Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

Also, listen carefully to what the parents are saying. It all sounds like scripted stories and propaganda. Spooky stuff.

It's weird you should say that. My son and I listen to NPR every morning before he goes to school. One morning a few days after the incident, they were interviewing a mom, a grandmother, and a sibling of one of the students. They were all cheery, light hearted, but oddly, most of all, they spoke in condemnation of the shooter and gun violence, like that was the first thing on their minds after their son/grandson/brother had been killed. . . A POLITICAL AGENDA.

Generally I take these things as a given on the radio stations I listen to, NPR, the conservative talk radio stations, etc. I didn't think much of it. It was my son who asked me. . . "Dad, are these actors or actual people who lost somebody in the shooting? Why are they concerned with the shooter and gun control if they just lost someone, shouldn't they be more heart broken?"

That is when I got to thinking that maybe all the people that press was presenting to the public as relatives of the victims maybe weren't quite legitamate. I really do believe that the incident was a planned event to push an agenda.

Do I believe children died? You bet I do. Do I believe Peter Lanza did it? Nope. Not one bit. I believe a clandestine agency probably took him and his mother out at his mom's house and dropped his body off at the school. If he was going to do it and planned to commit suicide, I don't think he'd have bothered with a bullet proof vest. Nor would he have left the gun that he was supposed to have used in the trunk of his mom's car. Nor would the guy that helped carry it out have been spotted in the woods behind the school, etc.

Was the body count exaggerated? Probably. The parents that were interviewed on TV might have not been real parents or may have been connected with parents that never lost children. All of the nefarious dealings of clandestine agencies, we will never know. All we will know is that this is a forced issue. This school shooting has nothing to do with gun control. It is like the Reichstag fire, it is an excuse to enact policy. Like Rahm Emanuel said, "Never let a good crises go to waste." And what the hell, if you don't have the crises you need to set the agenda you want. . . . create one.


If he did do it, more than likely he was a victim of S-quad technology mind altering technology that is used by the military and the CIA against their foes to achieve their ends. (Though you will get an official denial from the establishment that such a thing exists. So naturally, we must put on our tin foil hats here. But let us not be cads, we are educated people.)

Thats why many are now discussing the 'Crisis Actor' issue. If you listen more closely to most of the parents being interviewed, you'll begin to notice a common scripted propaganda pattern. Sometimes they actually sound like they're giving a prepared political speech. Many just don't sound like real grieving parents. But that's just my assessment anyway.
It still amazes me that so much can be said when the investigation isn't even complete, and not just the loons here but Bidens panel in Washington....Never let a good crises go to waste.....

But hey, isn't this what the people voted for?

Not I..........

Ollie, you know my position on this.

Still, I have sympathy because the timing of this is astounding. Obama could not have prayed for anything more perfect than this to promote his agenda of revoking civil rights. It could not be more perfect if he set the whole thing up himself.

I'm sure it's just an astounding coincidence and random luck for Obama, though. Leftist would never deliberately kill children to promote a political agenda.

{ GI’s latest survey found slightly higher numbers in 2008, but these may be due to the addition of abortionists missed in previous surveys. Increasing numbers of chemical abotions have also helped arrest previous declines.

Using AGI figures through 2008, estimating 1,212,400 abortions for 2009 through 2011, and factoring in the possible 3 percent undercount GI estimates for its own figures, the total number of abortions performed in the U.S. since 1973 equals 54,559,615.}
Christian Life Resources

I'm trying to figure out exactly what you mean by the timing of this. You mean, as opposed to the other mass shootings that have taken place in the US, both during and before Obama's presidency? Is there some anti-gun legislation that Obama was pushing just prior to the Sandy Hook tragedy? How is this in any way a matter of timing?
Questioning does not always = Paranoia.

It does in this instance.

I strongly disagree. You have absolutely no proof that this incident happened the way you've been told. All you have is the Government/Media Complex story.

Couldn't you say that for pretty much anything you haven't personally been involved in? You're ALWAYS going to need to take someone's word for things, at least to some extent; even with video, there are probably going to be things you cannot tell for sure unless you were there.

I suppose you can go through life believing that nothing happens outside of your own sight/hearing......or you could simply disbelieve everything ever told to you about anything that happens. Of course, you don't seem to do either. Instead, you disbelieve what doesn't conform to your preconceived notions of the evil big brother government, with unlimited resources and the will, desire, and acumen to both plan pretty much any nefarious scheme they want to and to carry those plans out without anyone (except for you and others who believe as you do) being any the wiser.

