Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

He didn't lie, he actually believed it.... To him it was the truth because he was told so and it fit what he wanted the truth to be.... So why bother to actually look into it?
He didn't lie, he actually believed it.... To him it was the truth because he was told so and it fit what he wanted the truth to be.... So why bother to actually look into it?

I disagree. At some level he may delude himself into buying the crap he posts but he's waaaay beyond the self-imposed and rigidly self-enforced ignorance he regularly exhibits.
He's so desperate to feel "right" he willfully - perhaps eagerly - LIES to make his case.
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There is absolutely no reason for secrecy.

There is absolutely no reason to satisfy your ghoulish curiosity about how much those children suffered. If that makes me one of your "Nazi bullies," I truly don't give a fuck. Go have a hissy fit somewhere else. :eusa_hand:
Hey, thanks for that. Very interesting. We'll never get the truth on this. Secrecy and dishonesty is what Big Brother is all about. And those 'hopelessly duped of the world', don't want the truth. They desperately wanna go on living their denial fantasies. Most of the German People felt the same way while the Nazis carried out horrific atrocities in their name. They just didn't wanna know. It is very sad, but it is what it is.

And yet despite what you claim to be Big Bro's dishonesty, it was you who posted that cropped picture in a lame effort to mislead. So if your story is so true, why must you lie in support of it? :lol:

Secrecy and dishonesty is all your beloved Big Brother is about. But hey, you wanna go on living your denial fantasies, than so be it i guess. Most German People thought the Nazis were a bunch of really fine fellas. Whatever floats yer boat.
rerun sings the rationalization song!
There is absolutely no reason for secrecy.

There is absolutely no reason to satisfy your ghoulish curiosity about how much those children suffered. If that makes me one of your "Nazi bullies," I truly don't give a fuck. Go have a hissy fit somewhere else. :eusa_hand:

Piss off with that stupid "You must hate the children!' Bullshite. It's not about that. It's about real truth & transparency. Not just cherry-picked Government-approved release of info. Just release it all. Period, end of story.
There is absolutely no reason for secrecy.

There is absolutely no reason to satisfy your ghoulish curiosity about how much those children suffered. If that makes me one of your "Nazi bullies," I truly don't give a fuck. Go have a hissy fit somewhere else. :eusa_hand:

Piss off with that stupid "You must hate the children!' Bullshite. It's not about that. It's about real truth & transparency. Not just cherry-picked Government-approved release of info. Just release it all. Period, end of story.
time to haunt another site paulie....
There is absolutely no reason to satisfy your ghoulish curiosity about how much those children suffered. If that makes me one of your "Nazi bullies," I truly don't give a fuck. Go have a hissy fit somewhere else. :eusa_hand:

Piss off with that stupid "You must hate the children!' Bullshite. It's not about that. It's about real truth & transparency. Not just cherry-picked Government-approved release of info. Just release it all. Period, end of story.
time to haunt another site paulie....

Sorry, Nazi goon. I think i'll stick around. You won't be bullying me outta here. I take pride in kicking Nazi Bully ass. ;)
Here's the message pauline left on my Visitor messages....I'll be deleting it soon because my visitors shouldn't be exposed to his trash.

Always knew you Nazi Bullies were really just plain ole pussie

Now Pauline, As I have stated many times, come out with some actual facts and I'll be glad to discuss them with you...But as long as you want to sit back and call names.... Well, everyone sees how childish it is, Except maybe you and 911shitforbrains.
Here's the message pauline left on my Visitor messages....I'll be deleting it soon because my visitors shouldn't be exposed to his trash.

Always knew you Nazi Bullies were really just plain ole pussie

Now Pauline, As I have stated many times, come out with some actual facts and I'll be glad to discuss them with you...But as long as you want to sit back and call names.... Well, everyone sees how childish it is, Except maybe you and 911shitforbrains.

