Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

I would love to see some links showing that he could not carry the 3 weapons and ammo, and that no one ever saw him at any range. If this is true where did the story that his mother took him to ranges come from?
People with Asperger syndrome become over-focused or obsessed on a single object or topic, ignoring all others. They want to know everything about this topic, and often talk about little else.

Children with Asperger syndrome will present many facts about their subject of interest, but there will seem to be no point or conclusion.

They often do not recognize that the other person has lost interest in the topic.

Areas of interest may be quite narrow, such as an obsession with train schedules, phone books, a vacuum cleaner, or collections of objects.

People with Asperger do not withdraw from the world in the way that people with an autistic disorder do. They will often approach other people. However, their problems with speech and language in a social setting often lead to isolation.

Their body language may be unusual.

They may speak in a monotone, and may not respond to other people's comments or emotions.

They may not understand sarcasm or humor, or they may take a figure of speech literally.

They do not recognize the need to change the volume of their voice in different settings.

They have problems with eye contact, facial expressions, body postures, or gestures (nonverbal communication).

They may be singled out by other children as "weird" or "strange."

People with Asperger syndrome have trouble forming relationships with children their own age or other adults, because they:

Are unable to respond emotionally in normal social interactions

Are not flexible about routines or rituals

Have difficulty showing, bringing, or pointing out objects of interest to other people

Do not express pleasure at other people's happiness

Children with Asperger syndrome may show delays in motor development, and unusual physical behaviors, such as:

Delays in being able to ride a bicycle, catch a ball, or climb play equipment

Clumsiness when walking or doing other activities

Repetitive finger flapping, twisting, or whole body movements

Many children with Asperger syndrome are very active, and may also be diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Anxiety or depression may develop during adolescence and young adulthood. Symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder and a tic disorder such as Tourette syndrome may be seen.

Asperger syndrome - PubMed Health

I see nothing in there that says he couldn't carry and fire weapons..........
America’s false autism epidemic

Overdiagnosing autism?Allen Frances -

100% accurate. The whole 1 in 150 babbies are born with autism is a total crock of shit.
I've been scanning the sites that claim to debunk the conspiracy theories, such as the ultra left, to find out what I'm missing here; what are they seeing that I'm not seeing so I too can conclude the implausible Lanza version of Sandy Hook is true.

Here's a couple of example's of them:

Why aren't the adults sadder? According to them and the professionals they've spoken to, there is no "normal" reaction to the death of a loved one so how dare anyone question the parents reaction. they are right; everyone would act somewhat differenly. Well, except for these folks of Sandy Hook; they all acted the tears.

Why are there so many different versions of the guns used in the shooting? They claim it's "the fog of war"; there is much confusion after an event like this so it's easy for several different stories to come out in a rush to be the first to report it. Well, this may have been a somewhat chaotic seen (although the raw helicopter footage from either just before or after the shooting..hard to tell..seems to indicate it wasn't to chaotic) but it was no war. But really, how hard is it to for the police chief to go into the school, find the dead shooter (the guy holding the gun that offed him) and count the guns, remember it and tell the press when he gets to that point?

I don't think the combined weight of the guns and ammo is going to be problematic for the official narrative (pending the disambiguation of "hundreds of rounds" of course). It's been reported that the alleged shooter was wearing a utility vest. Carrying 4-8 additional 30-round magazines in this manner seems perfectly feasible to me (You should try to lift my daughter's book-bag!)

Getting off the rounds/changing mags in quick enough succession to jibe with the damage and timeline ...well that might prove to be more troublesome.

EDIT: Also, reconsidering the Medical Examiner's comments WRT the ammo, he may well have been alluding to the use of hollow points.
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Continued from above post:

My thought is the folks who still hold onto the idea that the official story is true and have done their due diligence are either in complete denial or won't admit that they've been had. Nothing else could really explain it. One thing theses gullible folks can't deny is that Obama is exploiting it for political gains but I feel that is just an aside for a much larger initiative that will impact everyone regardless of what side of the political fence you sit on.

