Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

But if it was all staged, don't you think the people who actually live there would have noticed? Having noticed, don't you think they would have communicated that to friends, family, and the world at large through the various means available on the internet?

Unless, of course, you are saying that the powers-that-be control all those forms of communication with such a tight grip they can suppress all internet and phone communications in and out of the town, and prevent the residents from ever leaving, or anyone else from entering?

Or maybe you are saying the town simply doesn't exist?

Besides, by your reasoning, you cannot trust ANY news you ever see. Whether it's on broadcast television, or in papers, foreign media or the internet, how do you know those same powers haven't controlled and manipulated the information? That being the case, anything you believe to be true is based not on facts, but instead on your own personal biases and desires. So your belief that Sandy Hook was a hoax is entirely because you want to believe that. After all, there is no information about the situation you can trust to be accurate!

You take suspicion to the furthest extreme you can......selectively. You don't actually question and mistrust everything, just those things that go against your personal CT beliefs. Otherwise, you'd realize that believing any of the reports or videos that you do is just as foolish as believing the news on tv. There's absolutely no reason to think that organizations with the power and influence you assume would be unable to affect internet postings.

It would be easier to take you seriously if you applied your supposed suspicions and questions evenly.

Most are just as clueless as you and i are. They saw it all on TV, therefore it has to be real & true. And btw, i'm just as guilty of believing things i see on TV. How would we know any better? We're not in control. We're just a powerless captive audience.

I don't understand, then, how you come to any conclusions about anything outside your personal experience. And your posts on this site show you obviously do. Since all forms of information and communication are suspect, how do you form any opinion about things you've never seen or experience for yourself, other than to follow your personal biases and desires?

Do your own thinking. That's all i can suggest.
Probably a well-choreographed made-for-tv event. I'm leaning more & more that way. How would the American People know any better? Most truly do believe everything they see on the Idiot Box. I've been guilty of that myself. They run the show. We're just a powerless captive audience.
paulie you don't know shit about how TV or film are produced so stfu..

You're one of the more dimwitted Government/Media Complex dupes. You saw it on your Idiot Box, therefore it has to be true.
Go tell that to those families, I dare you.............

You would never be allowed to. And i'm sure it wouldn't matter anyway. If they were in on it, why would they tell you? That's why we need a credible independent MSM again in this country. No one in the MSM is currently asking questions or doing their own independent investigating. And that's a real shame. They just take their Government marching-orders now.

So that leaves only average Citizens to do real investigating. But that's very difficult considering most try to shame and shout down those who do ask the questions. Like so many other bizarre events, we'll likely never get the truth on this one. The Government/Media Complex will make sure of that. It's very sad.
what a pussy you stir up shit and don't have the balls to back it up.. how bout you and I go to sandy hook and you can present your version of events. I'm sure we can rent a space ..

You would not be allowed to question the parents at this point. It's all too tightly controlled for that. And if they were in on it, why would they tell you? So your point is moot. At this point, you and the Government/Media Complex are busy shaming and shouting down anyone who dares asking questions. It's a common and often successful tactic. Asking questions = 'Harassment/Hating dead children/Tinfoil Hat' and Blah Blah Blah.

Ridiculing and Shaming are very powerful weapons for the Government/Media Complex. Idiots like you don't want the truth. You enjoy living in your Goose Stepper Bliss. You wouldn't have it any other way. And that's a real shame.
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Most are just as clueless as you and i are. They saw it all on TV, therefore it has to be real & true. And btw, i'm just as guilty of believing things i see on TV. How would we know any better? We're not in control. We're just a powerless captive audience.

I don't understand, then, how you come to any conclusions about anything outside your personal experience. And your posts on this site show you obviously do. Since all forms of information and communication are suspect, how do you form any opinion about things you've never seen or experience for yourself, other than to follow your personal biases and desires?

Do your own thinking. That's all i can suggest.

Not my point.

What do you base your thinking on? According to what you've said on this board, there is no information you can trust on which to base your thinking.
I don't understand, then, how you come to any conclusions about anything outside your personal experience. And your posts on this site show you obviously do. Since all forms of information and communication are suspect, how do you form any opinion about things you've never seen or experience for yourself, other than to follow your personal biases and desires?

