Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

[...] The CT "movement" has become an addiction, even a religion to some who reject any rational thought that might wander into their tiny pinheads. ...

As I see things, the rejection of 'rational thought' is an integral feature of the mindset of those who are still willing to hold trust of the Government as the default position. If any other entity in the history of mankind has earned the right to be viewed with skepticism and treated with suspicion by default, factions the US Government (along with those pulling their strings from behind the veil) are at least as worthy. The "CT Movement" (as you call it) is antithetical to the doctrine of the misled and is thereby more aptly characterized as an anti-religion.

Well said. Thank God there is this supposed "CT Movement." They seem to be the only people out there daring to question the Government/Media Complex. You have to at least attempt to keep em honest. You can't just go along to get along. We saw how that worked out in Nazi Germany. Anyway, great post. Thanks.

Ah, yes. When in doubt, compare whatever it is you dislike to the Nazis.

The funny thing is, I have no doubt that we'll be hearing the same thing in 10, 20, even 50 years. It must be comforting to think that all the evils of the world are caused by a single evil group....sort of turning the US government into your devil. Something bad happened? It can't be an uncaring universe, it can't be random chance, it can't even be a few lunatics....none of those are things that you can try to do anything about. But a single organization, secretly in control of everything? THAT you can rail against and try to get others to believe in! THAT you can feel like you are fighting against!
We have a fundamental diff in how we view America. ...

Maybe not as far removed as it may seem.

Let me make one thing crystalline clear: I believe there are many basically 'good people' in Government, journalism, and even religion. The shared problem in most arenas here in the US lies with the distribution of power and the means by which it's been limited to a tiny minority of extremely wealthy and somewhat like-minded individuals. But no matter how few there have been, it's my opinion that too many 'bad people' have enjoyed the power to influence the lives of the many for far too long.

In my heart of hearts, I believe in the power of 'good'; and that conviction will never falter in the face of evil.
How exactly was it pulled off like a SEAL? Which aspect of this mass murder was SEAL like? Wheres your source for how much ammo he was carrying? How many rounds was it exactly? Lets see the facts that have made you so impassioned and lets do the math and see how much his gear weighed. You better fucking have good data on this, considering your rants in this thread. If you dont, know that you will look foolish. have to familiarize yourself with the official report. How much ammo was he carrying? Not sure.......Im going by official statements in the media that quote police saying "hundreds of rounds were fired". You go look it up.


Nobody went to a hospital with wounds from a stray round..........not one person!!! Really?:D:D:D Look it up s0n........and while you are at it, look up "leprechans" in google. You'll find there are no such things!!!

There is no "official report" yet......

And who the hell couldn't hit a group of 20-30 kids from 15-20 feet away? Nothing navy Seal about it. The worst shot i ever had at a range (Yes I was a certified range safety officer at Ft Bragg) could have done as much damage......or more.....
Continued from above post:

My thought is the folks who still hold onto the idea that the official story is true and have done their due diligence are either in complete denial or won't admit that they've been had. Nothing else could really explain it. One thing theses gullible folks can't deny is that Obama is exploiting it for political gains but I feel that is just an aside for a much larger initiative that will impact everyone regardless of what side of the political fence you sit on.

By the way, I can vouch for skook's credentials in regard to his experience and knowledge of Autism. He's spent half his life in the field so if you think you can read some article and school him in that area think again. Twenty seven years experience trumps your 9 minute skim of an article, don't ya think?

And he can't school me in my 22 years of experience in the military.....Take your uninformed half ass opinion and place it where the sun don't shine....
I would love to see some links showing that he could not carry the 3 weapons and ammo, and that no one ever saw him at any range. If this is true where did the story that his mother took him to ranges come from?
People with Asperger syndrome become over-focused or obsessed on a single object or topic, ignoring all others. They want to know everything about this topic, and often talk about little else.

Children with Asperger syndrome will present many facts about their subject of interest, but there will seem to be no point or conclusion.

