Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

"Weak-minded, gullible sheep, unable to assess much objectivity."

Actually a very accurate description of you loyal Goose Steppers. Thanks.

The most infamous "goose steppers" were the Nazis. Do you infer that anyone who doesn't don the foil hat is a Nazi, Princess? :D

I calls em like i sees em.

Thanks for the unadulterated admission. You are far dimmer than previously believed possible. :D
All you are saying is that the news media tried to report things that they didn't really know anything about.

Why don't you just shut up and let them finish the investigation and then tell us what you think is wrong with the official investigation instead of the guesswork the press was reporting?

Having said that, as much as I hate to admit it, I think some of the amateur investigative journalists on YouTube would do well to take Ollie's advice -- not to stop searching, collecting, and saving material, but to hold off on further speculation until the official investigation is completed and until more information becomes available.

Indeed. That is at the heart of this issue. The investigation is in itself a hoax. The head medical examiner is, as Prof. James F. Tracy stated, "either under coercion or an imposter."

The Accidental Medical Examiner

An especially important yet greatly underreported feature of the Sandy Hook affair is the wholly bizarre performance of Connecticut’s top medical examiner H. Wayne Carver II at a December 15 press conference. Carver’s unusual remarks and behavior warrant close consideration because in light of his professional notoriety they appear remarkably amateurish and out of character.

H. Wayne Carver II has an extremely self-assured, almost swaggering presence in Connecticut state administration. In early 2012 Carver threatened to vacate his position because of state budget cuts and streamlining measures that threatened his professional autonomy over the projects and personnel he oversaw.

Along these lines the pathologist has gone to excessive lengths to demonstrate his findings and expert opinion in court proceedings. For example, in a famous criminal case Carver “put a euthanized pig through a wood chipper so jurors could match striations on the bone fragments with the few ounces of evidence that prosecutors said were on the remains of the victim.”[4] One would therefore expect Carver to be in his element while identifying and verifying the exact ways in which Sandy Hook’s children and teachers met their violent demise.

Yet the H. Wayne Carver who showed up to the December 15 press conference is an almost entirely different man, appearing apprehensive and uncertain, as if he is at a significant remove from the postmortem operation he had overseen. The multiple gaffes, discrepancies, and hedges in response to reporters’ astute questions suggest that he is either under coercion or an imposter. While the latter sounds untenable it would go a long way in explaining his sub-pedestrian grasp of medical procedures and terminology.
More at
He even admits his methodology and conclusions would NOT hold up in court?!? It's obvious he is either obfuscating or hiding things. When my son acts this way I can tell he is lying or covering something up, why can't most Americans?
[ame=]Medical Examiner FULL Press Conference - Sandy Hook School Mass Shooting - YouTube[/ame]

Seemed professional enough to me. He can't tell everything when he hadn't put together his own report yet. And some things he was asked would not be something he would know. like how many shots were fired....

Wait for the final reports, then talk shit.......... In the mean time mourn for 26 dead.....
Try this:

[...]1) Go to google.
2) Search using this phrase "sandy hook united way"
3) On the results page, right under the search bar where you can choose images, web, etc, there should be a choice that says "search tools" at the far right. Click it.
4) You should see a bar underneath "search tools" pop up. There should be a choice that says "any time". Click it.
5) The drop-down box lists a choice for custom range at the bottom. Choose this.
6) A dialog with a from and to date should appear. Use the calendar on the right side of the dialog box and choose December 11th, 2012 for the to and from date. This limits the results of your Google search to pages that were indexed on that date.
7) Click "go" in the dialog. You should now be seeing the results for your search query indexed on that date. In the top few results, if not the very first, you should see the United Way page for the Sandy Hook school. ...
Did that (Dec 10th-30th) and the Dec 11th date came back.

Sorry 'bout your Seahawks, Mad. They put up the good fight. Be proud. :D
The Seahawks aren't "my team". It was just an avatar bet to make the game more interesting. I actually don't care what taxpayer subsidized team wins the SuperBowl just so long as it's not a blowout.
Here's the answers, as facts.

A group of crazy jihadi moonbats hijacked 4 planeloads of innocent americans, and rammed three into buildings and 1 into an empty field.....FACT!

A lone crazy lil' dick beater stole his mothers weapons, walked into an elementary school, and brutally blew away 20 innocent american children, and 6 innocent american adults, before putting a bullet through his own head.....FACT!

Those are the facts, those are the answers, period. [E.A.]

Not to the questions asked by PredFan.

Recall, question 1:
So, we are to believe that a whole school is in on the conspiracy, all of the teachers, the parents, and the students, plus the whole fire and police departments, and the surrounding town?

