Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

Paulitician, look at this Google search I just did and you tell me if you see anything wrong:

Paulitician, look at this Google search I just did and you tell me if you see anything wrong:


Interesting stuff you have there Mad Scientist but I still don't think that the Sandy Hook tragedy was faked but there was some really bad reporting but what do you expect in this country where being number one is with the story takes precedent over being factual
Interesting stuff you have there Mad Scientist but I still don't think that the Sandy Hook tragedy was faked but there was some really bad reporting but what do you expect in this country where being number one is with the story takes precedent over being factual
Of course the shooting wasn't faked. Those kids were in fact, killed.

I'm asking about the Google search. Tell me what you think.

Tell us ALL what you think.
in other words you're a nutter...

Me ~ Hahaha ...No Not at All ~
This is my favorite Forum on USMB ~
I read some real Nutter stuff here. It is simply entertaining. Some like SUDUKO..
Sometimes I like to post shit just to help stir the pot...
It sure Didn't take long for me to stir yours:D
Peace ~
the most prominent symptom of nuttjobbery is denial .

No Not Really ~ It would concern me if this were Conspiracy Facts~~

I have a very hard time understanding how very intelligent and very wealthy boys Holmes and Lanza Both had dads that are VERY high up the Global BIG Banking scene...If that makes me a Nutter...So be it!!
Yeah I heard all about the LIBOR scandel....I don't know what happened at either...I don't claim either to be hoax or anything...
I just think that the FACT that Both have fathers being involved in BIG Global Banking an interesting FACT ~~

No conspiracy there...True ~~

Neither had regular normal jobs ~ Global Banking!!
I don't know a single GLOBAL BANKER ~ Do You??
Lanza ~ GE tax guy...Interesting because GE pays NO Taxes
Holmes ~ FICO
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[...] I'm asking about the Google search. Tell me what you think. ...

I'll tell you what I don't think. I don't think it's particularly compelling as a possible instance of foreknowledge.

Computers can be glitchy when it comes to dates and updates.
Once you come to realize that all you know is what you're shown on TV, you begin to understand that you can easily be fooled. Some will never come to that realization though. In fact, most won't.

But you can take it too far. Finding the boogyman government in everything all of the time. You have taken this too far.
I disagree. They have taken things too far, and count on us thinking they are benevolent and only looking out for our own good. A list of times this can be proven would be vast, so one shouldn't blame others for being distrustful. The seeds of doubt and distrust have been planted by their own actions.

Apparently the founding fathers of this nation had very little confidence in an authoritarian government, so much so that they put certain safeguards in place, and that was hundreds of years ago before the modern age we live in.
With the advancement of technology and the amazing things that can be done with it, including the study and manipulation of the human mind/brain and control of it, and public myths experts so close to our nations pulse (Zelekow), MK Ultra and other known manipulation tactics, anything is certainly a possibility.

We have seen and witnessed time and again how the masses are tricked into believing and siding with things that are detrimental. We have seen how people have been put in front of the news cameras to lie and advance an agenda.
Babies thrown from incubators Gulf War 1, and the Harley guy on 9-11 are just 2 that quickly come to mind, while others have been used to achieve the same thing, Pat Tillman, Jessica Lynch and others..The infiltrated US government has used these tactics many times, so it is about time we do not take the words of liars that permeate and contaminate our nation.

It is good for people to scrutinize whatever it is that comes from the media, government and any other sources that have an agenda with authority and "credentials", from both sides of an issue. We should always ask "who gains", or for what purpose, thinking in regards to the long and short term, and what and how will this effect me, my family, my country...The event being discussed has great implications on all of these important things.
That said, the emotions or mannerisms of the parents during what should be the worst instance of their lives, does seem to be a little out of character, for what we see in interviews and videos, but we don't know how they are behind closed doors.
Perhaps for the sake of the interview, they want to put the hurt and trauma on hold for a little while?

I have come to understand that not all people react or cope with things or stress the same as others, but smiling or laughing during such a time? The expressions, body language and mannerisms of humans is of great importance to profilers, and law enforcement. Why should it not be for the rest of us?

I guess the point of all of this, is that it is good to be cautious and keep in mind that we can not afford to just believe anything and everything we are told, as history has shown many times we have been lied to, and many times we have been burned by being so trustful.
It's good to know that there are a lot more skeptics now then before and it instills confidence to know that there are people who look beyond the headlines and propaganda, who actually take the time to think for themselves and try to put things together, in order and make sense of it and don't give a shit what others think or who gets upset about it.

Let us not be afraid to question everything, especially when an event has the potential to effect our lives in different and profound ways, like restricting our freedoms, or going off to war and sacrificing lives, or our economy and even has the possibility of going so far as to effect the United States Constitution and laws that our cautious and skeptical forefathers sacrificed and gave their lives for.

