Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

so when can we expect you to stop using you new favorite phrase:"Ridiculing and Shaming are very important weapons used by the Government/Media Complex"-paulie..

When it stops being the case.

Yet those who find your CT silliness to be silly must stop referring to you as a foil-hatted loon? It seems you can dish it but not take it, Princess. Would you like some cheese with your whine? :boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo:

Oh, i can take it and dish it out just fine. I assure you, you're not nearly as smart & witty as you think you are. You're just a cowardly Sock Puppet. Nothing more, nothing less.
Yet you don't do your own thinking. You simply reject out-of-hand anything mainstream yet accept any CTBS without question. :cuckoo:

Hey, how bout another :cuckoo:: smilie? Cuz we never get enough of those from you. Seriously, your SAYIT Sock is all out of material. Try coming back with your del, dawgshit, candyass, or other Sock Trolls. This one's all done. Good luck. ;)

Tell you what, Princess. I'll stop bitch-slappin' you when you stop posting like a whiny CT bitch. :D

Ah, that's just your delusional Goose Stepper Bliss talkin. But hey, how bout a :cuckoo: smilie for ya? I know how much you love em. Don't say i never did anything for ya. :)
You would not be allowed to question the parents at this point. It's all too tightly controlled for that. And if they were in on it, why would they tell you? So your point is moot. At this point, you and the Government/Media Complex are busy shaming and shouting down anyone who dares asking questions. It's a common and often successful tactic. Asking questions = 'Harassment/Hating dead children/Tinfoil Hat' and Blah Blah Blah.

Ridiculing and Shaming are very powerful weapons for the Government/Media Complex. Idiots like you don't want the truth. You enjoy living in your Goose Stepper Bliss. You wouldn't have it any other way. And that's a real shame.
best back peddling ever!

You're not allowed to speak with the parents. Unless you're part of the Government/Media Complex. Your point really is moot. And it's not back peddling. Ridiculing and Shaming are very important weapons used by the Government/Media Complex. That tactic simply works. Most people just stop asking questions after being ridiculed and shamed. But i'm not one of those people. Sorry bout that.

And who told you that? How do you know you can believe them?
best back peddling ever!

You're not allowed to speak with the parents. Unless you're part of the Government/Media Complex. Your point really is moot. And it's not back peddling. Ridiculing and Shaming are very important weapons used by the Government/Media Complex. That tactic simply works. Most people just stop asking questions after being ridiculed and shamed. But i'm not one of those people. Sorry bout that.

And who told you that? How do you know you can believe them?

If you're not a part of the Government/Media Complex (MSM), you're not getting anywhere near the parents. If you tried, you would immediately be branded a 'Baby-Hating, America-Hating, Conspiracy Theorist, Stalker-Nut.' You would likely be arrested and imprisoned for merely asking for an interview. It's all very tightly controlled. It has to be. These parents will eventually disappear into oblivion. It is what it is.
You're not allowed to speak with the parents. Unless you're part of the Government/Media Complex. Your point really is moot. And it's not back peddling. Ridiculing and Shaming are very important weapons used by the Government/Media Complex. That tactic simply works. Most people just stop asking questions after being ridiculed and shamed. But i'm not one of those people. Sorry bout that.

And who told you that? How do you know you can believe them?

If you're not a part of the Government/Media Complex (MSM), you're not getting anywhere near the parents. If you tried, you would immediately be branded a 'Baby-Hating, America-Hating, Conspiracy Theorist, Stalker-Nut.' You would likely be arrested and imprisoned for merely asking for an interview. It's all very tightly controlled. It has to be. These parents will eventually disappear into oblivion. It is what it is.
more lame ass excuses from paulie if you actually had the balls to back your conviction you at least try
oh btw I have no need to talk to the parents
And who told you that? How do you know you can believe them?

If you're not a part of the Government/Media Complex (MSM), you're not getting anywhere near the parents. If you tried, you would immediately be branded a 'Baby-Hating, America-Hating, Conspiracy Theorist, Stalker-Nut.' You would likely be arrested and imprisoned for merely asking for an interview. It's all very tightly controlled. It has to be. These parents will eventually disappear into oblivion. It is what it is.
more lame ass excuses from paulie if you actually had the balls to back your conviction you at least try
oh btw I have no need to talk to the parents

Try talking with the parents. Go for it. Are you a member of the Government/Media Complex (MSM)? If not, you have no chance. That's just the way it is.
You're not allowed to speak with the parents. Unless you're part of the Government/Media Complex. Your point really is moot. And it's not back peddling. Ridiculing and Shaming are very important weapons used by the Government/Media Complex. That tactic simply works. Most people just stop asking questions after being ridiculed and shamed. But i'm not one of those people. Sorry bout that.

And who told you that? How do you know you can believe them?

