Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

9. The crime scene was completely destroyed

As with Ground Zero after 9/11, Sandy Hook Elementary and all the evidence have been completely obliterated; $50 million in CT state funds were allocated for the demolition and rebuilding of Sandy Hook school. This would never have been tolerated if an actual crime had been committed—at least one that was meant to be investigated. The demolition of the school has now been declared complete.


Employees who worked on the project were required to sign non-disclosure agreements. They were not only prohibited from removing anything from the site, but they were forbidden from discussing publicly anything they may have observed or not observed during the demolition, such as an absence of bullet marks on the walls or blood on the floor of the classrooms.
10. Deceased children sang at the Super Bowl

Recent research has resulted in a “Sandy Hoax Surprise,” a convincing youtube video identifying eight alleged Sandy Hook victims and six of their brothers singing in the Newtown children’s choir at the 2013 Super Bowl.

[ame=]Sandy Hoax Surprise - YouTube[/ame]

One more victim has been identified since the original video, making a total of 15 out of the 21 children in the choir who were from the Sandy Hook “families.” The newly recognized “victims” are all older than they appear in their photos, giving credence to the theory that the children’s photographs were outdated images.

[ame=]Sandy Hook victims ALIVE at Superbowl (w/ parents) UPDATED INFORMATION - YouTube[/ame]

The Newtown children, whoever they are, seem quite happy to be singing at the Super Bowl, smiling and running across the field after the event—giving no sign of the trauma they had been through less than two months prior. So are these children actually alive? One can only hope.

Cui bono?

The evidence demonstrates (1) that proof of death has been suppressed, (2) that emergency protocols were not followed, (3) that drill protocols were followed, (4) that there was foreknowledge of the event, (5) that there was confusion over what weapons were used, (6) that the suspect cannot possibly have carried out the shooting as claimed, (7) that strange behavior was displayed by officials, witnesses and relatives, (8) that there are many odd photos of participants, (9) that the crime scene was destroyed under conditions of secrecy and (10) that some of the children appeared at the Super Bowl.

With the possible exception of (5) and (9), all of these features would have low probabilities had Sandy Hook been a massacre but high probabilities were it merely a drill. Some of them are decisive by themselves, such as (1), (2), (3), (4) and (6)–not to mention (10). EMTs cannot make determinations of whether a victim is dead or alive, so there should have been a surge of EMTs into the building to rush those little bodies off to hospitals where doctors could determine their condition. But that was not done–and nothing else about this event supports the conclusion that it was real. On the contrary, virtually everything indicates that this was a drill.
9. The crime scene was completely destroyed

As with Ground Zero after 9/11, Sandy Hook Elementary and all the evidence have been completely obliterated; $50 million in CT state funds were allocated for the demolition and rebuilding of Sandy Hook school. This would never have been tolerated if an actual crime had been committed—at least one that was meant to be investigated. The demolition of the school has now been declared complete.


Employees who worked on the project were required to sign non-disclosure agreements. They were not only prohibited from removing anything from the site, but they were forbidden from discussing publicly anything they may have observed or not observed during the demolition, such as an absence of bullet marks on the walls or blood on the floor of the classrooms.

Investigation is over, for you morbid types someday you'll be permitted to see the mutilated corpses of the children, But what do you do with a building where this happens? Send kids back into the same building, the same classrooms?
Bend over grab your ears and pull really hard and fast. The popping sound will be your head coming out of your ass.
10. Deceased children sang at the Super Bowl

Recent research has resulted in a “Sandy Hoax Surprise,” a convincing youtube video identifying eight alleged Sandy Hook victims and six of their brothers singing in the Newtown children’s choir at the 2013 Super Bowl.

Sandy Hoax Surprise - YouTube

One more victim has been identified since the original video, making a total of 15 out of the 21 children in the choir who were from the Sandy Hook “families.” The newly recognized “victims” are all older than they appear in their photos, giving credence to the theory that the children’s photographs were outdated images.

Sandy Hook victims ALIVE at Superbowl (w/ parents) UPDATED INFORMATION - YouTube

The Newtown children, whoever they are, seem quite happy to be singing at the Super Bowl, smiling and running across the field after the event—giving no sign of the trauma they had been through less than two months prior. So are these children actually alive? One can only hope.

