Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

Sibel Edmonds, Susan Lindaur, etc. When the establishment types say there are no true patriots, that SOMEONE would surely blow the whistle and know the truth, they just aren't paying attention. The left/right paradigm, the dialectic is there to confuddle them. How blind they be. lol The enemy of freedom is ignorance and incredulity. Boiling frogs is one of my go to unbiased sources. Rock on with your bad self!

Here is another source I like to use. It is a source used by those who swore to defend the constitution, not the corrupt leaders; non-commissioned officers and men of the US armed forces, not the globalist shills.

Sandy Hook massacre: Official story spins out of control


© The Newtown Bee
(Note, after this article was printed, all records of it's existence were later deleted in the archives. Luckily researches at VT have recorded images of it. :D)
How could the principal have survived to give this statement to local press describing what happened … if she was one of the first to be killed? Incidentally, The Newtown Bee‘s article was taken down on Monday December 17th. Of course, a plausible explanation is that a reporter mistook another teacher for the principal.

We were initially told that two handguns – a Glock and a Sig Sauer – were found next to the body of the dead shooter, while a third weapon, a .223-caliber rifle was also recovered “in the trunk of a car” later, in the school’s parking lot. All of the weapons were allegedly legally bought and registered in Nancy Lanza’s name. The car was later identified as a black Honda, also registered in her name. More weapons have since been introduced to the story but we’ll get back to those later on.

Besides anonymous ‘law enforcement officials’ telling the media that Adam Lanza was a former pupil at the school, they also said his mother was currently a teacher there, that she was found among the dead and that her son had specifically sought out her classroom first. But when it emerged that teaching staff at the school had never heard of a Nancy Lanza, it was suggested that she was a substitute teacher whose name therefore mightn’t appear on staff lists.

But this claim too has disappeared down the memory hole because it’s now known that Nancy had no connection with the school. Adam Lanza was in fact home-schooled. Nancy Lanza has since been painted as a “survivalist” who loved firearms, taught her sons how to shoot and was “stockpiling” because she was “worried about economic collapse.”
(Read the whole article for more wonderfully compelling good stuff. Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive. This article is more for your interest paulitician than for these blind dulled obtuse victims of compulsory education and MSM media conditioning.)

Veterans Today? You consider that Holocaust-denial site credible? What little cred you had is now gone, fool. :D
in other words you're a nutter...

Me ~ Hahaha ...No Not at All ~
This is my favorite Forum on USMB ~
I read some real Nutter stuff here. It is simply entertaining. Some like SUDUKO..
Sometimes I like to post shit just to help stir the pot...
It sure Didn't take long for me to stir yours:D
Peace ~
the most prominent symptom of nuttjobbery is denial .
Couldn't you say that for pretty much anything you haven't personally been involved in? You're ALWAYS going to need to take someone's word for things, at least to some extent; even with video, there are probably going to be things you cannot tell for sure unless you were there.

I suppose you can go through life believing that nothing happens outside of your own sight/hearing......or you could simply disbelieve everything ever told to you about anything that happens. Of course, you don't seem to do either. Instead, you disbelieve what doesn't conform to your preconceived notions of the evil big brother government, with unlimited resources and the will, desire, and acumen to both plan pretty much any nefarious scheme they want to and to carry those plans out without anyone (except for you and others who believe as you do) being any the wiser.

Comfort yourself by thinking everyone else is a sheep if you like. The rest of the world is blind, but your eyes are wide open. :tongue: It's amazing how much information the minions of the terrible government allow to get out to some schmoes posting youtube videos.

Well, most who question the Government/Media Complex, are branded "Tin Foil Hat-Wearing Nuts." They've been marginalized by way of ridicule. It's an old and quite effective tactic. So Big Brother's not very worried.

However, the Internet does pose somewhat of a challenge for him. It's definitely too free and wide open for his liking. And that's exactly whay he's constantly attempting to seize absolute control of it. It's the only medium that offers alternative News & Information. And that does complicate things for Big Brother. Our Government carefully manages news information. So at some point, the Internet will have to be completely controlled. And they're getting to that, as we speak. So stay tuned.

Is it comforting to think of government as 'he', as some monolithic entity with one plan, one will, one focus? That our government is not made up of elected officials, from varying backgrounds, with varying ideas about what is or isn't right? I don't trust politicians or government in particular, but you can't see how your distrust has become it's own form of disinformation. You believe easily whenever it is anti-government. Rather than distrusting everything you are told, you distrust very selectively. You aren't discovering truth, you are merely looking for ideas that conform to what you already believe. And you need no evidence to accept them.

Of course, I know I'm not going to convince you or the other conspiracy posters here. I do think it's funny how so many of you jump onto the same theories so quickly and easily, though. :lol:
major bump!
So pray do tell us where you get your news and what makes them so credible.........

