Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

Our Government is responsible for the deaths of Millions of innocent children all over this world. Our CIA personifies pure evil. Innocents are just collateral damage in the NWO's War for domination. They will do anything to achieve their goals. And disarming Citizens has always been one of the most important goals for the NWO Globalists. America is their last hurdle. We'll be a challenge for them. Most Americans still believe in the Constitution, and are willing to fight for it.

But for now, the NWO is on a roll. They've made significant progress here in reecnt years. The only way to turn the tide, is to boot the NWO Globalists. And that's going to be incredibly difficult. They've managed to infiltrate much of our Government. And that goes for both political parties. So expect more of these events in the near future. Because scaring the People is their number one tool used to advance their agenda. First you panic and terrify the People, then you act. It's a proven winner for them. Just look at what they've done since 9/11. Hopefully the People will catch on though. I am still hopeful. You have to stay hopeful.

If you really believed all that drivel and had the courage of your convictions you'd be living in a cave on some remote island in the South Pacific. You just like to see your stupidity in print. :D

So you dispute the fact your Government is responsible for the deaths of Millions of innocent children all over the world? Wow, such delusional denial. You have no idea what your Government is capable of. If you did have an idea, you wouldn't be so quick to join in on all that Goose Stepping.

Your CIA has been staging events and murdering innocents for many many years. And guess what? They don't just do it in foreign countries. They do it right here at home too. They have an infinite amount of tools & weapons at their disposal. They can erase you if they wish. And there's nothing you could do about it. I know you feel safe & comfy in your cocoon of ridicule, but that only proves how weak and ignorant you are. Try the Red Pill sometime. Take care.

Must be terrible to live with all that Paranoia........
More Americans need to become aware that everything they see on TV in regards to 'News & Information', is Government manipulated. The Government/Media Complex is very real. All News & Information is merely spoon-fed propaganda from the Government. Most Americans still believe their Media & Journalists dig deep and do thorough independent investigating. But that's just not the case anymore. Our Media is merely fed information by our Government. That information, or propaganda is then relayed to the People. There's no independent investigating going on. They just receive their Government information, and then roll with it. So now more than ever, it's vital to question everything you see on TV. Hopefully one day, most Americans will come to realize that.
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If you really believed all that drivel and had the courage of your convictions you'd be living in a cave on some remote island in the South Pacific. You just like to see your stupidity in print. :D

So you dispute the fact your Government is responsible for the deaths of Millions of innocent children all over the world? Wow, such delusional denial. You have no idea what your Government is capable of. If you did have an idea, you wouldn't be so quick to join in on all that Goose Stepping.

Your CIA has been staging events and murdering innocents for many many years. And guess what? They don't just do it in foreign countries. They do it right here at home too. They have an infinite amount of tools & weapons at their disposal. They can erase you if they wish. And there's nothing you could do about it. I know you feel safe & comfy in your cocoon of ridicule, but that only proves how weak and ignorant you are. Try the Red Pill sometime. Take care.

Must be terrible to live with all that Paranoia........

Questioning does not always = Paranoia.
Our Government is responsible for the deaths of Millions of innocent children all over this world. Our CIA personifies pure evil. Innocents are just collateral damage in the NWO's War for domination. They will do anything to achieve their goals. And disarming Citizens has always been one of the most important goals for the NWO Globalists. America is their last hurdle. We'll be a challenge for them. Most Americans still believe in the Constitution, and are willing to fight for it.

But for now, the NWO is on a roll. They've made significant progress here in reecnt years. The only way to turn the tide, is to boot the NWO Globalists. And that's going to be incredibly difficult. They've managed to infiltrate much of our Government. And that goes for both political parties. So expect more of these events in the near future. Because scaring the People is their number one tool used to advance their agenda. First you panic and terrify the People, then you act. It's a proven winner for them. Just look at what they've done since 9/11. Hopefully the People will catch on though. I am still hopeful. You have to stay hopeful.

If you really believed all that drivel and had the courage of your convictions you'd be living in a cave on some remote island in the South Pacific. You just like to see your stupidity in print. :D

So you dispute the fact your Government is responsible for the deaths of Millions of innocent children all over the world? Wow, such delusional denial. You have no idea what your Government is capable of. If you did have an idea, you wouldn't be so quick to join in on all that Goose Stepping.