They often do not recognize that the other person has lost interest in the topic.

Areas of interest may be quite narrow, such as an obsession with train schedules, phone books, a vacuum cleaner, or collections of objects.

People with Asperger do not withdraw from the world in the way that people with an autistic disorder do. They will often approach other people. However, their problems with speech and language in a social setting often lead to isolation.

Their body language may be unusual.

They may speak in a monotone, and may not respond to other people's comments or emotions.

They may not understand sarcasm or humor, or they may take a figure of speech literally.

They do not recognize the need to change the volume of their voice in different settings.

They have problems with eye contact, facial expressions, body postures, or gestures (nonverbal communication).

They may be singled out by other children as "weird" or "strange."

People with Asperger syndrome have trouble forming relationships with children their own age or other adults, because they:

Are unable to respond emotionally in normal social interactions

Are not flexible about routines or rituals

Have difficulty showing, bringing, or pointing out objects of interest to other people

Do not express pleasure at other people's happiness

Children with Asperger syndrome may show delays in motor development, and unusual physical behaviors, such as:

Delays in being able to ride a bicycle, catch a ball, or climb play equipment

Clumsiness when walking or doing other activities

Repetitive finger flapping, twisting, or whole body movements

Many children with Asperger syndrome are very active, and may also be diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Anxiety or depression may develop during adolescence and young adulthood. Symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder and a tic disorder such as Tourette syndrome may be seen.

Asperger syndrome - PubMed Health

I see nothing in there that says he couldn't carry and fire weapons..........

No offense Ollie, i really do respect you. But you won't believe anything unless the Government/Media Complex and Idiot Box tells you it's so. Unfortunately, you're like most Americans. It just can't be real and true if Big Brother and the Idiot Box didn't say so.

Yet there are no answers to simple questions.........
Well, quite frankly , you are.......

When the investigation is over and an official report is made I might consider some of your BullShit.
my sensei (karate instructor) Tadashi Yamashita (if that name is familiar Google chuck Norris films)
weighed around 120 pounds, the point is weight has nothing to do with it.
also the shooter had Asperger syndrome a form of autism all of his cognitive abilities were intact...your "theory" seems to be drowning in it's own bullshit. now Adam Lanza was a bonafide ninja??!!:2up:

Well, I'm real proud of your sensei but weight has everything to do with it in Realville s0n. I know just a little about autism. This guy wasnt the captain of anything and wasnt athletic..........folks with autism almost never lead a normal social life because they are not capable of it. And this 120 pound guy is carrying all of this shit around the parking lot and into different area's of the school and making all of his shots precison shots like a Navy Seal despite never being seen by anybody to ever be at any target range!!!

Very plausible indeed!!!:coffee:

did I say he was a ninja ,slapdick?
don't call me son unless your over 70 years old.
no one in the media or on this site said he had a " normal"social life. it's completely irrelevant.
also you keep yammering about how heavy the shit was.
do you have any proof that he did not haul all that shit around one or two pieces at a time.
NO you don't ,you've assumed that he did it all at once.
lastly,not everybody learns to shoot at target range.
I learned to shoot at my uncle's property in Georgia, the same way lot's of people learn to shoot
the guys who massacred all those kids at columbine never went to a shooting range either.
in short,your assumption that Adam lanza somehow needed to go to a range is a masturbation fantasy, fun but meaningless.

oh yea if Adam lanza's autism was that acute, then how did he learn to drive?
doesn't driving take more cognitive ability and coordination than shooting?
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We have a fundamental diff in how we view America. ...

Maybe not as far removed as it may seem.

Let me make one thing crystalline clear: I believe there are many basically 'good people' in Government, journalism, and even religion. The shared problem in most arenas here in the US lies with the distribution of power and the means by which it's been limited to a tiny minority of extremely wealthy and somewhat like-minded individuals. But no matter how few there have been, it's my opinion that too many 'bad people' have enjoyed the power to influence the lives of the many for far too long.

