Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

These same quesions have been asked of these loons over on the 9/11 threads.......Don't hold your breath waiting for any answers, 'cause there will not be any.

Was any able to answer these questions? I read through this tread and I didn't see a response but I might have missed it.

Nope. It was pretty much ignored.

so says the lying troll who runs off from debates and claims he debunks people.:lol::lol: likes to do the day it troll
Was any able to answer these questions? I read through this tread and I didn't see a response but I might have missed it.

Nope. It was pretty much ignored.

so says the lying troll who runs off from debates and claims he debunks people.:lol::lol: likes to do the day it troll

Don't let em get you down. They don't really want answers. They just want you to validate & confirm their belief that Big Brother is not capable of evil, and would never lie to them. They're just not interested in any response that conflicts with that fantasy. So don't waste too much time on em.
Nope. It was pretty much ignored.

so says the lying troll who runs off from debates and claims he debunks people.:lol::lol: likes to do the day it troll

Don't let em get you down. They don't really want answers. They just want you to validate & confirm their belief that Big Brother is not capable of evil, and would never lie to them. They're just not interested in any response that conflicts with that fantasy. So don't waste too much time on em.
Here's the answers, as facts.

A group of crazy jihadi moonbats hijacked 4 planeloads of innocent americans, and rammed three into buildings and 1 into an empty field.....FACT!

A lone crazy lil' dick beater stole his mothers weapons, walked into an elementary school, and brutally blew away 20 innocent american children, and 6 innocent american adults, before putting a bullet through his own head.....FACT!

Those are the facts, those are the answers, period.
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Nope. I dont rep beggars. ...


...inflictatin' unspeechable psycho-cological sufferin's.​
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Nope. It was pretty much ignored.

so says the lying troll who runs off from debates and claims he debunks people.:lol::lol: likes to do the day it troll

Don't let em get you down. They don't really want answers. They just want you to validate & confirm their belief that Big Brother is not capable of evil, and would never lie to them. They're just not interested in any response that conflicts with that fantasy. So don't waste too much time on em.

The problem with you nutters isn't that people don't believe the government isn't capable of committing evil. It has. The US government vapourized two Japanese cities and leveled Dresden. That's well documented. It committed experiments against its own people. It massacred and stole.

The problem is that you moonbats are so unbelievably gullible that you start from the premise that the government is guilty, then look for any anecdote or circumstance to support your idiotic worldview, no matter how ridiculous or improbable.

Conspiracy theorists aren't skeptics. They're the exact opposite. They're weak-minded, gullible sheep, unable to assess much objectively.
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Was any able to answer these questions? I read through this tread and I didn't see a response but I might have missed it.
Nope, and they never do....they just read past it, and go on to posting inane crap and videos by other goofy members of the Hatter/Nutter Brigade.

Lies from you as always frady car deniars are the ones that always run off with your tail between your legs everytime you are challenged to debunk facts and evidence in 9/11 and other government conspiracys like the chickenshit cowards you are.we address your facts,you just ignore them and evade them and change the subject.:clap2:

you know as well as i do you all would be laughed out of a debating hall in seconds if you cowardly debated there the same way you do here.BIG DISINFO AGENT is a well known paid troll

who ignores anything that doesnt go along with his version of events and pretends his questions were not answered so Paul probably wisely put him on ignore.

acoording to the logic of you frady cat trolls dismissing youtube videos like you do,the twin towers never fell since it has been shown on youtube videos and anything youtube video say or show is automatically flase in your warped drug headed minds

For those of you who don't know, this guy & I debated the 9/11 conspiracy a few years ago and now he thinks I am sent by the government to argue against him.

You take yourself WAY too seriously if you think that I or anyone else on this board is a paid government agent that is out to argue against you.
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so says the lying troll who runs off from debates and claims he debunks people.:lol::lol: likes to do the day it troll

Don't let em get you down. They don't really want answers. They just want you to validate & confirm their belief that Big Brother is not capable of evil, and would never lie to them. They're just not interested in any response that conflicts with that fantasy. So don't waste too much time on em.

The problem with you nutters isn't that people don't believe the government isn't capable of committing evil. It has. The US government vapourized two Japanese cities and leveled Dresden. That's well documented. It committed experiments against its own people. It massacred and stole.

The problem is that you moonbats are so unbelievably gullible that you start from the premise that the government is guilty, then look for any anecdote or circumstance to support your idiotic worldview, no matter how ridiculous or improbable.

Conspiracy theorists aren't skeptics. They're the exact opposite. They're weak-minded, gullible sheep, unable to assess much objectively.