Do your own thinking. That's all i can suggest.

Not my point.

What do you base your thinking on? According to what you've said on this board, there is no information you can trust on which to base your thinking.

I didn't say that. But I did say, do your own thinking. And i'll add, always be very skeptical of anything the Government/Media Complex tells you.
Do your own thinking. That's all i can suggest.

Not my point.

What do you base your thinking on? According to what you've said on this board, there is no information you can trust on which to base your thinking.

I didn't say that. But I did say, do your own thinking. And i'll add, always be very skeptical of anything the Government/Media Complex tells you.

Being "skeptical of anything the Government/Media Complex tells you" is normal and healthy. In fact, being skeptical of anything anyone tells you is normal and healthy but you have repeatedly said you believe nothing they tell us and nothing could ever change your POV. That's not normal or healthy. Seek professional help.
Not my point.

What do you base your thinking on? According to what you've said on this board, there is no information you can trust on which to base your thinking.

I didn't say that. But I did say, do your own thinking. And i'll add, always be very skeptical of anything the Government/Media Complex tells you.

Being "skeptical of anything the Government/Media Complex tells you" is normal and healthy. In fact, being skeptical of anything anyone tells you is normal and healthy but you have repeatedly said you believe nothing they tell us and nothing could ever change your POV. That's not normal or healthy. Seek professional help.

You don't speak for me Sock Wingnut. So kindly stfu and piss off. :)
Your westboro crazy and I hope you have nightmares every night for the rest of your life
Do your own thinking. That's all i can suggest.

Not my point.

What do you base your thinking on? According to what you've said on this board, there is no information you can trust on which to base your thinking.

I didn't say that. But I did say, do your own thinking. And i'll add, always be very skeptical of anything the Government/Media Complex tells you.

What you have said is that whatever entity is in charge of everything, be it government or some new world order secret society, they control the media, they plan and execute events such as 9/11 or the Sandy Hook killings with regularity, simply buying off and/or threatening anyone they need into silence.

Yet somehow, you seem to feel that random youtube videos are outside of their influence and you trust those videos implicitly?

If a faceless organization with nearly unlimited power and resources is in control of the media, how can you determine what information is trustworthy and what is created by them?
Probably a well-choreographed made-for-tv event. I'm leaning more & more that way. How would the American People know any better? Most truly do believe everything they see on the Idiot Box. I've been guilty of that myself. They run the show. We're just a powerless captive audience.
paulie you don't know shit about how TV or film are produced so stfu..

You're one of the more dimwitted Government/Media Complex dupes. You saw it on your Idiot Box, therefore it has to be true.
as always wrong and dodging but you did make my point you don't know shit about how tv is produced .
You would never be allowed to. And i'm sure it wouldn't matter anyway. If they were in on it, why would they tell you? That's why we need a credible independent MSM again in this country. No one in the MSM is currently asking questions or doing their own independent investigating. And that's a real shame. They just take their Government marching-orders now.

So that leaves only average Citizens to do real investigating. But that's very difficult considering most try to shame and shout down those who do ask the questions. Like so many other bizarre events, we'll likely never get the truth on this one. The Government/Media Complex will make sure of that. It's very sad.
what a pussy you stir up shit and don't have the balls to back it up.. how bout you and I go to sandy hook and you can present your version of events. I'm sure we can rent a space ..

You would not be allowed to question the parents at this point. It's all too tightly controlled for that. And if they were in on it, why would they tell you? So your point is moot. At this point, you and the Government/Media Complex are busy shaming and shouting down anyone who dares asking questions. It's a common and often successful tactic. Asking questions = 'Harassment/Hating dead children/Tinfoil Hat' and Blah Blah Blah.

Ridiculing and Shaming are very powerful weapons for the Government/Media Complex. Idiots like you don't want the truth. You enjoy living in your Goose Stepper Bliss. You wouldn't have it any other way. And that's a real shame.
best back peddling ever!
Not my point.

What do you base your thinking on? According to what you've said on this board, there is no information you can trust on which to base your thinking.