Not to speak for those who've bought into certain aspects of the Sandy Hook conspiracy, but not necessarily. At the bare bones level, this theory would only require a small group of conspirators: the real gunman dressed in similar garb to the supposedly deranged patsy (there's newsreel evidence of a second suspect in camo pants and a dark top, after all), the planners/benefactors of the operation, and some media manipulators.

It's entirely plausible that most (or even all) who saw what appeared to be two gunmen inside the building were wiped out by one of them in the process.

Question 2:

Maybe the better question would be: why is it necessary to posit that any of the reported victims ...weren't, in fact, actual victims?

Question 3:
[...] How are they going to keep a parent or a teacher from subsequently writing a national best-seller based on how the government used them to creat a false massacre?

Well, if none of them realize (or believe) that's what happened, why on Earth would they write a book claiming it did?

Question 4:
[...] Can you not see how preposterous your claim is?

I can see how preposterous your characterization is.

Bear in mind: not all of the theoretical aspects put forth in this thread have to be true in order to validate the least complicated hypothesis.

One more thing, PredFan: please, don't take my answers as an endorsement of this conspiracy theory. I haven't yet made up my mind on this one.

To Wicked Jester:

Neither of the scenarios you've posited as "FACT(s)" have yet been evidentially established beyond a reasonable doubt. Until they have been, it will remain perfectly reasonable to doubt them as factual; and that's a fact.
Indeed. That is at the heart of this issue. The investigation is in itself a hoax. ...

Assuming that's true, all the better for those with stockpiles of data to fatally contradict the official narrative in its fully formed state.

In the meantime, try to imagine how you'd feel in Robbie Parker's shoes -- just in case he isn't a bad 'crisis actor'; but a real father who just lost a real daughter, and is now seeing his name dragged through the mud on top of the loss.

[...] The head medical examiner is, as Prof. James F. Tracy stated, "either under coercion or an imposter."

More speculation based on body language: is that really all we have to go on?

I suppose the Professor's analysis might be accurate. Then again, as far as the strange body language goes, there's also the prospect that the guy was just nervous in the national spotlight ...and is now being berated and accused of highly offensive things because of it.

In any case, whether he was under coercion during the interview or he's just another bad actor (or whatever else), he might not have done the playwrights any favors by confirming that the "long weapon" (I.E. the assault rifle that was reportedly left in the trunk) had been used on all the victims he personally examined.
a perfect example of reading in what's not intended or even there.

Dear Leader didn't think he could get "it" (assault weapon ban) done - but miracle of miracles, Sandy Hook handed him the platform to not only renew the AWB, but impose even more stringent anti-gun laws.

What incredible luck, what astounding timing.
The problem with you nutters isn't that people don't believe the government isn't capable of committing evil. It has. The US government vapourized two Japanese cities and leveled Dresden. That's well documented.

These are not evil acts, quite the opposite. What is evil is the lingering, noncommittal bullshit of Afghanistan.

It committed experiments against its own people. It massacred and stole.

Government does do evil, but the bombs that ended WWII were not evil.

The problem is that you moonbats are so unbelievably gullible that you start from the premise that the government is guilty, then look for any anecdote or circumstance to support your idiotic worldview, no matter how ridiculous or improbable.

Conspiracy theorists aren't skeptics. They're the exact opposite. They're weak-minded, gullible sheep, unable to assess much objectively.

Often true.

I said before, I don't think this is a conspiracy. It sure the hell was not a hoax. But the timing of the event stinks to high heaven, and gives me pause.
The problem with you nutters isn't that people don't believe the government isn't capable of committing evil. It has. The US government vapourized two Japanese cities and leveled Dresden. That's well documented.

These are not evil acts, quite the opposite. What is evil is the lingering, noncommittal bullshit of Afghanistan.

It committed experiments against its own people. It massacred and stole.

Government does do evil, but the bombs that ended WWII were not evil.

The problem is that you moonbats are so unbelievably gullible that you start from the premise that the government is guilty, then look for any anecdote or circumstance to support your idiotic worldview, no matter how ridiculous or improbable.

Conspiracy theorists aren't skeptics. They're the exact opposite. They're weak-minded, gullible sheep, unable to assess much objectively.

Often true.

I said before, I don't think this is a conspiracy. It sure the hell was not a hoax. But the timing of the event stinks to high heaven, and gives me pause.

Again with the timing!

There were multiple mass shootings in 2012, as there are probably every year for the last decade. What makes the supposedly suspect timing of this different from the movie theater shooting, or the Sikh temple?

It's nothing to do with timing, it's just that this incident has brought more strident calls for new gun control. I don't see how the beginning of 2013 is such better timing than any point during 2012 for gun control laws.
Again with the timing!

There were multiple mass shootings in 2012, as there are probably every year for the last decade. What makes the supposedly suspect timing of this different from the movie theater shooting, or the Sikh temple?