"Weak-minded, gullible sheep, unable to assess much objectivity."

Actually a very accurate description of you loyal Goose Steppers. Thanks.
Questioning does not always = Paranoia.

It does in this instance.

I strongly disagree. You have absolutely no proof that this incident happened the way you've been told. All you have is the Government/Media Complex story.

And all you have are figments of vivid imaginations, some of whom have only their rigid belief that "Big Bro lies to us 24/7, 365" and while you seem sincere enough you also seem capable of accepting only CTs as the source of your conclusions. You think that means you are open minded but, in fact, it means the opposite. :D
Nope, and they never do....they just read past it, and go on to posting inane crap and videos by other goofy members of the Hatter/Nutter Brigade.

Lies from you as always frady car deniars are the ones that always run off with your tail between your legs everytime you are challenged to debunk facts and evidence in 9/11 and other government conspiracys like the chickenshit cowards you are.we address your facts,you just ignore them and evade them and change the subject.:clap2:

you know as well as i do you all would be laughed out of a debating hall in seconds if you cowardly debated there the same way you do here.BIG DISINFO AGENT is a well known paid troll

who ignores anything that doesnt go along with his version of events and pretends his questions were not answered so Paul probably wisely put him on ignore.

acoording to the logic of you frady cat trolls dismissing youtube videos like you do,the twin towers never fell since it has been shown on youtube videos and anything youtube video say or show is automatically flase in your warped drug headed minds

For those of you who don't know, this guy & I debated the 9/11 conspiracy a few years ago and now he thinks I am sent by the government to argue against him.

You take yourself WAY too seriously if you think that I or anyone else on this board is a paid government agent that is out to argue against you.

There are a number of traits most CTs share including paranoia, a vivid imagination and often higher than average intelligence. It is a self-fulfilling or 'circular' thought process that rigidly excludes rational thought. :D
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It does in this instance.

I strongly disagree. You have absolutely no proof that this incident happened the way you've been told. All you have is the Government/Media Complex story.

And all you have are figments of vivid imaginations, some of whom have only their rigid belief that "Big Bro lies to us 24/7, 365" and while you seem sincere enough you also seem capable of accepting only CTs as the source of your conclusions. You think that means you are open minded but, in fact, it means the opposite. :D

Well, i'm clearly more open minded than you are. I don't believe everything Big Brother and the Idiot Box tells me. And i never will. But you're welcome to. I can't open your mind. Only you can do that.
Don't let em get you down. They don't really want answers. They just want you to validate & confirm their belief that Big Brother is not capable of evil, and would never lie to them. They're just not interested in any response that conflicts with that fantasy. So don't waste too much time on em.

The problem with you nutters isn't that people don't believe the government isn't capable of committing evil. It has. The US government vapourized two Japanese cities and leveled Dresden. That's well documented. It committed experiments against its own people. It massacred and stole.

The problem is that you moonbats are so unbelievably gullible that you start from the premise that the government is guilty, then look for any anecdote or circumstance to support your idiotic worldview, no matter how ridiculous or improbable.

Conspiracy theorists aren't skeptics. They're the exact opposite. They're weak-minded, gullible sheep, unable to assess much objectively.

"Weak-minded, gullible sheep, unable to assess much objectivity."

Actually a very accurate description of you loyal Goose Steppers. Thanks.
And those that think the Stock Market ISN'T rigged!
Don't let em get you down. They don't really want answers. They just want you to validate & confirm their belief that Big Brother is not capable of evil, and would never lie to them. They're just not interested in any response that conflicts with that fantasy. So don't waste too much time on em.

The problem with you nutters isn't that people don't believe the government isn't capable of committing evil. It has. The US government vapourized two Japanese cities and leveled Dresden. That's well documented. It committed experiments against its own people. It massacred and stole.

The problem is that you moonbats are so unbelievably gullible that you start from the premise that the government is guilty, then look for any anecdote or circumstance to support your idiotic worldview, no matter how ridiculous or improbable.

Conspiracy theorists aren't skeptics. They're the exact opposite. They're weak-minded, gullible sheep, unable to assess much objectively.

"Weak-minded, gullible sheep, unable to assess much objectivity."

Actually a very accurate description of you loyal Goose Steppers. Thanks.

The most infamous "goose steppers" were the Nazis. Do you infer that anyone who doesn't don the foil hat is a Nazi, Princess? :D
The problem with you nutters isn't that people don't believe the government isn't capable of committing evil. It has. The US government vapourized two Japanese cities and leveled Dresden. That's well documented. It committed experiments against its own people. It massacred and stole.

