Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

Always question Big Brother. Because he lies. That's just what he does. Once you've stopped questioning Big Brother, you've become a Big Brother-Worship Bot. You are no longer capable of independent thought.

There is a difference between questioning and assuming every conspiracy theory is valid or even likely.

Always question. Because Big Brother's first inclination is to always lie. It is what it is.

You lie, too. You did here in this thread.

Always question paulitician.
Always question Big Brother. Because he lies. That's just what he does.

But... but... you were caught lying about those guys not having backpacks anymore after the explosion. So you are a liar.

So if we that is what you do (lie) shouldn't we question you? Shouldn't you question yourself? As an admitted liar are you allowed to question yourself or can you just life to yourself so well you don't realize it?

You hate liars, yet you worship Big Brother. No one lies to you more than your Government does. And i still don't understand how you don't have any questions about these guys...

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Always question Big Brother. Because he lies. That's just what he does. Once you've stopped questioning Big Brother, you've become a Big Brother-Worship Bot. You are no longer capable of independent thought.

Fool. You don't need to question "Big Brother" because you already know what he's doing. The Government will say whatever it takes to get a quick vote. However, they will not fake events like Sandy Hook. Let me guess, Bush planned 9/11 and that Columbine and Aurora were faked as well?

I don't have all the answers. I just know Big Brother's track record. He lies to the People every day. False Flag Operations are not as far-fetched as you and most others think they are.
Always question Big Brother. Because he lies. That's just what he does. Once you've stopped questioning Big Brother, you've become a Big Brother-Worship Bot. You are no longer capable of independent thought.
that's ironic ,in the time I've been here you've never produced anything that could be considered original...the question big brother rant being the best evidence of this.
There aren't enough Police in the country to make us a police state....

Even my little village we outnumber them better than 200 to one.

And in the major cities I'll bet it's more like 2000 to one, and that's just counting those with guns....

You don't understand tactics.

5,000 BATF and DHS troops could be on your doorstep by morning. The size of your local PD is utterly irrelevant.

In your little village, a Waco type assault would destroy you faster than CS gas in a nursery. The point of overkill is to send a message to the next little village that would consider defying the federal overlords.
I like your attitude. Really.

The reality is that the numbers only tell part of the story; and by the time gun confiscations begin in earnest, years of legislation based in no small part on black operations (such as the Sandy Hook massacre) will have gutted the public's arsenal to the point where any armed resistance will be limited to single-shot peashooters.


The only way that people will give up their arms is if the government tries to take them by force.

And really, the push for gun control is over, the authoritarians lost, even if they fail to grasp the fact.


Metal 3D printing. Want a gun? Print one.

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There aren't enough Police in the country to make us a police state....

Even my little village we outnumber them better than 200 to one.

And in the major cities I'll bet it's more like 2000 to one, and that's just counting those with guns....

You don't understand tactics.

5,000 BATF and DHS troops could be on your doorstep by morning. The size of your local PD is utterly irrelevant.

In your little village, a Waco type assault would destroy you faster than CS gas in a nursery. The point of overkill is to send a message to the next little village that would consider defying the federal overlords.

I don't think they could handle the south side of Chicago... Or even the South Side of Youngstown Ohio....
I don't think they could handle the south side of Chicago... Or even the South Side of Youngstown Ohio....

Sure they could. People are sheep. A force of a few thousand would cause even Chicago to cower in the face of the onslaught.

Still, that is not a good tactic. The Feds generally pick a small, isolated target. The Davidians were perfect. An isolated group both geographically and culturally. The initial intended slaughter failed when they fought back, but burning their children alive got them to crumble in a hurry - AND sent a strong message of what happens to those who defy our rulers.

The feds will usually target a small group, then use overwhelming force and seek an extreme loss of life.
...Would you expect to find the bodies of the children murdered at Sandy Hook?

Again, yes.

Not even considering the few little tidbits of heavily censored evidence presented officially thus far, I see the *purple van that got away with its costumed occupants intact a solid circumstantial justification for the belief that some number of children and adults were actually murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary School and at the house on Yogananda St. on December 14, 2012.

Some feel the evidence of phony media coverage ('crisis actors', ETC) suggests that the entire event was staged and that no killings actually took place; but in my view, the only thing that might really be proven by such evidence would be the coordinated premeditation between certain media assets and the masterminds behind the whole operation.

*I can't help but wonder: what was the color of the delivery van at Adam's house between 9:30 and 10:00 am?


You think kids were murdered in Newtown, but not at Sandy Hook? If so, your answer is a lie. I asked this:

...Would you expect to find the bodies of the children murdered at Sandy Hook?

And, I am speaking hypothetically here, let's say you're right. Why would the government want to come up with the shooting? For do many kids to die at one time, surely there would have had to have been another mass shooting nearby. It makes no sense to stage it when you have had a real shooting. Or did they do it just because they can, because all "Big Brother" ever does is lie?
Wow. :eusa_think:

Sorry, but I'm having a little trouble understanding how anyone could reasonably arrive at this:

So... You think kids were murdered in Newtown, but not at Sandy Hook? If so, your answer is a lie.

From this:

...some number of children and adults were actually murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary School and at the house on Yogananda St. on December 14, 2012. ...[emphasis added]

The body reportedly found at the house on Yogananda St. was that of an adult female (Nancy Lanza - Adam's mother).

I believe all of the other murders were committed at the school.

More confusion:

[. . .] Why would the government want to come up with the shooting?For do many kids to die at one time, surely there would have had to have been another mass shooting nearby. It makes no sense to stage it when you have had a real shooting. Or did they do it just because they can, because all "Big Brother" ever does is lie?

