Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

It's over. The Government/Media Complex had this story written awhile ago. The story has been written, and that's that. We'll never get the truth. Such is life in the New World Order. Onto to the next scam.

You mean the next half-assed, loony tune CT. Thanks for playing. :cuckoo:

They already wrote the story. And Authority-Worshipping dupes like you bought it all. It is over. They've moved onto the next scam. Dead Children = Disarm the Citizens. It's always for the children. And Blah Blah Blah. Mission accomplished...Or is it? I hope not.
Sandy Hook: Very Intelligent Student Reports Only 7 Loud Booms, Not 100′s of Shots

By Shepard Ambellas
February 5, 2013

NEWTOWN — During a recent interview on NBC, a very smart little girl who was in the Sandy Hook Elementary School gym at the time of the shooting, stated, “Well, I heard like 7 loud booms,” contradicting what should have been heard from gunfire sounds in a confined area (building) that likely would ring out like a loud cracking sound.

It’s also worth noting that not one kid interviewed by the media that was present during the time of the shooting describes the sound of gunfire.

Connecticut Grade School Shooting : Little Girl Tells The Horror - YouTube

Sandy Hook: Very Intelligent Student Reports Only 7 Loud Booms, Not 100?s of Shots :
setting the complete bullshit of this post aside ..why did it have to read very smart little girl, are you inferring that so called less smart kids are deaf...?
Of course they will and a dozen other "News" papers will do the same. Doesn't mean they know any more than we do or as much as the police and investigators do. When the investigation is complete and they release all there is to release I'll be right here to listen....

Yo Ollie......explain this one to me s0n. Now.....we all know you arent pressed for time these days so please take the 3 mintues and check this out and get back to me........although Im thinking you might be having some problems with your eyesight, in which case, forget about the whole thing........

[ame=]Sandy Hook fire station footage filmed elsewhere? - YouTube[/ame]

Anybody who cha-cha's this vid is somebody who is desperate to continue living in their bubble.

This again.....

For the first part, did you notice that the building has two different corners that look very similar, one of which is closer to that other building? It's hard to say for sure because they conveniently ignore one of the corners, but from the overhead it looks like both corners may have those wooden 'planters' as it's called in the video.

The rest of the video seems to be trying to pass off differing perspectives, and the way that can make objects appear further/closer or larger/smaller and trying to use that as proof that some of the images are doctored.

Show me two pictures from the same basic location that look completely different and I might be willing to listen. What you've shown to date is very thin at best.
We need to create a guild that will volunteer to piss on the OP's grave 3 times a day for infinity. I volunteer for the first shift on day one. If we can find the graves of anyone this piece of shit cared for, we can do them too.
why wait, how bout we find out what basement he lives in and piss in there until he floats out.
It's over. The Government/Media Complex had this story written awhile ago. The story has been written, and that's that. We'll never get the truth. Such is life in the New World Order. Onto to the next scam.

You mean the next half-assed, loony tune CT. Thanks for playing. :cuckoo:

They already wrote the story. And Authority-Worshipping dupes like you bought it all. It is over. They've moved onto the next scam. Dead Children = Disarm the Citizens. It's always for the children. And Blah Blah Blah. Mission accomplished...Or is it? I hope not.

Have you written to your elected officials about gun control yet? If not I suggest that you do so instead of waving your false flag, wave the American flag and make the assholes in Washington hear you.... I have......
It's over. The Government/Media Complex had this story written awhile ago. The story has been written, and that's that. We'll never get the truth. Such is life in the New World Order. Onto to the next scam.

You mean the next half-assed, loony tune CT. Thanks for playing. :cuckoo:

They already wrote the story. And Authority-Worshipping dupes like you bought it all. It is over. They've moved onto the next scam. Dead Children = Disarm the Citizens. It's always for the children. And Blah Blah Blah. Mission accomplished...Or is it? I hope not.

It's interesting how you think that no one can no the truth who wasn't there, yet you are sure this was a scam.......
[...] Or we could accept logical gun control measures such as asking people if they are insane when they buy a weapon.

There are already laws in place that should have prevented Loughner and Holmes (and reportedly did prevent Lanza) from buying/owning firearms on the basis of their documented mental issues, and I'm all for shoring up the weak links in the chain between psychiatric professionals and the NCIC database.

Enacting new laws (banning certain kinds of semi-autos and limiting mag capacities for the rest), which would primarily impact law-abiding citizens with no history of mental/psychological disorders, is a-whole-nother ballgame...
[...] Or we could accept logical gun control measures such as asking people if they are insane when they buy a weapon.

There are already laws in place that should have prevented Loughner and Holmes (and reportedly did prevent Lanza) from buying/owning firearms on the basis of their documented mental issues, and I'm all for shoring up the weak links in the chain between psychiatric professionals and the NCIC database.

