Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

I don't know what happened. I don't know what to believe. I see that there are a lot of unanswered questions. It it a Conspiricy??? Who Knows? That's why it call a theory ~ An Idea. Another question...Thinking out of the box. Debating ideas..Not name calling...

I find that Both Adam Lanza and James Holmes have fathers that are BIG in the banking scene. BIG MONEY. Both surround the LIBOR scandle..Not directly but...What are the chances of both very intelligent boys from very good homes going Batshit Crazy and shooting the place up.
Lanza aTax Att for GE..Imagine that!! And Holmes a Fat Cat at FICO.
That's simply Amazing...:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

We should all hope & pray that it was just a set up hoax &
20 children didn't really get killed ~
I can't believe the nutters have started on this when the investigation isn't even over yet.........

The "gotcha" factor at work. Who will author the first CT that sticks? I find interesting the slugfests within the "truther" movement with the prominent players trashing other CTs and their theories in a battle I call "Who's the Biggest Moron?" :D
in other words you're a nutter...

Me ~ Hahaha ...No Not at All ~
This is my favorite Forum on USMB ~
I read some real Nutter stuff here. It is simply entertaining. Some like SUDUKO..
Sometimes I like to post shit just to help stir the pot...
It sure Didn't take long for me to stir yours:D
Peace ~

Considering the subject matter, stirring the pot is clearly trolling. You may someday have something of value to add but nobody will take you seriously if you're a troll. :D
I don't know what happened. I don't know what to believe. I see that there are a lot of unanswered questions. It it a Conspiricy??? Who Knows? That's why it call a theory ~ An Idea. Another question...Thinking out of the box. Debating ideas..Not name calling...

I find that Both Adam Lanza and James Holmes have fathers that are BIG in the banking scene. BIG MONEY. Both surround the LIBOR scandle..Not directly but...What are the chances of both very intelligent boys from very good homes going Batshit Crazy and shooting the place up.
Lanza aTax Att for GE..Imagine that!! And Holmes a Fat Cat at FICO.
That's simply Amazing...:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

We should all hope & pray that it was just a set up hoax &
20 children didn't really get killed ~

Don't know. Coffins are costly. Especially the small ones. Lot of effort, little evidence other then insinuations.
Also, listen carefully to what the parents are saying. It all sounds like scripted stories and propaganda. Spooky stuff.

It's weird you should say that. My son and I listen to NPR every morning before he goes to school. One morning a few days after the incident, they were interviewing a mom, a grandmother, and a sibling of one of the students. They were all cheery, light hearted, but oddly, most of all, they spoke in condemnation of the shooter and gun violence, like that was the first thing on their minds after their son/grandson/brother had been killed. . . A POLITICAL AGENDA.

Generally I take these things as a given on the radio stations I listen to, NPR, the conservative talk radio stations, etc. I didn't think much of it. It was my son who asked me. . . "Dad, are these actors or actual people who lost somebody in the shooting? Why are they concerned with the shooter and gun control if they just lost someone, shouldn't they be more heart broken?"

That is when I got to thinking that maybe all the people that press was presenting to the public as relatives of the victims maybe weren't quite legitamate. I really do believe that the incident was a planned event to push an agenda.

Do I believe children died? You bet I do. Do I believe Peter Lanza did it? Nope. Not one bit. I believe a clandestine agency probably took him and his mother out at his mom's house and dropped his body off at the school. If he was going to do it and planned to commit suicide, I don't think he'd have bothered with a bullet proof vest. Nor would he have left the gun that he was supposed to have used in the trunk of his mom's car. Nor would the guy that helped carry it out have been spotted in the woods behind the school, etc.

Was the body count exaggerated? Probably. The parents that were interviewed on TV might have not been real parents or may have been connected with parents that never lost children. All of the nefarious dealings of clandestine agencies, we will never know. All we will know is that this is a forced issue. This school shooting has nothing to do with gun control. It is like the Reichstag fire, it is an excuse to enact policy. Like Rahm Emanuel said, "Never let a good crises go to waste." And what the hell, if you don't have the crises you need to set the agenda you want. . . . create one.


