Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

I'm sorry you lost your son, and the OP was in poor taste, but your rambling post does more to make his case than it does to dismiss it. He claims that the people who lost their sons appeared to calm and scripted. Your point that such a loss is terrible, makes his point, not disputes it.
So, how about in your own infinite wisdom, YOU tell us all how those parents were supposed to act....YOU tell us all the protocol parents are supposed to follow during interviews right after their child is shot to hell....YOU tell us all how YOU acted during an interview, after YOUR child was shot to hell.

This shit is so ridiculous, it's almost fucking comical.

I'm no longer bothering telling you anything you asshat troll.

In a true modern day conspiracy, the argument isn't about keeping ones mouth shut. It's about being believed. There are masters out there of creating realities and compartmentalizing the concussions they create.

As if psy-ops isn't real. LOL

I take that to mean the Alex Jones' of the world? Consider the otherwise normal peeps who soak up his crap like it was Gospels. :D
In a true modern day conspiracy, the argument isn't about keeping ones mouth shut. It's about being believed. There are masters out there of creating realities and compartmentalizing the concussions they create.

As if psy-ops isn't real. LOL

No doubt, which is all the more reason to point out that the concept of Sandy Hook being staged is absurd.
Why must everything be a CT, Princess? Have you never heard of rational thought? Logic? Reality? Perspective? Occam's Razor? :D

Exactly, you have no proof. Now back to your Idiot Box, Idiot.

As expected, you really have never heard of any of those things but you can look 'em up. :D

You lack depth & substance. Now you're just running on empty. All you have left is lame feeble attempts at ridicule. So seriously, back to your Idiot Box, Idiot.
So, we are to believe that a whole school is in on the conspiracy, all of the teachers, the parents, and the students, plus the whole fire and police departments, and the surrounding town?

How are they going to hide the children who died but didn't die? How are they going to keep a parent or a teacher from subsequently writing a national best-seller based on how the government used them to creat a false massacre?

Can you not see how preposterous your claim is?

What's really, really terrifying about this is that if it is a government conspiracy to take away our right to bear arms....then our government is responsible for the deaths of those innocent children. They will do whatever it takes to get their agenda. Are we really any different than Nazi Germany?

My question remains, how did the bushwhacker supposedly kill all those people and then end up back in the trunk of the car? How did a man shoot his way through the school door and all their security without ANY of it being caught on their very expensive, very new security cameras?

Our Government is responsible for the deaths of Millions of innocent children all over this world. Our CIA personifies pure evil. Innocents are just collateral damage in the NWO's War for domination. They will do anything to achieve their goals. And disarming Citizens has always been one of the most important goals for the NWO Globalists. America is their last hurdle. We'll be a challenge for them. Most Americans still believe in the Constitution, and are willing to fight for it.

But for now, the NWO is on a roll. They've made significant progress here in reecnt years. The only way to turn the tide, is to boot the NWO Globalists. And that's going to be incredibly difficult. They've managed to infiltrate much of our Government. And that goes for both political parties. So expect more of these events in the near future. Because scaring the People is their number one tool used to advance their agenda. First you panic and terrify the People, then you act. It's a proven winner for them. Just look at what they've done since 9/11. Hopefully the People will catch on though. I am still hopeful. You have to stay hopeful.
thats not true..people can keep secrets.. governments can keep secrets..but it is not possible all these people are actors..actors are people to..they have family.. friends ,neighbours,past and there are far to many of them

All the leaks from the Obama Whitehouse say that even the government can't keep secrets.
Research the term "limited hangout".

A psy-op includes a lot of head games.
So, we are to believe that a whole school is in on the conspiracy, all of the teachers, the parents, and the students, plus the whole fire and police departments, and the surrounding town?

How are they going to hide the children who died but didn't die? How are they going to keep a parent or a teacher from subsequently writing a national best-seller based on how the government used them to creat a false massacre?