By the way, I can vouch for skook's credentials in regard to his experience and knowledge of Autism. He's spent half his life in the field so if you think you can read some article and school him in that area think again. Twenty seven years experience trumps your 9 minute skim of an article, don't ya think?
How exactly was it pulled off like a SEAL? Which aspect of this mass murder was SEAL like? Wheres your source for how much ammo he was carrying? How many rounds was it exactly? Lets see the facts that have made you so impassioned and lets do the math and see how much his gear weighed. You better fucking have good data on this, considering your rants in this thread. If you dont, know that you will look foolish. have to familiarize yourself with the official report. How much ammo was he carrying? Not sure.......Im going by official statements in the media that quote police saying "hundreds of rounds were fired". You go look it up.


Nobody went to a hospital with wounds from a stray round..........not one person!!! Really?:D:D:D Look it up s0n........and while you are at it, look up "leprechans" in google. You'll find there are no such things!!!
In other words, you have no concrete information, yet you're willing to go all in on this offensive conspiracy? What does that say about you? For fuck sake man, you need to wait until you have the facts before latching on to craziness like this.
I've been scanning the sites that claim to debunk the conspiracy theories, such as the ultra left, to find out what I'm missing here; what are they seeing that I'm not seeing so I too can conclude the implausible Lanza version of Sandy Hook is true.

Here's a couple of example's of them:

Why aren't the adults sadder? According to them and the professionals they've spoken to, there is no "normal" reaction to the death of a loved one so how dare anyone question the parents reaction. they are right; everyone would act somewhat differenly. Well, except for these folks of Sandy Hook; they all acted the tears.

Why are there so many different versions of the guns used in the shooting? They claim it's "the fog of war"; there is much confusion after an event like this so it's easy for several different stories to come out in a rush to be the first to report it. Well, this may have been a somewhat chaotic seen (although the raw helicopter footage from either just before or after the shooting..hard to tell..seems to indicate it wasn't to chaotic) but it was no war. But really, how hard is it to for the police chief to go into the school, find the dead shooter (the guy holding the gun that offed him) and count the guns, remember it and tell the press when he gets to that point?


Hey have you looked at these debunking clams yet

preggit comments on This Sandy hook conspiracy video has been making the FB rounds. Anyone want to take a stab at debunking it?

[ame=]SANDY HOOK TROOF?! - YouTube[/ame]
Many fail to see how badly damaging their premature enthusiasm will be to the credibility of the movement, once the smoke has cleared and all the easily debunked stuff will be used to cast a shadow of doubt on the not-so-easily-debunked stuff.
Quote: Godboy
The guns and ammo was too heavy for Lanza to carry? Some of you are clearly speaking from a place of ignorance. Do you even know what an AR-15 weighs? My roommate has one and id guess it's 5 pounds at most. They are light as fuck. Lanzas guns and ammo wasnt even 20 pounds. He could easilly carry that shit. Anyone claiming otherwise is a fucking retard that should kill himself.

How many jackasses are there on this forum?
First of all, a civilian AR-15 wieghs 8.5 pounds.

Woo ... a whole 3.5 lb diff! If you are going to count the jackasses here you better start with your semiliterate self. :D
How exactly was it pulled off like a SEAL? Which aspect of this mass murder was SEAL like? Wheres your source for how much ammo he was carrying? How many rounds was it exactly? Lets see the facts that have made you so impassioned and lets do the math and see how much his gear weighed. You better fucking have good data on this, considering your rants in this thread. If you dont, know that you will look foolish. have to familiarize yourself with the official report. How much ammo was he carrying? Not sure.......Im going by official statements in the media that quote police saying "hundreds of rounds were fired". You go look it up.


Nobody went to a hospital with wounds from a stray round..........not one person!!! Really?:D:D:D Look it up s0n........and while you are at it, look up "leprechans" in google. You'll find there are no such things!!!

Same loony tunes CTs hooking on like barnacles to every CT that rolls down the pike. You foil hatters would be funny if you weren't so pathetic. :D
How exactly was it pulled off like a SEAL? Which aspect of this mass murder was SEAL like? Wheres your source for how much ammo he was carrying? How many rounds was it exactly? Lets see the facts that have made you so impassioned and lets do the math and see how much his gear weighed. You better fucking have good data on this, considering your rants in this thread. If you dont, know that you will look foolish. have to familiarize yourself with the official report. How much ammo was he carrying? Not sure.......Im going by official statements in the media that quote police saying "hundreds of rounds were fired". You go look it up.


