Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

The timing of the release of the official report concerning the weapons allegedly used at Sandy Hook couldn't have been any better for the gun control crowd (Plouffe ET AL), specifically in their effort to "enlist the American people in these debates". The report came out on Friday the 18th, just in time for David's appearance on one of CNN's nationally televised propagandist shows.

Just playing a little Advocatus Diaboli, Daws.

If you can't muster a legitimate response to the factual aspects of my apparently biased view, keep the smilies to yourself. Or, in other words, if you can't take the heat, get the hell out of the kitchen.

In case you can't decipher the facts on your own, here they are:

1) On Friday Jan. 18, 2013, the State of Connecticut released a "clarification" concerning the weapons found at the Sandy Hook crime scene.

2) Included in the inventory was a Bushmaster .223 assault rifle (I.E. the kind of weapon the gun control lobby really wants to ban).

3) Two days later, on a nationally televised Sunday Night news show, David Plouffe spoke of gathering support for gun control (read: the AWB) outside of Washington DC (on "the grassroots" level).

If you want to refute any conclusions drawn from these facts, your best bet would be to start with the facts themselves ...and then to offer an opposing interpretation of their apparent relationships to each other.
I'll stay in the kitchen.
I need no help with the facts. BTW:lol::lol::lol::lol:
sounds somewhat reasonable to me. However, cnn did report the footage as being from sandy hook.

well, that was some poetic license that only they can answer for.....those 2 shots were a different school...

sorry to bust in but this just in: Mad sci has finally revealed the source of his 737 engine bs ... The blogosphere!
engine experts? - pilots for 9/11 truth forum
fun fact any group that has for truth in it's title is in fact a bunch of paranoids playing at science.
Kinda like creationists.
Clearly it is real easy for a 120 pound autistic man to carry multiple weapons and "hundreds of rounds" of ammo hundreds of feet.

I squat 315 pounds in the gym for 6 or 7 reps and weigh 200 lbs......couldnt pull that off in a million years. I also work for the past 27 years with autistic adults.......hundreds. Never saw a single one who could easily carry virtually anything........but this 120 pound guy lugged this shit all over the parking lot and school AND methodically blew the hinges off the front door of the school......not a single soul saw this happen and thought it a bit odd enough to call 911 on their cell phone!!!


Well, quite frankly , you are.......

When the investigation is over and an official report is made I might consider some of your BullShit.
my sensei (karate instructor) Tadashi Yamashita (if that name is familiar Google chuck Norris films)
weighed around 120 pounds, the point is weight has nothing to do with it.
also the shooter had Asperger syndrome a form of autism all of his cognitive abilities were intact...your "theory" seems to be drowning in it's own bullshit.
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When the investigation is over? I thought we knew the story already. In fact, we knew it within a few hours of the 'shooting' didn't we? This was an easy one to solve. Why all the uproar here? Anyone with a stitch of common sense knows that any 120 lb. autistic kid with no history of violence (nor history of anything really) could pull this off. Let me explain how it went down and I challenge anyone to tell me this DOESN'T make sense:

Around 2009 Adam Lanza drops off the face of the earth; no photos, no sitings of him, no haircuts, no video footage, not seen by any neighbors nor ANY electronic foot print left behind. He obviosly became angry because it seemed like he had no life (which it seems like he didn't...literally), so he woke up one day, blew away his mom (the only person he trusted in life) smashed the computer (that he apparently never used) and drove to an elementry school across town and shot 26 innocent people with absolutely no motive. What is hard to believe about that?

Let's all never mind about the 3 or 4 conflicting gun stories. Nevermind that this 120 kid was able to haul his own weight in guns and ammo into the school. Nevermind that there was about one call made to 911 when every person over the age of 9 in that school had a cellphone. Nevermind that there is exactly zero evidence that anyone actually died in the video footage, no eyewitness accounts. Nevermind the guy caught up in the woods who was either Chris Manfradonia (gingerbread man) or a cop from somewhere else. Nevermind that EMS workers were not allowed into the school. Nevermind that we don't know who actually decided that none of these poor victims could not be saved. nevermind that is standard medical procedure to transport severly injured victims to hospitals as there might be the slightest chance that one could be saved. Nevermind that we saw no mass evacuation of 650 kids and what would have to be upwards of 1000 parents. Nevermind that Gene Rosen must have had ghosts on his lawn as six kids were shot and killed in Ms. Soto's class and the rest were found in a closet by police. Nevermind that it never occured to Grampy Gene to call the police to come get the ghosts on his lawn. Nevermind that he was able to know the names of the victims by 6 pm that night when the rest of us had to wait until Sunday. Nevermind that parents who's kids were massacred a day before have no red or bloodshot eyes and don't shed a tear and laugh before they get on camera. Nevermind that nick and Laura Phelps are not Nick and Laura Phelps. Nevermind that you could be prosecuted for questioning the authorities about this. Nevermind that in the days following the shooting grief striken parents talk about gun laws. nevermind that none of the parents of the six ghosts on Rosen's lawn have yet to come foward to support him in his time of need. Nevermind that we are yet to hear a word from Adam's father or brother. Nevermind that in Nancy Lanza's obituary there is no mention of Adam. Nevermind that when you search Spokeo you can find Nancy Lanza, Peter Lanza and Ryan Lanza but no Adam Lanza. Nevermind when you search Spokeo you can't find the principal nor Robbie Parker. Nevermind that the car Adam supposedly used was registered to Chris Rodia. Nevermind that the gun found in the truck that might be used as evidence is ruined as such by whoever took it out of the trunk. Nevermind that the police wouldn't know if the car had a bomb in it. And definately don't mind that there is at least 'dead' person in the picture with Obama, because to my eye the boy in the picture looks a hell of a lot like Jesse Lewis.