Cui bono?

The evidence demonstrates (1) that proof of death has been suppressed, (2) that emergency protocols were not followed, (3) that drill protocols were followed, (4) that there was foreknowledge of the event, (5) that there was confusion over what weapons were used, (6) that the suspect cannot possibly have carried out the shooting as claimed, (7) that strange behavior was displayed by officials, witnesses and relatives, (8) that there are many odd photos of participants, (9) that the crime scene was destroyed under conditions of secrecy and (10) that some of the children appeared at the Super Bowl.

With the possible exception of (5) and (9), all of these features would have low probabilities had Sandy Hook been a massacre but high probabilities were it merely a drill. Some of them are decisive by themselves, such as (1), (2), (3), (4) and (6)–not to mention (10). EMTs cannot make determinations of whether a victim is dead or alive, so there should have been a surge of EMTs into the building to rush those little bodies off to hospitals where doctors could determine their condition. But that was not done–and nothing else about this event supports the conclusion that it was real. On the contrary, virtually everything indicates that this was a drill.

A Blogger, really a fucking Blogger who claims these are the same kids. Did I not specify that you really should try for proof?
10. Deceased children sang at the Super Bowl

Recent research has resulted in a “Sandy Hoax Surprise,” a convincing youtube video identifying eight alleged Sandy Hook victims and six of their brothers singing in the Newtown children’s choir at the 2013 Super Bowl.

Sandy Hoax Surprise - YouTube

One more victim has been identified since the original video, making a total of 15 out of the 21 children in the choir who were from the Sandy Hook “families.” The newly recognized “victims” are all older than they appear in their photos, giving credence to the theory that the children’s photographs were outdated images.

Sandy Hook victims ALIVE at Superbowl (w/ parents) UPDATED INFORMATION - YouTube

The Newtown children, whoever they are, seem quite happy to be singing at the Super Bowl, smiling and running across the field after the event—giving no sign of the trauma they had been through less than two months prior. So are these children actually alive? One can only hope.

Cui bono?

The evidence demonstrates (1) that proof of death has been suppressed, (2) that emergency protocols were not followed, (3) that drill protocols were followed, (4) that there was foreknowledge of the event, (5) that there was confusion over what weapons were used, (6) that the suspect cannot possibly have carried out the shooting as claimed, (7) that strange behavior was displayed by officials, witnesses and relatives, (8) that there are many odd photos of participants, (9) that the crime scene was destroyed under conditions of secrecy and (10) that some of the children appeared at the Super Bowl.

With the possible exception of (5) and (9), all of these features would have low probabilities had Sandy Hook been a massacre but high probabilities were it merely a drill. Some of them are decisive by themselves, such as (1), (2), (3), (4) and (6)–not to mention (10). EMTs cannot make determinations of whether a victim is dead or alive, so there should have been a surge of EMTs into the building to rush those little bodies off to hospitals where doctors could determine their condition. But that was not done–and nothing else about this event supports the conclusion that it was real. On the contrary, virtually everything indicates that this was a drill.

A Blogger, really a fucking Blogger who claims these are the same kids. Did I not specify that you really should try for proof?

To batshit CT loons like Paulie that is all the proof anyone should require. :cuckoo:
Continuing on...

The probability of the evidence on the hypothesis that this was a drill is overwhelmingly greater than on the hypothesis that it was an actual massacre. And the evidence appears to have “settled down” and point in the same direction. No alternative is reasonable, which means it has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. So who did it and why? This is the final question. If the perpetrator had been Adam Lanza, then he had no apparent motive, as even “the final report” acknowledged. When considering cui bono (who benefits), a large amount of money is at stake–and much of it has already been distributed.

Follow the Money

First of all, the construction industry got a boost, with the $50 million in Connecticut state funds allocated for the destruction of Sandy Hook School and to rebuild a new school on the premises. And this from a state with a projected budget deficit of $1.1 billion for the coming year.

The Sandy Hook School Support Fund has raised approximately $12 million and distributed it to the Newtown-Sandy Hook Community Foundation, overseen by Ken Feinberg, “a victim compensation master with a national reputation,” according to United Way Western Connecticut. And the Support Fund posted its condolences on 11 December 2013, which was three days before the actual event.