I didn't say that. But I did say, do your own thinking. And i'll add, always be very skeptical of anything the Government/Media Complex tells you.

What you have said is that whatever entity is in charge of everything, be it government or some new world order secret society, they control the media, they plan and execute events such as 9/11 or the Sandy Hook killings with regularity, simply buying off and/or threatening anyone they need into silence.

Yet somehow, you seem to feel that random youtube videos are outside of their influence and you trust those videos implicitly?

If a faceless organization with nearly unlimited power and resources is in control of the media, how can you determine what information is trustworthy and what is created by them?

That's why you have to do your own thinking. I'm not saying i'm right about everything. In fact, i'm probably wrong about lots of things. I don't expect everyone to agree with me. I just express my skepticisms and discuss all possibilities. I don't attempt to shame or shout down anyone unless i'm attacked first. And that's what the resident Trolls here do on a daily basis. And they know who they are. Stupid "Tinfoil Hat" insults and such. All i can say is do your own thinking and stay open to the possibilities. I wont attack your beliefs.
what a pussy you stir up shit and don't have the balls to back it up.. how bout you and I go to sandy hook and you can present your version of events. I'm sure we can rent a space ..

You would not be allowed to question the parents at this point. It's all too tightly controlled for that. And if they were in on it, why would they tell you? So your point is moot. At this point, you and the Government/Media Complex are busy shaming and shouting down anyone who dares asking questions. It's a common and often successful tactic. Asking questions = 'Harassment/Hating dead children/Tinfoil Hat' and Blah Blah Blah.

Ridiculing and Shaming are very powerful weapons for the Government/Media Complex. Idiots like you don't want the truth. You enjoy living in your Goose Stepper Bliss. You wouldn't have it any other way. And that's a real shame.
best back peddling ever!

You're not allowed to speak with the parents. Unless you're part of the Government/Media Complex. Your point really is moot. And it's not back peddling. Ridiculing and Shaming are very important weapons used by the Government/Media Complex. That tactic simply works. Most people just stop asking questions after being ridiculed and shamed. But i'm not one of those people. Sorry bout that.
You would not be allowed to question the parents at this point. It's all too tightly controlled for that. And if they were in on it, why would they tell you? So your point is moot. At this point, you and the Government/Media Complex are busy shaming and shouting down anyone who dares asking questions. It's a common and often successful tactic. Asking questions = 'Harassment/Hating dead children/Tinfoil Hat' and Blah Blah Blah.

Ridiculing and Shaming are very powerful weapons for the Government/Media Complex. Idiots like you don't want the truth. You enjoy living in your Goose Stepper Bliss. You wouldn't have it any other way. And that's a real shame.
best back peddling ever!

You're not allowed to speak with the parents. Unless you're part of the Government/Media Complex. Your point really is moot. And it's not back peddling. Ridiculing and Shaming are very important weapons used by the Government/Media Complex. That tactic simply works. Most people just stop asking questions after being ridiculed and shamed. But i'm not one of those people. Sorry bout that.
so when can we expect you to stop using you new favorite phrase:"Ridiculing and Shaming are very important weapons used by the Government/Media Complex"-paulie..
best back peddling ever!

You're not allowed to speak with the parents. Unless you're part of the Government/Media Complex. Your point really is moot. And it's not back peddling. Ridiculing and Shaming are very important weapons used by the Government/Media Complex. That tactic simply works. Most people just stop asking questions after being ridiculed and shamed. But i'm not one of those people. Sorry bout that.
so when can we expect you to stop using you new favorite phrase:"Ridiculing and Shaming are very important weapons used by the Government/Media Complex"-paulie..

When it stops being the case.
I didn't say that. But I did say, do your own thinking. And i'll add, always be very skeptical of anything the Government/Media Complex tells you.

What you have said is that whatever entity is in charge of everything, be it government or some new world order secret society, they control the media, they plan and execute events such as 9/11 or the Sandy Hook killings with regularity, simply buying off and/or threatening anyone they need into silence.

Yet somehow, you seem to feel that random youtube videos are outside of their influence and you trust those videos implicitly?

