. But i won't be one of them. I thoroughly enjoy kicking Nazi Bully ass. :)

Name one poster they have 'run off'. Then provide some evidence that the poster was actually 'run off' by them and didn't simply stop posting, as people often do.


It's an old tired game they've been playing for years here. They've made this Forum very unpleasant for many. There used to be many more Posters frequenting it. But most just decided to stop coming and dealing with permanent resident Trolls like dawgshit and Ollie. There actually used to be some very interesting discussions here. But people just got sick of their old "Uh, you wearing your tin foil hat?", Uh, you must live in your Mother's basement." and "You hate America!!" shite. They just bullied em away. But like i said, that won't happen with me. I know their just Nazi Bully creeps. And Bullies just can't stand getting bullied themselves. So, i'll be sticking around. I have fun with it.
so sayth rerun..
Message Board Bullies are usually big ole pussies in reality. You and your asshole cohort Ollie have run off quite a few good Posters. But i won't be one of them. I thoroughly enjoy kicking Nazi Bully ass. :)

Name one poster they have 'run off'. Then provide some evidence that the poster was actually 'run off' by them and didn't simply stop posting, as people often do.


It's an old tired game they've been playing for years here. They've made this Forum very unpleasant for many. There used to be many more Posters frequenting it. But most just decided to stop coming and dealing with permanent resident Trolls like dawgshit and Ollie. There actually used to be some very interesting discussions here. But people just got sick of their old "Uh, you wearing your tin foil hat?", Uh, you must live in your Mother's basement." and "You hate America!!" shite. They just bullied em away. But like i said, that won't happen with me. I know their just Nazi Bully creeps. And Bullies just can't stand getting bullied themselves. So, i'll be sticking around. I have fun with it.

So no names, no evidence, just your oft-repeated refrain, "They bullied them!". This despite the fact you have no problem throwing insults left and right which could also be described as an attempt to bully someone to stop posting.

Besides which, anyone who doesn't expect to get some negative backlash from posting conspiracy theories like these is probably better off not frequenting a message board like USMB anyway. Clearly their skin isn't thick enough. :eusa_shhh:
Bullies have only the power given them by their victims.

The trick is to never see oneself as a victim, no matter what.
Bullies have only the power given them by their victims.

The trick is to never see oneself as a victim, no matter what.

Well, that depends on the form the bullying takes, doesn't it?

A bully might still have the power to physically abuse someone, whether they think of themselves as a victim or not. :tongue:

I couldn't help myself being contrary! :redface:
A bully might still have the power to physically abuse someone, whether they think of themselves as a victim or not. :tongue:

I hope you'll indulge my nuanced use of the term, but I do enjoy dancing around even the subtlest distinctions.

I believe it's shameful for one to allow an assault of any stripe to determine his or her status as a "victim", because there is no shame in being overpowered by someone physically stronger, naturally smarter, better equipped, or whatever; the shame would be in allowing the fear of that perceived superiority to alter one's behavior in a manner inconsistent with his or her principles. In my view, where there is no justifiable shame, there should be no feelings of victimization.
A bully might still have the power to physically abuse someone, whether they think of themselves as a victim or not. :tongue:

I hope you'll indulge my nuanced use of the term, but I do enjoy dancing around even the subtlest distinctions.

I believe it's shameful for one to allow an assault of any stripe to determine his or her status as a "victim", because there is no shame in being overpowered by someone physically stronger, naturally smarter, better equipped, or whatever; the shame would be in allowing the fear of that perceived superiority to alter one's behavior in a manner inconsistent with his or her principles. In my view, where there is no justifiable shame, there should be no feelings of victimization.
shame on you.
I agree. They don't use heavily medicated, mentally unstable people for nothing. A little hypnotism, a little 30 min. session here and there and these psychos are ready to shoot anything and anyone.
A bully might still have the power to physically abuse someone, whether they think of themselves as a victim or not. :tongue:

I hope you'll indulge my nuanced use of the term, but I do enjoy dancing around even the subtlest distinctions.

I believe it's shameful for one to allow an assault of any stripe to determine his or her status as a "victim", because there is no shame in being overpowered by someone physically stronger, naturally smarter, better equipped, or whatever; the shame would be in allowing the fear of that perceived superiority to alter one's behavior in a manner inconsistent with his or her principles. In my view, where there is no justifiable shame, there should be no feelings of victimization.