The problem is that you moonbats are so unbelievably gullible that you start from the premise that the government is guilty, then look for any anecdote or circumstance to support your idiotic worldview, no matter how ridiculous or improbable.

Conspiracy theorists aren't skeptics. They're the exact opposite. They're weak-minded, gullible sheep, unable to assess much objectively.

"Weak-minded, gullible sheep, unable to assess much objectivity."

Actually a very accurate description of you loyal Goose Steppers. Thanks.

The most infamous "goose steppers" were the Nazis. Do you infer that anyone who doesn't don the foil hat is a Nazi, Princess? :D

I calls em like i sees em.
I strongly disagree. You have absolutely no proof that this incident happened the way you've been told. All you have is the Government/Media Complex story.

And how is that any less than what you have? You weren't there.


Does this sound like anyone we know:
"Imagine that everything we think we understand about how the world works is, in fact, an elaborate hoax. Democracy is a sham designed to fool us into believing we are in control. That a small group of unknown, unaccountable elites is actually pulling the strings and pretty much deciding the course of history; everything from the world economy and the conduct of nations to the media and pop culture is under their complete control. Anyone who says otherwise has either been fooled by the conspiracy or is an agent of disinformation."
Personality and Conspiracy Theories: What Your Beliefs Say About You | Psychology Today
I strongly disagree. You have absolutely no proof that this incident happened the way you've been told. All you have is the Government/Media Complex story.

And all you have are figments of vivid imaginations, some of whom have only their rigid belief that "Big Bro lies to us 24/7, 365" and while you seem sincere enough you also seem capable of accepting only CTs as the source of your conclusions. You think that means you are open minded but, in fact, it means the opposite. :D

Quote: Paulitician
Well, i'm clearly more open minded than you are. I don't believe everything Big Brother and the Idiot Box tells me. And i never will.QUOTE]

Quote: SAYIT
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
And somehow you figure that means you are open minded. Carry on, Princess. :D
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And all you have are figments of vivid imaginations, some of whom have only their rigid belief that "Big Bro lies to us 24/7, 365" and while you seem sincere enough you also seem capable of accepting only CTs as the source of your conclusions. You think that means you are open minded but, in fact, it means the opposite. :D

Quote: Paulitician
Well, i'm clearly more open minded than you are. I don't believe everything Big Brother and the Idiot Box tells me. And i never will.QUOTE]

Quote: SAYIT
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
And somehow you figure that means you are open minded. Carry on, Princess. :D

Always question 'information' received from Big Brother and the Idiot Box. Or don't, it's up to you. I'm not here to change you.
Here's the answers, as facts.

A group of crazy jihadi moonbats hijacked 4 planeloads of innocent americans, and rammed three into buildings and 1 into an empty field.....FACT!

A lone crazy lil' dick beater stole his mothers weapons, walked into an elementary school, and brutally blew away 20 innocent american children, and 6 innocent american adults, before putting a bullet through his own head.....FACT!

Those are the facts, those are the answers, period. [E.A.]

Not to the questions asked by PredFan.

Recall, question 1:
So, we are to believe that a whole school is in on the conspiracy, all of the teachers, the parents, and the students, plus the whole fire and police departments, and the surrounding town?

Not to speak for those who've bought into certain aspects of the Sandy Hook conspiracy, but not necessarily. At the bare bones level, this theory would only require a small group of conspirators: the real gunman dressed in similar garb to the supposedly deranged patsy (there's newsreel evidence of a second suspect in camo pants and a dark top, after all), the planners/benefactors of the operation, and some media manipulators.

It's entirely plausible that most (or even all) who saw what appeared to be two gunmen inside the building were wiped out by one of them in the process.

Question 2:
[...] How are they going to hide the children who died but didn't die? ...

Maybe the better question would be: why is it necessary to posit that any of the reported victims ...weren't, in fact, actual victims?

Question 3:
[...] How are they going to keep a parent or a teacher from subsequently writing a national best-seller based on how the government used them to creat a false massacre?

Well, if none of them realize (or believe) that's what happened, why on Earth would they write a book claiming it did?

Question 4:
[...] Can you not see how preposterous your claim is?

I can see how preposterous your characterization is.

Bear in mind: not all of the theoretical aspects put forth in this thread have to be true in order to validate the least complicated hypothesis.

One more thing, PredFan: please, don't take my answers as an endorsement of this conspiracy theory. I haven't yet made up my mind on this one.

To Wicked Jester:

Neither of the scenarios you've posited as "FACT(s)" have yet been evidentially established beyond a reasonable doubt. Until they have been, it will remain perfectly reasonable to doubt them as factual; and that's a fact.
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