Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

You guys ignored this the first time I posted it. Care to address anything in it?

So, we are to believe that a whole school is in on the conspiracy, all of the teachers, the parents, and the students, plus the whole fire and police departments, and the surrounding town?

How are they going to hide the children who died but didn't die? How are they going to keep a parent or a teacher from subsequently writing a national best-seller based on how the government used them to creat a false massacre?

Can you not see how preposterous your claim is?
These same quesions have been asked of these loons over on the 9/11 threads.......Don't hold your breath waiting for any answers, 'cause there will not be any.
And the real travesty is all the conspiracy loons using the murder of thees women and children to make money by selling cheesy crap of your god Alex Jones. You people are humping the leg of an atrocity for $$$. Im my book that makes you lower forms of life then the Government you are so terrified of. You are all nothing but pimps and thieves.
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oh and dont forget our corrupt government institutions as well.:lol: doesnt matter the LONG history they have of corruption over the years lying and committing atrocities against the american people.these brainwashed programmed trolls think like you said-if the idiot box says its true,then its automatically true.thats their fucked up logic they have.:lol::lol: they really should consider getting that comedy club going.:lol::D

They can't help it. They've been conditioned to believe everything Big Brother and the Idiot Box tells them. They just don't know anything else. That's why i don't try too hard to engage them in discussion. A Goose Stepper is a Goose Stepper. I can't change them. Only they can change themselves.

conditioned ? You have not posted one original thought on this abortion of a conspiracy theory. Not one. You have only posted whats put out by Alex Jones, and passed around through Emails from a friend of a friend's cousin, who heard on their girlfriends brothers police scanner. You are just needing the next big thing since 2012 did not bring the apocalypse as you fuck wads had hoped. Assholes.

Yep your conditioned alright.Conditioned and brainwashed.Your just too afraid to acknowledge that fact and admit as we both know.

Alex Jones? thanks for showing off what a dumbfuck troll you are. :lol: Alex jones had nothing to do with me not being brainwashed like you are and accepting the official version of this.I havent heard one word from jones about this issue.

Alex Jones never sent me to this link here.

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

frady cat deniars like you of course will call me a tin foil hatter for posting that because it makes you feel good about yourself to shoot the messenger and ignore what these high ranking credible people in their fields say.:lol:

its funny how you dumbfucks try to make it out like alex jones is the only one out there besides people on the net like me and Paulitician saying events like this and 9/11 never happened.:lol::lol::lol:
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And the real travesty is all the conspiracy loons using the murder of thees women and children to make money by selling cheesy crap of your god Alex Jones. You people are humping the leg of an atrocity for $$$. Im my book that makes you lower forms of life then the Government you are so terrified of. You are all nothing but pimps and thieves.

Many are humping the leg of an atrocity for $$$ and power. Who's doing that humping, is in the eye of the beholder i guess. Questioning Big Brother and his Media cronies, is perfectly reasonable in my opinion.
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Or here is even better one.according to the logic of trolls Toto,predfan and others,Jfk was never shot and killed because there are youtube videos that show it,or the twin towers never fell because its on youtube,waco never happened either cause its on youtube.Thats their warped logic that have.:cuckoo::lmao::lmao::lmao:
that was their OWN words,if its on youtube,its not true.:lol::lol::lol:

watch them try and squirm their way out of this one.they'll act like this was never posted or something.they are so predictable when theri logic is proven idotic.:lol:

"rolls on floor laughing."

So wadaya thinkin', HandJob? Did Sandy Hook not happen or did Mossad do it? Hey, maybe it was a false flag op or maybe you were dropped on your head as a baby ... often. :D

What proof do you have that it happened the way it has been reported? And what the Idiot Box told you, doesn't count as proof either. I'll wait.

Yeah I dont bother with Sayit troll anymore.the idiot obviously doesnt get it that i put him on ignore this past weekend when i told others to ignore the troll because he is impossible to reason with.

He is easily one of the biggest hypocrite trolls. He expects me to answer his questions when this chickenshit coward wont do ME the courtesy of even trying to debunk that five minute video of yours on that 9/11 thread of yours you made

.everytime i have asked him to,like the chickenshit coward he is,he runs off with his tail between his legs and just comes back with pathetic one liners as his rebutalls.Here is the proof.

