Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

Indeed. That is at the heart of this issue. The investigation is in itself a hoax. ...

Assuming that's true, all the better for those with stockpiles of data to fatally contradict the official narrative in its fully formed state.

In the meantime, try to imagine how you'd feel in Robbie Parker's shoes -- just in case he isn't a bad 'crisis actor'; but a real father who just lost a real daughter, and is now seeing his name dragged through the mud on top of the loss.

[...] The head medical examiner is, as Prof. James F. Tracy stated, "either under coercion or an imposter."

More speculation based on body language: is that really all we have to go on?

I suppose the Professor's analysis might be accurate. Then again, as far as the strange body language goes, there's also the prospect that the guy was just nervous in the national spotlight ...and is now being berated and accused of highly offensive things because of it.

In any case, whether he was under coercion during the interview or he's just another bad actor (or whatever else), he might not have done the playwrights any favors by confirming that the "long weapon" (I.E. the assault rifle that was reportedly left in the trunk) had been used on all the victims he personally examined.

Fair enough. I sense when I am being lied to and when a report is being fabricated. You have convinced me to wait however. One more thing. . . What is with having the government post a detail to each and every family member? Making sure they toe the line eh?

I assure you, another 911 commission hatchet job type report is on it's way at the out come of this trial. "[T]hose with stockpiles of data to fatally contradict the official narrative in its fully formed state," will be the ones writing the report. Remember, those were the same ones that had all the "data" after the Kennedy assassination. Fat lot of good that did the public. We were told to wait then. Wait till what little information we had was cold and in the grave. No sir. That is the point. They are holding all the cards. If you can't see that, you are being obtuse. That is why the families have armed escorts. They are not being protected, they are being arrested and detained. My, what would the government do if they were to act like Cindy Sheehan, Rosie O'Donell, or Charlie Sheen and point out the inconsistencies? What if they actually got the spot light and woke the citizenry up and pointed out that gun control and assault weapons legislation was on the docket before this tragedy went down? What would happen then?

I don't see the need to wait, the narrative has already been tried and dyed in the government, media, and public's mind. Go to "" and look it up. If we are supposedly waiting for all the information to come in and data to be tested and secured, why do they already "know" what has happened?

As Bush said, it is important to "catapult the propaganda" into the minds of the public. :tongue:

I did about 5 posts ago....You lose..........
Take it? You revel in it. You think it's a badge of honor. I suspect you have a whole hatrack full of 'em. :D
down in the basement of his mother's house along with his inflatable girlfriend.

And now, the old 'down in his mother's basement' insult? Really? Come on Goose Steppers, that all you got? How bout another 'Tin Foil Hat' insult? You dipshits never seem to get enough of that one. Yeah, time for some new material.
nowhere in your answer did you deny living in your mom's basement or having an inflatable girlfriend..!
And how is that any less than what you have? You weren't there.


Does this sound like anyone we know:
"Imagine that everything we think we understand about how the world works is, in fact, an elaborate hoax. Democracy is a sham designed to fool us into believing we are in control. That a small group of unknown, unaccountable elites is actually pulling the strings and pretty much deciding the course of history; everything from the world economy and the conduct of nations to the media and pop culture is under their complete control. Anyone who says otherwise has either been fooled by the conspiracy or is an agent of disinformation."
Personality and Conspiracy Theories: What Your Beliefs Say About You | Psychology Today
all of them !
the most prominent symptom of nuttjobbery is denial .

No Not Really ~ It would concern me if this were Conspiracy Facts~~

I have a very hard time understanding how very intelligent and very wealthy boys Holmes and Lanza Both had dads that are VERY high up the Global BIG Banking scene...If that makes me a Nutter...So be it!!
Yeah I heard all about the LIBOR scandel....I don't know what happened at either...I don't claim either to be hoax or anything...
I just think that the FACT that Both have fathers being involved in BIG Global Banking an interesting FACT ~~

What's curious is your acceptance of those "facts" and your eagerness to connect them to the tragedy in Sandy Hook. You don't question the CT "facts" or the sources despite the fact that they regularly author bogus stories. Capstone, a poster who is both rational and a bit of a CT, factually refuted the sources but that doesn't keep you from repeating their BS because it serves your agenda. :D
I would have answered his post if not for the warp speed at which he could not understand that the two perpetrators dads could work in banking?
any rational person would have ask how come someone didn't see they had problems and intervene before the shooting started?
misfiring neurons mayhap?
a perfect example of reading in what's not intended or even there.

Dear Leader didn't think he could get "it" (assault weapon ban) done - but miracle of miracles, Sandy Hook handed him the platform to not only renew the AWB, but impose even more stringent anti-gun laws.

