Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

I'd really like to see Paulie tell the parents of the Sandy Hook victims that their murders were a hoax.

Shit.....................if someone would like to take up a fund, I'd help to pay for Paulie and another member of this board to fly him up there, and even rent a room for him to try to sell his bullshit points.

Matter of fact, I'd contribute to anyone that wanted to tell Sandy Hook parents it was all a hoax.

Anyone else wanna help?

Oh Gawd, we've already been down this road. Just more silly shaming "Go tell the parents that" Bullshit. You would never be allowed to question these parents. So the point is moot.

Shame and Ridicule: The most powerful weapons used by the Government/Media Complex.
I presented the possibilities. Individuals can decide for themselves. It's as simple as that.
that's not the biggest lie you've ever told but it's close. since you started this thread, you've proceeded in a manner that screams it's a conspiracy now like the true coward you are you now attempt and fail to say I don't really believe it but it's a possibility.

I cannot say with definitive certainty that it was or wasn't a Hoax. And neither can anyone else on this Board. I presented the possibilities. I'm sorry you can't handle that. Maybe you shouldn't come here anymore? Just a thought anyway.

So why do you promote hateful, distasteful and stupid, stupid BS on this tragic incident?
Perhaps you shouldn't come here anymore. Just a thought. :cool:
I would perfer he just stop LYING to further his historically failed ideas while destroying the lives of victims of violence he promotes
I'd really like to see Paulie tell the parents of the Sandy Hook victims that their murders were a hoax.

Shit.....................if someone would like to take up a fund, I'd help to pay for Paulie and another member of this board to fly him up there, and even rent a room for him to try to sell his bullshit points.

Matter of fact, I'd contribute to anyone that wanted to tell Sandy Hook parents it was all a hoax.

Anyone else wanna help?

Oh Gawd, we've already been down this road. Just more silly shaming "Go tell the parents that" Bullshit. You would never be allowed to question these parents. So the point is moot.

Shame and Ridicule: The most powerful weapons used by the Government/Media Complex.

Who says you can't talk to these people? That strikes me as self-serving CTBS. :cuckoo:
I'd really like to see Paulie tell the parents of the Sandy Hook victims that their murders were a hoax.

Shit.....................if someone would like to take up a fund, I'd help to pay for Paulie and another member of this board to fly him up there, and even rent a room for him to try to sell his bullshit points.

Matter of fact, I'd contribute to anyone that wanted to tell Sandy Hook parents it was all a hoax.

Anyone else wanna help?

Hey, you know what? I'm game. I'm sure Paulie and I would love to go and meet the families of those victims and ask them a few questions. I have lots and lots of friends that are wondering why they could just roll over and just do what the government tells them. I am a father, and I WOULD NEVER accept the treatment and explanations that the government gave those families. But they are being well guarded until all legislative and executive means to pass gun control have been exhausted. Sorry.

(Frankly, I'm curious to see if those are indeed even real families with real children. That's how deep this crazy hoax some are suggesting this thing could have gone. If I am there in person, and can investigate, I could tell everyone here if these kids actually did at one time exist. )

But you know what? Those parents AREN'T allowed to talk to the press or any one for that matter. That is why this who thing is fishy. Only certain parents are allowed prepared, pre-approved statements.

Perhaps there is a kernel of truth to the official story. If there is, you can be damn sure, what ever the truth is, we will not know it until the gun control debate is long over.

If my kid had been killed, I would want to know why he wasn't immediately rushed to the hospital. I would want to know why I didn't get to see his body, etc. There is a whole lot else I would want to know.

We would take photos and video for everyone here on the site, and go interview many of the people here and ask them questions for the forum, questions could be submitted that we all want asked. I fully support the idea. I am SO SICK of the elites dividing us. There ARE NO conservatives. There ARE NO liberals. There are only Americans. The elites seek to divide, it is the oldest strategy in the book. It keeps the focus off their crimes and divides us, it take the focus off the truth.

Once we got done there, everyone on this forum would know the truth, and we would stand together, satisfied with what we had found. I would not go with any preconceived notion. I would not go trying to prove the official story, nor go trying to prove a conspiracy. I would just go trying to uncover the inconsistencies and why we have to wait for answers until gun-control legislation is passed. Chances are, all of the questions you have would not be answered though. And that, in itself, would be answer enough.

The Parents are on all full Lock-Down. Unless you're a member of an approved Government/Media Complex Outlet, you're not getting anywhere near these Parents. And even if you were allowed to ask real questions, why would they tell you anything? The whole "Go tell the parents that" is just more lame shaming attempts.

The cattle have been trained well. They think if they just ridicule & shame, it will stop people from asking real questions. And unfortunately, that tactic does usually work. But it doesn't work on everyone. Keep being curious and suspicious. Never stop asking questions. Thanks for the reply.
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Crazier, and it's only a matter of time before most of the CTs slither away from this lunacy and pretend they were never here and never said these stupid stupid things.

Can't speak for anyone else, but I stand by everything I've stated in this thread.