Can you not see how preposterous your claim is?

What's really, really terrifying about this is that if it is a government conspiracy to take away our right to bear arms....then our government is responsible for the deaths of those innocent children. They will do whatever it takes to get their agenda. Are we really any different than Nazi Germany?

My question remains, how did the bushwhacker supposedly kill all those people and then end up back in the trunk of the car? How did a man shoot his way through the school door and all their security without ANY of it being caught on their very expensive, very new security cameras?

Our Government is responsible for the deaths of Millions of innocent children all over this world. Our CIA personifies pure evil. Innocents are just collateral damage in the NWO's War for domination. They will do anything to achieve their goals. And disarming Citizens has always been one of the most important goals for the NWO Globalists. America is their last hurdle. We'll be a challenge for them. Most Americans still believe in the Constitution, and are willing to fight for it.

But for now, the NWO is on a roll. They've made significant progress here in reecnt years. The only way to turn the tide, is to boot the NWO Globalists. And that's going to be incredibly difficult. They've managed to infiltrate much of our Government. And that goes for both political parties. So expect more of these events in the near future. Because scaring the People is their number one tool used to advance their agenda. First you panic and terrify the People, then you act. It's a proven winner for them. Just look at what they've done since 9/11. Hopefully the People will catch on though. I am still hopeful. You have to stay hopeful.

Gee, why didn't they try to disarm Iraq and Afghanistan when they had a chance?
While I feel the media hyped the story, the evidence of conspiracy is WAY TOO flimsy. Wet paper thin.


When eots tells you your conspiracy theory is wet paper thin, you know it's time to take a step back and reevaluate. :tongue:
after reading all the conspiracy shit these guys post (here and on other sites for the last ten years or so) I'm of the opinion that "they," twoofers, ct nuts etc...derive some sort of perverse comfort out of categorizing every event ,horrific or otherwise as the work of, for lack of a better term BIG BROTHER.
when in reality, this world is chaotic, unpredictable, anomalous and coincidental.
my guess is they do it ,not to uncover the truth but to imagine they have some measure of control.
it would seem (to them) that it's easier to fantasize an evil invisible empire directing all the madness is some how better than the true chaotic reality of life...just say' in .
So, we are to believe that a whole school is in on the conspiracy, all of the teachers, the parents, and the students, plus the whole fire and police departments, and the surrounding town?

How are they going to hide the children who died but didn't die? How are they going to keep a parent or a teacher from subsequently writing a national best-seller based on how the government used them to creat a false massacre?

Can you not see how preposterous your claim is?

What's really, really terrifying about this is that if it is a government conspiracy to take away our right to bear arms....then our government is responsible for the deaths of those innocent children. They will do whatever it takes to get their agenda. Are we really any different than Nazi Germany?

My question remains, how did the bushwhacker supposedly kill all those people and then end up back in the trunk of the car? How did a man shoot his way through the school door and all their security without ANY of it being caught on their very expensive, very new security cameras?
Exactly, you have no proof. Now back to your Idiot Box, Idiot.

As expected, you really have never heard of any of those things but you can look 'em up. :D

You lack depth & substance. Now you're just running on empty. All you have left is lame feeble attempts at ridicule. So seriously, back to your Idiot Box, Idiot.

Serious discourse is reserved for rational adults. You "nothin' but CT" fools get exactly what you deserve from normal peeps ... disdain and derision, but here's some music for your whine, Princess:
:eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo:
So, we are to believe that a whole school is in on the conspiracy, all of the teachers, the parents, and the students, plus the whole fire and police departments, and the surrounding town?

How are they going to hide the children who died but didn't die? How are they going to keep a parent or a teacher from subsequently writing a national best-seller based on how the government used them to creat a false massacre?

Can you not see how preposterous your claim is?

What's really, really terrifying about this is that if it is a government conspiracy to take away our right to bear arms....then our government is responsible for the deaths of those innocent children. They will do whatever it takes to get their agenda. Are we really any different than Nazi Germany?

