Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

Prove any of those parents are NOT ALLOWED to talk to the press.

Its becuase of people like you nutters here that they dont want to be in the public.

One of you nutters will try to kill them or their remaining kids.

Be proud you blood suckers
[ame=]LATEST NEWS : Sandy Hook parents talk about son's death - YouTube[/ame]
You people are westboro level insane.

You want these families of babies that were torn to shreds by these weapons to be hounded by you insane idiots for the rest of their lives all so you can get what you think is political traction.

I really hate you people.
more lame ass excuses from paulie if you actually had the balls to back your conviction you at least try
oh btw I have no need to talk to the parents

Try talking with the parents. Go for it. Are you a member of the Government/Media Complex (MSM)? If not, you have no chance. That's just the way it is.

But what about the friends of the parents? The parents of those parents, the siblings, the co-workers? Are they all being kept away by the government as well?

I think most adults in the US today are probably fairly easy to find information about, if you work at it. It doesn't have to be direct interviews, there are so many different social mediums, not to mention the possibility of being able to find and speak to employers or get whatever public records might be available.

The point of this is that a cover up such as you think occurred with Sandy Hook would take a massive amount of resources and require many, many people to either be complicit or willing to remain quiet about it. In fact, I wonder if it would even be possible to have done this in a real town with real families; it might just be too difficult to keep the questions of friends, relatives, employers/employees or acquaintances silent.

Conspiracy theories too often seem to ignore the effort required to successfully plan them, execute them, and keep them from coming to light afterward.

This is a very salient point. I have thought this from the very beginning. It is one of the reasons why I found the whole theory of the victims and their families not being real to be species at best.

It doesn't however discount the possibility that perhaps some of the victims might not have existed, those whose parents are plants for political purposes, nor does it preclude the possibility that the elements that carried out the massacre were working with pro-gun control elements within the tyrannical portions within the global elites who wish to exert more control over the populace.

This is, by far the most likely scenario. Look, it has fooled you. Take a real school, one where the families are already pro- gun control. Take rogue elements of the CIA, and massacre some children with a highly trained sharp shooter that was trained in Iraq or Afghanistan. It is literally, child's play for him. Meanwhile, another agent kills Adam Lanza and his mother and takes the body to the school using a petty criminal's car and drops the body off.

Piece of cake.

Gun control accomplished. Or so they would think.

Unfortunately, most Americans believe that the occasional school massacre is the price of freedom, whether they are the bullets of a mad man or the lunatic government's conspiracy to manipulate the populace. . . . It makes no difference. That is the price of freedom. Big brother will have to do more to fool the population into voluntarily surrendering it's freedom.
so now your lying about wht Americans believe?

I hope you have horrible nightmares for the rest of your life.

I hope the ghost of this crazy kid who killed these babies lives inside your head untill your dead
Wow, all that planning and all those parents who agreed to sacrifice their kids lives for gun control that isn't going to happen................

You people are as crazy as the shooter was...........
so now your lying about wht Americans believe?

I hope you have horrible nightmares for the rest of your life.

I hope the ghost of this crazy kid who killed these babies lives inside your head untill your dead

Wow, take a chill pill. You are so filled with rage and hatred. The debate is over. Yes, Americans believe in freedom, you can't tell them what they can and cannot own, sorry.

Say Goodbye to the Assault Weapons Ban

Harry Reid said on Tuesday that fewer than 40 of his chamber’s 100 members support a bill to renew a ban against military-style assault weapons.
Fans of military-style assault weapons can stop worrying — their gun lobby has done its work, and all but assured that Congress will not pass a ban on their dangerous toys.

Senate Democratic leaders have decided not to include the ban, proposed by Senator Dianne Feinstein of California, in the official gun bill that will reach the floor in the next few weeks. It was always a long shot, but now Democrats have officially given the ban the cold shoulder.

