Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

You fools think this is nothing more than a false flag to get gun control passed? I suggest you stop wasting your time and start working on your Congressmen and Senators. Personally I don't think they have the votes to pass shit.... But i have still made my voice heard...

Actually, no Ollie, I don't think it was a "false flag." However I am not sure what it was. One thing I am sure of however, is that it is most definitely being used by a soft authoritarian state to make inroads on conditioning the public mind to surrender one of their most important liberties. With out that liberty, none of the other liberties make any difference. It is necessary for the population to mount a credible defense against government oppression. Now the mainstream propaganda has them thinking the only thing they need weapons for, is for home invasion by criminals, and for hunting.

It might have been a false flag operation. It might have been the result of S-quad technology. I am pretty sure that many of the assassinations that have occurred in our nations history have been caused by assassins that have had their minds "brain washed."

Have your ever looked into the relationship between the Bush family and the Hinckley family? It is quite clear that John Hinckley was a controlled agent, a victim of CIA mind control. Were you aware that Bush Senior used to head the CIA? Is it possible that Adam Lanza was also a victim of "mind control?" I can not say. Any official investigation will not show this.


Everyone knows who John Hinckley, Jr. is. This youngest Hinckley son is now being permitted unsupervised visits within the Washington, DC metropolitan area--away from his mental facility, after nearly killing President Reagan in 1981. But a much more interesting subject is, who is John Hinckley, Sr.?

In 1980, Hinckley Sr. was a Texas oilman who, the records show, strove mightily to get fellow Texas oilman George H.W. Bush the Republican nomination for president. The Bushes and the Hinckleys were frequent dinner companions.

But far beyond their social connection, neither Bush nor Hinckley wanted Ronald Reagan to become president, because Reagan was opposed to tax breaks for the oil industry to which Bush, Hinckley and other Texans were highly dependent.

Another possibility is S-quad technology.

The Sound of Silence is a military-intelligence code word for certain psychotronic weapons of mass mind-control tested in the mid 1950’s, perfected during the 70’s, and used extensively by the “modern” U.S. military in the early 90’s, despite the opposition and warnings issued by men such as Dwight David Eisenhower. This mind-altering covert weapon is based on something called subliminal carrier technology, or the Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS), (also nicknamed S-Quad or "Squad" in military jargon.) It was developed for military use by Dr. Oliver Lowery of Norcross, Georgia, and is described in US Patent #5,159,703

– “Silent Subliminal Presentation System” for commercial use in 1992. The patent abstract reads:

“A silent communications system in which nonaural carriers, in the very low (ELF) or very high audio-frequency (VHF) range or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency spectrum are amplitude – or frequency- modulated with the desired intelligence and propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement in to the brain, typically through the use of loudspeakers, earphones, or piezoelectric transducers. The modulated carriers may be transmitted directly in real time or may be conveniently recorded and stored on mechanical, magnetic, or optical media for delayed or repeated transmission to the listener.”

In layman’s terms, this device, this “Sound of Silence”simply allows for the unwarranted implantation of specific thoughts, emotions, and even prescribed physical actions into unsuspecting human beings.

In short, it has the very real ability to turn human beings into mere puppets in the hands of certain “controllers”or puppet-masters. Eisenhower knew full well what such a “weapon” could do in the hands of greedy, conspiring men and women scheming to control the planet. It could easily result in the takeover of American society without a single bullet being fired.

And of course, the third possibility is that this was just a terrible tragedy. But you must remember, that all of the MSM, all the major power brokers of both the Democratic and Republican parities meet at the CFR in New York and discuss how best to implement globalist policies. They meet with the heads of media. Isn't it just possible that they had teams of propagandists ready to move at the next gun tragedy? It strikes me as more than just a bit queer, needing SOME explanation, as to why this Gun legislation was already drawn up and ready to go BEFORE the shooting happened. Their teams of propagandists just seemed a little too eager and chomping at the bit right out of the starting gate to use these deaths to push an agenda.

[ame=]Rahm Emanuel: You never want a serious crisis to go to waste - YouTube[/ame]

You are either being unpatriotic by NOT asking questions, you are obtuse, or disingenuous. For clearly this tragic event is being put to some sinister political purpose. Not only that, the investigation seems to be cloaked and stalled in a shroud of mystery until such time as the political process has reached its "satisfactory" outcome.
This again.....

For the first part, did you notice that the building has two different corners that look very similar, one of which is closer to that other building? It's hard to say for sure because they conveniently ignore one of the corners, but from the overhead it looks like both corners may have those wooden 'planters' as it's called in the video.

The rest of the video seems to be trying to pass off differing perspectives, and the way that can make objects appear further/closer or larger/smaller and trying to use that as proof that some of the images are doctored.