My question remains, how did the bushwhacker supposedly kill all those people and then end up back in the trunk of the car? How did a man shoot his way through the school door and all their security without ANY of it being caught on their very expensive, very new security cameras?

Our Government is responsible for the deaths of Millions of innocent children all over this world. Our CIA personifies pure evil. Innocents are just collateral damage in the NWO's War for domination. They will do anything to achieve their goals. And disarming Citizens has always been one of the most important goals for the NWO Globalists. America is their last hurdle. We'll be a challenge for them. Most Americans still believe in the Constitution, and are willing to fight for it.

But for now, the NWO is on a roll. They've made significant progress here in reecnt years. The only way to turn the tide, is to boot the NWO Globalists. And that's going to be incredibly difficult. They've managed to infiltrate much of our Government. And that goes for both political parties. So expect more of these events in the near future. Because scaring the People is their number one tool used to advance their agenda. First you panic and terrify the People, then you act. It's a proven winner for them. Just look at what they've done since 9/11. Hopefully the People will catch on though. I am still hopeful. You have to stay hopeful.

If you really believed all that drivel and had the courage of your convictions you'd be living in a cave on some remote island in the South Pacific. You just like to see your stupidity in print. :D

When eots tells you your conspiracy theory is wet paper thin, you know it's time to take a step back and reevaluate. :tongue:
after reading all the conspiracy shit these guys post (here and on other sites for the last ten years or so) I'm of the opinion that "they," twoofers, ct nuts etc...derive some sort of perverse comfort out of categorizing every event ,horrific or otherwise as the work of, for lack of a better term BIG BROTHER.
when in reality, this world is chaotic, unpredictable, anomalous and coincidental.
my guess is they do it ,not to uncover the truth but to imagine they have some measure of control.
it would seem (to them) that it's easier to fantasize an evil invisible empire directing all the madness is some how better than the true chaotic reality of life...just say' in .

In fact, much of what you have concluded has also been observed and documented by various psychological studies. The profile of the CT is far more interesting than the silly CTs they religiously, often angrily promote. :D
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What's really, really terrifying about this is that if it is a government conspiracy to take away our right to bear arms....then our government is responsible for the deaths of those innocent children. They will do whatever it takes to get their agenda. Are we really any different than Nazi Germany?

My question remains, how did the bushwhacker supposedly kill all those people and then end up back in the trunk of the car? How did a man shoot his way through the school door and all their security without ANY of it being caught on their very expensive, very new security cameras?

Exactly. According to the CT loons "our gov't perpetrated Sandy Hook as an excuse to take our guns (not that any of these CT loons should have them) and therefore ours is a Nazi gov't."
Phew. :D

You're trying too hard dude..................almost everyone has a doppelganger running around on the planet, it's just a matter of time before you meet them.

Me? I met mine in Millington TN in 88 or 89 while stationed there. I'd had a pretty bad bicycle accident and was on crutches.

Well, I went to the bar to talk to some friends, and when I walked in, people that I didn't even know were coming up to me and asking me what happened. Well, one of them was the best friend of the dude that looked like me, and after 30 seconds or so, he finally realized I wasn't who he thought I was.

Well, the dude's wife was supposed to meet with some people in that bar, and he had me wait until his wife came in. She came up to me, looked at the crutches, and then hugged me and asked what happened. When she looked at me closely, she realized I wasn't her husband and freaked out a little.

He and I could have passed for identical twins.

All yet while rejecting all manner of rational, logical facts Paulitician unquestioningly accepts that the pictures are all of the same woman. It's the only place CTs can function ... the Twilight Zone. :D

Actually, i have agreed that they're not the same woman. I just present information. You decide for yourself. The consensus on the Board is that they are two different women.
What's really, really terrifying about this is that if it is a government conspiracy to take away our right to bear arms....then our government is responsible for the deaths of those innocent children. They will do whatever it takes to get their agenda. Are we really any different than Nazi Germany?