What incredible luck, what astounding timing.
not really sometimes things just work out!
Again with the timing!

There were multiple mass shootings in 2012, as there are probably every year for the last decade. What makes the supposedly suspect timing of this different from the movie theater shooting, or the Sikh temple?

It's nothing to do with timing, it's just that this incident has brought more strident calls for new gun control. I don't see how the beginning of 2013 is such better timing than any point during 2012 for gun control laws.

You don't?

The radical left has just won the biggest victory since Moscow, 1918. The openly managed press has declared the opposition Capitalists defeated for all time. Dear Leader is defiant of constitutional restraints and declares that he can make law at will. But you don't see a shooting of children as an astounding boon to the agenda of the administration?
you know 8, once in awhile you almost sound rational...however, this is not one of those times...
a perfect example of reading in what's not intended or even there.

Dear Leader didn't think he could get "it" (assault weapon ban) done - but miracle of miracles, Sandy Hook handed him the platform to not only renew the AWB, but impose even more stringent anti-gun laws.

What incredible luck, what astounding timing.
not really sometimes things just work out!

"I believe in coincidences. Coincidences happen every day. But I don't trust coincidences." - Garak.

Dear Leader didn't think he could get "it" (assault weapon ban) done - but miracle of miracles, Sandy Hook handed him the platform to not only renew the AWB, but impose even more stringent anti-gun laws.

What incredible luck, what astounding timing.
not really sometimes things just work out!

"I believe in coincidences. Coincidences happen every day. But I don't trust coincidences." - Garak.

trust has no effect on Coincidence- daws101
Indeed. That is at the heart of this issue. The investigation is in itself a hoax. ...

Assuming that's true, all the better for those with stockpiles of data to fatally contradict the official narrative in its fully formed state.

In the meantime, try to imagine how you'd feel in Robbie Parker's shoes -- just in case he isn't a bad 'crisis actor'; but a real father who just lost a real daughter, and is now seeing his name dragged through the mud on top of the loss.

[...] The head medical examiner is, as Prof. James F. Tracy stated, "either under coercion or an imposter."

More speculation based on body language: is that really all we have to go on?

I suppose the Professor's analysis might be accurate. Then again, as far as the strange body language goes, there's also the prospect that the guy was just nervous in the national spotlight ...and is now being berated and accused of highly offensive things because of it.

In any case, whether he was under coercion during the interview or he's just another bad actor (or whatever else), he might not have done the playwrights any favors by confirming that the "long weapon" (I.E. the assault rifle that was reportedly left in the trunk) had been used on all the victims he personally examined.

Fair enough. I sense when I am being lied to and when a report is being fabricated. You have convinced me to wait however. One more thing. . . What is with having the government post a detail to each and every family member? Making sure they toe the line eh?

I assure you, another 911 commission hatchet job type report is on it's way at the out come of this trial. "[T]hose with stockpiles of data to fatally contradict the official narrative in its fully formed state," will be the ones writing the report. Remember, those were the same ones that had all the "data" after the Kennedy assassination. Fat lot of good that did the public. We were told to wait then. Wait till what little information we had was cold and in the grave. No sir. That is the point. They are holding all the cards. If you can't see that, you are being obtuse. That is why the families have armed escorts. They are not being protected, they are being arrested and detained. My, what would the government do if they were to act like Cindy Sheehan, Rosie O'Donell, or Charlie Sheen and point out the inconsistencies? What if they actually got the spot light and woke the citizenry up and pointed out that gun control and assault weapons legislation was on the docket before this tragedy went down? What would happen then?

I don't see the need to wait, the narrative has already been tried and dyed in the government, media, and public's mind. Go to "" and look it up. If we are supposedly waiting for all the information to come in and data to be tested and secured, why do they already "know" what has happened?

As Bush said, it is important to "catapult the propaganda" into the minds of the public. :tongue:

Nope. It was pretty much ignored.

so says the lying troll who runs off from debates and claims he debunks people.:lol::lol: likes to do the day it troll

Don't let em get you down. They don't really want answers. They just want you to validate & confirm their belief that Big Brother is not capable of evil, and would never lie to them. They're just not interested in any response that conflicts with that fantasy. So don't waste too much time on em.