If you're not a part of the Government/Media Complex (MSM), you're not getting anywhere near the parents. If you tried, you would immediately be branded a 'Baby-Hating, America-Hating, Conspiracy Theorist, Stalker-Nut.' You would likely be arrested and imprisoned for merely asking for an interview. It's all very tightly controlled. It has to be. These parents will eventually disappear into oblivion. It is what it is.

And you got those "facts" from the little voices in your microwave? Amazing! :cuckoo:
And who told you that? How do you know you can believe them?

If you're not a part of the Government/Media Complex (MSM), you're not getting anywhere near the parents. If you tried, you would immediately be branded a 'Baby-Hating, America-Hating, Conspiracy Theorist, Stalker-Nut.' You would likely be arrested and imprisoned for merely asking for an interview. It's all very tightly controlled. It has to be. These parents will eventually disappear into oblivion. It is what it is.

And you got those "facts" from the little voices in your microwave? Amazing! :cuckoo:

I stand by my assertion. Try requesting interviews with some of the parents. See what happens.
If you're not a part of the Government/Media Complex (MSM), you're not getting anywhere near the parents. If you tried, you would immediately be branded a 'Baby-Hating, America-Hating, Conspiracy Theorist, Stalker-Nut.' You would likely be arrested and imprisoned for merely asking for an interview. It's all very tightly controlled. It has to be. These parents will eventually disappear into oblivion. It is what it is.
more lame ass excuses from paulie if you actually had the balls to back your conviction you at least try
oh btw I have no need to talk to the parents

Try talking with the parents. Go for it. Are you a member of the Government/Media Complex (MSM)? If not, you have no chance. That's just the way it is.
no paulie that's the way you want it to be because that way you can dodge the responsibility for what you've posted, you're a coward.

I have no need to talk to the parents
more lame ass excuses from paulie if you actually had the balls to back your conviction you at least try
oh btw I have no need to talk to the parents

Try talking with the parents. Go for it. Are you a member of the Government/Media Complex (MSM)? If not, you have no chance. That's just the way it is.
no that the way you want it to be because that way you can dodge the responsibility for what you've posted, you're a coward.

I have no need to talk to the parents

Man, are you always this confused? I just said you will not be granted access to the parents unless you're a member of the Government/Media Complex (MSM). That's just fact. And it doesn't necessarily mean the parents have a choice in that either. Everything is very scripted and controlled. That's the way it has to be. So even if you wanted to ask questions, you wouldn't be allowed to. And they very possibly wouldn't be allowed to answer them anyway. So your lame shaming "Go tell the parents that" attempt, is a moot point.
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Try talking with the parents. Go for it. Are you a member of the Government/Media Complex (MSM)? If not, you have no chance. That's just the way it is.
no that the way you want it to be because that way you can dodge the responsibility for what you've posted, you're a coward.

I have no need to talk to the parents

Man, are you always this confused? I just said you will not be granted access to the parents unless you're a member of the Government/Media Complex (MSM). That's just fact. And it doesn't necessarily mean the parents have a choice in that either. Everything is very scripted and controlled. That's the way it has to be. So even if you wanted to ask questions, you wouldn't be allowed to. And they very possibly wouldn't be allowed to answer them anyway. So your lame shaming "Go tell the parents that" attempt, is a moot point.
you never confuse me paulie. the you is you not me. all your dancing around is just more proof of your cowardice.
no that the way you want it to be because that way you can dodge the responsibility for what you've posted, you're a coward.

I have no need to talk to the parents

Man, are you always this confused? I just said you will not be granted access to the parents unless you're a member of the Government/Media Complex (MSM). That's just fact. And it doesn't necessarily mean the parents have a choice in that either. Everything is very scripted and controlled. That's the way it has to be. So even if you wanted to ask questions, you wouldn't be allowed to. And they very possibly wouldn't be allowed to answer them anyway. So your lame shaming "Go tell the parents that" attempt, is a moot point.
you never confuse me paulie. the you is you not me. all your dancing around is just more proof of your cowardice.

Many would like to ask the parents questions. But they will never be allowed to. It's all scripted nonsense. In time, these parents will disappear into oblivion. Bet on that.
If you're not a part of the Government/Media Complex (MSM), you're not getting anywhere near the parents. If you tried, you would immediately be branded a 'Baby-Hating, America-Hating, Conspiracy Theorist, Stalker-Nut.' You would likely be arrested and imprisoned for merely asking for an interview. It's all very tightly controlled. It has to be. These parents will eventually disappear into oblivion. It is what it is.
more lame ass excuses from paulie if you actually had the balls to back your conviction you at least try
oh btw I have no need to talk to the parents

Try talking with the parents. Go for it. Are you a member of the Government/Media Complex (MSM)? If not, you have no chance. That's just the way it is.

But what about the friends of the parents? The parents of those parents, the siblings, the co-workers? Are they all being kept away by the government as well?

I think most adults in the US today are probably fairly easy to find information about, if you work at it. It doesn't have to be direct interviews, there are so many different social mediums, not to mention the possibility of being able to find and speak to employers or get whatever public records might be available.