One shouldn't be criticized for feeling horrible and outraged at what happened, or what we were told happened to those children, or any other child and innocents that get blown to bits by our bombs and drones,
but on the other hand, we shouldn't criticize those who question the validity of events either, especially when history is taken into account.
This question came to light 6 days ago (1-7-2013) and the issue may have been noticed and discussed online prior to that.

It could well be a hoax designed to ultimately undermine the conspiracy narrative.
Interesting stuff you have there Mad Scientist but I still don't think that the Sandy Hook tragedy was faked but there was some really bad reporting but what do you expect in this country where being number one is with the story takes precedent over being factual
Of course the shooting wasn't faked. Those kids were in fact, killed.

I'm asking about the Google search. Tell me what you think.

Tell us ALL what you think.

Well what I think is that there might have been an computer glitch that showed the wrong date nothing sinister here but I could be wrong
Did you click on the link dated Dec. 11, MS?
Yes, and interestingly enough, the Dec 11th date has now disappeared from the results!

Try this:

[...]1) Go to google.
2) Search using this phrase "sandy hook united way"
3) On the results page, right under the search bar where you can choose images, web, etc, there should be a choice that says "search tools" at the far right. Click it.
4) You should see a bar underneath "search tools" pop up. There should be a choice that says "any time". Click it.
5) The drop-down box lists a choice for custom range at the bottom. Choose this.
6) A dialog with a from and to date should appear. Use the calendar on the right side of the dialog box and choose December 11th, 2012 for the to and from date. This limits the results of your Google search to pages that were indexed on that date.
7) Click "go" in the dialog. You should now be seeing the results for your search query indexed on that date. In the top few results, if not the very first, you should see the United Way page for the Sandy Hook school. ...

And here's an interesting article on the matter.

[...] Look, at this point you have a choice to make. This is either some sort of malformed Google search, or somehow the people of the United Way transported themselves interdimensionally through time and space to write a condolence letter three days in advance of the shootings. ...

There might be something to this, but I wouldn't get too excited until after the issue has been thoroughly vetted.
Paulitician, look at this Google search I just did and you tell me if you see anything wrong:


Interesting stuff you have there Mad Scientist but I still don't think that the Sandy Hook tragedy was faked but there was some really bad reporting but what do you expect in this country where being number one is with the story takes precedent over being factual

What a coincidence! I often say the same thing about the rush to author the first CT! :D
Me ~ Hahaha ...No Not at All ~
This is my favorite Forum on USMB ~
I read some real Nutter stuff here. It is simply entertaining. Some like SUDUKO..
Sometimes I like to post shit just to help stir the pot...
It sure Didn't take long for me to stir yours:D
Peace ~
the most prominent symptom of nuttjobbery is denial .

No Not Really ~ It would concern me if this were Conspiracy Facts~~

I have a very hard time understanding how very intelligent and very wealthy boys Holmes and Lanza Both had dads that are VERY high up the Global BIG Banking scene...If that makes me a Nutter...So be it!!
Yeah I heard all about the LIBOR scandel....I don't know what happened at either...I don't claim either to be hoax or anything...
I just think that the FACT that Both have fathers being involved in BIG Global Banking an interesting FACT ~~

What's curious is your acceptance of those "facts" and your eagerness to connect them to the tragedy in Sandy Hook. You don't question the CT "facts" or the sources despite the fact that they regularly author bogus stories. Capstone, a poster who is both rational and a bit of a CT, factually refuted the sources but that doesn't keep you from repeating their BS because it serves your agenda. :D
All you are saying is that the news media tried to report things that they didn't really know anything about.

Why don't you just shut up and let them finish the investigation and then tell us what you think is wrong with the official investigation instead of the guesswork the press was reporting?

Having said that, as much as I hate to admit it, I think some of the amateur investigative journalists on YouTube would do well to take Ollie's advice -- not to stop searching, collecting, and saving material, but to hold off on further speculation until the official investigation is completed and until more information becomes available.

Indeed. That is at the heart of this issue. The investigation is in itself a hoax. The head medical examiner is, as Prof. James F. Tracy stated, "either under coercion or an imposter."

The Accidental Medical Examiner

An especially important yet greatly underreported feature of the Sandy Hook affair is the wholly bizarre performance of Connecticut’s top medical examiner H. Wayne Carver II at a December 15 press conference. Carver’s unusual remarks and behavior warrant close consideration because in light of his professional notoriety they appear remarkably amateurish and out of character.

H. Wayne Carver II has an extremely self-assured, almost swaggering presence in Connecticut state administration. In early 2012 Carver threatened to vacate his position because of state budget cuts and streamlining measures that threatened his professional autonomy over the projects and personnel he oversaw.