Notice the pitiful one liners he came back with when challenged to debunk the facts in there? predictable.such a hypocrite.
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oh and dont forget our corrupt government institutions as well.:lol: doesnt matter the LONG history they have of corruption over the years lying and committing atrocities against the american people.these brainwashed programmed trolls think like you said-if the idiot box says its true,then its automatically true.thats their fucked up logic they have.:lol::lol: they really should consider getting that comedy club going.:lol::D

They can't help it. They've been conditioned to believe everything Big Brother and the Idiot Box tells them. They just don't know anything else. That's why i don't try too hard to engage them in discussion. A Goose Stepper is a Goose Stepper. I can't change them. Only they can change themselves.

conditioned ? You have not posted one original thought on this abortion of a conspiracy theory. Not one. You have only posted whats put out by Alex Jones, and passed around through Emails from a friend of a friend's cousin, who heard on their girlfriends brothers police scanner. You are just needing the next big thing since 2012 did not bring the apocalypse as you fuck wads had hoped. Assholes.

You have been conditioned. That's pretty obvious. It's only true if Big Brother and the Idiot Box say so. Right? Am i close?
So wadaya thinkin', HandJob? Did Sandy Hook not happen or did Mossad do it? Hey, maybe it was a false flag op or maybe you were dropped on your head as a baby ... often. :D

What proof do you have that it happened the way it has been reported? And what the Idiot Box told you, doesn't count as proof either. I'll wait.

Yeah I dont bother with Sayit troll anymore.the idiot obviously doesnt get it that i put him on ignore this past weekend when i told others to ignore the troll because he is impossible to reason with.

He is easily one of the biggest hypocrite trolls. He expects me to answer his questions when this chickenshit coward wont do ME the courtesy of even trying to debunk that five minute video of yours on that 9/11 thread of yours you made

.everytime i have asked him to,like the chickenshit coward he is,he runs off with his tail between his legs and just comes back with pathetic one liners as his rebutalls.Here is the proof.

Notice the pitiful one liners he came back with when challenged to debunk the facts in there? predictable.such a hypocrite.

Goose Stepper bliss. Unfortunately, that's so common in today's America.
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Typical Paultards. So are you going to bring the rest of the conspiracy as you received it from Clyde Lewis ? Bet you dont, because even other Paultard conspiracy nuts think its stupid.

Blind faith. That's all we have to go on. No one here can prove this happened the way it has been reported. All most have, is their blind faith in Big Brother and Mass Media. I don't have such faith.

For the third time, I don't think it happened exactly the way it has been reported. That's because NO ONE but the shooter knows what actually happened. Just because the official story isn't 100% correct doesn't mean it's a conspiracy.

Which do you think is more close to the truth:

1. that a crazed gunman busted into an elementary school and shot teachers and students.


2. The government plotted, with the cooperation of dozens of school officials, the police and fire departments, and parents and elementary school students, to fake a school shooting in order to get a ban on large capacity magazines and assault rifles.

Which do you think is more likely?
And the real travesty is all the conspiracy loons using the murder of thees women and children to make money by selling cheesy crap of your god Alex Jones. You people are humping the leg of an atrocity for $$$. Im my book that makes you lower forms of life then the Government you are so terrified of. You are all nothing but pimps and thieves.

Many are humping the leg of an atrocity for $$$ and power. Who's doing that humping, is in the eye of the beholder i guess. Questioning Big Brother and his Media cronies, is perfectly reasonable in my opinion.

Questioning is wise, but you've gone too far with this one.
Typical Paultards. So are you going to bring the rest of the conspiracy as you received it from Clyde Lewis ? Bet you dont, because even other Paultard conspiracy nuts think its stupid.

Blind faith. That's all we have to go on. No one here can prove this happened the way it has been reported. All most have, is their blind faith in Big Brother and Mass Media. I don't have such faith.

For the third time, I don't think it happened exactly the way it has been reported. That's because NO ONE but the shooter knows what actually happened. Just because the official story isn't 100% correct doesn't mean it's a conspiracy.