If he did do it, more than likely he was a victim of S-quad technology mind altering technology that is used by the military and the CIA against their foes to achieve their ends. (Though you will get an official denial from the establishment that such a thing exists. So naturally, we must put on our tin foil hats here. But let us not be cads, we are educated people.)
Also, listen carefully to what the parents are saying. It all sounds like scripted stories and propaganda. Spooky stuff.

It's weird you should say that. My son and I listen to NPR every morning before he goes to school. One morning a few days after the incident, they were interviewing a mom, a grandmother, and a sibling of one of the students. They were all cheery, light hearted, but oddly, most of all, they spoke in condemnation of the shooter and gun violence, like that was the first thing on their minds after their son/grandson/brother had been killed. . . A POLITICAL AGENDA.

Generally I take these things as a given on the radio stations I listen to, NPR, the conservative talk radio stations, etc. I didn't think much of it. It was my son who asked me. . . "Dad, are these actors or actual people who lost somebody in the shooting? Why are they concerned with the shooter and gun control if they just lost someone, shouldn't they be more heart broken?"

That is when I got to thinking that maybe all the people that press was presenting to the public as relatives of the victims maybe weren't quite legitamate. I really do believe that the incident was a planned event to push an agenda.

Do I believe children died? You bet I do. Do I believe Peter Lanza did it? Nope. Not one bit. I believe a clandestine agency probably took him and his mother out at his mom's house and dropped his body off at the school. If he was going to do it and planned to commit suicide, I don't think he'd have bothered with a bullet proof vest. Nor would he have left the gun that he was supposed to have used in the trunk of his mom's car. Nor would the guy that helped carry it out have been spotted in the woods behind the school, etc.

Was the body count exaggerated? Probably. The parents that were interviewed on TV might have not been real parents or may have been connected with parents that never lost children. All of the nefarious dealings of clandestine agencies, we will never know. All we will know is that this is a forced issue. This school shooting has nothing to do with gun control. It is like the Reichstag fire, it is an excuse to enact policy. Like Rahm Emanuel said, "Never let a good crises go to waste." And what the hell, if you don't have the crises you need to set the agenda you want. . . . create one.


If he did do it, more than likely he was a victim of S-quad technology mind altering technology that is used by the military and the CIA against their foes to achieve their ends. (Though you will get an official denial from the establishment that such a thing exists. So naturally, we must put on our tin foil hats here. But let us not be cads, we are educated people.)

Ya know, when I read the first few lines I thought you were being facetious. I thought you were raggin' on the loony tunes CTs on this board, but after reading a bit further I realized you meant every word. :D
Also, listen carefully to what the parents are saying. It all sounds like scripted stories and propaganda. Spooky stuff.

It's weird you should say that. My son and I listen to NPR every morning before he goes to school. One morning a few days after the incident, they were interviewing a mom, a grandmother, and a sibling of one of the students. They were all cheery, light hearted, but oddly, most of all, they spoke in condemnation of the shooter and gun violence, like that was the first thing on their minds after their son/grandson/brother had been killed. . . A POLITICAL AGENDA.

Generally I take these things as a given on the radio stations I listen to, NPR, the conservative talk radio stations, etc. I didn't think much of it. It was my son who asked me. . . "Dad, are these actors or actual people who lost somebody in the shooting? Why are they concerned with the shooter and gun control if they just lost someone, shouldn't they be more heart broken?"

That is when I got to thinking that maybe all the people that press was presenting to the public as relatives of the victims maybe weren't quite legitamate. I really do believe that the incident was a planned event to push an agenda.

Do I believe children died? You bet I do. Do I believe Peter Lanza did it? Nope. Not one bit. I believe a clandestine agency probably took him and his mother out at his mom's house and dropped his body off at the school. If he was going to do it and planned to commit suicide, I don't think he'd have bothered with a bullet proof vest. Nor would he have left the gun that he was supposed to have used in the trunk of his mom's car. Nor would the guy that helped carry it out have been spotted in the woods behind the school, etc.