Nobody went to a hospital with wounds from a stray round..........not one person!!! Really?:D:D:D Look it up s0n........and while you are at it, look up "leprechans" in google. You'll find there are no such things!!!
In other words, you have no concrete information, yet you're willing to go all in on this offensive conspiracy? What does that say about you? For fuck sake man, you need to wait until you have the facts before latching on to craziness like this.

Facts? They don't need no stinkin' facts! They just need conspiracy theories! :D
Many fail to see how badly damaging their premature enthusiasm will be to the credibility of the movement, once the smoke has cleared and all the easily debunked stuff will be used to cast a shadow of doubt on the not-so-easily-debunked stuff.

While that is true ("truthers" aren't the brightest bulbs on the tree) it is your "movement" admission which is most telling. The CT "movement" has become an addiction, even a religion to some who reject any rational thought that might wander into their tiny pinheads. Thanks. :D
That's Sergeant to you dickweed....... And there you go putting words in my mouth again. I haven't said anything was addressed by the media. I have said to wait for the official investigation and reports to be released. then and only then can we start to entertain your stupidity.......
Do play again.......


When people are questioning the official narrative of an event, it's best to wait for the officials to finish their investigation until we can start talking about how there may be a government related conspiracy.


with paid troll Gomer Ollie it should be Private Ollie since he makes Gomer Pyle Look like a genius and needs to be demoted to private.:lmao::lol::lol:

I guess with all the intelligence you've shown here, we should elevate you to the position of Rimjob 7/11.

You suck ass at least 16 hours a day.
I've been scanning the sites that claim to debunk the conspiracy theories, such as the ultra left, to find out what I'm missing here; what are they seeing that I'm not seeing so I too can conclude the implausible Lanza version of Sandy Hook is true.

Here's a couple of example's of them:

Why aren't the adults sadder? According to them and the professionals they've spoken to, there is no "normal" reaction to the death of a loved one so how dare anyone question the parents reaction. they are right; everyone would act somewhat differenly. Well, except for these folks of Sandy Hook; they all acted the tears.

Why are there so many different versions of the guns used in the shooting? They claim it's "the fog of war"; there is much confusion after an event like this so it's easy for several different stories to come out in a rush to be the first to report it. Well, this may have been a somewhat chaotic seen (although the raw helicopter footage from either just before or after the shooting..hard to tell..seems to indicate it wasn't to chaotic) but it was no war. But really, how hard is it to for the police chief to go into the school, find the dead shooter (the guy holding the gun that offed him) and count the guns, remember it and tell the press when he gets to that point?


All logical and fair questions. But the story has already been written and sold to the Public. And that's that. We'll likely never know the truth. We don't have a credible independent Media anymore. The only acceptable story to most, is the Government/Media Complex story. And anyone who dares to question, will immediately be labeled a 'Crazy Insensitive Tin Foil Hat-Wearing America-Hater.' Brainwashing Propaganda is all most Americans know. It's very sad. But hey, don't join the herd. Keep questioning. Take care.
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I would love to see some links showing that he could not carry the 3 weapons and ammo, and that no one ever saw him at any range. If this is true where did the story that his mother took him to ranges come from?
People with Asperger syndrome become over-focused or obsessed on a single object or topic, ignoring all others. They want to know everything about this topic, and often talk about little else.

Children with Asperger syndrome will present many facts about their subject of interest, but there will seem to be no point or conclusion.

They often do not recognize that the other person has lost interest in the topic.

Areas of interest may be quite narrow, such as an obsession with train schedules, phone books, a vacuum cleaner, or collections of objects.

People with Asperger do not withdraw from the world in the way that people with an autistic disorder do. They will often approach other people. However, their problems with speech and language in a social setting often lead to isolation.

Their body language may be unusual.