The estimated payout was $281,000 paid to each of the victims’ families, who have raised additional funds from their own websites—some of which were apparently advertised on the web in advance of the shooting. At present, all of the victims, both children and adults, have memorial funds that are currently collecting money.

“Sandy Hook Promise,” which actively solicits money for family members and others “impacted by this tragedy,” as well as for lobbying for “mental wellness and gun safety,” currently boasts over 300,000 people who have made the “Sandy Hook Promise” to turn the “tragedy into a moment of transformation.”

The federal government has also forked over a lot of taxpayer money, including a $150,000 federal grant to Newtown to pay for two “school resource officers” (aka police), and $2.5 million in federal funds to compensate the local entities for their trouble: $663,444 to the Connecticut State Police, $602,293 to the town of Newtown, $882,812 to the town of Monroe and $296,838 to other partner agencies. This hush money is sure to keep the lid on things for now.

Gun Control

The families have been out in force, appearing on television and in print, lobbying for gun control in the states and the US capitol. By now, their stories are known to everyone in America. This has created an impression that the Sandy Hook hoax was about gun control. Meanwhile, however, the gun industry has benefited immensely.

Efforts to increase security in schools—and even arm teachers—are underway. The New York Times reports that around 1,500 state gun bills have been introduced since the time of the shooting, and 109 have become law. However, nearly two-thirds of these laws ease legal restrictions and support the rights of gun owners.

This may well have been an unintentional consequence of an intentional plan. Nonetheless, it is not clear that the Sandy Hook event was carried out solely with the aim of disarming the American public. Perhaps we are seeing a kind of Homeland-Gladio—implementing a strategy of tension with real and simulated events. Remarkably, one of the earliest school safety/gun control proposals came from the family of Noah Pozner:

Both the gun industry and the already immense and rapidly growing “security industry” have also benefitted from the Sandy Hook “shooting,” as we, the citizens of the United States, lose more of our Constitutional rights. A more subtle but nonetheless insidious effect relates to the promotion of mental health screening and the consequent medication of the “mentally unstable” in our society, based upon an event that did not take place, where President Obama has signed an on-going series of executive orders to implement a political agenda. For the latest, check this one out.

The emergence of the Department of Homeland Security as a major threat to democracy cannot go without comment. Even though a subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Intelligence released a report on 3 October 2012 establishing the virtual non-existence of domestic terrorist threats, DHS has acquired more than 2 billion rounds of .40 calibre hollow-point ammunition. Sandy Hook appears to be part of a complex and evolving scenario, beginning with 9/11, to establish an enhanced Police State. Whether or not it succeeds depends on public awareness and political action.
That smiley face little bitch took off with the money.

$70,000 in donations to Sandy Hook charity missing

Ryan Graney, of Nashville, Tenn., said only $30,000 of the $103,000 taken in by the 26.4.26 Foundation was used for the organization's purpose. That money was presented last January by co-founder Robbie Bruce to the nonprofit NYA, a youth sports center in Newtown, where the December 2012 shooting occurred.

Graney said Bruce was in charge of the organization's finances but has cut off contact with her.

Bruce didn't return repeated telephone messages from The Associated Press, including one left with his sister. Public records list Bruce's address as an apartment in a gated complex on the southern outskirts of Nashville. No one answered the door there Friday afternoon.

An online biography lists Bruce, an endurance athlete, as co-founder of Nashville-based X3 Endurance, a fitness training company, which had a link to the foundation on its website. But Eddie Ferrell, another co-founder of that company, said it ended its relationship with Bruce almost a year ago and his whereabouts are unknown.
It has already been shown that web pages and FB pages can be set up today and a week from now or a year from now the name and details can be changed yet retain the original date.......

More empty speculation and no fact.

And 7yearsoldforever, So someone took off with some charity money, what does that prove other than people don't change. It happens time after time........
9. The crime scene was completely destroyed

As with Ground Zero after 9/11, Sandy Hook Elementary and all the evidence have been completely obliterated; $50 million in CT state funds were allocated for the demolition and rebuilding of Sandy Hook school. This would never have been tolerated if an actual crime had been committed—at least one that was meant to be investigated. The demolition of the school has now been declared complete.
This would be a lie.

