Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

Couldn't you say that for pretty much anything you haven't personally been involved in? You're ALWAYS going to need to take someone's word for things, at least to some extent; even with video, there are probably going to be things you cannot tell for sure unless you were there.

I suppose you can go through life believing that nothing happens outside of your own sight/hearing......or you could simply disbelieve everything ever told to you about anything that happens. Of course, you don't seem to do either. Instead, you disbelieve what doesn't conform to your preconceived notions of the evil big brother government, with unlimited resources and the will, desire, and acumen to both plan pretty much any nefarious scheme they want to and to carry those plans out without anyone (except for you and others who believe as you do) being any the wiser.

Comfort yourself by thinking everyone else is a sheep if you like. The rest of the world is blind, but your eyes are wide open. :tongue: It's amazing how much information the minions of the terrible government allow to get out to some schmoes posting youtube videos.

Well, most who question the Government/Media Complex, are branded "Tin Foil Hat-Wearing Nuts."

Maybe, just maybe, it's because that's exactly what you are. :D

Maybe? But what do you know? You're just an average Goose Stepping dipshit.
So pray do tell us where you get your news and what makes them so credible.........

It's a very difficult endeavor finding alternative news sources. There are very few, and on the Internet for the most part. So i get most of my news from basically the same sources you get yours. I just question their information much more than you do.

Got it, you've got nothing. Thanks for clearing that up.......

Ah, got an answer you didn't like. Predictable belligerent response. You've got nothing. Thanks for clearing that up.
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See, i also think it's funny how so many of you jump onto the same theories so quickly and easily. The Government/Media Complex gives you a story, and most of you wholeheartedly embrace it immediately. All Americans have now, is Blind Faith. Faith in the belief the Government/Media Complex is telling them the truth. Well, i don't have such blind faith. But hey, call me a 'Tin Foil Hat-Wearing Nut.' That's cool with me. Nothing new or original there. I can take it.

Take it? You revel in it. You think it's a badge of honor. I suspect you have a whole hatrack full of 'em. :D
down in the basement of his mother's house along with his inflatable girlfriend.

And now, the old 'down in his mother's basement' insult? Really? Come on Goose Steppers, that all you got? How bout another 'Tin Foil Hat' insult? You dipshits never seem to get enough of that one. Yeah, time for some new material.
paulitician originally posted a video from the "Boiling Frogs" news outlet, so I decided to see what they had to write on the topic. Their story was pretty much what I suspected it to be. Although they don't come right out and say it was a false flag or a "hoax," they do say as much as what we are saying here, the incident is being used for an agenda, as the other incidents have troubling aspects to them.

Agenda Driven News

Just an excerpt. . .
But why RT Moscow’s focus on “assault weapons”? The accused, Adam Lanza, was immediately declared guilty. According to the Associated Press, the Newtown, Connecticut medical examiner, Dr H. Wayne Carver said that “all the victims of the Connecticut elementary school shooting were killed up close by multiple rifle shots.”
( )

Yet Fox News ( ) reports that “A CNN reporter said police recovered three weapons at the scene: a Glock and a Sig-Sauer, which are handguns, as well as a .223 Bushmaster rifle. The rifle was in the back seat of the car the gunman drove to the school, the handguns were inside the school.”

The same Fox News report says: “Security measures implemented this year at Sandy Hook [the school] kept doors locked during class hours, and people have to be buzzed in before entering. There is a camera to view whoever enters the building.” If this report is correct, how did an armed Lanza gain entry to the school?

I tried to point out to RT Moscow that these news reports indicate that the accused dead gunman, whom no one can interrogate, if he is indeed the culprit, killed the children with handguns, not with an “assault rifle” left in the car, but that the medical examiner said the children were killed with rifle shots.

The discrepancy is obvious. Either the news reports are incorrect, the medical examiner is wrong, or someone other than Adam Lanza shot the children.

If something doesn't seem to be what it appears to be, it's probably because it isn't.
^fundamentally a bad person

Nah, you're fundamentally a bad person. And that's why you got booted as a Mod. You couldn't handle the pressure, so you lashed out at posters with your childish temper tantrums. You're not only a bad person, but you're also a very weak person. You're just a bitter failed Message Board Mod. But hey, it's time to get over it. So move on dude.
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You guys ignored this the first time I posted it. Care to address anything in it?
These same quesions have been asked of these loons over on the 9/11 threads.......Don't hold your breath waiting for any answers, 'cause there will not be any.

Was any able to answer these questions? I read through this tread and I didn't see a response but I might have missed it.
Nope, and they never do....they just read past it, and go on to posting inane crap and videos by other goofy members of the Hatter/Nutter Brigade.
It's a very difficult endeavor finding alternative news sources. There are very few, and on the Internet for the most part. So i get most of my news from basically the same sources you get yours. I just question their information much more than you do.

Got it, you've got nothing. Thanks for clearing that up.......

Ah, got an answer you didn't like. Predictable belligerent response. You've got nothing. Thanks for clearing that up.

All you are saying is that the news media tried to report things that they didn't really know anything about.

Why don't you just shut up and let them finish the investigation and then tell us what you think is wrong with the official investigation instead of the guesswork the press was reporting?

