Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

four farts in a row from the trolls since your last post Paul.:poop: the last three by paid shiils.

Didn't I just see you complain about your critics' inability to debate in another thread?

Oh, the irony. :lol:

911 fruitcake doesn't debate, he shows 1000 youtube videos and swears by everyone of them even when they disagree with each other.... Or the ones that have been debunked about a million times and he still holds out hope one person will follow him into ....well no where.....
Didn't I just see you complain about your critics' inability to debate in another thread?

Oh, the irony. :lol:

this coming from a frady cat troll who runs off from that video on my thread and other as well:lol::lol::lol::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Yep, see how I run away in terror!

Which of the many youtube videos and CT threads are you even talking about?

Oh, and posting a video and then talking about farts and paid trolls is NOT good debating. Your inability to form proper sentences or use correct punctuation don't help, either. Actually, of anyone I've seen post in the CT forum, you are possibly the worst example of what to do to try and make a point that I've seen. :tongue:
hand job has no Idea what the word punctuation're right hand job is the personification of stereotypes sometimes being true.
If you believe this case was created by someone, then the suspect must be government itself because no other people have the ability to do it, just like 911 and the assassination of JFK. To cover up a slaughtering of 27 people, you need the ability to control police, media and government officials. So it’s funny to take the information from authority as evidence to convince people. It only misleads.

In this case, Adam Lanza and his mother, could be victims of the plot. Lanza had no motive to commit such a crime. Government has. They are pushing for a gun ban. It’s hard to ban all kinds of guns. So the first step is to ban the “Assault weapon”. That’s why they insisted that the gunman used a rifle. By common sense, it’s easy to use hand gun to shoot inside a building. It’s rare to see people use rifle to commit killing inside rooms when they have hand gun as choice.
Today Show - no rifles used in Newtown shooting.

[ame=]Today Show - no rifles used in Newtown shooting. - YouTube[/ame]
WOW, I guess reporters are never wrong....

I saw the weapon that was removed from the trunk of the car. It was not an AR-15........

This is an early report and everyone was reporting false information just so they could be first to talk about it.

If you want to stop this Administration from passing a gun ban stop wasting your time pointing useless fingers and contact you congressman, both senators, the white house and the VP. Inform them all that you are against Gun control.
Well, the Government/Media Complex says shut up and stop asking questions. They gave you the story, and that's that. And if you don't believe their story, you must be a 'Crazy insensitive America-Hating Terrorist.' Oh Police States, they're fun hah?
Well, the Government/Media Complex says shut up and stop asking questions. They gave you the story, and that's that. And if you don't believe their story, you must be a 'Crazy insensitive America-Hating Terrorist.' Oh Police States, they're fun hah?

Nah, you're a crazy insensitive america hating terrorist for other reasons thug.
Well, the Government/Media Complex says shut up and stop asking questions. They gave you the story, and that's that. And if you don't believe their story, you must be a 'Crazy insensitive America-Hating Terrorist.' Oh Police States, they're fun hah?

Im sure you will track all the survivng children and make sure their lives are a horror.

You are the worst human being I know
Well, the Government/Media Complex says shut up and stop asking questions. They gave you the story, and that's that. And if you don't believe their story, you must be a 'Crazy insensitive America-Hating Terrorist.' Oh Police States, they're fun hah?

Im sure you will track all the survivng children and make sure their lives are a horror.

You are the worst human being I know

You don't know me asshole. So piss off.
WOW, I guess reporters are never wrong....

I saw the weapon that was removed from the trunk of the car. It was not an AR-15........

This is an early report and everyone was reporting false information just so they could be first to talk about it.

If you want to stop this Administration from passing a gun ban stop wasting your time pointing useless fingers and contact you congressman, both senators, the white house and the VP. Inform them all that you are against Gun control.

Is some silly CT still bangin' that drum?
Sandy Hook School was selected particularly for its location. It was in a dead end of a road. No others would pass by and witness what have happened. It largely protect the perpetrators to commit a crime without being discovered and then left. The time was at 9:40, parents left already and they couldn’t be witness too. The victims were first grade pupils, they were too young to describe a scene even if they were survived the massacre. Yet, the murderers tried to kill everyone.