It's nothing to do with timing, it's just that this incident has brought more strident calls for new gun control. I don't see how the beginning of 2013 is such better timing than any point during 2012 for gun control laws.

You don't?

The radical left has just won the biggest victory since Moscow, 1918. The openly managed press has declared the opposition Capitalists defeated for all time. Dear Leader is defiant of constitutional restraints and declares that he can make law at will. But you don't see a shooting of children as an astounding boon to the agenda of the administration?

Is this really not a question of the timestamps on the recording devices versus whether or not our government is infested with sick bastards?

Yeah, our government is infested with sick bastards, but the timestamps on the videos can be misrepresentating the dates. Thus you have to go and check those recording devices before you can proclaim "planned assination of little kids".

Examine and verify first!! Do not just repeat and believe every wild claim you hear!!!

Is this really not a question of the timestamps on the recording devices versus whether or not our government is infested with sick bastards?

Yeah, our government is infested with sick bastards, but the timestamps on the videos can be misrepresentating the dates. Thus you have to go and check those recording devices before you can proclaim "planned assination of little kids".

Examine and verify first!! Do not just repeat and believe every wild claim you hear!!!

Most of the interviews are very creepy. They just don't come off as real grieving parents. And check out all those Facebook posts. Pretty quick on the draw to set up those 'memorial foundations,' no?
Paulitician, look at this Google search I just did and you tell me if you see anything wrong:


Yeah, i was just looking into those Facebook posts. They seemed to be discussing the event before it even happened. Spooky stuff for sure.

Is this really not a question of the timestamps on the recording devices versus whether or not our government is infested with sick bastards?

Yeah, our government is infested with sick bastards, but the timestamps on the videos can be misrepresentating the dates. Thus you have to go and check those recording devices before you can proclaim "planned assination of little kids".

Examine and verify first!! Do not just repeat and believe every wild claim you hear!!!

Most of the interviews are very creepy. They just don't come off as real grieving parents. And check out all those Facebook posts. Pretty quick on the draw to set up those 'memorial foundations,' no?

You really are nauseating. Literally.

Back to the coffee thread with me.
The aide said that guys like me were "in what we call the reality-based community," which he defined as people who "believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality." ... "That's not the way the world really works anymore," he continued. "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."
Reality-based community - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yeah, i was just looking into those Facebook posts. They seemed to be discussing the event before it even happened. Spooky stuff for sure.

Whose Facebook page are you talking about, Paulitician?

This one, maybe(?):


Someone else's?

But setting aside the most plausible explanations for them, what do you think might be implied by these time/date-stamp anomalies?
Indeed. That is at the heart of this issue. The investigation is in itself a hoax. ...

Assuming that's true, all the better for those with stockpiles of data to fatally contradict the official narrative in its fully formed state.

In the meantime, try to imagine how you'd feel in Robbie Parker's shoes -- just in case he isn't a bad 'crisis actor'; but a real father who just lost a real daughter, and is now seeing his name dragged through the mud on top of the loss.

[...] The head medical examiner is, as Prof. James F. Tracy stated, "either under coercion or an imposter."

More speculation based on body language: is that really all we have to go on?

I suppose the Professor's analysis might be accurate. Then again, as far as the strange body language goes, there's also the prospect that the guy was just nervous in the national spotlight ...and is now being berated and accused of highly offensive things because of it.

In any case, whether he was under coercion during the interview or he's just another bad actor (or whatever else), he might not have done the playwrights any favors by confirming that the "long weapon" (I.E. the assault rifle that was reportedly left in the trunk) had been used on all the victims he personally examined.

Fair enough. I sense when I am being lied to and when a report is being fabricated. You have convinced me to wait however. One more thing. . . What is with having the government post a detail to each and every family member? Making sure they toe the line eh?

I assure you, another 911 commission hatchet job type report is on it's way at the out come of this trial. "[T]hose with stockpiles of data to fatally contradict the official narrative in its fully formed state," will be the ones writing the report. Remember, those were the same ones that had all the "data" after the Kennedy assassination. Fat lot of good that did the public. We were told to wait then. Wait till what little information we had was cold and in the grave. No sir. That is the point. They are holding all the cards. If you can't see that, you are being obtuse. That is why the families have armed escorts. They are not being protected, they are being arrested and detained. My, what would the government do if they were to act like Cindy Sheehan, Rosie O'Donell, or Charlie Sheen and point out the inconsistencies? What if they actually got the spot light and woke the citizenry up and pointed out that gun control and assault weapons legislation was on the docket before this tragedy went down? What would happen then?

I don't see the need to wait, the narrative has already been tried and dyed in the government, media, and public's mind. Go to "" and look it up. If we are supposedly waiting for all the information to come in and data to be tested and secured, why do they already "know" what has happened?

As Bush said, it is important to "catapult the propaganda" into the minds of the public. :tongue:

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