Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

No, they are motivated by a statement you posted by some obscure director of medical services at some obscure hospital.
Get a grip ... the sky isn't falling.

What's the diff? That obscure med director does not set national policy and does not make our laws. You, like Cap. need to get a grip on reality. The sky is not falling.

Oh boy, are you really one of those who has absolutely no questions about this...

[ame=]SANDY HOOK: It's going to crash on their Head - H Wayne Carver - YouTube[/ame]

Or this...


They're CST's that go to ALL major events. God damn you're a dingbat.

Even Alex Jones debunked that stupid fucking nonsense.
Well, Gang, it looks like we're only going to see some small type-written excerpts from the seven 911 calls that were routed to the Newtown Police Dept. All of the calls that were routed to the State Police (it's unclear how many calls this includes) are still being withheld pending the outcome ...of a separate FOIA request case also filed by the AP!

Good luck finding "the Newtown website" on which the 7 audio excerpts were reportedly posted (you know, to actually hear them), but here's the list of partial calls they're allowing the public to see.

More on this aspect of the coverup later...
No, they are motivated by a statement you posted by some obscure director of medical services at some obscure hospital.
Get a grip ... the sky isn't falling.

Obscure though he may be, the inspiration behind his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee back in February was, in his own words during said testimony, as follows:

"My inspiration for coming here today is for several reasons. I am a parent of students in the Newtown school district and I have family members that serve with the Newtown Volunteer Ambulance Corps. I serve as a track coach for one of the elementary schools in Newtown. Yet, what forever changed my life was being the Emergency Room physician that was on shift at Danbury Hospital on December 14th - the day of the horrific shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School [though none of the shooting victims were transported/treated there]. This event has forever changed our community and my life. In the aftermath of the shooting, I, along with other like minded physicians, founded United Physicians of Newtown, a group of 101 Newtown doctors that came together with a single platform in response to the Sandy Hook massacre. I also serve as medical advisor for the Newtown Action Alliance, another grass roots organization that formed in response to the Sandy Hook Massacre."

His stated goal:

"My goal is to bring my background as a doctor and as a parent to convince you that gun legislation that you are considering now [Feinstein's AWB bill] will make a difference."

So, what we really have is a not-so-obscure Director of Medical Services from a hospital closely connected with the Sandy Hook tragedy calling for draconian legislative action in direct response to the Sandy Hook Massacre.
No, they are motivated by a statement you posted by some obscure director of medical services at some obscure hospital.
Get a grip ... the sky isn't falling.

What's the diff? That obscure med director does not set national policy and does not make our laws. You, like Cap. need to get a grip on reality. The sky is not falling.

Oh boy, are you really one of those who has absolutely no questions about this...

[ame=]SANDY HOOK: It's going to crash on their Head - H Wayne Carver - YouTube[/ame]

Or this...

asked, answered and debunked
There's a line, which too many CTs seem far too eager to cross, between wanting answers and being a sick ghoul.

I have no desire to know how many bullets were removed from little Jennifer's brain, or how many pints of blood little Dougie lost before he died. I don't need to know the exact time when Scotty's heart stopped beating, or when Tammy stopped coughing up blood on the classroom floor.
There's a line, which too many CTs seem far too eager to cross, between wanting answers and being a sick ghoul.

I have no desire to know how many bullets were removed from little Jennifer's brain, or how many pints of blood little Dougie lost before he died. I don't need to know the exact time when Scotty's heart stopped beating, or when Tammy stopped coughing up blood on the classroom floor.
neither do I, but the irony here is if that were to come out, the tin nut sacks would claim that info was redacted or a fake.
No, they are motivated by a statement you posted by some obscure director of medical services at some obscure hospital.
Get a grip ... the sky isn't falling.

Obscure though he may be, the inspiration behind his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee back in February was, in his own words during said testimony, as follows:

"My inspiration for coming here today is for several reasons. I am a parent of students in the Newtown school district and I have family members that serve with the Newtown Volunteer Ambulance Corps. I serve as a track coach for one of the elementary schools in Newtown. Yet, what forever changed my life was being the Emergency Room physician that was on shift at Danbury Hospital on December 14th - the day of the horrific shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School [though none of the shooting victims were transported/treated there]. This event has forever changed our community and my life. In the aftermath of the shooting, I, along with other like minded physicians, founded United Physicians of Newtown, a group of 101 Newtown doctors that came together with a single platform in response to the Sandy Hook massacre. I also serve as medical advisor for the Newtown Action Alliance, another grass roots organization that formed in response to the Sandy Hook Massacre."

His stated goal:

"My goal is to bring my background as a doctor and as a parent to convince you that gun legislation that you are considering now [Feinstein's AWB bill] will make a difference."

So, what we really have is a not-so-obscure Director of Medical Services from a hospital closely connected with the Sandy Hook tragedy calling for draconian legislative action in direct response to the Sandy Hook Massacre.

