Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

Very sorry-you guys are right,you really do know everything.
There has never ever been a case of our government covering up anything,or ever lying to us.
Everything is wonderful,king obama is going to make everything all better.
I will never question what CNN tells me ever again!
BTW the latest news is that this nutcase had been planning something for years..........

The gunman behind the shooting massacre at Connecticut’s Sandy Hook Elementary School reportedly compiled extensive research about previous mass murders into a spreadsheet containing roughly 500 people.

The New York Daily News reports that an obsessive Adam Lanza produced a spreadsheet 7 feet long and 4 feet wide in tiny 9-point font that required a special printer on past mass killings and attempted murders.

“We were told [Lanza] had around 500 people on this sheet,” a law enforcement veteran told the newspaper. “Names and the number of people killed and the weapons that were used, even the precise make and model of the weapons. It had to have taken years. It sounded like a doctoral thesis, that was the quality of the research.”

Read more: Sandy Hook gunman reportedly compiled massive spreadsheet on previous killings | Fox News

Clearly that is just part of the gov't/media OCT. You can't believe a word they say (just ask Pauli). They are trying to make Lanza seem like a head case. Oh, wait... :cuckoo:
Very sorry-you guys are right,you really do know everything.
There has never ever been a case of our government covering up anything,or ever lying to us.
Everything is wonderful,king obama is going to make everything all better.
I will never question what CNN tells me ever again!

Didn't you just say you once scoffed at CTs?
You sure sound just like our way-over-the-top paranoid carnival clowns.
You're just playin', right?
Hey@! I never even used the phrase "should have"!
Can you have your mommy read what I posted,please?
really? Quote: Originally Posted by Raincat View Post
So what? Really?is that your best reply?
You dont think the hazmat crew should have.

might want to get your mommy to wipe the shit out of your eyes!
Oh,dear..I am sorry,I did say that "should" word!:clap2:
Thank you for your diligence!:clap2:
Im glad that you pointed out that is why my whole argument fell apart right there,waited for another poster to say something,then jumped in,backing him up.
If this is exactly the same thing you wanted to point out to me in the first place,why did you not simply say so right away?:cuckoo:
wow! for someone who said "I'm having nothing more to do with you" you seem to have a lot to say to me..
besides I made my point..
Hazemat, if that's what they were, were not needed to handle a gun found out side the blood contaminated area. And why would the police have a suspects car towed away from the crime scene before going over it for obvious clues? Also was this the guy who booby trapped his apartment? those could have been bomb suits for all we know. And it is possible that they had cleared the vehicle before the video shows the officer clearing the weapon, which would have been difficult to do in a Hazemat or bomb suit...

If you have any military experience think MOPP4 times 10.....

You sir,have a point there,but still questions remain.
I am a person who scoffed at such "conspiracy theory" ideas myself...

Sandy Hook? Really? You should listen to yourself. You picked a real doozy to get your feet wet. They say once you go foil you never go back to normal.
it all starts with a hershes kiss.
Very sorry-you guys are right,you really do know everything.
There has never ever been a case of our government covering up anything,or ever lying to us.
Everything is wonderful,king obama is going to make everything all better.
I will never question what CNN tells me ever again!

BAM! Classic. Thanks. :clap2:
BTW the latest news is that this nutcase had been planning something for years..........

The gunman behind the shooting massacre at Connecticut’s Sandy Hook Elementary School reportedly compiled extensive research about previous mass murders into a spreadsheet containing roughly 500 people.

The New York Daily News reports that an obsessive Adam Lanza produced a spreadsheet 7 feet long and 4 feet wide in tiny 9-point font that required a special printer on past mass killings and attempted murders.

“We were told [Lanza] had around 500 people on this sheet,” a law enforcement veteran told the newspaper. “Names and the number of people killed and the weapons that were used, even the precise make and model of the weapons. It had to have taken years. It sounded like a doctoral thesis, that was the quality of the research.”

Read more: Sandy Hook gunman reportedly compiled massive spreadsheet on previous killings | Fox News
but he only weighted 120lbs soaking wet....:eusa_angel:
Very sorry-you guys are right,you really do know everything.
There has never ever been a case of our government covering up anything,or ever lying to us.
Everything is wonderful,king obama is going to make everything all better.
I will never question what CNN tells me ever again!

BAM! Classic. Thanks. :clap2:
classic what? it' was at best a lame attempt at sarcasm..maybe...
'Uh duh, dat CNN Anderson Coopa tole me Gubmint don eva lie. Theys good and loves us all. Anderson Coopa say dat all da time on da tv.'

Man i swear, loyal Goose Steppers are so damn ignorant.
conspiracy nuts..... for your own stop using the phrases:" think for yourselves and common sense", 1st you must have more then two or three wrinkles in your grey matter to think.
2nd you folks prove every day that common sense is not so common by your continuous lack of it's usage.
[ame=]Sandy Hook Fully Exposed - OFFICIAL PART 2 - YouTube[/ame]

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