In my heart of hearts, I believe in the power of 'good'; and that conviction will never falter in the face of evil.

Isn't this true of pretty much all government, not just the US? It sounds to me like you agree with the idea that power corrupts. I certainly do, which is why I wouldn't say I trust the government; I just don't see the government as some monolithic force of evil as some here seem to.

I think that the best and brightest do not necessarily go into politics. Those we would want to lead are rarely the ones who choose to lead. I think too many of those who go into politics do so for personal power, and too many of those who go with noble intentions are ground down by the compromise and corruption inherent in politics.

I do not think that is in any way limited to the US, or this time in history, nor do I think it implies any kind of agreement between the corrupt and power-hungry in government. That, I think, is the big issue.
[...] The CT "movement" has become an addiction, even a religion to some who reject any rational thought that might wander into their tiny pinheads. ...

...The "CT Movement" (as you call it) is antithetical to the doctrine of the misled and is thereby more aptly characterized as an anti-religion.

As I call it? Do you recall posting the following on this thread at 12:09 am? I was quoting you:
"Many fail to see how badly damaging their premature enthusiasm will be to the credibility of the movement, once the smoke has cleared and all the easily debunked stuff will be used to cast a shadow of doubt on the not-so-easily-debunked stuff."
Well, quite frankly , you are.......

When the investigation is over and an official report is made I might consider some of your BullShit.
my sensei (karate instructor) Tadashi Yamashita (if that name is familiar Google chuck Norris films)
weighed around 120 pounds, the point is weight has nothing to do with it.
also the shooter had Asperger syndrome a form of autism all of his cognitive abilities were intact...your "theory" seems to be drowning in it's own bullshit. now Adam Lanza was a bonafide ninja??!!:2up:

Well, I'm real proud of your sensei but weight has everything to do with it in Realville s0n. I know just a little about autism. This guy wasnt the captain of anything and wasnt athletic..........folks with autism almost never lead a normal social life because they are not capable of it. And this 120 pound guy is carrying all of this shit around the parking lot and into different area's of the school and making all of his shots precison shots like a Navy Seal despite never being seen by anybody to ever be at any target range!!!

Very plausible indeed!!!:coffee:


They look real to me and certainly more genuine than the BS dumped on this board by loony tunes CT nutters. :D
my sensei (karate instructor) Tadashi Yamashita (if that name is familiar Google chuck Norris films)
weighed around 120 pounds, the point is weight has nothing to do with it.
also the shooter had Asperger syndrome a form of autism all of his cognitive abilities were intact...your "theory" seems to be drowning in it's own bullshit. now Adam Lanza was a bonafide ninja??!!:2up:

Well, I'm real proud of your sensei but weight has everything to do with it in Realville s0n. I know just a little about autism. This guy wasnt the captain of anything and wasnt athletic..........folks with autism almost never lead a normal social life because they are not capable of it. And this 120 pound guy is carrying all of this shit around the parking lot and into different area's of the school and making all of his shots precison shots like a Navy Seal despite never being seen by anybody to ever be at any target range!!!

Very plausible indeed!!!:coffee:


They look real to me and certainly more genuine than the BS dumped on this board by loony tunes CT nutters. :D
problem is with those monster mamaries is you have to book two rooms one for you and one for them.
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[...] I wouldn't say I trust the government; I just don't see the government as some monolithic force of evil as some here seem to.

There's a middle ground between blind trust and outright distrust.

There's also a distinction between damning 'the government' as a whole and identifying potential infiltrators (such as people with dual citizenship, whose loyalties may be rightfully questioned, especially in light of their extra-governmental affiliations and favored agendas (AIPAC, the CFR, ETC.) and naming extra-governmental groups with undue influence over governmental policy-making (can anyone say the FED?). But while the veil should be rent and all the string-pulling bastards pulled into the light of day; tossing out the baby with the bathwater should never be advocated, not even by the most ardent among us.