Which do you think is more close to the truth:

1. that a crazed gunman busted into an elementary school and shot teachers and students.


2. The government plotted, with the cooperation of dozens of school officials, the police and fire departments, and parents and elementary school students, to fake a school shooting in order to get a ban on large capacity magazines and assault rifles.

Which do you think is more likely?

They're both likely in my opinion. Never ever underestimate Big Brother.
So was the video of the coroner supposed to tell us that he wasn't the real coroner? So the whole friggin county is in on it?

Coroner? Possibly. Whole country? Obviously not.

County not country. You know the people who would have elected the coroner? The people who would know him....The people that would say he was lying or not acting as his normal self.......
Blind faith. That's all we have to go on. No one here can prove this happened the way it has been reported. All most have, is their blind faith in Big Brother and Mass Media. I don't have such faith.

For the third time, I don't think it happened exactly the way it has been reported. That's because NO ONE but the shooter knows what actually happened. Just because the official story isn't 100% correct doesn't mean it's a conspiracy.

Which do you think is more close to the truth:

1. that a crazed gunman busted into an elementary school and shot teachers and students.


2. The government plotted, with the cooperation of dozens of school officials, the police and fire departments, and parents and elementary school students, to fake a school shooting in order to get a ban on large capacity magazines and assault rifles.

Which do you think is more likely?

They're both likely in my opinion. Never ever underestimate Big Brother.

It's sad to hear you say that.
This thread doesnt prove that the official story isnt true,however THIS thread
shows that it should be questioned and fully examined.something the LAMESTREAM media will never do of course.The coincidences are just too bizarre to ignore.But since so many trolls here worship the media to know end,the coincidence theorists just like with 9/11,will of course chuck it all up to just that,another bizaare coincidence that happens to be true.:lol::cuckoo::cuckoo:
And the real travesty is all the conspiracy loons using the murder of thees women and children to make money by selling cheesy crap of your god Alex Jones. You people are humping the leg of an atrocity for $$$. Im my book that makes you lower forms of life then the Government you are so terrified of. You are all nothing but pimps and thieves.

Many are humping the leg of an atrocity for $$$ and power. Who's doing that humping, is in the eye of the beholder i guess. Questioning Big Brother and his Media cronies, is perfectly reasonable in my opinion.

Questioning is wise, but you've gone too far with this one.

I disagree. It's especially these times, that we must question the Government/Media Complex.
Typical Paultards. So are you going to bring the rest of the conspiracy as you received it from Clyde Lewis ? Bet you dont, because even other Paultard conspiracy nuts think its stupid.

Blind faith. That's all we have to go on. No one here can prove this happened the way it has been reported. All most have, is their blind faith in Big Brother and Mass Media. I don't have such faith.

For the third time, I don't think it happened exactly the way it has been reported. That's because NO ONE but the shooter knows what actually happened. Just because the official story isn't 100% correct doesn't mean it's a conspiracy.

Which do you think is more close to the truth:

1. that a crazed gunman busted into an elementary school and shot teachers and students.


2. The government plotted, with the cooperation of dozens of school officials, the police and fire departments, and parents and elementary school students, to fake a school shooting in order to get a ban on large capacity magazines and assault rifles.

Which do you think is more likely?

this folks coming from a troll who STILL thinks oswald was the lone assassin of kennedy.:lmao:

even though even the LAMESTREAM media has done a piece on it endorcing the warren commission that oswald did it but even THEY have come out and admitted that 80% of americans now believe the truth that there was a conspiracy.But according to Predfan troll.those 80% of americans are tin foil hatters.:lol::lol::lol::lmao:
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Or here is even better one.according to the logic of trolls Toto,predfan and others,Jfk was never shot and killed because there are youtube videos that show it,or the twin towers never fell because its on youtube,waco never happened either cause its on youtube.Thats their warped logic that have.:cuckoo::lmao::lmao::lmao:
that was their OWN words,if its on youtube,its not true.:lol::lol::lol:

watch them try and squirm their way out of this one.they'll act like this was never posted or something.they are so predictable when theri logic is proven idotic.:lol:

"rolls on floor laughing."