Show me two pictures from the same basic location that look completely different and I might be willing to listen. What you've shown to date is very thin at best.

s0n.....are you paid to come in here and make posts that make zero sense? Its is crystal clear it is the same EXACT corner of the building. Go to GOOGLE EARTH.......there is only one planter at the firehouse.

Some people just dont want to even consider it no matter what., which I could understand. LIke Ive said, Ive been in here many times making fun of the conspiracy people.......just far too much stuff on this that makes no sense.

For someone who claims to have been so ardently anti CT, you sure are quickly developing their habits! Am I paid to come here? Why not just go ahead and call me a paid government troll and be done with it? :tongue:

Anyway, after some searching of images, I agree with you that both corners do not have the planters. In my defense, one of the images in the video shows a dark strip in front of the other corner (see 1:00 in), but I can only assume that is shadow since there is nothing there in other pictures. However, I still say this video is playing with different perspectives and amounts of zooming and using it to claim a fake. In the first still, the picture is clearly zoomed MUCH further forward than in the Google maps pic they use for comparison. Maybe it really is as off as the video claims, but having seen how much differing perspectives can change the look of something, I'd need to see pictures from the same perspective that look clearly different before I'm going to be convinced this is some kind of picture faking conspiracy.

How about I post one up for you bro.........gotta just find it again........
There is no doubt the left will use this to further their own objectives. There is no conspiracy there. But do us a favor, don't write your congressman, we don't need them to think we are all loonytoons..... least I know, unlike others on here......that you are checking this stuff out.......tells me at least you got an open mind.

Here is a pic of the actual building behind the fire house.......


Even forgetting about the distance thing......look at the still shot from the vid of that rear building. Its not even the same damn building. The one above is brick and damn if it seems to me the one in the still shot from the vid is made of wood. Also......what about the three equal type garage doors in the above shot. Then look at the doors at the vid still.......not even the same kind of building at all!!!!

Sill shot or the rear building is at 23 seconds..............


LMAO.....even the roof is a different color.............and the middle garage is a mile wide compared to the actual building from the above photo.........
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There is no doubt the left will use this to further their own objectives. There is no conspiracy there. But do us a favor, don't write your congressman, we don't need them to think we are all loonytoons.....

Ollie you wake up in the morning and put a horse type blinder on your head just to protect yourself from seeing anything that might be a bit disconcerting? Either that, or you have the curiosity sense of a small soap dish.

Anyway.......who the fuck posts up a pic of themselves on an avatar? s0n......gotta come out of that bubble once in awhile.
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Also...early in the video...look at the guy in black with hte black hat sitting on the planter. From the angle the picture is taken from, you should not be able to see daylight between him and the corner of the building. If you look at the aerial footage, the planter is angled towards the front of the building. the one in the video extends past the corner of the buidling. Plus notice there is some sort of black metal post near the helicopter footage the is no sign or pole there.

There are clearly 2 different different real and one most likely a set.
There is no doubt the left will use this to further their own objectives. There is no conspiracy there. But do us a favor, don't write your congressman, we don't need them to think we are all loonytoons.....
Ollie you wake up in the morning and put a horse type blinder on your head just to protect yourself from seeing anything that might be a bit disconcerting? Either that, or you have the curiosity sense of a small soap dish.
Anyway.......who the fuck posts up a pic of themselves on an avatar? s0n......gotta come out of that bubble once in awhile.
Couldn't have said it better myself!:clap2: least I know, unlike others on here......that you are checking this stuff out.......tells me at least you got an open mind.

Here is a pic of the actual building behind the fire house.......


Even forgetting about the distance thing......look at the still shot from the vid of that rear building. Its not even the same damn building. The one above is brick and damn if it seems to me the one in the still shot from the vid is made of wood. Also......what about the three equal type garage doors in the above shot. Then look at the doors at the vid still.......not even the same kind of building at all!!!!

Sill shot or the rear building is at 23 seconds..............

Sandy Hook fire station footage filmed elsewhere? - YouTube

LMAO.....even the roof is a different color.............and the middle garage is a mile wide compared to the actual building from the above photo.........

The picture you've provided does not look the same as the overhead imagery from the video, nor does it look the same as the overhead from Google maps. How do you know this image you posted is accurate? Not only the building, but the pavement and the foliage around it are not the same as the overhead views.
Montrovant you can't confuse them with facts. I've tried. It goes in one ear bounces around a while and comes out the other ear jumbled into some thing totally different. least I know, unlike others on here......that you are checking this stuff out.......tells me at least you got an open mind.

Here is a pic of the actual building behind the fire house.......


Even forgetting about the distance thing......look at the still shot from the vid of that rear building. Its not even the same damn building. The one above is brick and damn if it seems to me the one in the still shot from the vid is made of wood. Also......what about the three equal type garage doors in the above shot. Then look at the doors at the vid still.......not even the same kind of building at all!!!!