Oh they dont.frady cat deniars like them always amuse me with their posts.Its obvious they dont ever read anything they ever post because if they did,they would understand that if they debated the same way at a debating hall the way they did here,they would be laughed out of the debating hall in SECONDS.:D

they can get away with it on the net because they know they can cowardly hide behind a computer screen and run off the way they always do when cornered with facts but in a debate contest if they used the same logic there they do here saying cause its on youtube its automatically untrue,the monitor would do the same thing i do all the time,fall out of his or her chair laughing their ass off since they are avoiding addressing the evidence and facts.:lol::lmao:

trolls like predfan,whitehall,wicked jester,sayit and many others on here amuse me with their hypocrisy they display constantly telling lies that their evidence was never addressed when it was addressed but they just ignore it and everytime WE give them facts they cant refute,they change the subject and avoid answering the facts presented in those videos.:lol: you've seen it hundreds of times yourself on your thread of that 5 minute video on 9/11 how NOT ONE OF THEM has ever taken the challenge to address any of the inconsistencys in them.they just come back with pitiful one liners as rebutalls.:lol::lmao:

again,they obviously never read what they post here because if they did,they would know they would be laughed out of a debating hall in SECONDS if they ever bothered reading their posts.:lol::lol: talking about 9/11,did you ever answer my question I posed which is have you seen this video on my thread?

as usuaul,they are doing the same thing there they do in all these threads,ignore the facts presented in the video and talk about irrelevent stuff.thats the pattern they follow EVERYTIME.just look at the replys of sayit troll and whitehall for instance.comedy gold.they always expose that they never watched the video.:lol::lmao::clap2::clap2::clap2:

woud like to hear your thoughts on that video there since these trolls here or the few ones that HAVE posted like whitehall idiot,wont comment on the video on it.:lol:
Again with the timing!

There were multiple mass shootings in 2012, as there are probably every year for the last decade. What makes the supposedly suspect timing of this different from the movie theater shooting, or the Sikh temple?

It's nothing to do with timing, it's just that this incident has brought more strident calls for new gun control. I don't see how the beginning of 2013 is such better timing than any point during 2012 for gun control laws.

You don't?

The radical left has just won the biggest victory since Moscow, 1918. The openly managed press has declared the opposition Capitalists defeated for all time. Dear Leader is defiant of constitutional restraints and declares that he can make law at will. But you don't see a shooting of children as an astounding boon to the agenda of the administration?

Well if you want to get silly about it.....:lol:

You have decided this is good timing, and so therefore it is. Got it.

Is this really not a question of the timestamps on the recording devices versus whether or not our government is infested with sick bastards?

Yeah, our government is infested with sick bastards, but the timestamps on the videos can be misrepresentating the dates. Thus you have to go and check those recording devices before you can proclaim "planned assination of little kids".

Examine and verify first!! Do not just repeat and believe every wild claim you hear!!!

Paulitician, like 9/11 Hand Job, is waaaay beyond repair. He's totally committed to his CT religion. :D
Indeed. That is at the heart of this issue. The investigation is in itself a hoax. ...

Assuming that's true, all the better for those with stockpiles of data to fatally contradict the official narrative in its fully formed state.

In the meantime, try to imagine how you'd feel in Robbie Parker's shoes -- just in case he isn't a bad 'crisis actor'; but a real father who just lost a real daughter, and is now seeing his name dragged through the mud on top of the loss.

[...] The head medical examiner is, as Prof. James F. Tracy stated, "either under coercion or an imposter."

More speculation based on body language: is that really all we have to go on?

I suppose the Professor's analysis might be accurate. Then again, as far as the strange body language goes, there's also the prospect that the guy was just nervous in the national spotlight ...and is now being berated and accused of highly offensive things because of it.

In any case, whether he was under coercion during the interview or he's just another bad actor (or whatever else), he might not have done the playwrights any favors by confirming that the "long weapon" (I.E. the assault rifle that was reportedly left in the trunk) had been used on all the victims he personally examined.

Fair enough. I sense when I am being lied to and when a report is being fabricated. You have convinced me to wait however.
I assure you, another 911 commission hatchet job type report is on it's way at the out come of this trial.
I don't see the need to wait, the narrative has already been tried and dyed in the government, media, and public's mind. Go to "" and look it up. If we are supposedly waiting for all the information to come in and data to be tested and secured, why do they already "know" what has happened?

Woo. You are a fuktard of monumental proportions.
First you say you'll wait and then turn around in the same post and say you see no need to wait, claiming "another 9/11 hatchet job type report is on it's way..."
No logical, rational factual report could ever satisfy a flaming CT loon like you, Princess. :D
Dear Leader didn't think he could get "it" (assault weapon ban) done - but miracle of miracles, Sandy Hook handed him the platform to not only renew the AWB, but impose even more stringent anti-gun laws.

What incredible luck, what astounding timing.
not really sometimes things just work out!

"I believe in coincidences. Coincidences happen every day. But I don't trust coincidences." - Garak.


Woo. Down to doing quotes from alien Star Trek characters? No wonder you readily slip in and out of reality. Move out of your mommy's basement, Spock, and get rid of the ears. :D
Again with the timing!