So wadaya thinkin', HandJob? Did Sandy Hook not happen or did Mossad do it? Hey, maybe it was a false flag op or maybe you were dropped on your head as a baby ... often. :D

What proof do you have that it happened the way it has been reported? And what the Idiot Box told you, doesn't count as proof either. I'll wait.

Oh that is rich, you are asking for proof of something before the official investigation is even over......DUH...........

You're trying too hard dude..................almost everyone has a doppelganger running around on the planet, it's just a matter of time before you meet them.

Me? I met mine in Millington TN in 88 or 89 while stationed there. I'd had a pretty bad bicycle accident and was on crutches.

Well, I went to the bar to talk to some friends, and when I walked in, people that I didn't even know were coming up to me and asking me what happened. Well, one of them was the best friend of the dude that looked like me, and after 30 seconds or so, he finally realized I wasn't who he thought I was.

Well, the dude's wife was supposed to meet with some people in that bar, and he had me wait until his wife came in. She came up to me, looked at the crutches, and then hugged me and asked what happened. When she looked at me closely, she realized I wasn't her husband and freaked out a little.

He and I could have passed for identical twins.
Blind faith. That's all we have to go on. No one here can prove this happened the way it has been reported. All most have, is their blind faith in Big Brother and Mass Media. I don't have such faith.

For the third time, I don't think it happened exactly the way it has been reported. That's because NO ONE but the shooter knows what actually happened. Just because the official story isn't 100% correct doesn't mean it's a conspiracy.

Which do you think is more close to the truth:

1. that a crazed gunman busted into an elementary school and shot teachers and students.


2. The government plotted, with the cooperation of dozens of school officials, the police and fire departments, and parents and elementary school students, to fake a school shooting in order to get a ban on large capacity magazines and assault rifles.

Which do you think is more likely?

this folks coming from a troll who STILL thinks oswald was the lone assassin of kennedy.:lmao:

even though even the LAMESTREAM media has done a piece on it endorcing the warren commission that oswald did it but even THEY have come out and admitted that 80% of americans now believe the truth that there was a conspiracy.But according to Predfan troll.those 80% of americans are tin foil hatters.:lol::lol::lol::lmao:

And you and trufers and Paultards are spouting the bull shit of a man who has gotten rich on the deaths of 3,000 innocent people, and is now trying to do it over the corpses of innocent women and children.
To 9/11 inside nutjob, Youtube = truth.

And there we have it.


To Toto and Predfan trolls logic and the other trolls on here,if the corporate controlled media and our corrupt government institutions say it happened that way,that makes it automatically true no matter if witnesses there say otherwise.predictable.:lol::lol::lmao:

according to Totos logic,if someone is on a youtube video saying one plus one equals two,then according to Totos warped logic he has,that person is automatically wrong because its on a youtube video.:lol::lmao:

This frady cat troll Toto really needs to get that comedy club going.:lol:

The Sandy Hook parents should instead be worrying "about the murderers Bush and Cheney wandering free, instead of little things, like their" dead "children."

Fucking dipshit.
For the third time, I don't think it happened exactly the way it has been reported. That's because NO ONE but the shooter knows what actually happened. Just because the official story isn't 100% correct doesn't mean it's a conspiracy.

Which do you think is more close to the truth:

1. that a crazed gunman busted into an elementary school and shot teachers and students.


2. The government plotted, with the cooperation of dozens of school officials, the police and fire departments, and parents and elementary school students, to fake a school shooting in order to get a ban on large capacity magazines and assault rifles.

Which do you think is more likely?

this folks coming from a troll who STILL thinks oswald was the lone assassin of kennedy.:lmao:

even though even the LAMESTREAM media has done a piece on it endorcing the warren commission that oswald did it but even THEY have come out and admitted that 80% of americans now believe the truth that there was a conspiracy.But according to Predfan troll.those 80% of americans are tin foil hatters.:lol::lol::lol::lmao:

And you and trufers and Paultards are spouting the bull shit of a man who has gotten rich on the deaths of 3,000 innocent people, and is now trying to do it over the corpses of innocent women and children.

These idiots are soooooooooooooooo stupid, it would be laughably funny.

I mean, if dead people weren't involved.

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