Comfort yourself by thinking everyone else is a sheep if you like. The rest of the world is blind, but your eyes are wide open. :tongue: It's amazing how much information the minions of the terrible government allow to get out to some schmoes posting youtube videos.
Beware of the Government/Media Complex. There is no 'Independent Media' in America anymore. They rely solely on spoon-fed Government information or propaganda, for their reporting. I mean, does anyone seriously believe the Media is going to do their own independent and thorough investigation of this incident? It's not gonna happen. They'll spoon-feed the Public what they're spoon-fed by the Government. And that really is the sad reality. 'News & Information' is carefully managed. The Public only sees what its allowed to see. So questioning the Government/Media Complex is not Paranoia. All Americans should do it. Because the fact is, our Government & Media do often lie. That's just the way it is.
It does in this instance.

I strongly disagree. You have absolutely no proof that this incident happened the way you've been told. All you have is the Government/Media Complex story.

Couldn't you say that for pretty much anything you haven't personally been involved in? You're ALWAYS going to need to take someone's word for things, at least to some extent; even with video, there are probably going to be things you cannot tell for sure unless you were there.

I suppose you can go through life believing that nothing happens outside of your own sight/hearing......or you could simply disbelieve everything ever told to you about anything that happens. Of course, you don't seem to do either. Instead, you disbelieve what doesn't conform to your preconceived notions of the evil big brother government, with unlimited resources and the will, desire, and acumen to both plan pretty much any nefarious scheme they want to and to carry those plans out without anyone (except for you and others who believe as you do) being any the wiser.

Comfort yourself by thinking everyone else is a sheep if you like. The rest of the world is blind, but your eyes are wide open. :tongue: It's amazing how much information the minions of the terrible government allow to get out to some schmoes posting youtube videos.

Well, most who question the Government/Media Complex, are branded "Tin Foil Hat-Wearing Nuts." They've been marginalized by way of ridicule. It's an old and quite effective tactic. So Big Brother's not very worried.

However, the Internet does pose somewhat of a challenge for him. It's definitely too free and wide open for his liking. And that's exactly why he's constantly attempting to seize absolute control of it. It's the only medium that offers alternative News & Information. And that does complicate things for Big Brother. Our Government carefully manages news information. So at some point, the Internet will have to be completely controlled. And they're getting to that, as we speak. So stay tuned.
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I strongly disagree. You have absolutely no proof that this incident happened the way you've been told. All you have is the Government/Media Complex story.

Couldn't you say that for pretty much anything you haven't personally been involved in? You're ALWAYS going to need to take someone's word for things, at least to some extent; even with video, there are probably going to be things you cannot tell for sure unless you were there.

I suppose you can go through life believing that nothing happens outside of your own sight/hearing......or you could simply disbelieve everything ever told to you about anything that happens. Of course, you don't seem to do either. Instead, you disbelieve what doesn't conform to your preconceived notions of the evil big brother government, with unlimited resources and the will, desire, and acumen to both plan pretty much any nefarious scheme they want to and to carry those plans out without anyone (except for you and others who believe as you do) being any the wiser.

Comfort yourself by thinking everyone else is a sheep if you like. The rest of the world is blind, but your eyes are wide open. :tongue: It's amazing how much information the minions of the terrible government allow to get out to some schmoes posting youtube videos.

Well, most who question the Government/Media Complex, are branded "Tin Foil Hat-Wearing Nuts." They've been marginalized by way of ridicule. It's an old and quite effective tactic. So Big Brother's not very worried.

However, the Internet does pose somewhat of a challenge for him. It's definitely too free and wide open for his liking. And that's exactly whay he's constantly attempting to seize absolute control of it. It's the only medium that offers alternative News & Information. And that does complicate things for Big Brother. Our Government carefully manages news information. So at some point, the Internet will have to be completely controlled. And they're getting to that, as we speak. So stay tuned.

Is it comforting to think of government as 'he', as some monolithic entity with one plan, one will, one focus? That our government is not made up of elected officials, from varying backgrounds, with varying ideas about what is or isn't right? I don't trust politicians or government in particular, but you can't see how your distrust has become it's own form of disinformation. You believe easily whenever it is anti-government. Rather than distrusting everything you are told, you distrust very selectively. You aren't discovering truth, you are merely looking for ideas that conform to what you already believe. And you need no evidence to accept them.

Of course, I know I'm not going to convince you or the other conspiracy posters here. I do think it's funny how so many of you jump onto the same theories so quickly and easily, though. :lol:
I'm trying to figure out exactly what you mean by the timing of this.

I mean that right after the reelection of Obama, a tragedy happens that exactly coincides with the stated agenda of the Administration to severely restrict or revoke 2nd amendment civil liberties.

Again, there is no way this could have been more perfect from the perspective of promoting the agenda of the Administration. It's an incredibly coincidence of jaw-dropping luck that a shooting of children happens at the exact second Obama wants to disarm the peasantry.