They may speak in a monotone, and may not respond to other people's comments or emotions.

They may not understand sarcasm or humor, or they may take a figure of speech literally.

They do not recognize the need to change the volume of their voice in different settings.

They have problems with eye contact, facial expressions, body postures, or gestures (nonverbal communication).

They may be singled out by other children as "weird" or "strange."

People with Asperger syndrome have trouble forming relationships with children their own age or other adults, because they:

Are unable to respond emotionally in normal social interactions

Are not flexible about routines or rituals

Have difficulty showing, bringing, or pointing out objects of interest to other people

Do not express pleasure at other people's happiness

Children with Asperger syndrome may show delays in motor development, and unusual physical behaviors, such as:

Delays in being able to ride a bicycle, catch a ball, or climb play equipment

Clumsiness when walking or doing other activities

Repetitive finger flapping, twisting, or whole body movements

Many children with Asperger syndrome are very active, and may also be diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Anxiety or depression may develop during adolescence and young adulthood. Symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder and a tic disorder such as Tourette syndrome may be seen.

Asperger syndrome - PubMed Health

I see nothing in there that says he couldn't carry and fire weapons..........

No offense Ollie, i really do respect you. But you won't believe anything unless the Government/Media Complex and Idiot Box tells you it's so. Unfortunately, you're like most Americans. It just can't be real and true if Big Brother and the Idiot Box didn't say so.
[...] The CT "movement" has become an addiction, even a religion to some who reject any rational thought that might wander into their tiny pinheads. ...

As I see things, the rejection of 'rational thought' is an integral feature of the mindset of those who are still willing to hold trust of the Government as the default position. If any other entity in the history of mankind has earned the right to be viewed with skepticism and treated with suspicion by default, factions of the US Government (along with those pulling their strings from behind the veil) are at least as worthy. The "CT Movement" (as you call it) is antithetical to the doctrine of the misled and is thereby more aptly characterized as an anti-religion.
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[...] The CT "movement" has become an addiction, even a religion to some who reject any rational thought that might wander into their tiny pinheads. ...

As I see things, the rejection of 'rational thought' is an integral feature of the mindset of those who are still willing to hold trust of the Government as the default position. If any other entity in the history of mankind has earned the right to be viewed with skepticism and treated with suspicion by default, factions the US Government (along with those pulling their strings from behind the veil) are at least as worthy. The "CT Movement" (as you call it) is antithetical to the doctrine of the misled and is thereby more aptly characterized as an anti-religion.

Well said. Thank God there is this supposed "CT Movement." They seem to be the only people out there daring to question the Government/Media Complex. You have to at least attempt to keep em honest. You can't just go along to get along. We saw how that worked out in Nazi Germany. Anyway, great post. Thanks.
[...] The CT "movement" has become an addiction, even a religion to some who reject any rational thought that might wander into their tiny pinheads. ...

As I see things, the rejection of 'rational thought' is an integral feature of the mindset of those who are still willing to hold trust of the Government as the default position. If any other entity in the history of mankind has earned the right to be viewed with skepticism and treated with suspicion by default, factions of the US Government (along with those pulling their strings from behind the veil) are at least as worthy. The "CT Movement" (as you call it) is antithetical to the doctrine of the misled and is thereby more aptly characterized as an anti-religion.

We have a fundamental diff in how we see America.
I don't view what some here call the "gov't/media complex" as a monolithic cabal determined to sell bogus stories to the unquestioning masses and as such, I don't have your "evil America" default position.
Instead I see individuals ... millions of gov't people, many of whom are honest and hard working, and millions more media people who don't share a single evil mindset with each other or with the millions of gov't people. There is much to gain by exposing gov't and media misdealings and there are those who legitimately can and do. Those in the CT world, as even you seem to have noticed, who are so wedded to the everything-is-an evil-gov't-conspiracy default position that their half-truths and outright fabrications have reduced your CT "movement" to nothing more than a gaggle of foil-hatted loons trying to one up each other. Fortunately for us all there are genuine skeptics who expose gov't shenanigans and factually refute bogus media stories. Unfortunately none of the CTs here manage to do either. :D
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