Your CIA has been staging events and murdering innocents for many many years. And guess what? They don't just do it in foreign countries. They do it right here at home too. They have an infinite amount of tools & weapons at their disposal. They can erase you if they wish. And there's nothing you could do about it. I know you feel safe & comfy in your cocoon of ridicule, but that only proves how weak and ignorant you are. Try the Red Pill sometime. Take care.

Stow that bull shit right now. that is nothing more then a cowardly deflection, and has no bearing on YOUR assertion that our government, a government that cant balance a check book, or even keep track of a piddly amount of guns iit gave to drug dealers in Mexico planned and carried out the murders of 28 women and children as well as the shootings in aurora. I served in this country's navy, as well as worked as an employee of this government and know exactly what hey are capable of. And that's a great amount of stupidity and waste. Mot what you are implying.
Our Government is responsible for the deaths of Millions of innocent children all over this world. Our CIA personifies pure evil. Innocents are just collateral damage in the NWO's War for domination. They will do anything to achieve their goals. And disarming Citizens has always been one of the most important goals for the NWO Globalists. America is their last hurdle. We'll be a challenge for them. Most Americans still believe in the Constitution, and are willing to fight for it.

But for now, the NWO is on a roll. They've made significant progress here in reecnt years. The only way to turn the tide, is to boot the NWO Globalists. And that's going to be incredibly difficult. They've managed to infiltrate much of our Government. And that goes for both political parties. So expect more of these events in the near future. Because scaring the People is their number one tool used to advance their agenda. First you panic and terrify the People, then you act. It's a proven winner for them. Just look at what they've done since 9/11. Hopefully the People will catch on though. I am still hopeful. You have to stay hopeful.

If you really believed all that drivel and had the courage of your convictions you'd be living in a cave on some remote island in the South Pacific. You just like to see your stupidity in print. :D

So you dispute the fact your Government is responsible for the deaths of Millions of innocent children all over the world? Wow, such delusional denial. You have no idea what your Government is capable of. If you did have an idea, you wouldn't be so quick to join in on all that Goose Stepping.

Your CIA has been staging events and murdering innocents for many many years. And guess what? They don't just do it in foreign countries. They do it right here at home too. They have an infinite amount of tools & weapons at their disposal. They can erase you if they wish. And there's nothing you could do about it. I know you feel safe & comfy in your cocoon of ridicule, but that only proves how weak and ignorant you are. Try the Red Pill sometime. Take care.
Whether you acknowledge them or not "they" are your CIA and GOVERNMENT TOO....put your man pants on !
More Americans need to become aware that everything they see on TV in regards to 'News & Information', is Government manipulated. The Government/Media Complex is very real. All News & Information is merely spoon-fed propaganda from the Government. Most Americans still believe their Media & Journalists dig deep and do thorough independent investigating. But that's just not the case anymore. Our Media is merely fed information by our Government. That information, or propaganda is then relayed to the People. There's no independent investigating going on. They just receive their Government information, and then roll with it. So now more than ever, it's vital to question everything you see on TV. Hopefully one day, most Americans will come to realize that.
how do you know that what you regard as factual is not as manipulated as you believe the government's is?!
all of what you post appears to be the paranoid version of the weekly world news but a lot less credible.
More Americans need to become aware that everything they see on TV in regards to 'News & Information', is Government manipulated. The Government/Media Complex is very real. All News & Information is merely spoon-fed propaganda from the Government. Most Americans still believe their Media & Journalists dig deep and do thorough independent investigating. But that's just not the case anymore. Our Media is merely fed information by our Government. That information, or propaganda is then relayed to the People. There's no independent investigating going on. They just receive their Government information, and then roll with it. So now more than ever, it's vital to question everything you see on TV. Hopefully one day, most Americans will come to realize that.
how do you know that what you regard as factual is not as manipulated as you believe the government's is?!
all of what you post appears to be the paranoid version of the weekly world news but a lot less credible.