There were multiple mass shootings in 2012, as there are probably every year for the last decade. What makes the supposedly suspect timing of this different from the movie theater shooting, or the Sikh temple?

It's nothing to do with timing, it's just that this incident has brought more strident calls for new gun control. I don't see how the beginning of 2013 is such better timing than any point during 2012 for gun control laws.

You don't?

The radical left has just won the biggest victory since Moscow, 1918. The openly managed press has declared the opposition Capitalists defeated for all time. Dear Leader is defiant of constitutional restraints and declares that he can make law at will. But you don't see a shooting of children as an astounding boon to the agenda of the administration?

Well if you want to get silly about it.....:lol:

You have decided this is good timing, and so therefore it is. Got it.

Ya know, the more I deal with these CTs the more I'm convinced they're a bunch of 12 year old kids. Uncensored just used a quote from an alien character from Star Trek in support of his lunacy. No kidding. They should require foil hats on this board. The CTs here already wear 'em. :D
not really sometimes things just work out!

"i believe in coincidences. Coincidences happen every day. But i don't trust coincidences." - garak.


woo. Down to doing quotes from alien star trek characters? No wonder you readily slip in and out of reality. Move out of your mommy's basement, spock, and get rid of the ears. :d
best star trek quotes ever "damn it jim!
"he's dead jim!"
[...] What is with having the government post a detail to each and every family member? Making sure they toe the line eh? ...


There's also the possibility that the official explanation holds at least some water.

[...] The family of each victim was assigned a Trooper or Officer to establish and maintain an open line of communication. This was put into place so families of the victims can have immediate contact related to any questions they may have and to also provide State Police investigators the ability to communicate with families without delay.

The families have requested no press interviews and we are asking that this request be honored. ...

And to complicate the matter, the two explanations needn't be viewed as mutually exclusive.

[...] I assure you, another 911 commission hatchet job type report is on it's way at the out come of this trial. "[T]hose with stockpiles of data to fatally contradict the official narrative in its fully formed state," will be the ones writing the report. [...] They are holding all the cards. ...[E.A.]

No, they're not, since the game they're trying to play is 52 Pick-up and a bunch of cards have apparently already been picked up by their opposition. This is yet another reason for unofficial investigators not to tip their collective hand. It might be prudent to try to keep as many Aces in as many holes as possible, until after the Government has laid its cards on the table.

[...] That is why the families have armed escorts. They are not being protected, they are being arrested and detained. My, what would the government do if they were to act like Cindy Sheehan, Rosie O'Donell, or Charlie Sheen and point out the inconsistencies? What if they actually got the spot light and woke the citizenry up and pointed out that gun control and assault weapons legislation was on the docket before this tragedy went down? What would happen then?

Look, whatever the motives for the State Police details are, the victims' families are already in the clutches of law enforcement, and no amount of speculation by internet sleuths is going to change that.

Moreover, certain theories WRT specific individuals/witnesses could be seen as a little too close to the truth for comfort by those in positions to make bad things happen to more good people.

[...] I don't see the need to wait, the narrative has already been tried and dyed in the government, media, and public's mind. ...

The broader narrative may be set, but the details of the storyline in relation to the information that has been gathered and preserved by many people beyond the grasp of the Government's cutting room floor ...are going to be what makes or breaks the official account in terms of credibility and believability.

I know it's completely unrealistic to expect the suspension of all speculation (Hell, I've pretty much demonstrated that I can't even do it myself!), but I sincerely hope discretion becomes a more obvious feature in the determination of the directions in which further speculation is aimed (that business of mistaking Maddie for Emilee was really inexcusable).
"i believe in coincidences. Coincidences happen every day. But i don't trust coincidences." - garak.


woo. Down to doing quotes from alien star trek characters? No wonder you readily slip in and out of reality. Move out of your mommy's basement, spock, and get rid of the ears. :d
best star trek quotes ever "damn it jim!
"he's dead jim!"

[ame=]Star Trekkin - YouTube[/ame]

Time point....................1:20..................
Indeed. That is at the heart of this issue. The investigation is in itself a hoax. ...

Assuming that's true, all the better for those with stockpiles of data to fatally contradict the official narrative in its fully formed state.

In the meantime, try to imagine how you'd feel in Robbie Parker's shoes -- just in case he isn't a bad 'crisis actor'; but a real father who just lost a real daughter, and is now seeing his name dragged through the mud on top of the loss.

Which is the source of the revulsion leveled at the CTs by the norms here. Those kids were yet to be buried when the first CT slimeballs were turning the tragedy into a 3 ring circus.

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