No money in that. But, why not wait a bit and let the parents and family's morn, then go head and sell the DVD's and stuff ?
These same quesions have been asked of these loons over on the 9/11 threads.......Don't hold your breath waiting for any answers, 'cause there will not be any.

Was any able to answer these questions? I read through this tread and I didn't see a response but I might have missed it.
Nope, and they never do....they just read past it, and go on to posting inane crap and videos by other goofy members of the Hatter/Nutter Brigade.

Lies from you as always frady car deniars are the ones that always run off with your tail between your legs everytime you are challenged to debunk facts and evidence in 9/11 and other government conspiracys like the chickenshit cowards you are.we address your facts,you just ignore them and evade them and change the subject.:clap2:

you know as well as i do you all would be laughed out of a debating hall in seconds if you cowardly debated there the same way you do here.BIG DISINFO AGENT is a well known paid troll who ignores anything that doesnt go along with his version of events and pretends his questions were not answered so Paul probably wisely put him on ignore.

acoording to the logic of you frady cat trolls dismissing youtube videos like you do,the twin towers never fell since it has been shown on youtube videos and anything youtube video say or show is automatically flase in your warped drug headed minds.:lmao::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

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^fundamentally a bad person

Nah, you're fundamentally a bad person. And that's why you got booted as a Mod. You couldn't handle the pressure, so you lashed out at posters with your childish temper tantrums. You're not only a bad person, but you're also a very weak person. You're just a bitter failed Message Board Mod. But hey, it's time to get over it. So move on dude.

Im repping you for this. I cant not.
^fundamentally a bad person

Nah, you're fundamentally a bad person. And that's why you got booted as a Mod. You couldn't handle the pressure, so you lashed out at posters with your childish temper tantrums. You're not only a bad person, but you're also a very weak person. You're just a bitter failed Message Board Mod. But hey, it's time to get over it. So move on dude.


Hey Paul,have you seen this video on this thread by chance?

Say it troll was the only troll on here who was brave enough to go on there and as you can see,he can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is which is no surprise since this chickenshit coward always runs off and can only can only come back with pathetic one liners for his rebutalls when always asked to debunk that five minute video on 9/11.:lol:
^fundamentally a bad person

Nah, you're fundamentally a bad person. And that's why you got booted as a Mod. You couldn't handle the pressure, so you lashed out at posters with your childish temper tantrums. You're not only a bad person, but you're also a very weak person. You're just a bitter failed Message Board Mod. But hey, it's time to get over it. So move on dude.

Im repping you for this. I cant not.

you trolls always do that since it makes you feel good about yourselfs to bad rep the messenger since the truth hurts you guys.:clap2::clap2: I always feel honored when you guys do that to me cause its proff the truth hurts you guys.:clap2::clap2::clap2: give one to me,I love it when you guys have your melt downs cause the truth hurts.:D
You guys ignored this the first time I posted it. Care to address anything in it?
These same quesions have been asked of these loons over on the 9/11 threads.......Don't hold your breath waiting for any answers, 'cause there will not be any.

Was any able to answer these questions? I read through this tread and I didn't see a response but I might have missed it.

Nope. It was pretty much ignored.
Nah, you're fundamentally a bad person. And that's why you got booted as a Mod. You couldn't handle the pressure, so you lashed out at posters with your childish temper tantrums. You're not only a bad person, but you're also a very weak person. You're just a bitter failed Message Board Mod. But hey, it's time to get over it. So move on dude.

Im repping you for this. I cant not.

you trolls always do that since it makes you feel good about yourselfs to bad rep the messenger since the truth hurts you guys.:clap2::clap2: I always feel honored when you guys do that to me cause its proff the truth hurts you guys.:clap2::clap2::clap2: give one to me,I love it when you guys have your melt downs cause the truth hurts.:D

Actually we continue to neg rep you mostly for your stupidity, and if you were proud of it you wouldn't hide your negative rep....You are ashamed of it and now a liar..... But we knew that.....
^fundamentally a bad person

Nah, you're fundamentally a bad person. And that's why you got booted as a Mod. You couldn't handle the pressure, so you lashed out at posters with your childish temper tantrums. You're not only a bad person, but you're also a very weak person. You're just a bitter failed Message Board Mod. But hey, it's time to get over it. So move on dude.

Im repping you for this. I cant not.

:lol: Yeah, ole Article is one of those bitter Ex-Mod failures. There's a couple other ones loitering around here just like him. He couldn't handle the pressure, so he would get all pissy and lash out at posters who disagreed with him. He was definitely a big fail as a Mod. Now he's only worthy of ridicule. Thanks for the rep. :)
Im repping you for this. I cant not.

you trolls always do that since it makes you feel good about yourselfs to bad rep the messenger since the truth hurts you guys.:clap2::clap2: I always feel honored when you guys do that to me cause its proff the truth hurts you guys.:clap2::clap2::clap2: give one to me,I love it when you guys have your melt downs cause the truth hurts.:D

Actually we continue to neg rep you mostly for your stupidity, and if you were proud of it you wouldn't hide your negative rep....You are ashamed of it and now a liar..... But we knew that.....

Even the CT cabal gives him no respect and he can't hide that. Only 276 thanks in over 6400 posts. That's hard to imagine but true. Nobody gives the raging moron the time of day but he keeps pluggin' along anyway, beatin' his dead pony. :D

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