You mean, as opposed to the other mass shootings that have taken place in the US, both during and before Obama's presidency? Is there some anti-gun legislation that Obama was pushing just prior to the Sandy Hook tragedy? How is this in any way a matter of timing?

Obama said all last year that revoking the 2nd amendment was one of his major goals in his second term. Right after reelection, he gets the gift of a tragedy that can be manipulated almost as if it were scripted.

What a bit of luck, eh?

You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.
Rahm Emanuel
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Couldn't you say that for pretty much anything you haven't personally been involved in? You're ALWAYS going to need to take someone's word for things, at least to some extent; even with video, there are probably going to be things you cannot tell for sure unless you were there.

I suppose you can go through life believing that nothing happens outside of your own sight/hearing......or you could simply disbelieve everything ever told to you about anything that happens. Of course, you don't seem to do either. Instead, you disbelieve what doesn't conform to your preconceived notions of the evil big brother government, with unlimited resources and the will, desire, and acumen to both plan pretty much any nefarious scheme they want to and to carry those plans out without anyone (except for you and others who believe as you do) being any the wiser.

Comfort yourself by thinking everyone else is a sheep if you like. The rest of the world is blind, but your eyes are wide open. :tongue: It's amazing how much information the minions of the terrible government allow to get out to some schmoes posting youtube videos.

Well, most who question the Government/Media Complex, are branded "Tin Foil Hat-Wearing Nuts." They've been marginalized by way of ridicule. It's an old and quite effective tactic. So Big Brother's not very worried.

However, the Internet does pose somewhat of a challenge for him. It's definitely too free and wide open for his liking. And that's exactly whay he's constantly attempting to seize absolute control of it. It's the only medium that offers alternative News & Information. And that does complicate things for Big Brother. Our Government carefully manages news information. So at some point, the Internet will have to be completely controlled. And they're getting to that, as we speak. So stay tuned.

Is it comforting to think of government as 'he', as some monolithic entity with one plan, one will, one focus? That our government is not made up of elected officials, from varying backgrounds, with varying ideas about what is or isn't right? I don't trust politicians or government in particular, but you can't see how your distrust has become it's own form of disinformation. You believe easily whenever it is anti-government. Rather than distrusting everything you are told, you distrust very selectively. You aren't discovering truth, you are merely looking for ideas that conform to what you already believe. And you need no evidence to accept them.

Of course, I know I'm not going to convince you or the other conspiracy posters here. I do think it's funny how so many of you jump onto the same theories so quickly and easily, though. :lol:

See, i also think it's funny how so many of you jump onto the same theories so quickly and easily. The Government/Media Complex gives you a story, and most of you wholeheartedly embrace it immediately. All Americans have now, is Blind Faith. Faith in the belief the Government/Media Complex is telling them the truth. Well, i don't have such blind faith. But hey, call me a 'Tin Foil Hat-Wearing Nut.' That's cool with me. Nothing new or original there. I can take it.
I'm trying to figure out exactly what you mean by the timing of this.

I mean that right after the reelection of Obama, a tragedy happens that exactly coincides with the stated agenda of the Administration to severely restrict or revoke 2nd amendment civil liberties.

Again, there is no way this could have been more perfect from the perspective of promoting the agenda of the Administration. It's an incredibly coincidence of jaw-dropping luck that a shooting of children happens at the exact second Obama wants to disarm the peasantry.

You mean, as opposed to the other mass shootings that have taken place in the US, both during and before Obama's presidency? Is there some anti-gun legislation that Obama was pushing just prior to the Sandy Hook tragedy? How is this in any way a matter of timing?

Obama said all last year that revoking the 2nd amendment was one of his major goals in his second term. Right after reelection, he gets the gift of a tragedy that can be manipulated almost as if it were scripted.

What a bit of luck, eh?

You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.
Rahm Emanuel

Unfortunately we'll never know what happened, or didn't happen. These things are very carefully managed by the Government & Media. We'll know what they want us to know. Most Americans believe everything they see on the Idiot Box. And our Government understands that completely. It just can't be true if the Government and Idiot Box didn't say so. Sadly, that is the mentality of most Americans. The result of years & years of Dumbing-Down i guess. It's so sad.
[ame=]More Proof Sandy Hook was Staged - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Psyops 101: An introduction to psychological operations - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Psyops 101: A brief history of fake news - YouTube[/ame]
Well, this guy pretty much says it all, about these tinfoil hat wearing lunatics: ...

And at the same time perpetuated the stereotype associated with debunker crowds, with a tirade so heavily laden with childish insults it was kind of hard to pick out the argument.

