Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

Gee, I'm sorry I ruined your comedy sub-forum by providing facts instead of supporting your tin hat "theories".

No, really, I am. :lol:

Nah, you assholes made the Forum so unpleasant, most just decided to go elsewhere. That's all you did. Congrats dipshit.

They couldn't stand the heat, so they fled to a colder kitchen.

Quelle surprise. :lol:

Attaboy, be proud of your Goose Stepping and ruining the Forum. Anyway, gotta run. Enjoy your Goose Step circle-jerk. See ya.
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There is absolutely no reason for secrecy.

There is absolutely no reason to satisfy your ghoulish curiosity about how much those children suffered. If that makes me one of your "Nazi bullies," I truly don't give a fuck. Go have a hissy fit somewhere else. :eusa_hand:

Piss off with that stupid "You must hate the children!' Bullshite. It's not about that. It's about real truth & transparency. Not just cherry-picked Government-approved release of info. Just release it all. Period, end of story.

While I too would like more transparency from my gov't in non-security matters, there is nothing in the Constitution which guarantees you access to anything you want no matter how badly you want it. Get over it, Princess.
Who have i bullied off the forum? And you know, if I didn't have fun pointing out your childish behavior (as if everyone can't see it) I would simply ignore you.

But you and shitforbrains are so much entertainment.

Now I ask you again, what is it about Sandy hook that makes you disbelieve the official investigation?

If there is nothing then why are you here?

Not only have you not bullied people off the forum, SFC Ollie, you state the facts and request proof for a claim that contradicts the evidence that is known.

Thanks for making USMB a more responsible forum. :salute:
:lol: You dumbass Big Brother buttsnifffers crack me up. Like you dunces would ever believe anything other than what Government and the Idiot Box tells you. Why do you people still come here? Seems pointless to me. Unless you enjoy being Nazi Trolls so much, you just can't stay away. But hey, how bout another 'Tinfoil Hat' or 'Mother's basement' insult? You dunces never seem to get enough of those. Bout all you're good for.

You say the bolded, after starting your sentence with "You dumbass Big Brother buttsniffers". :lmao:

You're just messing with us, aren't you? This much self-satire has to be intentional. ;)

Aw, piss off Nazi creep. Now you're just playing dawgshit and Ollie's tired old game. Attack and insult first, then claim it was the victim who attacked and insulted first. But i got no time for that tired game anymore. You assholes have ruined the Forum, but i think i'll stick around anyway. I love kicking Nazi creep ass. But gotta catch some Football now. So, Heil Big Brother! Enjoy your trolling.

yeah that's funny how they always act like they are the victems.they attack you with one liners and when you insult back,they whine about it like the nazi trolls they are.
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Hey, thanks for that. Very interesting. We'll never get the truth on this. Secrecy and dishonesty is what Big Brother is all about. And those 'hopelessly duped of the world', don't want the truth. They desperately wanna go on living their denial fantasies. Most of the German People felt the same way while the Nazis carried out horrific atrocities in their name. They just didn't wanna know. It is very sad, but it is what it is.

And Pauline follows along instead of thinking or doing her own per normal....

I wished i was paid for this, you fools make it so easy.....

The fact you're not being paid to shill for Government, is even more sad & pathetic. Nothing to boast about there dipshit.

Dude Gomer Ollie VERY much so is being paid by the government to troll these boards.
Hey Pauline, do you have anything intelligent to say or are you following along with 911shitforbrains?

I just posted photos showing where Skooterball is wrong and all you can do is continue to attack me at a personal level. I've had about enough of it.

I'm just going to start negging you too..... You used to actually offer at least some kind of defense of your positions, what happened?

Aw, another Nazi Bully throwing a hilarious hissy fit. Don't dish it and if you can't take it. I told you before, i love kicking Nazi Bully ass. You and your asshole cohort dawgshit ran off too many decent Posters. You killed this Forum with your bullying bullshit. So now i'm gonna hang around just to annoy you goose stepping jerkoffs. I love it. :lol:

yeah people always laugh at gomer Ollie how he can dish it out but he cant take it.:lol::lol:
The thing that freaks me out and I'm not a conspiracy type of person. Yeah, I listen to coast to coast I give:eusa_angel: is why the prosecutor wouldn't even release the 911 calls It took a court order to get them released.

So of course one has to wonder what's going on? It's bizarre.

