Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

There aren't enough Police in the country to make us a police state....

Even my little village we outnumber them better than 200 to one.

And in the major cities I'll bet it's more like 2000 to one, and that's just counting those with guns....

HOLY FUCK:ack-1:

How does somebody live as long as this guy and STILL :eek::eek::eek: be such a naïve mofu??!!!

Dumbass never heard of the term "shelter in place". Never heard of martial law?

Im still laughing about 10,000 cops being out searching for the Boston bomber guy in one neighborhood that Friday morning in April........and so many in the country just took it as face value and bought it hook, line and stinker!!!

Hey.......they had to make sure they got their man!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:

You are missing his point entirely.

He's counting and looking around and is very aware of who has what firepower.

Go back and read his posts again. I think you need to gently take your criticism back.
If the police weren't facing battlefield weapons they wouldn't have to wear battlefield armor.

That's exactly what the twisted minds behind all these high-profile operations want the public to think.

Problem, reaction, solution.

Don't get me wrong; there's definitely a need for SWAT programs all across the country, but incidents requiring the large scale deployment of fully outfitted soldiers ...should be handled by the National Guard.

Seems we don't remember the bank robber shoot out a few years back where the crooks shot it out with the police in the street while they (the crooks) were wearing body armor.....

But our Police certainly don't deserve the same protection...I wonder how many police officers are alive today because of body armor?
There aren't enough Police in the country to make us a police state....

Even my little village we outnumber them better than 200 to one.

And in the major cities I'll bet it's more like 2000 to one, and that's just counting those with guns....

I like your attitude. Really.

The reality is that the numbers only tell part of the story; and by the time gun confiscations begin in earnest, years of legislation based in no small part on black operations (such as the Sandy Hook massacre) will have gutted the public's arsenal to the point where any armed resistance will be limited to single-shot peashooters.

Do I take that to mean you are convinced that Sandy Hook was a gov't perpetrated black op?

That's what the numb nuts are claiming..........
Any one?

Why dont we have the autopsies or the 911 calls?

Fuck conspiracy theories. I just want to know the basics here.
The 911 tapes are in process of being released. the autopsies, I don't know, I'm not really interested in how many bullets were in little Suzy's head or young Timmy's belly. There are statements made by the coroner available....
I like your attitude. Really.

The reality is that the numbers only tell part of the story; and by the time gun confiscations begin in earnest, years of legislation based in no small part on black operations (such as the Sandy Hook massacre) will have gutted the public's arsenal to the point where any armed resistance will be limited to single-shot peashooters.

Do I take that to mean you are convinced that Sandy Hook was a gov't perpetrated black op?

That's what the numb nuts are claiming..........

Cap is a fence-sitter who has (unlike KooKoo and 9/11 Handjob) had lucid moments and recently even contested some of KooKoo's never-ending silliness on a 9/11 thread.
Sandy Hook a gov't black-op? Really?
The 911 tapes are in process of being released. the autopsies, I don't know, I'm not really interested in how many bullets were in little Suzy's head or young Timmy's belly. There are statements made by the coroner available....

Problem is the DA is fighting the release of everything. And I mean everything.
Any one?

Why dont we have the autopsies or the 911 calls?

Fuck conspiracy theories. I just want to know the basics here.

The fuck do you need the autopsies for? Fodder?

Basics in any investigation. 101 for crying out loud. Can you stop being a douche bag everywhere? You are getting tedious.
OK, say all the info came out ,would it change anything?
if it was a conspiracy do you actually think that that would be released too?
Anybody who believes the OP is quite clearly a dumbass.

I can just imagine the government meeting where they would have planned something like that...

Biden walks into the President's Office. Obama turns, sighing, towards his gaff-prone vice president, "What do you want now, Biden? Can't you go be an idiot somewhere else?"
Biden just frowns at the president, then speaks up. "But, sir, I actually have an idea to raise your approval rating towards something hopefully near forty percent!"
Obama simply gives Biden his most exasperated look. "Look, Biden, your plans never work out quite right. And in order to pull off raising my approval rating so much, you'd have to pull off a miracle!"
"I can sir! Here's my plan: we make it look like this deranged guy shot up a whole bunch of first-graders and kindergarteners. And get this: we can blame it on mental heath and video games! We can try to prevent people from getting more firearms, attempt to get violent video games even more reviled, and get more people to like us at the same time. It's genius!"
Obama reaches his hand out to Biden, a wide grin on his face. "You know what Biden? I think this might actually work! Let's do it!"

Ever heard of the spooky protocol called plausible deniability?

The real string pullers in this country would never allow the expressions on their puppets' faces to be shaped by knowledge of every filthy aspect of their clandestine activities.

It's called sarcasm. There never was a meeting like that because Sandy Hook happened for real! If you want to prove me wrong, go to Newtown, find an excuse to exhume the bodies, and then tell me what you find. Let me guess, the government has stooped to filling caskets now too? Listen, I hate the government probably a lot more than the next guy, but calling a massacre fake? That's where I draw the line.

