Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

there are familys with dead children and this is how the right reacts to their pain?
Hey, thanks for that. Very interesting. We'll never get the truth on this. Secrecy and dishonesty is what Big Brother is all about. And those 'hopelessly duped of the world', don't want the truth. They desperately wanna go on living their denial fantasies. Most of the German People felt the same way while the Nazis carried out horrific atrocities in their name. They just didn't wanna know. It is very sad, but it is what it is.

And yet despite what you claim to be Big Bro's dishonesty, it was you who posted that cropped picture in a lame effort to mislead. So if your story is so true, why must you lie in support of it? :lol:

Secrecy and dishonesty is all your beloved Big Brother is about. But hey, you wanna go on living your denial fantasies, than so be it i guess. Most German People thought the Nazis were a bunch of really fine fellas. Whatever floats yer boat.

so your still wasting your time talking to dawgshit huh?:lol:
Ollie......well you sure are consistent. You invariably show up in a blink of an eye after anything is posted in this forum........and you invariably parrot the established narrative.

All the earmarks of a paid hack.

Anyway......I digress.......

For most people content with peeping out of their hobbit hole and then scurrying back in to comfy cozy, a shot out window is clear confirmation of the whole event!!!:blowup::2up:

Hey dumb fuck. I don't spend as much time on this forum as half of you nutcases. I keep three or four threads open on this entire board, because I'm an Administrator on another board and that takes alot of my time, besides a local board that I post on regularly. Now do let us know if there is anything intelligent you wish to say.
there are familys with dead children and this is how the right reacts to their pain?

whatsever you say TRUTH DOESNT MATTER.the one who has his head in his ass ignoring facts that its a ONE PARTY SYSTEM of demopublicans and reprocrats beliving in the fairy tale that Obama and the democrats serve the people but republicans dont.thats the logic of TRUTH DOESNT MATTER for ya.:lol: IM SERIOUS,IM not kidding,he actually thinks the democrats are different than the republicans and likes obomination and slick willie .:lol: did you know these facts about truth doesnt matter Paul?:lol::lol:

He investigates the facts about sandy hook about as much as he does the atrocities Obama and clinton have committed against the american people not getting it that jfk was our last REAL president we had not a puppet for the establishment and that he paid the price for that.:cuckoo:
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So say to everybody you are familiar with weapons.

Consider this >>>>>

Lauren Rousseau, who died last week at age 30, was born in the U.S.

Her Canadian-born father, Gilles Rousseau, told Radio-Canada that he wanted to see his daughter's body but was informed by authorities that it would not be possible.

In a tearful interview, he said the rounds used were so powerful that they ripped through the school's walls and left several holes in his daughter's car outside in the parking lot.

Lauren Rousseau, Teacher Killed In Newtown Shooting, Mourned By Canadian Family

From a Bushmaster??!!!:lol::lol::up:

a .223 round??!!! Its a God damned varmint round. My 44 magnum rounds in my Rossi 93 wouldn't go through school walls and through a car door!!!!

Doesn't raise an eyebrow for you?

Then you are either

1) A fake military guy


2) A paid phoney hack.

Are you idiots ever going to do any research or attempt to tell the whole story. like the truth?

First off there were other cars hit by gunfire. None of them were hit by gunfire that came through any wall. Windows from the rooms where Lanza was shooting like the crazy nutcase that he was yes, but through the walls, no...


Notice the cars in this Photo that are taped off......

Now a fake Military guy? Really? Take a look at my profile and ask around about me...Or find my Youtube videos, they tell their own story too.

Paid to be here? I'd starve..........
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For the non-hopelessly duped of the world >>>

Ammunition Drywall Penetration Analysis Test (Adpat)

Hey, thanks for that. Very interesting. We'll never get the truth on this. Secrecy and dishonesty is what Big Brother is all about. And those 'hopelessly duped of the world', don't want the truth. They desperately wanna go on living their denial fantasies. Most of the German People felt the same way while the Nazis carried out horrific atrocities in their name. They just didn't wanna know. It is very sad, but it is what it is.

And Pauline follows along instead of thinking or doing her own per normal....

I wished i was paid for this, you fools make it so easy.....
So say to everybody you are familiar with weapons.

Consider this >>>>>

Lauren Rousseau, who died last week at age 30, was born in the U.S.

Her Canadian-born father, Gilles Rousseau, told Radio-Canada that he wanted to see his daughter's body but was informed by authorities that it would not be possible.

In a tearful interview, he said the rounds used were so powerful that they ripped through the school's walls and left several holes in his daughter's car outside in the parking lot.

Lauren Rousseau, Teacher Killed In Newtown Shooting, Mourned By Canadian Family

From a Bushmaster??!!!:lol::lol::up:

a .223 round??!!! Its a God damned varmint round. My 44 magnum rounds in my Rossi 93 wouldn't go through school walls and through a car door!!!!

Doesn't raise an eyebrow for you?

Then you are either

1) A fake military guy


2) A paid phoney hack.