Was the body count exaggerated? Probably. The parents that were interviewed on TV might have not been real parents or may have been connected with parents that never lost children. All of the nefarious dealings of clandestine agencies, we will never know. All we will know is that this is a forced issue. This school shooting has nothing to do with gun control. It is like the Reichstag fire, it is an excuse to enact policy. Like Rahm Emanuel said, "Never let a good crises go to waste." And what the hell, if you don't have the crises you need to set the agenda you want. . . . create one.


If he did do it, more than likely he was a victim of S-quad technology mind altering technology that is used by the military and the CIA against their foes to achieve their ends. (Though you will get an official denial from the establishment that such a thing exists. So naturally, we must put on our tin foil hats here. But let us not be cads, we are educated people.)

Also, listen carefully to what the parents are saying. It all sounds like scripted stories and propaganda. Spooky stuff.

It's weird you should say that. My son and I listen to NPR every morning before he goes to school. One morning a few days after the incident, they were interviewing a mom, a grandmother, and a sibling of one of the students. They were all cheery, light hearted, but oddly, most of all, they spoke in condemnation of the shooter and gun violence, like that was the first thing on their minds after their son/grandson/brother had been killed. . . A POLITICAL AGENDA.

Generally I take these things as a given on the radio stations I listen to, NPR, the conservative talk radio stations, etc. I didn't think much of it. It was my son who asked me. . . "Dad, are these actors or actual people who lost somebody in the shooting? Why are they concerned with the shooter and gun control if they just lost someone, shouldn't they be more heart broken?"

That is when I got to thinking that maybe all the people that press was presenting to the public as relatives of the victims maybe weren't quite legitamate. I really do believe that the incident was a planned event to push an agenda.

Do I believe children died? You bet I do. Do I believe Peter Lanza did it? Nope. Not one bit. I believe a clandestine agency probably took him and his mother out at his mom's house and dropped his body off at the school. If he was going to do it and planned to commit suicide, I don't think he'd have bothered with a bullet proof vest. Nor would he have left the gun that he was supposed to have used in the trunk of his mom's car. Nor would the guy that helped carry it out have been spotted in the woods behind the school, etc.

Was the body count exaggerated? Probably. The parents that were interviewed on TV might have not been real parents or may have been connected with parents that never lost children. All of the nefarious dealings of clandestine agencies, we will never know. All we will know is that this is a forced issue. This school shooting has nothing to do with gun control. It is like the Reichstag fire, it is an excuse to enact policy. Like Rahm Emanuel said, "Never let a good crises go to waste." And what the hell, if you don't have the crises you need to set the agenda you want. . . . create one.


If he did do it, more than likely he was a victim of S-quad technology mind altering technology that is used by the military and the CIA against their foes to achieve their ends. (Though you will get an official denial from the establishment that such a thing exists. So naturally, we must put on our tin foil hats here. But let us not be cads, we are educated people.)
Hey man, if I provide the Reynold's Wrap, could you fashion me up one of those nifty lil' hats :tinfoil:?

I want to dress up as a total moronic douchebag next Halloween.....If you can hook me up with the hat, all I have to do is rustle up an "Elect Ron Paul" t-shirt, and VOILA, I'll look like the consumate total moronic douchebag.

Let me know, thanks!
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For what it's worth, it seems the source of the rumor that linked James Holmes's dad to the LIBOR scandal was a web article by Sorcha Faal (7/25/2012), in which she cited a Russian Federation Ministry of Finance report (which apparently no longer exists for independent verification), paraphrasing it as follows:

Most important to note about James Holmes, however, this report says, is that his father, Robert Holmes, was said to have been scheduled to testify within the next few weeks before a US Senate panel on the largest bank fraud scandal in world history that is currently unfolding and threatens to destabilize and destroy the Western banking system.