You don't think that such a reaction is fairly normal? Could it not be that shooting such as this happen entirely without some kind of government/secret organization planning them, and people who are directly affected often respond by wanting to see fewer guns?

I'm sure there are people from the area that want MORE guns, as well, in response to the shooting.

I don't see why what seems like a perfectly normal, common reaction to a shooting is taken as evidence of anything else.
There's a line, which too many CTs seem far too eager to cross, between wanting answers and being a sick ghoul.

I have no desire to know how many bullets were removed from little Jennifer's brain, or how many pints of blood little Dougie lost before he died. I don't need to know the exact time when Scotty's heart stopped beating, or when Tammy stopped coughing up blood on the classroom floor.

And cruel beyond belief.

Those baby's bodies where shredded. That's what the parents are living with. And, scum like on this board just want to play their sick little conspiracy games with it.
There's a line, which too many CTs seem far too eager to cross, between wanting answers and being a sick ghoul.

I have no desire to know how many bullets were removed from little Jennifer's brain, or how many pints of blood little Dougie lost before he died. I don't need to know the exact time when Scotty's heart stopped beating, or when Tammy stopped coughing up blood on the classroom floor.

It's an outgrowth of the internet.

There is now so much information out there to be had, that people come to expect they should know everything about any person or event they want to.

I don't understand the desire to see secret, nefarious groups behind every sad event that happens, but I can certainly see where the idea that all information be open to anyone who wants it comes from.
I don't see why what seems like a perfectly normal, common reaction to a shooting is taken as evidence of anything else.

Well, when the "perfectly normal, common reaction" has been both preceded and followed by highly anomalous behavior, from the actions of first responders (EMT's and law enforcement) to those of the State's Attorney's office throughout the entire so-called "investigation", it's perfectly reasonable to cast a second glance on some of the apparently normal reactions as well.
If you want to hear the tapes that were released....

Newtown 911 calls released -

No, that's a recording of the first call and a splicing together of calls 3, 6, and 7, which, intentionally or not, promotes a false impression as to when police arrived on the scene in relation to ongoing shots being fired.

The Courant's website has a more complete rendering, though it too has edited the 7th call and failed entirely to play calls 3 and 6, promoting a similar illusion as the splice-job from the Chicago Tribune.

Like I said, good luck finding "the Newtown website" on which the audio was reportedly posted. None of the articles I've seen thus far have linked to it.
No, they are motivated by a statement you posted by some obscure director of medical services at some obscure hospital.
Get a grip ... the sky isn't falling.

What's the diff? That obscure med director does not set national policy and does not make our laws. You, like Cap. need to get a grip on reality. The sky is not falling.

Oh boy, are you really one of those who has absolutely no questions about this...

[ame=]SANDY HOOK: It's going to crash on their Head - H Wayne Carver - YouTube[/ame]

Or this...

asked, answered and debunked

No one has answered anything about either one. Who were those men with large backpacks at the Boston Marathon?
Why the continued secrecy? The perpetrator of the crime is dead and gone. There will be no trial. They already wrote the story on it. So why not just be up front and release all information? Mind you, that wouldn't really satisfy me though. Because i know Government always lies. It's just what our Government does. The perpetrator of the crime is gone. There is no need for secrecy. Just release all of the information.
Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting 911 audio -

Among dozens of others...

But there is nothing there to prove or disprove any conspiracy theories, Only enough to hurt the families of those who were killed that day....

You fools need to let them heal....

Getting to the truth about Sandy Hook would be good for the families. People like you need to stop using the families and their grieving to protect your beloved Big Brother. The guilt-trip shaming thing isn't working as much anymore. People are demanding answers despite that dirty tactic. Getting truth is not in any way harming victims and their families. That's just Big Brother Bullshit used to stop people from asking questions. Times are changing though. You loyal Bootlickers can't stop people from demanding truth anymore. You guys are just gonna have to learn to deal with that.
Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting 911 audio -

Among dozens of others...

But there is nothing there to prove or disprove any conspiracy theories, Only enough to hurt the families of those who were killed that day....

You fools need to let them heal....

Pay close attention, Ollie, because I'm not going to further belabor the point. The LA Times website is NOT the "Newtown website" on which the audio of the 911 calls routed to the Newtown PD were reportedly posted. In this thread alone we've had access to differently-edited audio renderings from 3 separate AP sources (The Hartford Courant, The Chicago Tribune, and The LA Times), and I suspect you're right that there are dozens more nationwide, but none that I've seen thus far have provided a link to the court-ordered initial source.

Is that "Newtown website" only accessible to certain representatives from the AP?

Regarding the compatibility of the 911 tapes with the official narrative, any assessment rendered prior to a thorough examination of all of the relevant facts (yes, including the calls that were routed to the State Police, as well as the full evidence file) ...would be premature.

Having said that, I think a few cracks in Sedensky's leaky vessel have become apparent ...just in light of the few little tidbits of the audio recordings we have to examine.

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