It's a very difficult endeavor finding alternative news sources. There are very few, and on the Internet for the most part. So i get most of my news from basically the same sources you get yours. I just question their information much more than you do.

You are basically admitting you have no credible facts to refute the media reports, just a default position which says "Big Bro lies to us 24/7, 365" and our media is in bed with Big Bro. You must have lucid moments when even you recognize the flimsiness of your position. All normal peeps try to weed out the BS and find the truth. You just assume that everything is a conspiracy and unflinchingly accept any CT 'facts" as authored. :D
it's the standard twoofer dodge, Like all cter's paulitician imagines he is brighter then the rest of us.
Is it comforting to think of government as 'he', as some monolithic entity with one plan, one will, one focus? That our government is not made up of elected officials, from varying backgrounds, with varying ideas about what is or isn't right? I don't trust politicians or government in particular, but you can't see how your distrust has become it's own form of disinformation. You believe easily whenever it is anti-government. Rather than distrusting everything you are told, you distrust very selectively. You aren't discovering truth, you are merely looking for ideas that conform to what you already believe. And you need no evidence to accept them.

Of course, I know I'm not going to convince you or the other conspiracy posters here. I do think it's funny how so many of you jump onto the same theories so quickly and easily, though. :lol:

See, i also think it's funny how so many of you jump onto the same theories so quickly and easily. The Government/Media Complex gives you a story, and most of you wholeheartedly embrace it immediately. All Americans have now, is Blind Faith. Faith in the belief the Government/Media Complex is telling them the truth. Well, i don't have such blind faith. But hey, call me a 'Tin Foil Hat-Wearing Nut.' That's cool with me. Nothing new or original there. I can take it.

Take it? You revel in it. You think it's a badge of honor. I suspect you have a whole hatrack full of 'em. :D
down in the basement of his mother's house along with his inflatable girlfriend.
Excuse the fuck out of me, but i happen to be one of those NCO's and your source is a load of fucking crap......... You need to get the crap out of your head so that your brain can start to function......

You needn't use such terse language to convey your point sir. If you believe the source to be in bad faith or inaccurate, please point out which points are false, and then present counter evidence. If you look at the credentials of the editorial staff, you will find they are in good order, so your saying, "your source is a load of fucking crap," doesn't make it so. In fact, you will find that this source is more reliable than all of the major main stream publications, networks, and news wire services.

The only thing that is "stupid" is making unfounded assertions in logic, this is what the establishment story is. Sorry if pointing out the obvious offends you. Now really, who is being stupid for turning a blind eye to FACTS?
Who the FUCK appointed YOU the boards speach police officer, you pompous, arrogant, FUCKING lil' ASSWIPE?

Get over yourself, SLAPDICK.
I don't suppose you could post a credible link to an Obama quote in which he said "revoking the 2nd amendment was one of his major goals in his second term."
I've been busy and must have missed it. Thanks. :D

{I don’t think that we can get that done. But what we can do is to provide just some common-sense enforcement. The efforts by law enforcement to obtain the information required to trace back guns that have been used in crimes to unscrupulous gun dealers. As president, I intend to make it happen. We essentially have two realities, when it comes to guns, in this country. You’ve got the tradition of lawful gun ownership. It is very important for many Americans to be able to hunt, fish, take their kids out, teach them how to shoot. Then you’ve got the reality of 34 Chicago public school students who get shot down on the streets of Chicago. We can reconcile those two realities by making sure the Second Amendment is respected and that people are able to lawfully own guns, but that we also start cracking down on the kinds of abuses of firearms that we see on the streets. }

Barack Obama on the Issues
a perfect example of reading in what's not intended or even there.
Sibel Edmonds, Susan Lindaur, etc. When the establishment types say there are no true patriots, that SOMEONE would surely blow the whistle and know the truth, they just aren't paying attention. The left/right paradigm, the dialectic is there to confuddle them. How blind they be. lol The enemy of freedom is ignorance and incredulity. Boiling frogs is one of my go to unbiased sources. Rock on with your bad self!

Here is another source I like to use. It is a source used by those who swore to defend the constitution, not the corrupt leaders; non-commissioned officers and men of the US armed forces, not the globalist shills.

Sandy Hook massacre: Official story spins out of control


© The Newtown Bee
(Note, after this article was printed, all records of it's existence were later deleted in the archives. Luckily researches at VT have recorded images of it. :D)

(Read the whole article for more wonderfully compelling good stuff. Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive. This article is more for your interest paulitician than for these blind dulled obtuse victims of compulsory education and MSM media conditioning.)

Excuse the fuck out of me, but i happen to be one of those NCO's and your source is a load of fucking crap......... You need to get the crap out of your head so that your brain can start to function......