If there exists any corroborative evidence of the cited report, I haven't been able to find it.

As for Peter Lanza's rumored link to the LIBOR thing and the claim that he was also scheduled to testify before the Senate...

[ame=]CT School Shooter Killer Link To LIBOR SCANDAL? - YouTube[/ame]

That's it. We have nothing more than Fabian4truth's vaguely mentioned "research" (with no citations whatsoever) to go on.

I'm as open-minded as they come, but I'm amazed that this conspiracy theory has gained any traction at all with so little to support it.

I really think it's better to suspend judgment ...than to support any explanation before more information becomes available.
For what it's worth, it seems the source of the rumor that linked James Holmes's dad to the LIBOR scandal was a web article by Sorcha Faal (7/25/2012), in which she cited a Russian Federation Ministry of Finance report (which apparently no longer exists for independent verification), paraphrasing it as follows:

Most important to note about James Holmes, however, this report says, is that his father, Robert Holmes, was said to have been scheduled to testify within the next few weeks before a US Senate panel on the largest bank fraud scandal in world history that is currently unfolding and threatens to destabilize and destroy the Western banking system.

If there exists any corroborative evidence of the cited report, I haven't been able to find it.

As for Peter Lanza's rumored link to the LIBOR thing and the claim that he was also scheduled to testify before the Senate...

[ame=]CT School Shooter Killer Link To LIBOR SCANDAL? - YouTube[/ame]

That's it. We have nothing more than Fabian4truth's vaguely mentioned "research" (with no citations whatsoever) to go on.

I'm as open-minded as they come, but I'm amazed that this conspiracy theory has gained any traction at all with so little to support it.

I really think it's better to suspend judgment ...than to support any explanation before more information becomes available.

The point being, anyone who jumps into most of these CTs with both feet will get nothing but wet. I've noticed there are some relatively rational CTs who actually do a bit of checking on the "facts" but what I mostly encounter here is the MisterBeale type ... full flame Twilight Zoners with absolutely no connection to reality and neither the desire nor the capacity to be connected. :D
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It still amazes me that so much can be said when the investigation isn't even complete, and not just the loons here but Bidens panel in Washington....Never let a good crises go to waste.....

But hey, isn't this what the people voted for?

Not I..........
It still amazes me that so much can be said when the investigation isn't even complete, and not just the loons here but Bidens panel in Washington....Never let a good crises go to waste.....

But hey, isn't this what the people voted for?

Not I..........

Ollie, you know my position on this.

Still, I have sympathy because the timing of this is astounding. Obama could not have prayed for anything more perfect than this to promote his agenda of revoking civil rights. It could not be more perfect if he set the whole thing up himself.

I'm sure it's just an astounding coincidence and random luck for Obama, though. Leftist would never deliberately kill children to promote a political agenda.

{ GI’s latest survey found slightly higher numbers in 2008, but these may be due to the addition of abortionists missed in previous surveys. Increasing numbers of chemical abotions have also helped arrest previous declines.

Using AGI figures through 2008, estimating 1,212,400 abortions for 2009 through 2011, and factoring in the possible 3 percent undercount GI estimates for its own figures, the total number of abortions performed in the U.S. since 1973 equals 54,559,615.}
Christian Life Resources
how do you know that what you regard as factual is not as manipulated as you believe the government's is?!
all of what you post appears to be the paranoid version of the weekly world news but a lot less credible.

Just remember, everything you see in regards to 'News & Information' is spoon-fed to the Media by our Government. They rely solely on Government approved information, or propaganda. Many still believe the Media is independent and conducts their own thorough investigations, but that's just not the case anymore. They've become incredibly lazy and reliant on spoon-fed Government information. It is a Government/Media Complex.

So pray do tell us where you get your news and what makes them so credible.........

It's a very difficult endeavor finding alternative news sources. There are very few, and on the Internet for the most part. So i get most of my news from basically the same sources you get yours. I just question their information much more than you do.

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