Enacting new laws (banning certain kinds of semi-autos and limiting mag capacities for the rest), which would primarily impact law-abiding citizens with no history of mental/psychological disorders, is a-whole-nother ballgame...

Well said. Punishing good law abiding Citizens for the horrific crimes of a few, isn't a just solution. It isn't necessary to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Unfortunately, that's the standard for passing most Laws these days. Just punish everyone for the crimes of a few. The People will just have to stand up and say no. The good law abiding Citizens will not be punished this time.
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[...] Or we could accept logical gun control measures such as asking people if they are insane when they buy a weapon.

There are already laws in place that should have prevented Loughner and Holmes (and reportedly did prevent Lanza) from buying/owning firearms on the basis of their documented mental issues, and I'm all for shoring up the weak links in the chain between psychiatric professionals and the NCIC database.

Enacting new laws (banning certain kinds of semi-autos and limiting mag capacities for the rest), which would primarily impact law-abiding citizens with no history of mental/psychological disorders, is a-whole-nother ballgame...

Well said. Punishing good law abiding Citizens for the horrific crimes of a few, isn't a just solution. It isn't necessary to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Unfortunately, that's the standard for passing most Laws these days. Just punish everyone for the crimes of a few. The People will just have to stand up and say no. The good law abiding Citizens will not be punished this time.

I think you are very wrong.

I don't think that it's just 'these days' that laws get passed as window dressing, as vote pandering, as a sop to the electorate without any expectation of them really accomplishing anything. I would guess that's been a political tactic throughout most of the history of government. Wherever politicians have felt a need to appeal to the people for whatever reason, meaningless laws have probably been passed.
[...] Or we could accept logical gun control measures such as asking people if they are insane when they buy a weapon.

There are already laws in place that should have prevented Loughner and Holmes (and reportedly did prevent Lanza) from buying/owning firearms on the basis of their documented mental issues, and I'm all for shoring up the weak links in the chain between psychiatric professionals and the NCIC database.

Enacting new laws (banning certain kinds of semi-autos and limiting mag capacities for the rest), which would primarily impact law-abiding citizens with no history of mental/psychological disorders, is a-whole-nother ballgame...

The ultra cool thing about asking people if they are insane or checking to see if they have mentally challenged people in their immediate families is the strengthening of that link.

There is nothing wrong with limiting the magazine/clip volumes.
We need to create a guild that will volunteer to piss on the OP's grave 3 times a day for infinity. I volunteer for the first shift on day one. If we can find the graves of anyone this piece of shit cared for, we can do them too.
why wait, how bout we find out what basement he lives in and piss in there until he floats out.

I'm pretty sure he pisses into jars already and would have to be removed with a crane.

No, by pissing on his grave you let the world know what type of person he was. Much more sinister and effective.
You mean the next half-assed, loony tune CT. Thanks for playing. :cuckoo:

They already wrote the story. And Authority-Worshipping dupes like you bought it all. It is over. They've moved onto the next scam. Dead Children = Disarm the Citizens. It's always for the children. And Blah Blah Blah. Mission accomplished...Or is it? I hope not.

It's interesting how you think that no one can no the truth who wasn't there, yet you are sure this was a scam.......

By rule the CT's skepticism is never to be applied to CTs. :cuckoo:
four farts in a row from the trolls since your last post Paul.:poop: the last three by paid shiils.
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The main pissers on the graves of the Sandy Hook victims are those in the mainstream trying to use the massacre to support an anti-gun agenda.

The focus should be on beefing up security on public school campuses (much like it is for certain private schools); NOT on hampering the ability of law abiding citizens to defend themselves against enemies (foreign and domestic).

Ok. How much would this.cost and

Remember, you have to pay for armed escorts for the buses, Sunday schools, day care, etc... Or we could accept logical gun control measures such as asking people if they are insane when they buy a weapon.

Please do not make sense in here, its confusing to so many. :eek:
Ok. How much would this.cost and

Remember, you have to pay for armed escorts for the buses, Sunday schools, day care, etc... Or we could accept logical gun control measures such as asking people if they are insane when they buy a weapon.

Please do not make sense in here, its confusing to so many. :eek:

Uh they already do ask that question, ya silly dipshits. Lay off your video games and porn. Get informed. SHEESH!
four farts in a row from the trolls since your last post Paul.:poop: the last three by paid shiils.

Didn't I just see you complain about your critics' inability to debate in another thread?

Oh, the irony. :lol:

this coming from a frady cat troll who runs off from that video on my thread and other as well:lol::lol::lol::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Yep, see how I run away in terror!

Which of the many youtube videos and CT threads are you even talking about?

Oh, and posting a video and then talking about farts and paid trolls is NOT good debating. Your inability to form proper sentences or use correct punctuation don't help, either. Actually, of anyone I've seen post in the CT forum, you are possibly the worst example of what to do to try and make a point that I've seen. :tongue:

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