Again, how can anyone question any of this is beyond me.

And whose sock are you again?
one with holes !
he or she is a well organized tin hat....I guess if I had the gift of never mind .
I'd think that way too!
Sandy Hook was not a hoax.

All I will say is that there are real people out there, you know...........away from your hoaky little computer - whos lives were drastically altered and have to deal with this forever while you sit and ponder if it ever happened at all.

Get outside. Seriously.

the denials and the refusal to look at the evidence continues from the sheople at USMB message boards.

You have no evidence.

You forgot the hardest part - that some people actual know these very real residents of the very real place, called Sandy Hook.

So sorry for you that you latch onto the titty of every little conspiracy theory like a good little lemming sheep, all the while calling the saner amongst us the "sheep," as though you're not being led by the nose by people who sell plastic green men in convenience stores in New Mexico.

Sit the fuck down, in short.
hey new guy it's a waste of time to reason with hand job...he's from the shallow end of the gene pool...
Clearly it is real easy for a 120 pound autistic man to carry multiple weapons and "hundreds of rounds" of ammo hundreds of feet.

I squat 315 pounds in the gym for 6 or 7 reps and weigh 200 lbs......couldnt pull that off in a million years. I also work for the past 27 years with autistic adults.......hundreds. Never saw a single one who could easily carry virtually anything........but this 120 pound guy lugged this shit all over the parking lot and school AND methodically blew the hinges off the front door of the school......not a single soul saw this happen and thought it a bit odd enough to call 911 on their cell phone!!!


Well, quite frankly , you are.......

When the investigation is over and an official report is made I might consider some of your BullShit.
my sensei (karate instructor) Tadashi Yamashita (if that name is familiar Google chuck Norris films)
weighed around 120 pounds, the point is weight has nothing to do with it.
also the shooter had Asperger syndrome a form of autism all of his cognitive abilities were intact...your "theory" seems to be drowning in it's own bullshit. now Adam Lanza was a bonafide ninja??!!:2up:

Well, I'm real proud of your sensei but weight has everything to do with it in Realville s0n. I know just a little about autism. This guy wasnt the captain of anything and wasnt athletic..........folks with autism almost never lead a normal social life because they are not capable of it. And this 120 pound guy is carrying all of this shit around the parking lot and into different area's of the school and making all of his shots precison shots like a Navy Seal despite never being seen by anybody to ever be at any target range!!!

Very plausible indeed!!!:coffee:

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I would love to see some links showing that he could not carry the 3 weapons and ammo, and that no one ever saw him at any range. If this is true where did the story that his mother took him to ranges come from?
People with Asperger syndrome become over-focused or obsessed on a single object or topic, ignoring all others. They want to know everything about this topic, and often talk about little else.

Children with Asperger syndrome will present many facts about their subject of interest, but there will seem to be no point or conclusion.

They often do not recognize that the other person has lost interest in the topic.

Areas of interest may be quite narrow, such as an obsession with train schedules, phone books, a vacuum cleaner, or collections of objects.

People with Asperger do not withdraw from the world in the way that people with an autistic disorder do. They will often approach other people. However, their problems with speech and language in a social setting often lead to isolation.

Their body language may be unusual.

They may speak in a monotone, and may not respond to other people's comments or emotions.

They may not understand sarcasm or humor, or they may take a figure of speech literally.

They do not recognize the need to change the volume of their voice in different settings.

They have problems with eye contact, facial expressions, body postures, or gestures (nonverbal communication).

They may be singled out by other children as "weird" or "strange."

People with Asperger syndrome have trouble forming relationships with children their own age or other adults, because they:

Are unable to respond emotionally in normal social interactions

Are not flexible about routines or rituals

Have difficulty showing, bringing, or pointing out objects of interest to other people

Do not express pleasure at other people's happiness

Children with Asperger syndrome may show delays in motor development, and unusual physical behaviors, such as:

Delays in being able to ride a bicycle, catch a ball, or climb play equipment

Clumsiness when walking or doing other activities

Repetitive finger flapping, twisting, or whole body movements

Many children with Asperger syndrome are very active, and may also be diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Anxiety or depression may develop during adolescence and young adulthood. Symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder and a tic disorder such as Tourette syndrome may be seen.

Asperger syndrome - PubMed Health

I see nothing in there that says he couldn't carry and fire weapons..........
The guns and ammo was too heavy for Lanza to carry? Some of you are clearly speaking from a place of ignorance. Do you even know what an AR-15 weighs? My roommate has one and id guess it's 5 pounds at most. They are light as fuck. Lanzas guns and ammo wasnt even 20 pounds. He could easilly carry that shit. Anyone claiming otherwise is a fucking retard that should kill himself.
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How many jackasses are there on this forum?