Are you going to suggest Columbine and Aurora were faked as well, while you're at it?
If the police weren't facing battlefield weapons they wouldn't have to wear battlefield armor.

That's exactly what the twisted minds behind all these high-profile operations want the public to think.

Problem, reaction, solution.

Don't get me wrong; there's definitely a need for SWAT programs all across the country, but incidents requiring the large scale deployment of fully outfitted soldiers ...should be handled by the National Guard.

Seems we don't remember the bank robber shoot out a few years back where the crooks shot it out with the police in the street while they (the crooks) were wearing body armor.....

But our Police certainly don't deserve the same protection...I wonder how many police officers are alive today because of body armor?

Are you talking about the shoot-out that inspired the Megadeath song "44 Minutes"? If so, you should give the song a listen to.

Funny, the song talks about police dying because idiots in the public don't think they need adequate equipment. It also has lines like this: "Ougunned, watching the force come to a firefight with a pocketknife. Getting schooled..." Think of the lives that could have been saved in that instance if not for conspiracy theorist idiots like you.

How is an unarmed policeman supposed to stop a holdup or something? What you are suggesting is the beginning of a descent into the wonderful world of...

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Do I take that to mean you are convinced that Sandy Hook was a gov't perpetrated black op?

Well, "convinced" might be too strong a word. ;)

I will say this: outside of the strangely thorough concealment efforts of Connecticut lawmakers and the State's Attorney (re the potential coverup), the extent of "government" involvement is debatable, but based on the information at hand (including Sedensky's goal-focused summary), this thing has black-op written all over it; ...and in my opinion, it would take more than a few cans of graffiti remover to change the writing on the wall.
It's called sarcasm. There never was a meeting like that because Sandy Hook happened for real! If you want to prove me wrong, go to Newtown, find an excuse to exhume the bodies, and then tell me what you find. Let me guess, the government has stooped to filling caskets now too? Listen, I hate the government probably a lot more than the next guy, but calling a massacre fake? That's where I draw the line.

Are you going to suggest Columbine and Aurora were faked as well, while you're at it?

So the bulge in your cheek wasn't just a chaw? :dunno:

My bad.

As for the exhumation thing, if I were to propound a theory in this thread, it would include a small team of operators dressed as nuns and priests, a number of law enforcement insiders, a few corrupt individuals in high places ...and 28 victims (including the 6 ft., 112 lb. patsy and his mother).
The reality is that the numbers only tell part of the story; and by the time gun confiscations begin in earnest, years of legislation based in no small part on black operations (such as the Sandy Hook massacre) will have gutted the public's arsenal to the point where any armed resistance will be limited to single-shot peashooters.

Do I take that to mean you are convinced that Sandy Hook was a gov't perpetrated black op?

Well, "convinced" might be too strong a word. ;)

I will say this: outside of the strangely thorough concealment efforts of Connecticut lawmakers and the State's Attorney (re the potential coverup), the extent of "government" involvement is debatable, but based on the information at hand (including Sedensky's goal-focused summary), this thing has black-op written all over it; ...and in my opinion, it would take more than a few cans of graffiti remover to change the writing on the wall.

You are tap dancing around your own words, Cap, and you truncated those words for obvious reasons. You specifically claimed that Sandy Hook was a gov't black op. Now stop pussy-footin' around and stand behind your words.
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It's called sarcasm. There never was a meeting like that because Sandy Hook happened for real! If you want to prove me wrong, go to Newtown, find an excuse to exhume the bodies, and then tell me what you find. Let me guess, the government has stooped to filling caskets now too? Listen, I hate the government probably a lot more than the next guy, but calling a massacre fake? That's where I draw the line.

Are you going to suggest Columbine and Aurora were faked as well, while you're at it?

So the bulge in your cheek wasn't just a chaw? :dunno:

My bad.

As for the exhumation thing, if I were to propound a theory in this thread, it would include a small team of operators dressed as nuns and priests, a number of law enforcement insiders, a few corrupt individuals in high places ...and 28 victims (including the 6 ft., 112 lb. patsy and his mother).

Chaw, really? What would make you think that? I'm young enough that I got all the "tobacco is bad" talks in school, so no thank you. And what exactly does your theory entail doing with said people?

Although, I must ask this question out of curiosity. If you were to go to Newtown right now and dig up the graves, do you expect you'd find bodies?
You are tap dancing around your own words, Cap, and you truncated those words for obvious reasons. You specifically claimed that Sandy Hook was a gov't black op. Now instead of pussy-footin' around, stand behind your words.

The fact that a "black operation" (my words, not your little "gov't black op" tag) could lead to legislative action by government officials isn't necessarily an implication of intentional government complicity in the planning and/or execution of the operation itself.

Don't try to paint me into a corner, Sayit. You'll fail every time. :)

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