Whether this and other mass shootings in this country were planned and carried out as black operations by a criminal element of the US Government (composed mainly of globalist infiltrators who want nothing more than to disarm the public) or not, the message of the citizens' collective reaction to the Sandy Hook massacre, and to the clear agenda of those in power seeking to capitalize on a massive public outcry that didn't occur, is one of fairly widespread distrust; and THAT, in my very humble opinion, is a beautiful thing.
that's not the biggest lie you've ever told but it's close. since you started this thread, you've proceeded in a manner that screams it's a conspiracy now like the true coward you are you now attempt and fail to say I don't really believe it but it's a possibility.

I cannot say with definitive certainty that it was or wasn't a Hoax. And neither can anyone else on this Board. I presented the possibilities. I'm sorry you can't handle that. Maybe you shouldn't come here anymore? Just a thought anyway.

So why do you promote hateful, distasteful and stupid, stupid BS on this tragic incident?
Perhaps you shouldn't come here anymore. Just a thought. :cool:

Only one spewing hate here, is your deranged Sock Troll ass. :cuckoo:
I'd really like to see Paulie tell the parents of the Sandy Hook victims that their murders were a hoax.

Shit.....................if someone would like to take up a fund, I'd help to pay for Paulie and another member of this board to fly him up there, and even rent a room for him to try to sell his bullshit points.

Matter of fact, I'd contribute to anyone that wanted to tell Sandy Hook parents it was all a hoax.

Anyone else wanna help?

Oh Gawd, we've already been down this road. Just more silly shaming "Go tell the parents that" Bullshit. You would never be allowed to question these parents. So the point is moot.

Shame and Ridicule: The most powerful weapons used by the Government/Media Complex.

Who says you can't talk to these people? That strikes me as self-serving CTBS. :cuckoo:

Give it a shot and then get back to us.
Crazier, and it's only a matter of time before most of the CTs slither away from this lunacy and pretend they were never here and never said these stupid stupid things.

Can't speak for anyone else, but I stand by everything I've stated in this thread.

Whether this and other mass shootings in this country were planned and carried out as black operations by a criminal element of the US Government (composed mainly of globalist infiltrators who want nothing more than to disarm the public) or not, the message of the citizens' collective reaction to the Sandy Hook massacre, and to the clear agenda of those in power seeking to capitalize on a massive public outcry that didn't occur, is one of fairly widespread distrust; and THAT, in my very humble opinion, is a beautiful thing.

Very well said. Why just take the Government/Media Complex's word on everything? I just don't get most Americans these days. I don't know what's happened to them. It's sad.
Crazier, and it's only a matter of time before most of the CTs slither away from this lunacy and pretend they were never here and never said these stupid stupid things.

Can't speak for anyone else, but I stand by everything I've stated in this thread.

Whether this and other mass shootings in this country were planned and carried out as black operations by a criminal element of the US Government (composed mainly of globalist infiltrators who want nothing more than to disarm the public) or not, the message of the citizens' collective reaction to the Sandy Hook massacre, and to the clear agenda of those in power seeking to capitalize on a massive public outcry that didn't occur, is one of fairly widespread distrust; and THAT, in my very humble opinion, is a beautiful thing.

I'd go the next step and suggest our gov't needs to address the widespraed distrust so many have for it.
Harvard Law professor Cass Sunstein co-authored a 2009 paper which used members of the 9/11 Truth movement and others as an examples of people who suffer from “crippled epistemologies,” to public trust and the political system. He wrote that "They do not merely undermine democratic debate...In extreme cases, they create or fuel violence. If government can dispel such theories, it should do so.”[41]

9/11 conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Crazier, and it's only a matter of time before most of the CTs slither away from this lunacy and pretend they were never here and never said these stupid stupid things.

Can't speak for anyone else, but I stand by everything I've stated in this thread.

Whether this and other mass shootings in this country were planned and carried out as black operations by a criminal element of the US Government (composed mainly of globalist infiltrators who want nothing more than to disarm the public) or not, the message of the citizens' collective reaction to the Sandy Hook massacre, and to the clear agenda of those in power seeking to capitalize on a massive public outcry that didn't occur, is one of fairly widespread distrust; and THAT, in my very humble opinion, is a beautiful thing.

I'd go the next step and suggest our gov't needs to address the widespraed distrust so many have for it.
Harvard Law professor Cass Sunstein co-authored a 2009 paper which used members of the 9/11 Truth movement and others as an examples of people who suffer from “crippled epistemologies,” to public trust and the political system. He wrote that "They do not merely undermine democratic debate...In extreme cases, they create or fuel violence. If government can dispel such theories, it should do so.”[41]

9/11 conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your guy sounds like a real Nazi piece of shit. Oh, and they are going to address it. With more surveillance and imprisonment. Ya think they passed the NDAA just for the hell of it? It will be used on dissenters. Bet on that.
...Why just take the Government/Media Complex's word on everything? I just don't get most Americans these days. I don't know what's happened to them. It's sad.

I don't know about "most Americans", but more and more I've been running into like-minded people who see that something has gone drastically wrong within the halls of government over the past half century in particular. What's more, many of these people are relatively young and in positions to make a difference at the grass roots level. So, take heart!
Crazier, and it's only a matter of time before most of the CTs slither away from this lunacy and pretend they were never here and never said these stupid stupid things.