The investigation was completed, and I can give countless examples of crime scenes that were demolished.
10. Deceased children sang at the Super Bowl

Recent research has resulted in a “Sandy Hoax Surprise,” a convincing youtube video identifying eight alleged Sandy Hook victims and six of their brothers singing in the Newtown children’s choir at the 2013 Super Bowl.
What in the ever fuck? Instead of just blindly regurgitating what you've absorbed why not try to actually think for once?

So you are claiming as proof of the conspiracy that for some bizarre reason they forgot these children were supposed to be dead and put them in front of everyone at one of the most watched TV shows on the planet? They were able to engineer a complex conspiracy to pretend to kill them and have kept them hidden away ever since, but oopsie we accidentally put them in a Sandy Hook choir at the Super Bowl!

Can you really not see how idiotic that is to believe?
This has been debunked so many times, and in fact I have personally debunked this with you when you've brought it up before. Your capacity to tune out that which complete sinks your argument then just repeating it again later is quite common among psychotic paranoid conspiracy types.

Here is a date-constrained search on the West Virginia chemical spill that happened this week, affecting water supplies, showing web pages about it in 2012:"we...=cdr:1,cd_min:1/1/2012,cd_max:12/12/2012&tbm=

Do you see how there are web pages from 2012 referencing it? Unless you believe the chemical spill was also a conspiracy hatched in 2012 and accidentally put on the internet that far ahead of time to all sorts of sites, your Sandy Hook proof by google search date is worthless.

Hey what do you know its stuff on the web from 2012 about that Indian diplomat who was just deported, that must have been a conspiracy too:"De...=cdr:1,cd_min:1/1/2012,cd_max:12/12/2012&tbm=

I know you'll stupidly bring up the google page dates again, next time I'll just link back to this post.
Not only have you not bullied people off the forum, SFC Ollie, you state the facts and request proof for a claim that contradicts the evidence that is known.

Thanks for making USMB a more responsible forum. :salute:

troll becki should start her own comedy club show.this is the funniest and most untruthful post i can EVER recall seeing at this site before being posted.


Aw. Is my little pincushion needling you? :muahaha:

needling me? you obviously got reading comprehension problems in the fact i made it perfectly clear you had me rolling in my seat laughing over your post full of lies that agent gomer ollie troll doesnt bully people and ignores how he blatanty ignores facts that prove him wrong anytime someone proves he is a liar.

i just proved that he ALWAYS runs off like the chickenshit coward he is anytime he is cornered with facts he cant refute refusing to counter them anytime people post videos that refute the stories and then he CLAIMS people like paul,never show him evidence.:lol::lol::lol:

no suprise you defended his lies,one lying troll defending another lying troll.

only difference between you and him,is HE is a paid government agent trolling the boards for them posting his lies and propaganda,where your a NON paid troll which is REALLY sad.:lol:

with gomer ollie,he thinks money is going to by him happiness for his lies he posts all the time so his motivation for lying i understand.YOURS though is outright pathetic that your not being paid to troll these forums like he pitiful.:lol::lol::lol:

so keep amusing us with your lies that gomer ollie listens to evidence,thats comedy gold.:lol:

AGAIN,.you REALLY should seriously consider getting a comedy club going those lies you invented about fellow troll gomer ollie.:lmao:
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Aw, piss off Nazi creep. Now you're just playing dawgshit and Ollie's tired old game. Attack and insult first, then claim it was the victim who attacked and insulted first. But i got no time for that tired game anymore. You assholes have ruined the Forum, but i think i'll stick around anyway. I love kicking Nazi creep ass. But gotta catch some Football now. So, Heil Big Brother! Enjoy your trolling.

yeah that's funny how they always act like they are the victems.they attack you with one liners and when you insult back,they whine about it like the nazi trolls they are.

Yeah, it's old stale chit now. They've been doing it for a long time. They killed the Forum. Used to be a great place to discuss all possibilities and question Government. Most just got bored and sick of the standard troll 'Tinfoil Hat'/'You live in your Mother's basement' ridicule shite. They just moved on. It's all about the bullying. But hey, that's all they know. Defend Big Brother at all costs, right?