Ms. Feinstein will probably manage to bring up the ban as a separate amendment, putting senators on record and letting the public know how they stand when given a chance to prohibit the kinds of guns used in so many massacres. As an independent measure, however, it’s guaranteed to fail. And it’s not even clear that an important piece of the ban, outlawing high-capacity ammunition magazines, will have enough support for a simple majority, let alone the 60 votes needed to get past a Republican filibuster.
. . . more at. . . .
Wow, all that planning and all those parents who agreed to sacrifice their kids lives for gun control that isn't going to happen................

You people are as crazy as the shooter was...........

It would be funny if the results were not the surviving victims being HUNTED the rest of their lives by these gun nutters.

I wonder what excuse they will give when one of their nutters kills some family member of the dead children ?
that is exactly what these monsters want.

they want these surviving victims to have Westboro like devotees of gun violence to follw them arround and scream at them all day long.

Except the victims will know the people screaming at them have home arsenals to kill them with
This is a very salient point. I have thought this from the very beginning. It is one of the reasons why I found the whole theory of the victims and their families not being real to be species at best.

It doesn't however discount the possibility that perhaps some of the victims might not have existed, those whose parents are plants for political purposes, nor does it preclude the possibility that the elements that carried out the massacre were working with pro-gun control elements within the tyrannical portions within the global elites who wish to exert more control over the populace.

This is, by far the most likely scenario. Look, it has fooled you. Take a real school, one where the families are already pro- gun control. Take rogue elements of the CIA, and massacre some children with a highly trained sharp shooter that was trained in Iraq or Afghanistan. It is literally, child's play for him. Meanwhile, another agent kills Adam Lanza and his mother and takes the body to the school using a petty criminal's car and drops the body off.

Piece of cake.

Gun control accomplished. Or so they would think.

Unfortunately, most Americans believe that the occasional school massacre is the price of freedom, whether they are the bullets of a mad man or the lunatic government's conspiracy to manipulate the populace. . . . It makes no difference. That is the price of freedom. Big brother will have to do more to fool the population into voluntarily surrendering it's freedom.

Are all the various mass shootings performed by the government, then?

If not, why would they need to do this particular one? Why not simply push gun control after every event and hope it eventually sticks? If the government is not the one behind all the mass shootings that happen in this country, then there are plenty to go around and seemingly no need to create more.

And what about the assault weapons ban from the Clinton years? Did that require a government run mass shooting to pass? I honestly don't remember the circumstances behind it, if there was some event that sparked its passage or not.
Wow, all that planning and all those parents who agreed to sacrifice their kids lives for gun control that isn't going to happen................

You people are as crazy as the shooter was...........

Crazier, and it's only a matter of time before most of the CTs slither away from this lunacy and pretend they were never here and never said these stupid stupid things.

I presented the possibilities. Individuals can decide for themselves. It's as simple as that.
that's not the biggest lie you've ever told but it's close. since you started this thread, you've proceeded in a manner that screams it's a conspiracy now like the true coward you are you now attempt and fail to say I don't really believe it but it's a possibility.

I cannot say with definitive certainty that it was or wasn't a Hoax. And neither can anyone else on this Board. I presented the possibilities. I'm sorry you can't handle that. Maybe you shouldn't come here anymore? Just a thought anyway.
Btw, i never said Sandy Hook was definitely a Hoax. I presented the possibilities. I don't have, and never will have the necessary information to make the call either way. And most others won't either. But there's nothing wrong with discussing the possibilities.

You have certainly leaned strongly in the direction of hoax, though. That's not just 'presenting the possibilities'. That's presenting your opinion of what happened.

For example, this is post #1048, by you, "Probably a well-choreographed made-for-tv event. I'm leaning more & more that way. How would the American People know any better? Most truly do believe everything they see on the Idiot Box. I've been guilty of that myself. They run the show. We're just a powerless captive audience.".

You've also made statements that the whole town was not in on it, and that it was a tightly controlled event.

So while you may not have explicitly said it was a hoax, most of what you've posted has clearly been aimed at that conclusion.

My opinion at this point. But obviously i can't prove anything. Like i said, i can't say it definitely was a Hoax. I just don't, and never will have the necessary information to make that call. And neither will anyone else.

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