My question remains, how did the bushwhacker supposedly kill all those people and then end up back in the trunk of the car? How did a man shoot his way through the school door and all their security without ANY of it being caught on their very expensive, very new security cameras?

Our Government is responsible for the deaths of Millions of innocent children all over this world. Our CIA personifies pure evil. Innocents are just collateral damage in the NWO's War for domination. They will do anything to achieve their goals. And disarming Citizens has always been one of the most important goals for the NWO Globalists. America is their last hurdle. We'll be a challenge for them. Most Americans still believe in the Constitution, and are willing to fight for it.

But for now, the NWO is on a roll. They've made significant progress here in reecnt years. The only way to turn the tide, is to boot the NWO Globalists. And that's going to be incredibly difficult. They've managed to infiltrate much of our Government. And that goes for both political parties. So expect more of these events in the near future. Because scaring the People is their number one tool used to advance their agenda. First you panic and terrify the People, then you act. It's a proven winner for them. Just look at what they've done since 9/11. Hopefully the People will catch on though. I am still hopeful. You have to stay hopeful.

Gee, why didn't they try to disarm Iraq and Afghanistan when they had a chance?

Apples & Oranges.
As expected, you really have never heard of any of those things but you can look 'em up. :D

You lack depth & substance. Now you're just running on empty. All you have left is lame feeble attempts at ridicule. So seriously, back to your Idiot Box, Idiot.

Serious discourse is reserved for rational adults. You "nothin' but CT" fools get exactly what you deserve from normal peeps ... disdain and derision, but here's some music for your whine, Princess:
:eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo:

Well, that's what Big Brother and your Idiot Box told you anyway. That's your story, and you're definitely stickin to it. Go figure.
What's really, really terrifying about this is that if it is a government conspiracy to take away our right to bear arms....then our government is responsible for the deaths of those innocent children. They will do whatever it takes to get their agenda. Are we really any different than Nazi Germany?

My question remains, how did the bushwhacker supposedly kill all those people and then end up back in the trunk of the car? How did a man shoot his way through the school door and all their security without ANY of it being caught on their very expensive, very new security cameras?

Our Government is responsible for the deaths of Millions of innocent children all over this world. Our CIA personifies pure evil. Innocents are just collateral damage in the NWO's War for domination. They will do anything to achieve their goals. And disarming Citizens has always been one of the most important goals for the NWO Globalists. America is their last hurdle. We'll be a challenge for them. Most Americans still believe in the Constitution, and are willing to fight for it.

But for now, the NWO is on a roll. They've made significant progress here in reecnt years. The only way to turn the tide, is to boot the NWO Globalists. And that's going to be incredibly difficult. They've managed to infiltrate much of our Government. And that goes for both political parties. So expect more of these events in the near future. Because scaring the People is their number one tool used to advance their agenda. First you panic and terrify the People, then you act. It's a proven winner for them. Just look at what they've done since 9/11. Hopefully the People will catch on though. I am still hopeful. You have to stay hopeful.

If you really believed all that drivel and had the courage of your convictions you'd be living in a cave on some remote island in the South Pacific. You just like to see your stupidity in print. :D

So you dispute the fact your Government is responsible for the deaths of Millions of innocent children all over the world? Wow, such delusional denial. You have no idea what your Government is capable of. If you did have an idea, you wouldn't be so quick to join in on all that Goose Stepping.

Your CIA has been staging events and murdering innocents for many many years. And guess what? They don't just do it in foreign countries. They do it right here at home too. They have an infinite amount of tools & weapons at their disposal. They can erase you if they wish. And there's nothing you could do about it. I know you feel safe & comfy in your cocoon of ridicule, but that only proves how weak and ignorant you are. Try the Red Pill sometime. Take care.
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