But I still hang around a bit, just to rip some Nazi Bully ass. Bullies can't deal with getting bullied themselves. They freak and start crying like little babies. A couple of em are even resorting to Neg-Rep Stalking now. I think it's hilarious. So I think i'll keep it up. lol. But there's no point debating anymore. Their minds are made up. If Government and the Idiot Box say it's so, than that's that. They'll never accept or consider any info other than what they're fed by Government and the Idiot Box. It is what it is. But it is sad they had to kill the Forum. That wasn't necessary.

oh i know.yeah they get frustrated when you attack them back and then they go whining about it all.they get so frustrated they neg rep you to death out of frustration.:lol: you must not piss them off near as much as I do with facts because it looks like you havent gotten to them like i have with the neg reps.:lol::lol::lol:

yeah now that you mention it,i notice those kind of comments by people in the past dont happen much anymore these days.

yeah your right,at one time this fourm USED to be reasonable when Gunny was here.He was a nazi site administrater who abused his power so im glad he is gone now but there wasnt near as many trolls here as there are now back then so that was the upside of sticking around back then.

back then posters were more there was a poll made once called which is the most ridicules conspiracy was 9/11,one was the moon landing,one was the jfk assassination. there was this one poster who came on that thread back then that posted-"the jfk assassination isnt a redicules theory.that one was an inside job."

see that kind of poster even though they did not believe 9/11 was an inside job,i could respect that poster because he at LEAST was smart enough to know that the JFK murder was an inside job.very few people in the world still believe that lie of the governments now anymore thanks to oliver stones movie ,so anyone who comes on and still defends that LIE,is just plain retarded.

even the government has had to acknowledge in their propaganda pieces that defend the lies of the warren commission,even THEY have admitted that public opionion polls taken over the years show that 75% of americans no longer believe oswald was the lone assassin.yet we got idiot stupid fucks like dawgshit coming on here all the time trolling saying oswald was the lone assassin. dawgshit ignores facts that even the HSCA investigation in the 70's concluded there was a second gunman.:cuckoo:

thats what cracks me up about the morons in the CIA controlled media on their PBS specials they broadcast say,they always ignore what the HSCA investigation concluded in the 70's.what dumbfucks.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

so instead of the posters who were halfway knowledgeble back then who could acknowledge JFK'S assassination was an inside job but 9/11 wasnt,we are NOW stuck with stupid fuck trolls like DAWGSHIT and gomer ollie trolling these boards everyday night and day defending the lies of ALL government events all thwe time no matter how absurd it is including the JFK assassination.thats how far this forum has gone to hell with these paid trolls here roaming the boards day and night everyday.
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The fact you're not being paid to shill for Government, is even more sad & pathetic. Nothing to boast about there dipshit.

Dude Gomer Ollie VERY much so is being paid by the government to troll these boards.

I'm not sure about that. It could be though. Who knows these days? Government does pay Internet Trolls to shill. That has been proven. But i tend to think it's more about Ollie just being a broken ole loyal Bootlicker. He was broken in the Military. All he knows is obeying his Master. Big Brother says jump, he says how high? All of his curiosity and will to question, was beaten out of him as a young man in the Military. He simply obeys. That's all he knows. I think it's as simple as that. But i wouldn't be surprised if there are others here who are being paid to Troll. Sadly, such is life in the American Police State.

yeah gomer ollie for sure is.Like I said,the way you can easily tell that he and dawgshit are paid trolls is they come here posting their lies night and day when they are cornered with facts they cant refute everyday.thats what their hanlders instruct them to do.

by contrast,NON paying trolls like becki for instance,when she is cornered,she doesnt even try to counter facts knowing when she has been proved wrong,she just comes back with pitiful one liners when she is cornered with the evidence instead of making up lies like they do so its pretty simple to spot them actually.:D

the non paid trolls run off and dont come back or just come back with pitiful one liners like becki does as evidnced in her last post to its actually simple really to distinguois the government paid trolls like gomer ollie,rat in the ass and dawgshit from the non paid ones like becki actually.:D
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wow 14 "count em 14" farts in a row from the paid trolls most of them by gomer ollie.Gomer and his mates are REALLY getting desperate that your getting this information out Paul especially Gomers handlers. so you must be doing something right the way your getting to them.:D

i bet you had a hard time breathing paul since they farted 14 times in a row in your thread huh?:lol::D


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