If a faceless organization with nearly unlimited power and resources is in control of the media, how can you determine what information is trustworthy and what is created by them?

That's why you have to do your own thinking. I'm not saying i'm right about everything. In fact, i'm probably wrong about lots of things.

Not "probably," Princess, but you are clearly making progress.

I don't expect everyone to agree with me. I just express my skepticisms and discuss all possibilities.

No you don't. You reject anything mainstream yet accept anything off-the-wall. That isn't healthy, normal skepticism ... it's childish.

I don't attempt to shame or shout down anyone unless i'm attacked first. And that's what the resident Trolls here do on a daily basis. And they know who they are. Stupid "Tinfoil Hat" insults and such. All i can say is do your own thinking and stay open to the possibilities. I wont attack your beliefs.

Yet you don't do your own thinking. You simply reject out-of-hand anything mainstream yet accept any CTBS without question. :cuckoo:
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What you have said is that whatever entity is in charge of everything, be it government or some new world order secret society, they control the media, they plan and execute events such as 9/11 or the Sandy Hook killings with regularity, simply buying off and/or threatening anyone they need into silence.

Yet somehow, you seem to feel that random youtube videos are outside of their influence and you trust those videos implicitly?

If a faceless organization with nearly unlimited power and resources is in control of the media, how can you determine what information is trustworthy and what is created by them?

That's why you have to do your own thinking. I'm not saying i'm right about everything. In fact, i'm probably wrong about lots of things.

Not "probably, Princess, but you are clearly making progress.

I don't expect everyone to agree with me. I just express my skepticisms and discuss all possibilities.

No you don't. You reject anything mainstream yet accept anything off-the-wall. That isn't healthy, normal skepticism ... it's childish.

I don't attempt to shame or shout down anyone unless i'm attacked first. And that's what the resident Trolls here do on a daily basis. And they know who they are. Stupid "Tinfoil Hat" insults and such. All i can say is do your own thinking and stay open to the possibilities. I wont attack your beliefs.

Yet you don't do your own thinking. You simply reject out-of-hand anything mainstream yet accept any CTBS without question. :cuckoo:

Hey, how bout another :cuckoo:: smilie? Cuz we never get enough of those from you. Seriously, your SAYIT Sock is all out of material. Try coming back with your del, dawgshit, candyass, or other Sock Trolls. This one's all done. Good luck. ;)
You're not allowed to speak with the parents. Unless you're part of the Government/Media Complex. Your point really is moot. And it's not back peddling. Ridiculing and Shaming are very important weapons used by the Government/Media Complex. That tactic simply works. Most people just stop asking questions after being ridiculed and shamed. But i'm not one of those people. Sorry bout that.
so when can we expect you to stop using you new favorite phrase:"Ridiculing and Shaming are very important weapons used by the Government/Media Complex"-paulie..

When it stops being the case.

Yet those who find your CT silliness to be silly must stop referring to you as a foil-hatted loon? It seems you can dish it but not take it, Princess. Would you like some cheese with your whine? :boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo:
That's why you have to do your own thinking. I'm not saying i'm right about everything. In fact, i'm probably wrong about lots of things.

Not "probably, Princess, but you are clearly making progress.

I don't expect everyone to agree with me. I just express my skepticisms and discuss all possibilities.

No you don't. You reject anything mainstream yet accept anything off-the-wall. That isn't healthy, normal skepticism ... it's childish.

I don't attempt to shame or shout down anyone unless i'm attacked first. And that's what the resident Trolls here do on a daily basis. And they know who they are. Stupid "Tinfoil Hat" insults and such. All i can say is do your own thinking and stay open to the possibilities. I wont attack your beliefs.

Yet you don't do your own thinking. You simply reject out-of-hand anything mainstream yet accept any CTBS without question. :cuckoo:

Hey, how bout another :cuckoo:: smilie? Cuz we never get enough of those from you. Seriously, your SAYIT Sock is all out of material. Try coming back with your del, dawgshit, candyass, or other Sock Trolls. This one's all done. Good luck. ;)

Tell you what, Princess. I'll stop bitch-slappin' you when you stop posting like a whiny CT bitch. :D

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