Secrecy and dishonesty. That's what Big Brother is all about. The shooter is dead and gone. There will be no trials. There is absolutely no reason for secrecy. And i'm not hearing all that 'You must hate Children!' B.S. either. This isn't about that. It's about Government once again being secretive and lying to the People.

Their story doesn't add up. So to avoid any further questioning, they've put a gag-order on their MSM puppets and most others who were involved. They're gonna quietly move on. After all, Government knows most of the loyal Sheep don't want to know the truth anyway. It's actually very sad.

couldn't say it better myself.
Here's the message pauline left on my Visitor messages....I'll be deleting it soon because my visitors shouldn't be exposed to his trash.

Always knew you Nazi Bullies were really just plain ole pussie

Now Pauline, As I have stated many times, come out with some actual facts and I'll be glad to discuss them with you...But as long as you want to sit back and call names.... Well, everyone sees how childish it is, Except maybe you and 911shitforbrains.

Too late, you blew it when you started bullying posters off the Forum. You made it miserable for so many. So I no longer respect you. Now you're only worthy of ridicule yourself. And i plan on giving you and dawgshit a whole lot of that. So buck up little Nazi buckaroo. Stop whining and deal with it. I thought you Nazis were tough? SHEESH.

That's classic gomer Ollie for ya.Lying as always saying you haven't given any evidence.He always does that in his 9/11 discussions as well claiming you never gave any evidence 9/11 was an inside job when you post videos with overwhelming facts in them.when he gets cornered with those facts in the vidoes,like the government troll he is,he doesn't even bother to address any mentiond in them dismissing it as a youtube video.thats whay they always do when they are cornered.thats what their handlers instruct them to do.

yet this chickenshit coward has the hypocrisy to CLAIM to truthers they have never given him facts about 9/11 being an inside job. He would be laughed out of a debating hall in a minute.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

he sure would never make it as a lawyer.:lol: you got to actually TRY and counter the facts your opponent presents.:lol: If he representing a client in a courtroom for a non political case like representing some neighbor who had a lawsuit aginst his neighbor or something like that for instance, It that opposing lawyer gave a youtube video with facts about that client and gomer Ollie said to the judge-your honor,thats a youtube video,that cant be evidence.He would laugh so hard and say-Gomer Ollie-address those facts or I am ruling in favor of him.we know it,he knows it, nobody would ever hire him again as a lawyer when word got out that he didn't even try to counter the facts.:lol::lol::lol:
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Hey Pauline, do you have anything intelligent to say or are you following along with 911shitforbrains?

I just posted photos showing where Skooterball is wrong and all you can do is continue to attack me at a personal level. I've had about enough of it.

I'm just going to start negging you too..... You used to actually offer at least some kind of defense of your positions, what happened?

Aw, another Nazi Bully throwing a hilarious hissy fit. Don't dish it and if you can't take it. I told you before, i love kicking Nazi Bully ass. You and your asshole cohort dawgshit ran off too many decent Posters. You killed this Forum with your bullying bullshit. So now i'm gonna hang around just to annoy you goose stepping jerkoffs. I love it. :lol:

yeah people always laugh at gomer Ollie how he can dish it out but he cant take it.:lol::lol:

Bring it on shitforbrains...anytime you want to man up.....
Who have i bullied off the forum? And you know, if I didn't have fun pointing out your childish behavior (as if everyone can't see it) I would simply ignore you.

But you and shitforbrains are so much entertainment.

Now I ask you again, what is it about Sandy hook that makes you disbelieve the official investigation?

If there is nothing then why are you here?

Not only have you not bullied people off the forum, SFC Ollie, you state the facts and request proof for a claim that contradicts the evidence that is known.

Thanks for making USMB a more responsible forum. :salute:

troll becki should start her own comedy club show.this is the funniest and most untruthful post i can EVER recall seeing at this site before being posted.

Doesn't have the guts to actually debate us... Might just be time to ignore him again but then I'd miss the fart jokes....

BTW, do not respond to the fart posts....
Doesn't have the guts to actually debate us... Might just be time to ignore him again but then I'd miss the fart jokes....

BTW, do not respond to the fart posts....

Doesn't really matter if we do or not. If it really does have us on ignore, it thinks we are responding to them, no matter what we post.

And if it doesn't have us on ignore, it acts like it does to make itself feel better.

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