Oh jesus christ, another reference to your service as though people are supposed to bow to you and kiss your feet.

This isn't about you. Get over yourself.

In case you havent heard,Gomer Ollie expects you to believe that Sibel Edmonds,Susan Lindaur and all these high ranking Senior people to him in the military,Government,intelligence and law enforcment and the military have no credibility whatsoever.

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

That we shouldnt listen to them,that they are wrong and clueless and he is super smart and smarter than them.He sure is entertaining isnt he?:lol::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Believe it or not he seriously wants us to believe that THEY are wrong,and HE is right? seriously.I know its hard to believe Im not joking about this but thats what he actually believes and thinks.I really am not joking as hard as it is to believe.:lmao::lmao::lmao:
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here is some great info on the sandy hook shootings the lamestream media wont report.Trolls like Toto and Sayit of course wont watch it since their logic is if youtube said it,its not true of course.:cuckoo:

[ame=]Jews Lead Gun Control Charge - YouTube[/ame]
Oh and you dont have to take the word of this guy in that video and in this one either.The proof is in the pudding in this video that the zionists jews are controlling america.If frady cat deniar trolls Toto,Predfan,Say it and others were not so afraid and would take the time to look at this video,they would see that Obama is letting the prime minister of Israel rule the roost in the white house and Obama is clearly mad about it.

Oh and after that prime minister of Israel gives a speech before congress.congres gives him a huge.lous thundering ovation something you would NEVER see them do for someone like the president of New Zealand for instance.

Toto troll of course will say Obama never of course gave an adddress speech praising Israel and that prime minister never vistited the white house and ruled the roost of course because it was shown on youtube video and everything they say and show is not true.:cuckoo::lmao:
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The writer of the Sandy Hook Conspiracy was not an NCO, he is not even a veteran, in fact he lost his Honorary Fellowship at UCL (University College London) because of his conspiracy theories.....

So do you really want to go into credentials?

Your source is nothing more than more unproven unfounded conspiracy BS.

And what is truly stupid is you small minded assholes stepping on the graves of these children when the investigation isn't even over yet........
Excuse the fuck out of me, but i happen to be one of those NCO's and your source is a load of fucking crap......... You need to get the crap out of your head so that your brain can start to function......

Oh jesus christ, another reference to your service as though people are supposed to bow to you and kiss your feet.

This isn't about you. Get over yourself.

In case you havent heard,Gomer Ollie expects you to believe that Sibel Edmonds,Susan Lindaur and all these high ranking Senior people to him in the military,Government,intelligence and law enforcment and the military have no credibility whatsoever.

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

That we shouldnt listen to them,that they are wrong and clueless and he is super smart and smarter than them.He sure is entertaining isnt he?:lol::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Believe it or not he seriously wants us to believe that THEY are wrong,and HE is right? seriously.I know its hard to believe Im not joking about this but thats what he actually believes and thinks.I really am not joking as hard as it is to believe.:lmao::lmao::lmao:

We know, you and yours are the only people who can chose credibility....If they don't say what you want to be true at the time then they are not credible..... Now go back to your basement hidy hole......
It's a very difficult endeavor finding alternative news sources. There are very few, and on the Internet for the most part. So i get most of my news from basically the same sources you get yours. I just question their information much more than you do.

You are basically admitting you have no credible facts to refute the media reports, just a default position which says "Big Bro lies to us 24/7, 365" and our media is in bed with Big Bro. You must have lucid moments when even you recognize the flimsiness of your position. All normal peeps try to weed out the BS and find the truth. You just assume that everything is a conspiracy and unflinchingly accept any CT 'facts" as authored. :D
it's the standard twoofer dodge, Like all cter's paulitician imagines he is brighter then the rest of us.

They all seem to have that pompous, brighter-than-thou POV. They can see so clearly and the rest of us are just blind sheeple. Perhaps it's just a defense mech for their ... um ... shortcomings? :D
I don't suppose you could post a credible link to an Obama quote in which he said "revoking the 2nd amendment was one of his major goals in his second term."
I've been busy and must have missed it. Thanks. :D

{I don’t think that we can get that done. But what we can do is to provide just some common-sense enforcement. The efforts by law enforcement to obtain the information required to trace back guns that have been used in crimes to unscrupulous gun dealers. As president, I intend to make it happen. We essentially have two realities, when it comes to guns, in this country. You’ve got the tradition of lawful gun ownership. It is very important for many Americans to be able to hunt, fish, take their kids out, teach them how to shoot. Then you’ve got the reality of 34 Chicago public school students who get shot down on the streets of Chicago. We can reconcile those two realities by making sure the Second Amendment is respected and that people are able to lawfully own guns, but that we also start cracking down on the kinds of abuses of firearms that we see on the streets. }

Barack Obama on the Issues
a perfect example of reading in what's not intended or even there.