Along these lines the pathologist has gone to excessive lengths to demonstrate his findings and expert opinion in court proceedings. For example, in a famous criminal case Carver “put a euthanized pig through a wood chipper so jurors could match striations on the bone fragments with the few ounces of evidence that prosecutors said were on the remains of the victim.”[4] One would therefore expect Carver to be in his element while identifying and verifying the exact ways in which Sandy Hook’s children and teachers met their violent demise.

Yet the H. Wayne Carver who showed up to the December 15 press conference is an almost entirely different man, appearing apprehensive and uncertain, as if he is at a significant remove from the postmortem operation he had overseen. The multiple gaffes, discrepancies, and hedges in response to reporters’ astute questions suggest that he is either under coercion or an imposter. While the latter sounds untenable it would go a long way in explaining his sub-pedestrian grasp of medical procedures and terminology.
More at
He even admits his methodology and conclusions would NOT hold up in court?!? It's obvious he is either obfuscating or hiding things. When my son acts this way I can tell he is lying or covering something up, why can't most Americans?
[ame=]Medical Examiner FULL Press Conference - Sandy Hook School Mass Shooting - YouTube[/ame]
Try this:

[...]1) Go to google.
2) Search using this phrase "sandy hook united way"
3) On the results page, right under the search bar where you can choose images, web, etc, there should be a choice that says "search tools" at the far right. Click it.
4) You should see a bar underneath "search tools" pop up. There should be a choice that says "any time". Click it.
5) The drop-down box lists a choice for custom range at the bottom. Choose this.
6) A dialog with a from and to date should appear. Use the calendar on the right side of the dialog box and choose December 11th, 2012 for the to and from date. This limits the results of your Google search to pages that were indexed on that date.
7) Click "go" in the dialog. You should now be seeing the results for your search query indexed on that date. In the top few results, if not the very first, you should see the United Way page for the Sandy Hook school. ...
Did that (Dec 10th-30th) and the Dec 11th date came back.
Try this:

[...]1) Go to google.
2) Search using this phrase "sandy hook united way"
3) On the results page, right under the search bar where you can choose images, web, etc, there should be a choice that says "search tools" at the far right. Click it.
4) You should see a bar underneath "search tools" pop up. There should be a choice that says "any time". Click it.
5) The drop-down box lists a choice for custom range at the bottom. Choose this.
6) A dialog with a from and to date should appear. Use the calendar on the right side of the dialog box and choose December 11th, 2012 for the to and from date. This limits the results of your Google search to pages that were indexed on that date.
7) Click "go" in the dialog. You should now be seeing the results for your search query indexed on that date. In the top few results, if not the very first, you should see the United Way page for the Sandy Hook school. ...
Did that (Dec 10th-30th) and the Dec 11th date came back.

Yeah, there was definitely a screwed-up date stamping on the part of Google.

Question is: was it done intentionally?
Try this:

[...]1) Go to google.
2) Search using this phrase "sandy hook united way"
3) On the results page, right under the search bar where you can choose images, web, etc, there should be a choice that says "search tools" at the far right. Click it.
4) You should see a bar underneath "search tools" pop up. There should be a choice that says "any time". Click it.
5) The drop-down box lists a choice for custom range at the bottom. Choose this.
6) A dialog with a from and to date should appear. Use the calendar on the right side of the dialog box and choose December 11th, 2012 for the to and from date. This limits the results of your Google search to pages that were indexed on that date.
7) Click "go" in the dialog. You should now be seeing the results for your search query indexed on that date. In the top few results, if not the very first, you should see the United Way page for the Sandy Hook school. ...
Did that (Dec 10th-30th) and the Dec 11th date came back.

Sorry 'bout your Seahawks, Mad. They put up the good fight. Be proud. :D
Here's an article bemoaning Google's "classified contracts with the US government".

One person in the right position would be all it'd take to flub-up the date stamp ...and then sit back and laugh as the conspiracy crowd gets all up in arms about it, prior to getting their collective ass handed to them by astute debunkers who will have known all along that this kind of mistake has happened before.

Seriously, it's absolutely vital for the credibility of any movement to thoroughly check shit out before using it in support of a theory.
Here's an article bemoaning Google's "classified contracts with the US government".

One person in the right position would be all it'd take to flub-up the date stamp ...and then sit back and laugh as the conspiracy crowd gets all up in arms about it, prior to getting their collective ass handed to them by astute debunkers who will have known all along that this kind of mistake has happened before.

Seriously, it's absolutely vital for the credibility of any movement to thoroughly check shit out before using it in support of a theory.

That's what I like about you Cap ... you're a rational Nutter (and probably good natured enough to take that as a compliment). :D

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