Can't speak for anyone else, but I stand by everything I've stated in this thread.

Whether this and other mass shootings in this country were planned and carried out as black operations by a criminal element of the US Government (composed mainly of globalist infiltrators who want nothing more than to disarm the public) or not, the message of the citizens' collective reaction to the Sandy Hook massacre, and to the clear agenda of those in power seeking to capitalize on a massive public outcry that didn't occur, is one of fairly widespread distrust; and THAT, in my very humble opinion, is a beautiful thing.

Very well said. Why just take the Government/Media Complex's word on everything? I just don't get most Americans these days. I don't know what's happened to them. It's sad.

I don't understand your incessant and baseless whining. The vast majority of Americans, including the media, do not trust our gov't. Your prob seems to be our unwillingness to toss out the baby with the bath water. That said it is dangerous for all of us to have such distrust as some are compelled to act violently on it. It is time the gov't acts to dispel the myths to the extent that it can.
I cannot say with definitive certainty that it was or wasn't a Hoax. And neither can anyone else on this Board. I presented the possibilities. I'm sorry you can't handle that. Maybe you shouldn't come here anymore? Just a thought anyway.

So why do you promote hateful, distasteful and stupid, stupid BS on this tragic incident?
Perhaps you shouldn't come here anymore. Just a thought. :cool:

Only one spewing hate here, is your deranged Sock Troll ass. :cuckoo:

You are the one advocating the surviving children and families of this horrible crime be hunted by gun nuts for the rest of their lives
When you make all these false claims about this crime being FAKED you call every victim a LIAR.

Your lies will result in victims being further victimized by crazy gunholes with masses of guns in their homes.

I really hate you
Can't speak for anyone else, but I stand by everything I've stated in this thread.

Whether this and other mass shootings in this country were planned and carried out as black operations by a criminal element of the US Government (composed mainly of globalist infiltrators who want nothing more than to disarm the public) or not, the message of the citizens' collective reaction to the Sandy Hook massacre, and to the clear agenda of those in power seeking to capitalize on a massive public outcry that didn't occur, is one of fairly widespread distrust; and THAT, in my very humble opinion, is a beautiful thing.

I'd go the next step and suggest our gov't needs to address the widespraed distrust so many have for it.
Harvard Law professor Cass Sunstein co-authored a 2009 paper which used members of the 9/11 Truth movement and others as an examples of people who suffer from “crippled epistemologies,” to public trust and the political system. He wrote that "They do not merely undermine democratic debate...In extreme cases, they create or fuel violence. If government can dispel such theories, it should do so.”[41]

9/11 conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your guy sounds like a real Nazi piece of shit. Oh, and they are going to address it. With more surveillance and imprisonment. Ya think they passed the NDAA just for the hell of it? It will be used on dissenters. Bet on that.

You can always hide under your bed, Princess, and how does that Harvard prof's POV make him a a Nazi? Your paranoia is running wild again today. :cuckoo:
I'd really like to see Paulie tell the parents of the Sandy Hook victims that their murders were a hoax.

Shit.....................if someone would like to take up a fund, I'd help to pay for Paulie and another member of this board to fly him up there, and even rent a room for him to try to sell his bullshit points.

Matter of fact, I'd contribute to anyone that wanted to tell Sandy Hook parents it was all a hoax.

Anyone else wanna help?
I already offered this was his answer:You're not allowed to speak with the parents. Unless you're part of the Government/Media Complex. Your point really is moot. And it's not back peddling. Ridiculing and Shaming are very important weapons used by the Government/Media Complex. That tactic simply works. Most people just stop asking questions after being ridiculed and shamed. But i'm not one of those people. Sorry bout that.-paulie
...Why just take the Government/Media Complex's word on everything? I just don't get most Americans these days. I don't know what's happened to them. It's sad.

I don't know about "most Americans", but more and more I've been running into like-minded people who see that something has gone drastically wrong within the halls of government over the past half century in particular. What's more, many of these people are relatively young and in positions to make a difference at the grass roots level. So, take heart!

Man, i hope so. Thanks for the 'Glass Half-Full' inspiration. :)
Oh Gawd, we've already been down this road. Just more silly shaming "Go tell the parents that" Bullshit. You would never be allowed to question these parents. So the point is moot.

Shame and Ridicule: The most powerful weapons used by the Government/Media Complex.

Who says you can't talk to these people? That strikes me as self-serving CTBS. :cuckoo:

Give it a shot and then get back to us.

In other words you got nuttin'. Figures.
So why do you promote hateful, distasteful and stupid, stupid BS on this tragic incident?
Perhaps you shouldn't come here anymore. Just a thought. :cool:

Only one spewing hate here, is your deranged Sock Troll ass. :cuckoo:

You are the one advocating the surviving children and families of this horrible crime be hunted by gun nuts for the rest of their lives

Obviously, that's not what i'm doing. You're just trying the old 'Shaming' tactic. But that doesn't work on everyone. ;)

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