Look at some news vids-every car in the parking lot is parked the same way..odd...
That state also has had an "assault weapon"ban since 1993.Nancy Lanza could NOT have owned a bushmaster AR-15 legally.
Adam Lanza was maybe 120 pounds,they say..could he have even been able to walk,carrying about 80-100 pounds of gear?
Each child was shot 4-11 times,the creepy coroner says..incredible shooting skills!
Does an AR-15 have the penetration power to shoot through a bunch of people? no.
The media says there were empty mags everywhere..only 2 rooms were targeted-why so many empty mags?
The time-line does not fit at all-Lanza would have had about 3 minutes to enter,and kill all those people.
The list of the dead was not released until the next day,yet police were telling parents that their kids were dead,right there,at the scene.
Parents were asked to ID their kids from photos.
The bodies were left to sit in the school over the weekend,and whisked away in the middle of the night?
The long guns in the car were found,as they searched it in the middle of the night..WTF?
Why wasnt the car sealed,towed,and searched per police procedure?
Yeah,I have questions.
Look at some news vids-every car in the parking lot is parked the same way..odd...
That state also has had an "assault weapon"ban since 1993.Nancy Lanza could NOT have owned a bushmaster AR-15 legally.
Adam Lanza was maybe 120 pounds,they say..could he have even been able to walk,carrying about 80-100 pounds of gear?
Each child was shot 4-11 times,the creepy coroner says..incredible shooting skills!
Does an AR-15 have the penetration power to shoot through a bunch of people? no.
The media says there were empty mags everywhere..only 2 rooms were targeted-why so many empty mags?
The time-line does not fit at all-Lanza would have had about 3 minutes to enter,and kill all those people.
The list of the dead was not released until the next day,yet police were telling parents that their kids were dead,right there,at the scene.
Parents were asked to ID their kids from photos.
The bodies were left to sit in the school over the weekend,and whisked away in the middle of the night?
The long guns in the car were found,as they searched it in the middle of the night..WTF?
Why wasnt the car sealed,towed,and searched per police procedure?
Yeah,I have questions.

You're completely justified in having questions. Don't let them shame you into not asking more. The Government/Media lies. That's just the way it is. However, it is unlikely we'll ever get the truth. The Government/Media Complex controls most of the information in our country. But it's good to be curious and suspicious. Always keep an open mind.
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Thanks for not flaming me!
We Will not ever get the truth.
Funny thing...the media vids show cars and emt vehicles parked by Sandy Hook,and you can clearly see the street sign..the name of the street is spelled wrong,and google earth gives you the correct spelling,as do earth blocks out the street sign,when you try to look at it.
Thanks for not flaming me!
We Will not ever get the truth.
Funny thing...the media vids show cars and emt vehicles parked by Sandy Hook,and you can clearly see the street sign..the name of the street is spelled wrong,and google earth gives you the correct spelling,as do earth blocks out the street sign,when you try to look at it.

It could have been a well-planned made-for-tv event. The American Public wouldn't know any better. Most believe everything they see on the Idiot Box. That's just the sad reality. But continue being curious and suspicious. The Government/Media Complex is evil. Once you accept that, questioning their lies becomes a logical and natural reaction.
There is so far no evidence of any lies, especially since we still do not have the official final report.

By the way there was one gun found in the car, a shotgun, which was not used in the building.
2 long guns in the car,watch the tapes-be sure to watch the ones that show 2 other people in full haz-mat gear taking the long guns,after they are cleared by someone who seems to have no idea of what he is doing.
the video is not that great,but I am not sure the guy handling the guns was even wearing gloves.
Again,I repeat-why on earth was anyone searching the trunk of the car at night?
Above and beyond NOT any normal police practice.
The "official" report will be sanitized,prove the "lone gunman" theory beyond any doubt,sandy Hook will be torn down as fast as possible,no one will ever see any footage from the security cams at the school..they will be.."lost",or "destroyed"...ooops..,or,most likely,they will just wait until the sheeple forget all about any holes in the story,and go back to watching dancing with the stars!
Please post said video.............

The one video I saw showed one gun being removed and one shell being cleared from it by a police officer who did seem to know what he was doing though with an unfamiliar firearm. The gun could not be named from the tape but it was not an AR15. That much is certain.......

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