Are you idiots ever going to do any research or attempt to tell the whole story. like the truth?

First off there were other cars hit by gunfire. None of them were hit by gunfire that came through any wall. Windows from the rooms where Lanza was shooting like the crazy nutcase that he was yes, but through the walls, no...


Notice the cars in this Photo that are taped off......

Now a fake Military guy? Really? Take a look at my profile and ask around about me...Or find my Youtube videos, they tell their own story too.

Paid to be here? I'd starve..........

Big Brother doesn't do truth. And if the Military didn't break you like a dog, you would see that. Now hurry off and fetch. Be a good little doggy. Better do what your Master tells ya. ;)
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For the non-hopelessly duped of the world >>>

Ammunition Drywall Penetration Analysis Test (Adpat)

Hey, thanks for that. Very interesting. We'll never get the truth on this. Secrecy and dishonesty is what Big Brother is all about. And those 'hopelessly duped of the world', don't want the truth. They desperately wanna go on living their denial fantasies. Most of the German People felt the same way while the Nazis carried out horrific atrocities in their name. They just didn't wanna know. It is very sad, but it is what it is.

And Pauline follows along instead of thinking or doing her own per normal....

I wished i was paid for this, you fools make it so easy.....

The fact you're not being paid to shill for Government, is even more sad & pathetic. Nothing to boast about there dipshit.
The fact that a proven liar even bothers to post anymore is psychotic delusional suffering manifest as a little female poon poon mouth.
Hey Pauline, do you have anything intelligent to say or are you following along with 911shitforbrains?

I just posted photos showing where Skooterball is wrong and all you can do is continue to attack me at a personal level. I've had about enough of it.

I'm just going to start negging you too..... You used to actually offer at least some kind of defense of your positions, what happened?
Hey Pauline, do you have anything intelligent to say or are you following along with 911shitforbrains?

I just posted photos showing where Skooterball is wrong and all you can do is continue to attack me at a personal level. I've had about enough of it.

I'm just going to start negging you too..... You used to actually offer at least some kind of defense of your positions, what happened?

Aw, another Nazi Bully throwing a hilarious hissy fit. Don't dish it and if you can't take it. I told you before, i love kicking Nazi Bully ass. You and your asshole cohort dawgshit ran off too many decent Posters. You killed this Forum with your bullying bullshit. So now i'm gonna hang around just to annoy you goose stepping jerkoffs. I love it. :lol:
The thing that freaks me out and I'm not a conspiracy type of person. Yeah, I listen to coast to coast I give:eusa_angel: is why the prosecutor wouldn't even release the 911 calls It took a court order to get them released.

So of course one has to wonder what's going on? It's bizarre.
The thing that freaks me out and I'm not a conspiracy type of person. Yeah, I listen to coast to coast I give:eusa_angel: is why the prosecutor wouldn't even release the 911 calls It took a court order to get them released.

So of course one has to wonder what's going on? It's bizarre.

Secrecy and dishonesty. That's what Big Brother is all about. The shooter is dead and gone. There will be no trials. There is absolutely no reason for secrecy. And i'm not hearing all that 'You must hate Children!' B.S. either. This isn't about that. It's about Government once again being secretive and lying to the People.

Their story doesn't add up. So to avoid any further questioning, they've put a gag-order on their MSM puppets and most others who were involved. They're gonna quietly move on. After all, Government knows most of the loyal Sheep don't want to know the truth anyway. It's actually very sad.
The thing that freaks me out and I'm not a conspiracy type of person. Yeah, I listen to coast to coast I give:eusa_angel: is why the prosecutor wouldn't even release the 911 calls It took a court order to get them released.

So of course one has to wonder what's going on? It's bizarre.

And now that they have been released?
The thing that freaks me out and I'm not a conspiracy type of person. Yeah, I listen to coast to coast I give:eusa_angel: is why the prosecutor wouldn't even release the 911 calls It took a court order to get them released.

So of course one has to wonder what's going on? It's bizarre.

Secrecy and dishonesty. That's what Big Brother is all about. The shooter is dead and gone. There will be no trials. There is absolutely no reason for secrecy. And i'm not hearing all that 'You must hate Children!' B.S. either. This isn't about that. It's about Government once again being secretive and lying to the People.

Their story doesn't add up. So to avoid any further questioning, they've put a gag-order on their MSM puppets and most others who were involved. They're gonna quietly move on. After all, Government knows most of the loyal Sheep don't want to know the truth anyway. It's actually very sad.

What part of the story doesn't add up...Give me something to go on here.......
Secrecy and dishonesty. That's what Big Brother is all about.
Hah "dishonesty" as everyone in this forum laughs at how you try to ignore every time people point out you were the poster caught faking a cropped picture and lying about the implications. It is hilarious, the guy caught lying is the one who is always wagging his finger at other about dishonesty.

So anyway.... why did you feel the need to lie about that backpack photo Paulitician? You just going to keep on pretending everyone doesn't know and throw it in your face? Isn't that humiliating?

We all know.

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