Sill shot or the rear building is at 23 seconds..............

Sandy Hook fire station footage filmed elsewhere? - YouTube

LMAO.....even the roof is a different color.............and the middle garage is a mile wide compared to the actual building from the above photo.........

The picture you've provided does not look the same as the overhead imagery from the video, nor does it look the same as the overhead from Google maps. How do you know this image you posted is accurate? Not only the building, but the pavement and the foliage around it are not the same as the overhead views. are correct. Went back and checked and it is a supplemental house somewhere in the same village.........different address.
It's over. The Government/Media Complex had this story written awhile ago. The story has been written, and that's that. We'll never get the truth. Such is life in the New World Order. Onto to the next scam.
We need to create a guild that will volunteer to piss on the OP's grave 3 times a day for infinity. I volunteer for the first shift on day one. If we can find the graves of anyone this piece of shit cared for, we can do them too.
We need to create a guild that will volunteer to piss on the OP's grave 3 times a day for infinity. I volunteer for the first shift on day one. If we can find the graves of anyone this piece of shit cared for, we can do them too.

The main pissers on the graves of the Sandy Hook victims are those in the mainstream trying to use the massacre to support an anti-gun agenda.

The focus should be on beefing up security on public school campuses (much like it is for certain private schools); NOT on hampering the ability of law abiding citizens to defend themselves against enemies (foreign and domestic).
We need to create a guild that will volunteer to piss on the OP's grave 3 times a day for infinity. I volunteer for the first shift on day one. If we can find the graves of anyone this piece of shit cared for, we can do them too.

The main pissers on the graves of the Sandy Hook victims are those in the mainstream trying to use the massacre to support an anti-gun agenda.

The focus should be on beefing up security on public school campuses (much like it is for certain private schools); NOT on hampering the ability of law abiding citizens to defend themselves against enemies (foreign and domestic).

At least you admit there are victims.

I support armed guards at schools (as many schools already have). I never understood the opposition to such a thing. I mean if you're going to rely on calling in a bunch of guys and gals with guns if there is an emergency, why not have guys with guns on site if possible?

I don't support having teachers with guns. It's a stupid idea.

I think we should tax the living daylights out of guns and ammunition. Banning things does not work...we know that from experience. Imposing a mayhem tax is the best measure society can take to help repair the damage cause by guns.
We need to create a guild that will volunteer to piss on the OP's grave 3 times a day for infinity. I volunteer for the first shift on day one. If we can find the graves of anyone this piece of shit cared for, we can do them too.

The main pissers on the graves of the Sandy Hook victims are those in the mainstream trying to use the massacre to support an anti-gun agenda.

The focus should be on beefing up security on public school campuses (much like it is for certain private schools); NOT on hampering the ability of law abiding citizens to defend themselves against enemies (foreign and domestic).

Ok. How much would this.cost and
We need to create a guild that will volunteer to piss on the OP's grave 3 times a day for infinity. I volunteer for the first shift on day one. If we can find the graves of anyone this piece of shit cared for, we can do them too.

The main pissers on the graves of the Sandy Hook victims are those in the mainstream trying to use the massacre to support an anti-gun agenda.

The focus should be on beefing up security on public school campuses (much like it is for certain private schools); NOT on hampering the ability of law abiding citizens to defend themselves against enemies (foreign and domestic).

Ok. How much would this.cost and

Remember, you have to pay for armed escorts for the buses, Sunday schools, day care, etc... Or we could accept logical gun control measures such as asking people if they are insane when they buy a weapon. least I know, unlike others on here......that you are checking this stuff out.......tells me at least you got an open mind.

Here is a pic of the actual building behind the fire house.......


Even forgetting about the distance thing......look at the still shot from the vid of that rear building. Its not even the same damn building. The one above is brick and damn if it seems to me the one in the still shot from the vid is made of wood. Also......what about the three equal type garage doors in the above shot. Then look at the doors at the vid still.......not even the same kind of building at all!!!!

Sill shot or the rear building is at 23 seconds..............

Sandy Hook fire station footage filmed elsewhere? - YouTube

LMAO.....even the roof is a different color.............and the middle garage is a mile wide compared to the actual building from the above photo.........

The picture you've provided does not look the same as the overhead imagery from the video, nor does it look the same as the overhead from Google maps. How do you know this image you posted is accurate? Not only the building, but the pavement and the foliage around it are not the same as the overhead views. are correct. Went back and checked and it is a supplemental house somewhere in the same village.........different address.

Meanwhile you have fouled this thread with your typical CT ignorance and stupidity. Thanks.
It's over. The Government/Media Complex had this story written awhile ago. The story has been written, and that's that. We'll never get the truth. Such is life in the New World Order. Onto to the next scam.

You mean the next half-assed, loony tune CT. Thanks for playing. :cuckoo:

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