Too late, you blew it when you started bullying posters off the Forum. You made it miserable for so many. So I no longer respect you. Now you're only worthy of ridicule yourself. And i plan on giving you and dawgshit a whole lot of that. So buck up little Nazi buckaroo. Stop whining and deal with it. I thought you Nazis were tough? SHEESH.
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Who have i bullied off the forum? And you know, if I didn't have fun pointing out your childish behavior (as if everyone can't see it) I would simply ignore you.

But you and shitforbrains are so much entertainment.

Now I ask you again, what is it about Sandy hook that makes you disbelieve the official investigation?

If there is nothing then why are you here?
Piss off with that stupid "You must hate the children!' Bullshite. It's not about that. It's about real truth & transparency. Not just cherry-picked Government-approved release of info. Just release it all. Period, end of story.
time to haunt another site paulie....

Sorry, Nazi goon. I think i'll stick around. You won't be bullying me outta here. I take pride in kicking Nazi Bully ass. ;)

Piss off with that stupid "You must hate the children!' Bullshite. It's not about that. It's about real truth & transparency. Not just cherry-picked Government-approved release of info. Just release it all. Period, end of story.
time to haunt another site paulie....

Sorry, Nazi goon. I think i'll stick around. You won't be bullying me outta here. I take pride in kicking Nazi Bully ass. ;)
wow! taking credit for something you are incapable of ....another big lie from paulie...
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Here's the message pauline left on my Visitor messages....I'll be deleting it soon because my visitors shouldn't be exposed to his trash.

Always knew you Nazi Bullies were really just plain ole pussie

Now Pauline, As I have stated many times, come out with some actual facts and I'll be glad to discuss them with you...But as long as you want to sit back and call names.... Well, everyone sees how childish it is, Except maybe you and 911shitforbrains.

Too late, you blew it when you started bullying posters off the Forum. You made it miserable for so many. So I no longer respect you. Now you're only worthy of ridicule yourself. And i plan on giving you and dawgshit a whole lot of that. So buck up little Nazi buckaroo. Stop whining and deal with it. I thought you Nazis were tough? SHEESH.
another lie you keep spewing! I've never intentionally bullied anyone in this forum
like the old saying goes "if you're gonna play with the big kids don't whine if you get a bloody nose.."
Sorry, Nazi goon. I think i'll stick around. You won't be bullying me outta here. I take pride in kicking Nazi Bully ass. ;)


Yes, and now the other Nazi Bully who ruined the Forum has arrived. Gonna be a Goose Stepping circle-jerk here in a minute. Pretty gross. :puke:

Gee, I'm sorry I ruined your comedy sub-forum by providing facts instead of supporting your tin hat "theories".

No, really, I am. :lol:

Yes, and now the other Nazi Bully who ruined the Forum has arrived. Gonna be a Goose Stepping circle-jerk here in a minute. Pretty gross. :puke:

Gee, I'm sorry I ruined your comedy sub-forum by providing facts instead of supporting your tin hat "theories".

No, really, I am. :lol:

Nah, you assholes made the Forum so unpleasant, most just decided to go elsewhere. That's all you did. Congrats dipshit.
Yes, and now the other Nazi Bully who ruined the Forum has arrived. Gonna be a Goose Stepping circle-jerk here in a minute. Pretty gross. :puke:

Gee, I'm sorry I ruined your comedy sub-forum by providing facts instead of supporting your tin hat "theories".

No, really, I am. :lol:

Nah, you assholes made the Forum so unpleasant, most just decided to go elsewhere. That's all you did. Congrats dipshit.

They couldn't stand the heat, so they fled to a colder kitchen.

Quelle surprise. :lol:
Yes, and now the other Nazi Bully who ruined the Forum has arrived. Gonna be a Goose Stepping circle-jerk here in a minute. Pretty gross. :puke:

Gee, I'm sorry I ruined your comedy sub-forum by providing facts instead of supporting your tin hat "theories".

No, really, I am. :lol:

Nah, you assholes made the Forum so unpleasant, most just decided to go elsewhere. That's all you did. Congrats dipshit.
another lie ....this is you:" when you started bullying posters off the Forum."
expect a dodge it 5....4...3..2.1

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