Just remember, everything you see in regards to 'News & Information' is spoon-fed to the Media by our Government. They rely solely on Government approved information, or propaganda. Many still believe the Media is independent and conducts their own thorough investigations, but that's just not the case anymore. They've become incredibly lazy and reliant on spoon-fed Government information. It is a Government/Media Complex.
[ame=]FAU professor makes no apologies for calling Connecticut school massacre a hoax - YouTube[/ame]
More Americans need to become aware that everything they see on TV in regards to 'News & Information', is Government manipulated. The Government/Media Complex is very real. All News & Information is merely spoon-fed propaganda from the Government. Most Americans still believe their Media & Journalists dig deep and do thorough independent investigating. But that's just not the case anymore. Our Media is merely fed information by our Government. That information, or propaganda is then relayed to the People. There's no independent investigating going on. They just receive their Government information, and then roll with it. So now more than ever, it's vital to question everything you see on TV. Hopefully one day, most Americans will come to realize that.
how do you know that what you regard as factual is not as manipulated as you believe the government's is?!
all of what you post appears to be the paranoid version of the weekly world news but a lot less credible.

Just remember, everything you see in regards to 'News & Information' is spoon-fed to the Media by our Government. They rely solely on Government approved information, or propaganda. Many still believe the Media is independent and conducts their own thorough investigations, but that's just not the case anymore. They've become incredibly lazy and reliant on spoon-fed Government information. It is a Government/Media Complex.

So pray do tell us where you get your news and what makes them so credible.........
More Americans need to become aware that everything they see on TV in regards to 'News & Information', is Government manipulated. The Government/Media Complex is very real. All News & Information is merely spoon-fed propaganda from the Government. Most Americans still believe their Media & Journalists dig deep and do thorough independent investigating. But that's just not the case anymore. Our Media is merely fed information by our Government. That information, or propaganda is then relayed to the People. There's no independent investigating going on. They just receive their Government information, and then roll with it. So now more than ever, it's vital to question everything you see on TV. Hopefully one day, most Americans will come to realize that.
how do you know that what you regard as factual is not as manipulated as you believe the government's is?!
all of what you post appears to be the paranoid version of the weekly world news but a lot less credible.

Just remember, everything you see in regards to 'News & Information' is spoon-fed to the Media by our Government. They rely solely on Government approved information, or propaganda. Many still believe the Media is independent and conducts their own thorough investigations, but that's just not the case anymore. They've become incredibly lazy and reliant on spoon-fed Government information. It is a Government/Media Complex.

stop spewing propaganda and answer the question.
how do you know that what you regard as factual is not as manipulated as you believe the government's is?!
all of what you post appears to be the paranoid version of the weekly world news but a lot less credible.

Just remember, everything you see in regards to 'News & Information' is spoon-fed to the Media by our Government. They rely solely on Government approved information, or propaganda. Many still believe the Media is independent and conducts their own thorough investigations, but that's just not the case anymore. They've become incredibly lazy and reliant on spoon-fed Government information. It is a Government/Media Complex.

So pray do tell us where you get your news and what makes them so credible.........
I predict another dodge in 5...4...3...
So you dispute the fact your Government is responsible for the deaths of Millions of innocent children all over the world? Wow, such delusional denial. You have no idea what your Government is capable of. If you did have an idea, you wouldn't be so quick to join in on all that Goose Stepping.

Your CIA has been staging events and murdering innocents for many many years. And guess what? They don't just do it in foreign countries. They do it right here at home too. They have an infinite amount of tools & weapons at their disposal. They can erase you if they wish. And there's nothing you could do about it. I know you feel safe & comfy in your cocoon of ridicule, but that only proves how weak and ignorant you are. Try the Red Pill sometime. Take care.

Must be terrible to live with all that Paranoia........

Questioning does not always = Paranoia.

It does in this instance.
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True. But the conclusion he's reached is not one a healthy mind would make.

And when questioned as to where to get "valid" info the silence was deafening. :D
as was the question about manipulation by his sources!

He acts like a 14 year old who thinks he invented sex. Only these self-professed CT "geniuses" know how to separate truth from BS and the rest of us are just lame sheeple. Pompous jackasses. :D

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