Anyway, here's the image on which it was based:


It's a tough call, but I think it's fair to say: the younger sister in the same (or similar) dress hypothesis seems plausible.

What do you say, Paulitician?
Ya know, when I read the first few lines I thought you were being facetious. I thought you were raggin' on the loony tunes CTs on this board, but after reading a bit further I realized you meant every word. :D

Ah yes. Only you and your fellow CT types can see clearly and the rest of us are just blind sheeple. I suppose if I was you I'd have to tell myself the same crap. Here's a tip: you're not the only bright, intuitive people on the planet. :D

Sibel Edmonds, Susan Lindaur, etc. When the establishment types say there are no true patriots, that SOMEONE would surely blow the whistle and know the truth, they just aren't paying attention. The left/right paradigm, the dialectic is there to confuddle them. How blind they be. lol The enemy of freedom is ignorance and incredulity. Boiling frogs is one of my go to unbiased sources. Rock on with your bad self!

Here is another source I like to use. It is a source used by those who swore to defend the constitution, not the corrupt leaders; non-commissioned officers and men of the US armed forces, not the globalist shills.

Sandy Hook massacre: Official story spins out of control


© The Newtown Bee
(Note, after this article was printed, all records of it's existence were later deleted in the archives. Luckily researches at VT have recorded images of it. :D)
How could the principal have survived to give this statement to local press describing what happened … if she was one of the first to be killed? Incidentally, The Newtown Bee‘s article was taken down on Monday December 17th. Of course, a plausible explanation is that a reporter mistook another teacher for the principal.

We were initially told that two handguns – a Glock and a Sig Sauer – were found next to the body of the dead shooter, while a third weapon, a .223-caliber rifle was also recovered “in the trunk of a car” later, in the school’s parking lot. All of the weapons were allegedly legally bought and registered in Nancy Lanza’s name. The car was later identified as a black Honda, also registered in her name. More weapons have since been introduced to the story but we’ll get back to those later on.

Besides anonymous ‘law enforcement officials’ telling the media that Adam Lanza was a former pupil at the school, they also said his mother was currently a teacher there, that she was found among the dead and that her son had specifically sought out her classroom first. But when it emerged that teaching staff at the school had never heard of a Nancy Lanza, it was suggested that she was a substitute teacher whose name therefore mightn’t appear on staff lists.

But this claim too has disappeared down the memory hole because it’s now known that Nancy had no connection with the school. Adam Lanza was in fact home-schooled. Nancy Lanza has since been painted as a “survivalist” who loved firearms, taught her sons how to shoot and was “stockpiling” because she was “worried about economic collapse.”
(Read the whole article for more wonderfully compelling good stuff. Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive. This article is more for your interest paulitician than for these blind dulled obtuse victims of compulsory education and MSM media conditioning.)
For what it's worth, it seems the source of the rumor that linked James Holmes's dad to the LIBOR scandal was a web article by Sorcha Faal (7/25/2012), in which she cited a Russian Federation Ministry of Finance report (which apparently no longer exists for independent verification), paraphrasing it as follows:

Most important to note about James Holmes, however, this report says, is that his father, Robert Holmes, was said to have been scheduled to testify within the next few weeks before a US Senate panel on the largest bank fraud scandal in world history that is currently unfolding and threatens to destabilize and destroy the Western banking system.

If there exists any corroborative evidence of the cited report, I haven't been able to find it.

As for Peter Lanza's rumored link to the LIBOR thing and the claim that he was also scheduled to testify before the Senate...

[ame=]CT School Shooter Killer Link To LIBOR SCANDAL? - YouTube[/ame]

That's it. We have nothing more than Fabian4truth's vaguely mentioned "research" (with no citations whatsoever) to go on.

I'm as open-minded as they come, but I'm amazed that this conspiracy theory has gained any traction at all with so little to support it.

I really think it's better to suspend judgment ...than to support any explanation before more information becomes available.

Thanks for doing the diggin;, Cap. I seem to recall Faal was the author of the 500 Americans massacred in Texas by our military hoax a few years ago. Most of these CTs are just looking to make a name and some bucks. The truth is always in short supply. Here's the 411 on Faal:
Sorcha Faal is the alleged author of an ongoing series of "reports" published at, whose work is of such quality that even other conspiracy nutters don't think much of it. There is a high chance that "Sorcha Faal" is actually David Booth, the owner/operator of the website, or someone collaborating with him.

The character "Sorcha Faal" is supposed to be a female Russian scientist, about whom none of the corroborating details check out (work, academic affiliations, etc). To boot, "her" name isn't even Russian. It's pretty much as far from a Russian name as one could get.

Sorcha Faal - RationalWiki

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