The point of this is that a cover up such as you think occurred with Sandy Hook would take a massive amount of resources and require many, many people to either be complicit or willing to remain quiet about it. In fact, I wonder if it would even be possible to have done this in a real town with real families; it might just be too difficult to keep the questions of friends, relatives, employers/employees or acquaintances silent.

Conspiracy theories too often seem to ignore the effort required to successfully plan them, execute them, and keep them from coming to light afterward.
Btw, i never said Sandy Hook was definitely a Hoax. I presented the possibilities. I don't have, and never will have the necessary information to make the call either way. And most others won't either. But there's nothing wrong with discussing the possibilities.
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Btw, i never said Sandy Hook was definitely a Hoax. I presented the possibilities. I don't have, and never will have the necessary information to make the call either way. And most others won't either. But there's nothing wrong with discussing the possibilities.
Btw, i never said Sandy Hook was definitely a Hoax. I presented the possibilities. I don't have, and never will have the necessary information to make the call either way. And most others won't either. But there's nothing wrong with discussing the possibilities.

I presented the possibilities. Individuals can decide for themselves. It's as simple as that.
Btw, i never said Sandy Hook was definitely a Hoax. I presented the possibilities. I don't have, and never will have the necessary information to make the call either way. And most others won't either. But there's nothing wrong with discussing the possibilities.

I presented the possibilities. Individuals can decide for themselves. It's as simple as that.
that's not the biggest lie you've ever told but it's close. since you started this thread, you've proceeded in a manner that screams it's a conspiracy now like the true coward you are you now attempt and fail to say I don't really believe it but it's a possibility.
Btw, i never said Sandy Hook was definitely a Hoax. I presented the possibilities. I don't have, and never will have the necessary information to make the call either way. And most others won't either. But there's nothing wrong with discussing the possibilities.

You have certainly leaned strongly in the direction of hoax, though. That's not just 'presenting the possibilities'. That's presenting your opinion of what happened.

For example, this is post #1048, by you, "Probably a well-choreographed made-for-tv event. I'm leaning more & more that way. How would the American People know any better? Most truly do believe everything they see on the Idiot Box. I've been guilty of that myself. They run the show. We're just a powerless captive audience.".

You've also made statements that the whole town was not in on it, and that it was a tightly controlled event.

So while you may not have explicitly said it was a hoax, most of what you've posted has clearly been aimed at that conclusion.
I'd really like to see Paulie tell the parents of the Sandy Hook victims that their murders were a hoax.

Shit.....................if someone would like to take up a fund, I'd help to pay for Paulie and another member of this board to fly him up there, and even rent a room for him to try to sell his bullshit points.

Matter of fact, I'd contribute to anyone that wanted to tell Sandy Hook parents it was all a hoax.

Anyone else wanna help?
I'd really like to see Paulie tell the parents of the Sandy Hook victims that their murders were a hoax.

Shit.....................if someone would like to take up a fund, I'd help to pay for Paulie and another member of this board to fly him up there, and even rent a room for him to try to sell his bullshit points.

Matter of fact, I'd contribute to anyone that wanted to tell Sandy Hook parents it was all a hoax.

Anyone else wanna help?

Hey, you know what? I'm game. I'm sure Paulie and I would love to go and meet the families of those victims and ask them a few questions. I have lots and lots of friends that are wondering why they could just roll over and just do what the government tells them. I am a father, and I WOULD NEVER accept the treatment and explanations that the government gave those families. But they are being well guarded until all legislative and executive means to pass gun control have been exhausted. Sorry.

(Frankly, I'm curious to see if those are indeed even real families with real children. That's how deep this crazy hoax some are suggesting this thing could have gone. If I am there in person, and can investigate, I could tell everyone here if these kids actually did at one time exist. )

But you know what? Those parents AREN'T allowed to talk to the press or any one for that matter. That is why this who thing is fishy. Only certain parents are allowed prepared, pre-approved statements.

Perhaps there is a kernel of truth to the official story. If there is, you can be damn sure, what ever the truth is, we will not know it until the gun control debate is long over.

If my kid had been killed, I would want to know why he wasn't immediately rushed to the hospital. I would want to know why I didn't get to see his body, etc. There is a whole lot else I would want to know.

We would take photos and video for everyone here on the site, and go interview many of the people here and ask them questions for the forum, questions could be submitted that we all want asked. I fully support the idea. I am SO SICK of the elites dividing us. There ARE NO conservatives. There ARE NO liberals. There are only Americans. The elites seek to divide, it is the oldest strategy in the book. It keeps the focus off their crimes and divides us, it take the focus off the truth.

Once we got done there, everyone on this forum would know the truth, and we would stand together, satisfied with what we had found. I would not go with any preconceived notion. I would not go trying to prove the official story, nor go trying to prove a conspiracy. I would just go trying to uncover the inconsistencies and why we have to wait for answers until gun-control legislation is passed. Chances are, all of the questions you have would not be answered though. And that, in itself, would be answer enough.

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