Isn't that the basis or "proof" of most CTs?
Silverstein's "pull it" quote was first used by the CT world as "proof" of a controlled demo on #7.
Forget the fact that he would likely have no knowledge of demo terms and that he was talking to the NY Fire Chief, neither of whom would have been responsible for calling that shot. When it became known that the phrase is not industry slang for "push the button" the CTs quickly changed their tune. Some CTs now claim that the whole conversation was intended to create confusion and division in the CT World. These CTs are just too funny. :D
They all seem to have that pompous, brighter-than-thou POV. They can see so clearly and the rest of us are just blind sheeple. Perhaps it's just a defense mech for their ... um ... shortcomings? :D

Listen, I don't pretend that what I believe is the truth. It is just what I believe is a more consistent explanation for what really happened than what has been presented to me. Nor do I intend to compare those who accept the establishment purveyed truth as being akin to "sheep," quite the contrary. I think those who think otherwise are those who are the ones being led to the slaughter. Here I am, making noise, but still on-line, still participating in the system, aren't I? I still haven't withdrawn my support of the system. If I had, I suppose I would have become a bum, a nutty lone survivalist, moved up to the mountains. But I still buy my kin Christmas presents, I still pay taxes, I still eat the occasion GMO. So I am ostensible a hypocrite.

In a free society, shouldn't we be able to civilly discuss and exchange ideas and possible paradigms of reality with out getting our feathers all ruffled? If we can't, perhaps our cognitive biases and cognitive dissonances need to be reexamined, wouldn't you think?

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
~Arthur Schopenhauer
German philosopher (1788 - 1860)

To those who eat, swallow and digest what is fed to them with out questioning at all? I think they are more like. . . hmmm. . . goats? :tongue:

[ame=]CAKE "Sheep Go To Heaven" - YouTube[/ame]
paulitician originally posted a video from the "Boiling Frogs" news outlet, so I decided to see what they had to write on the topic. Their story was pretty much what I suspected it to be. Although they don't come right out and say it was a false flag or a "hoax," they do say as much as what we are saying here, the incident is being used for an agenda, as the other incidents have troubling aspects to them.

Agenda Driven News

Just an excerpt. . .
But why RT Moscow’s focus on “assault weapons”? The accused, Adam Lanza, was immediately declared guilty. According to the Associated Press, the Newtown, Connecticut medical examiner, Dr H. Wayne Carver said that “all the victims of the Connecticut elementary school shooting were killed up close by multiple rifle shots.”
( )

Yet Fox News ( ) reports that “A CNN reporter said police recovered three weapons at the scene: a Glock and a Sig-Sauer, which are handguns, as well as a .223 Bushmaster rifle. The rifle was in the back seat of the car the gunman drove to the school, the handguns were inside the school.”

The same Fox News report says: “Security measures implemented this year at Sandy Hook [the school] kept doors locked during class hours, and people have to be buzzed in before entering. There is a camera to view whoever enters the building.” If this report is correct, how did an armed Lanza gain entry to the school?

I tried to point out to RT Moscow that these news reports indicate that the accused dead gunman, whom no one can interrogate, if he is indeed the culprit, killed the children with handguns, not with an “assault rifle” left in the car, but that the medical examiner said the children were killed with rifle shots.

The discrepancy is obvious. Either the news reports are incorrect, the medical examiner is wrong, or someone other than Adam Lanza shot the children.
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[ame=]The Sandy Hook Shooting - Fully Exposed - YouTube[/ame]
All you are saying is that the news media tried to report things that they didn't really know anything about.

Why don't you just shut up and let them finish the investigation and then tell us what you think is wrong with the official investigation instead of the guesswork the press was reporting?
You guys ignored this the first time I posted it. Care to address anything in it?

So, we are to believe that a whole school is in on the conspiracy, all of the teachers, the parents, and the students, plus the whole fire and police departments, and the surrounding town?

How are they going to hide the children who died but didn't die? How are they going to keep a parent or a teacher from subsequently writing a national best-seller based on how the government used them to creat a false massacre?

Can you not see how preposterous your claim is?
These same quesions have been asked of these loons over on the 9/11 threads.......Don't hold your breath waiting for any answers, 'cause there will not be any.

Was any able to answer these questions? I read through this tread and I didn't see a response but I might have missed it.
While the importance of vetting any purported 'evidence' of conspiracy has been illustrated in this thread, I like the message the overall effort sends to the powers that be across the spectrum: namely that we're watching ...closely.

Having said that, as much as I hate to admit it, I think some of the amateur investigative journalists on YouTube would do well to take Ollie's advice -- not to stop searching, collecting, and saving material, but to hold off on further speculation until the official investigation is completed and until more information becomes available.

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