Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

The head medical examiner is, as Prof. James F. Tracy stated, "either under coercion or an imposter."

More speculation based on body language: is that really all we have to go on?

I suppose the Professor's analysis might be accurate. Then again, as far as the strange body language goes, there's also the prospect that the guy was just nervous in the national spotlight ...and is now being berated and accused of highly offensive things because of it.

In any case, whether he was under coercion during the interview or he's just another bad actor (or whatever else), he might not have done the playwrights any favors by confirming that the "long weapon" (I.E. the assault rifle that was reportedly left in the trunk) had been used on all the victims he personally examined.

Needless and probably painful (for the families) innuendo by CT twits with too much time on their hands. MisterBeale, like 9/11 HandJob and Paulitician seem to have little connection to reality and give all CTs a bad name (not that most CTs need any help). :D
I don't see the need to wait, the narrative has already been tried and dyed in the government, media, and public's mind. ...

The broader narrative may be set, but the details of the storyline in relation to the information that has been gathered and preserved by many people beyond the grasp of the Government's cutting room floor ...are going to be what makes or breaks the official account in terms of credibility and believability.

I know it's completely unrealistic to expect the suspension of all speculation (Hell, I've pretty much demonstrated that I can't even do it myself!), but I sincerely hope discretion becomes a more obvious feature in the determination of the directions in which further speculation is aimed (that business of mistaking Maddie for Emilee was really inexcusable).

MisterBeale claims - with absolutely no proof of course - that "The investigation is in itself a hoax" and a few sentences after stating "Fair enough... You have convinced me to wait..." he switches back into frantic CT form with "I don't see the need to wait, the narrative has already been tried and dyed in the government, media, and public's mind."
That whole "mistaking Maddie for Emilee" episode wasn't just inexcusable, it was typically shrill and stupid of the CTs and probably painful for the family. CTs like MisterBeale have no soul and no humanity. They have only their twisted CT religious beliefs. :D
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Paulitician has officially become the most disgusting person on this board.

And, considering his competition, that's saying a lot

Well done Paul.
So incredibly beyond mere disgusting.

Obviously, these worthless wastes of skin have never had a child shot to death what at kindergarten.

As for Paul - I'm not up for wading through to see if he states he's against this content. If he is, don't shoot the messenger. If he's in favor of it, STILL don't shoot the messenger.

Instead, ban him.

From breathing.

For - ever.
So incredibly beyond mere disgusting.

Obviously, these worthless wastes of skin have never had a child shot to death what at kindergarten.

As for Paul - I'm not up for wading through to see if he states he's against this content. If he is, don't shoot the messenger. If he's in favor of it, STILL don't shoot the messenger.

Instead, ban him.

From breathing.

For - ever.

Sandy Hook was not a hoax. I wouldn't discount some outside interference in making the crazy person crazier though. A little persuasion here and there, a little medication given surrepticiously and an unbalanced person could easily be driven over the edge, just to prove a point the government wants to make.

westboro fucking crazy level reached
you're a real piece of shit

Predictable response from the resident USMB Gimp. Back to your Flame Zone hole.

When a post elicits such a vitriolic response its a sure sign that it touched a sore spot and there must be a truth there. The offended ones do not want something to be heard.

It may be that they are offended because all the actors in the videos are jews.

westboro crazy level reached
you're a real piece of shit

Ditto, I listened to the first couple of minutes of the longer link and concur. What I don't understand is why even a piece of shit would be so low as to post something so despicable.

you two idiots are the low pieces of shit here the way you ignore the facts our government is behind all these events to disamr us so we cant resist their new world order plan that Clinton,his pals the Bushs and Obama and other world leaders have all spoke of which to the logic of you coincidence theorists,is just that,nothing more that a coincidnce that Hitler gave the same speech as well when he was in power.

The fact that paid agent troll Rightwinger is thanking the frady cat trolls here is all the proof in the world for me this is the truth.

westboro crazy level reached
Something seems a little off with this one. Your child is brutally murdered, and a few days later you rush to do an interview with a CNN dunce? And watch some of the interview footage with the sound down. Something just doesn't seem right. But hey, that's just my opinion.

Westboro crazy level reached
I can say this much... I saw with my own eyes live on TV when this was in its infancy another person in camo being arrested by the woods. I saw them take the AR-15 that apparently killed all these people out of a car trunk.
Or you could just fuck off out of the thread since you dislike the content, and stop trying to shoot the messenger. But that wouldn't be the MO, now would it?


the messenger, like you, is an asshat. :lmao:

Thanks for the insight, del. We can always count on you for making a colorful and profound knee jerk type post. On the plus side, you're not one to stand on dead children to make a statement. So there is that.

westboro crazy level reached
Watch the interview footage more carefully. I'm sorry, but most of it does sound like scripted stories and propaganda. And your child gets brutally murdered, but you immediately show up on TV Networks for interviews? No, something just doesn't seem right with this one. That's how i feel anyway.
Are you a parent, do you have kids?.....Have you ever lost a child?

I am, and we lost our son a year and almost two months ago.....Let me tell you something, unless you've gone through the loss of a child, you can't possibly understand what parents go through....You can't possibly understand the myriad of emotions parents go through.....You can't possibly understand what it's like to just basically function after suffering such a loss.

Do yourself, and everybody else a favor, AND JUST LEAVE IT THE FUCK ALONE!:mad:

I'm sorry you lost your son, but that's really irrelevant to the question.

westboro crazy level reached
I can say this much... I saw with my own eyes live on TV when this was in its infancy another person in camo being arrested by the woods. I saw them take the AR-15 that apparently killed all these people out of a car trunk.

westboro crazy level reached

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