First things first: I think crediting "the government" for coming up with this thing would be a massive oversimplification, primarily because, in my opinion, the 'useful idiots' in government probably outnumber the devious masterminds by 100 to 1, but also because it's highly likely that a good many of the 1%-ers are kept in the dark as well, when it comes to some of the covert activities of the branch of their globalist co-conspirators that operates largely OUTSIDE of the purview of the US Government.

Now, regarding the staging of some of the media coverage (both on the day of the massacre and in later interviews) in conjunction with an operation during which children and adults were actually killed, I'd speculate that the main reason would be to control as much of the information flow as possible on the day of the incident and to spin the story in the media in the manner most advantageous to the agenda the operation was intended to serve.

What might that be?

In the words of Dr. William Begg, Director of Emergency Medical Services - Danbury Hospital, in his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on February 27, 2013:

"Specifically, I am asking that you pass Senator Feinstein’s assault weapons ban to take military style assault weapons and large capacity magazines off the streets.[...]

Second, I believe we need universal background checks for all gun purchases.[...]
Third, I believe that we must strengthen our mental health care system by ensuring that students and young adults get the proper treatment they need.

Fourth, please let us do some gun research that is real by ending the freeze on gun related research at the Centers for Disease Control and other federal agencies.

Lastly, reserve the rights of health care providers to protect their patients and communities from gun violence by allowing them to talk to their patients about gun safety.

As wonderful as all the above may seem at face value, it all amounts to gutting the public's arsenal and significantly hampering the capacity of citizens to oppose government tyranny (should the need ever arise).
Wow. :eusa_think:

Sorry, but I'm having a little trouble understanding how anyone could reasonably arrive at this:

So... You think kids were murdered in Newtown, but not at Sandy Hook? If so, your answer is a lie.

From this:

...some number of children and adults were actually murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary School and at the house on Yogananda St. on December 14, 2012. ...[emphasis added]

The body reportedly found at the house on Yogananda St. was that of an adult female (Nancy Lanza - Adam's mother).

I believe all of the other murders were committed at the school.

More confusion:

[. . .] Why would the government want to come up with the shooting?For do many kids to die at one time, surely there would have had to have been another mass shooting nearby. It makes no sense to stage it when you have had a real shooting. Or did they do it just because they can, because all "Big Brother" ever does is lie?

First things first: I think crediting "the government" for coming up with this thing would be a massive oversimplification, primarily because, in my opinion, the 'useful idiots' in government probably outnumber the devious masterminds by 100 to 1, but also because it's highly likely that a good many of the 1%-ers are kept in the dark as well, when it comes to some of the covert activities of the branch of their globalist co-conspirators that operates largely OUTSIDE of the purview of the US Government.

Now, regarding the staging of some of the media coverage (both on the day of the massacre and in later interviews) in conjunction with an operation during which children and adults were actually killed, I'd speculate that the main reason would be to control as much of the information flow as possible on the day of the incident and to spin the story in the media in the manner most advantageous to the agenda the operation was intended to serve.

What might that be?

In the words of Dr. William Begg, Director of Emergency Medical Services - Danbury Hospital, in his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on February 27, 2013:

"Specifically, I am asking that you pass Senator Feinstein’s assault weapons ban to take military style assault weapons and large capacity magazines off the streets.[...]

Second, I believe we need universal background checks for all gun purchases.[...]
Third, I believe that we must strengthen our mental health care system by ensuring that students and young adults get the proper treatment they need.

Fourth, please let us do some gun research that is real by ending the freeze on gun related research at the Centers for Disease Control and other federal agencies.

Lastly, reserve the rights of health care providers to protect their patients and communities from gun violence by allowing them to talk to their patients about gun safety.

As wonderful as all the above may seem at face value, it all amounts to gutting the public's arsenal and significantly hampering the capacity of citizens to oppose government tyranny (should the need ever arise).

No it doesn't. Your conclusion amounts to irrational paranoia or play-acting.
Always question Big Brother. Because he lies. That's just what he does. Once you've stopped questioning Big Brother, you've become a Big Brother-Worship Bot. You are no longer capable of independent thought.
that's ironic ,in the time I've been here you've never produced anything that could be considered original...the question big brother rant being the best evidence of this.

So what's your point? In all the years you've lurked and stalked this forum, have you ever started your own thread? All i've ever seen from you is the usual lame "You gots Tinfoil Hat" rant. So excuse me if i don't take your originality critique very seriously. Ok, now back to your weird lurking stalking thing.
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No it doesn't. Your conclusion amounts to irrational paranoia or play-acting.

Hey, just because I might be paranoid ...doesn't mean everyone's not out to get me. :eusa_shifty:

Play-acting? Now that's an interesting prospect for someone to pull out of the blue.

If banning 120 specifically-named firearms along with "certain other semiautomatic rifles, handguns, shotguns that can accept a detachable magazine and have one military characteristic" (such as the characteristic of accepting a detachable mag, given the the bill's further move from a 2-characteristic to 1-characteristic test), all semiautomatic rifles and handguns with fixed magazines that can accept more than 10 rounds, and all magazines with greater than 10-round capacities ...wouldn't amount to gutting the public's arsenal and significantly hampering the capacity of citizens to take up arms against government tyranny (should the need ever arise), I can't imagine what would.

It's also important to note that the grandfather clause and the hunting and antique exemptions would be subject to review on the basis of their pre-registered status.

That's Feinstein's bill in a nutshell.

Whatever else you *think* you know about me, SAYIT, my rationale is completely in tune with the facts on the ground.

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