We are operating under different definitions of the word victim. One can be the victim of an assault without feeling shame, IMO.
We are operating under different definitions of the word victim. ...

Or maybe we're just applying it differently.

[...]One can be the victim of an assault without feeling shame, IMO.

As a matter of personal preference, I reserve the right not to apply the term in every instance it's technically applicable.

Now, we could argue about the philosophical implications of 'personal preference' on the notion of objective meaning, but I doubt we'd get anywhere in relation to our respective starting positions.

Let's not forget context. The discussion was centered on bullying as a means of running off formerly regular posters. Accordingly, in my opinion, the altered behavior of some of those people would be potentially indicative of justifiable feelings of shame/victimization.

Then again, maybe their computers crashed, or they couldn't afford to pay the internet bill, or ...perish the thought, they collectively 'got a life'.

For the record, if I ever decide to leave this discussion board, it most certainly would have NOTHING to do with the tactics of others; and more importantly, it wouldn't be based on justifiable feelings of shame.

That's the beauty of having nothing to be ashamed of... :)
Hey 9/11.....thought youd like this link. Seems a handful of the NWO folks started to face guilt and death in the face >>>

Rare Bilderberg Paper Trail Left Behind by Elite Rhodes Scholar

Don't let the matrix dwellars get to you man......they are permanently fucked and cant be salvaged. You gotta feed this stuff to people who want to get beyond the reality manufacturing company, none of whom exist or will ever exist on this forum.
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The "sandy hook was a hoaxers" should rot for all of eternity with their depraved little, little brains.

Among the details: More than a dozen bodies, mostly children, were discovered packed "like sardines" in a bathroom where they had hidden. And the horrors encountered inside the school were so great that when police sent in paramedics, they tried to select ones capable of handling what they were about to witness.

"This will be the worst day of your life," police Sgt. William Cario warned one.

Police file on Newtown yields chilling portrait
See how dead this Forum has become? You can thank Nazi Bully assholes like dawgshit and Ollie for that. This used to be an enjoyable Forum. But once the Nazi Trolls took over, it died. Most just got tired of their stupid 'Uh, you gots a tinfoil hat' shit. They moved on. It's actually pretty sad.
Youre a scumbag and were called to the floor for.being a scumbag. Justice is what was done, libocalypsenow aka polly tissue aka repeat.
Most just got tired of their stupid 'Uh, you gots a tinfoil hat' shit.
Well to be fair you've never managed to expand beyond your narrow script of "boot lickers" so you don't have much room to criticize lack of variance.

Then again you talk about people believing lies when you were caught lying about that cropped backpack picture you posted, so I guess hypocrisy is your realm.
See how dead this Forum has become? You can thank Nazi Bully assholes like dawgshit and Ollie for that. This used to be an enjoyable Forum. But once the Nazi Trolls took over, it died. Most just got tired of their stupid 'Uh, you gots a tinfoil hat' shit. They moved on. It's actually pretty sad.

What? All we're doing is asking you to provide proof that would actually stand up in court. But all you ever come back with is how fucked up we are instead of defending your position. that or lying about photos... When you have something for real bring it on. I understand the final investigation has been released Pictures and all. You haven't posted anything about that yet. Why not?
I understand the final investigation has been released Pictures and all. You haven't posted anything about that yet. Why not?

Because he's too busy calling us a bunch of mean old poopy-pants, before going off to sulk again.

I'd like to know why he keeps bringing up the cropped photo of the two men with backpacks in a Sandy Hook thread. Is he lost?

Hey, Paulie, the Boston Marathon bombing thread is under "B". You know, like the "Bullshit" you sling?
I understand the final investigation has been released Pictures and all. You haven't posted anything about that yet. Why not?

Because he's too busy calling us a bunch of mean old poopy-pants, before going off to sulk again.

I'd like to know why he keeps bringing up the cropped photo of the two men with backpacks in a Sandy Hook thread. Is he lost?

Hey, Paulie, the Boston Marathon bombing thread is under "B". You know, like the "Bullshit" you sling?

:lol: You dumbass Big Brother buttsnifffers crack me up. Like you dunces would ever believe anything other than what Government and the Idiot Box tells you. Why do you people still come here? Seems pointless to me. Unless you enjoy being Nazi Trolls so much, you just can't stay away. But hey, how bout another 'Tinfoil Hat' or 'Mother's basement' insult? You dunces never seem to get enough of those. Bout all you're good for.

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