[...] I think that the best and brightest do not necessarily go into politics. Those we would want to lead are rarely the ones who choose to lead. I think too many of those who go into politics do so for personal power, and too many of those who go with noble intentions are ground down by the compromise and corruption inherent in politics. ...

Unfortunately, while good intentions and proper motivations are rewarding in and of themselves, such things have rarely been rewarded in the halls of power and influence.

[...] I do not think that is in any way limited to the US, or this time in history, nor do I think it implies any kind of agreement between the corrupt and power-hungry in government. That, I think, is the big issue.


What implies agreement between the corrupt and power-hungry in government is shit like this. War-profiteering policies, laser-focused deregulation in the financial sector, bank bailouts, and the billions of dollars procured for certain foreign interests, all in conjunction with the clear agendas to restrict or do away with long treasured civil liberties and to undercut cherished social programs in order to spend as little as possible on the masses.
As I call it? Do you recall posting the following on this thread at 12:09 am? I was quoting you:
"Many fail to see how badly damaging their premature enthusiasm will be to the credibility of the movement, once the smoke has cleared and all the easily debunked stuff will be used to cast a shadow of doubt on the not-so-easily-debunked stuff."

Yeah, "as [you] call it"; and I do remember posting that. The reason I didn't include the "CT" designation was because I was referring to a specific conspiracy theory (namely the one on which this thread was based); but if there's a larger "movement" to suspect conspiracy as a general rule, "CT movement" would apparently be your choice of words to refer to it (not mine).
Back on track, assuming this is credible (and that the first magazine was full upon entry), the alleged shooter was a little more than halfway through the third mag when the rifle jammed, and the M-15 would only account for 79 of the bullets discharged inside the school.
Back on track, assuming this is credible (and that the first magazine was full upon entry), the alleged shooter was a little more than halfway through the third mag when the rifle jammed, and the M-15 would only account for 79 of the bullets discharged inside the school.
they're still dead ..if I recall MOST of the victims were in one room. 79 bullets is about 4 per victim..
back on track, assuming this is credible (and that the first magazine was full upon entry), the alleged shooter was a little more than halfway through the third mag when the rifle jammed, and the m-15 would only account for 79 of the bullets discharged inside the school.
they're still dead ..if i recall most of the victims were in one room. 79 bullets is about 4 per victim..

they're still dead ..if I recall MOST of the victims were in one room. 79 bullets is about 4 per victim..

With so many conflicting reports circulating, it's really tough to nail down a working theory. The best estimate I've seen of bullets fired is around 150. Approximately 12 rounds are believed to have been fired from rifle to break through a pane of protective glass near the point of entry, which leaves room for 67 more rounds from the rifle and forces the 2 handguns to account for the 71 remaining rounds (although WHY the alleged shooter might have switched to the handguns before the rifle jammed remains an open question).
back on track, assuming this is credible (and that the first magazine was full upon entry), the alleged shooter was a little more than halfway through the third mag when the rifle jammed, and the m-15 would only account for 79 of the bullets discharged inside the school.
they're still dead ..if i recall most of the victims were in one room. 79 bullets is about 4 per victim..

thanks ....accurate math requires caffeine!:eusa_angel:
I'm still wondering why there hasn't been a definitive account as to what type of weapon was used
in this horrific event.

Was it a rifle,combat assault rifle,handguns...


By now we should have an idea.
I'm still wondering why there hasn't been a definitive account as to what type of weapon was used
in this horrific event.

Was it a rifle,combat assault rifle,handguns...


By now we should have an idea.

Yeah, pretty convenient how that AR 15 magically appeared in his trunk hah? Something's very wrong with this picture. And less & less information will be available. But that's the way it's supposed to be. With no independent & credible American Media, there's very little chance we'll ever know what really happened...or didn't happen.

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