First of all, a civilian AR-15 wieghs 8.5 pounds.

Its 2 lb. for each 'normal' intermediate cartridge clip (30 rounds of .223/5,56mm) - AR-15

Its 1 lb for each handgun magazine for the type this guy suppossedly used.

All police reports said, "Hundreds of rounds" were fired in the school.

The little prick weighed 120 pounds. Are you fucking kidding me......this is the male version of Kate Hudson, assholes.

Or....what? The first ever autistic Superman just happened to show up in Sandy Hook that day!!!

My 13 years old plays hockey, weighs 145 pounds and couldnt walk up and down my driveway 3 times carrying that kind of weight. And this scarecrow was strolling leisurely around the school for 15 mintues carrying all this shit and doing precision shooting the whole time!!!:2up::2up::2up:

Not a stretch at all!!!:D

My entire life has been spent dedicated to caring for autistic adults ( 27 years). Nobody in here gets the connect the dots exercise. These people are socially fubar'd..........Asbergers or otherwise. They dont fit into the mainstream which means this kid was not part of any organized sport or team which explains incredible levels of physical underdevelopment ( 20 years old.....120 pounds). He is a textbook of a "weakling"........but he pulled this off like a Navy Seal??!!!!
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All police reports said, "Hundreds of rounds" were fired in the school.

The little prick weighed 120 pounds. Are you fucking kidding me......this is the male version of Kate Hudson, assholes.

Or....what? The first ever autistic Superman just happened to show up in Sandy Hook that day!!!

My entire life has been spent dedicated to caring for autistic adults ( 27 years). Nobody in here gets the connect the dots exercise. These people are socially fubar'd..........Asbergers or otherwise. They dont fit into the mainstream which means this kid was not part of any organized sport or team which explains incredible levels of physical underdevelopment ( 20 years old.....120 pounds). He is a textbook of a "weakling"........but he pulled this off like a Navy Seal??!!!!
Very well put!

How exactly was it pulled off like a SEAL? Which aspect of this mass murder was SEAL like? Wheres your source for how much ammo he was carrying? How many rounds was it exactly? Lets see the facts that have made you so impassioned and lets do the math and see how much his gear weighed. You better fucking have good data on this, considering your rants in this thread. If you dont, know that you will look foolish.
I would love to see some links showing that he could not carry the 3 weapons and ammo, and that no one ever saw him at any range. If this is true where did the story that his mother took him to ranges come from?
People with Asperger syndrome become over-focused or obsessed on a single object or topic, ignoring all others. They want to know everything about this topic, and often talk about little else.

Children with Asperger syndrome will present many facts about their subject of interest, but there will seem to be no point or conclusion.

They often do not recognize that the other person has lost interest in the topic.

Areas of interest may be quite narrow, such as an obsession with train schedules, phone books, a vacuum cleaner, or collections of objects.

People with Asperger do not withdraw from the world in the way that people with an autistic disorder do. They will often approach other people. However, their problems with speech and language in a social setting often lead to isolation.

Their body language may be unusual.

They may speak in a monotone, and may not respond to other people's comments or emotions.

They may not understand sarcasm or humor, or they may take a figure of speech literally.

They do not recognize the need to change the volume of their voice in different settings.

They have problems with eye contact, facial expressions, body postures, or gestures (nonverbal communication).

They may be singled out by other children as "weird" or "strange."

People with Asperger syndrome have trouble forming relationships with children their own age or other adults, because they:

Are unable to respond emotionally in normal social interactions

Are not flexible about routines or rituals

Have difficulty showing, bringing, or pointing out objects of interest to other people

Do not express pleasure at other people's happiness

Children with Asperger syndrome may show delays in motor development, and unusual physical behaviors, such as:

Delays in being able to ride a bicycle, catch a ball, or climb play equipment

Clumsiness when walking or doing other activities

Repetitive finger flapping, twisting, or whole body movements

Many children with Asperger syndrome are very active, and may also be diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Anxiety or depression may develop during adolescence and young adulthood. Symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder and a tic disorder such as Tourette syndrome may be seen.

Asperger syndrome - PubMed Health

I see nothing in there that says he couldn't carry and fire weapons..........
America’s false autism epidemic

Overdiagnosing autism?Allen Frances -
How exactly was it pulled off like a SEAL? Which aspect of this mass murder was SEAL like? Wheres your source for how much ammo he was carrying? How many rounds was it exactly? Lets see the facts that have made you so impassioned and lets do the math and see how much his gear weighed. You better fucking have good data on this, considering your rants in this thread. If you dont, know that you will look foolish. have to familiarize yourself with the official report. How much ammo was he carrying? Not sure.......Im going by official statements in the media that quote police saying "hundreds of rounds were fired". You go look it up.


Nobody went to a hospital with wounds from a stray round..........not one person!!! Really?:D:D:D Look it up s0n........and while you are at it, look up "leprechans" in google. You'll find there are no such things!!!

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