Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

Acetaminophen and codeine?

Had Adam been injured or undergone any recent medical/dental procedures?

Did he have a chronic condition requiring long term pain management?

I'll have to look for the article, but I remember reading somewhere that part of the rationale for withholding Lanza's medical history from the general public was that people on certain antidepressants might decide to stop taking their meds.

The attempted "delivery" to the Lanza home between 9:30 and 10:00 A.M. is certainly interesting.

Other than that, the summary's pretty much what I expected: a ready-made condemnation that fits the previously-foisted official narrative to a tee ...and seems to support the agendas of gun control advocates/detractors of violent video games. No shock there.

I will say this: it's easy to see why the demolition of the school had to precede the release of this document.

What's not so clear is why the release of this document had to wait for the second hearing WRT the 911 recordings ...and why, in a reversal of standard practice, it preceded the release of the full evidence file.

What's not in the summary isn't in there for a reason, People; and in light of the behavior of Mr. Sedensky over the past 11 months, I don't believe we should assume the reason is completely aboveboard.
It's worth noting how beautifully the summary highlights several of the perceived deficiencies in today's mental health systems in Connecticut (and by extension the United States). While conceding that "it is unknown what contribution, if any, [Adam's] mental health issues made to his attack on [Sandy Hook Elementary School]", the report also lays out a series of testimonies, professional evaluations, and even a 2005 diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrome (which presented with "significant social impairments" and "extreme anxiety"), and (this is important) the fact that he purportedly refused to take suggested medications and didn't engage in suggested behavioral therapies (Lanza's autopsy corroborates the absence of drugs in his system, BTW); so the failure wasn't in wrongly prescribed meds, it was in the lack of some kind of oversight for the purpose of tying together the early warning signs and then forcing the kid to take his happy pills.

It's a propaganda piece.
It's worth noting how beautifully the summary highlights several of the perceived deficiencies in today's mental health systems in Connecticut (and by extension the United States). While conceding that "it is unknown what contribution, if any, [Adam's] mental health issues made to his attack on [Sandy Hook Elementary School]", the report also lays out a series of testimonies, professional evaluations, and even a 2005 diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrome (which presented with "significant social impairments" and "extreme anxiety"), and (this is important) the fact that he purportedly refused to take suggested medications and didn't engage in suggested behavioral therapies (Lanza's autopsy corroborates the absence of drugs in his system, BTW); so the failure wasn't in wrongly prescribed meds, it was in the lack of some kind of oversight for the purpose of tying together the early warning signs and then forcing the kid to take his happy pills.

It's a propaganda piece.
of course it is dear...and no amount of evidence will change your mind .
Only to you.

What could the Government possibly hope to gain by lying about the deaths of 20 innocent children...

And don't give me this Bullshit they didn't die there..........
Only to you.

What could the Government possibly hope to gain by lying about the deaths of 20 innocent children...

And don't give me this Bullshit they didn't die there..........

Oh, i'm sure they have their reasons. But i should have said we know two things for sure...One thing is, our Government will lie. And the other thing is, most braindead American Sheeple will believe them.
[. . .] It's a propaganda piece.
of course it is dear...and no amount of evidence will change your mind .

As far as Lanza's mental health history goes, everything later than 2006 is purely anecdotal, and whereas the earlier testimonies are presented slightly more objectively, the later stuff all points in one direction, indicating a potential bias in both the collection and assimilation of the latter group.

Furthermore, above and beyond the anti-gun agenda, the report is likely to be cited in support of future legislation that would increase state and federal oversight of mental health evaluations and management nationwide.

noun: propaganda; noun: Propaganda

information, esp. of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. [emphasis Capstone's]

The key to supporting my assessment of the summary as a propaganda piece will only be turned by the manner in which the document is used by lawmakers in the future.
[. . .] It's a propaganda piece.
of course it is dear...and no amount of evidence will change your mind .

As far as Lanza's mental health history goes, everything later than 2006 is purely anecdotal, and whereas the earlier testimonies are presented slightly more objectively, the later stuff all points in one direction, indicating a potential bias in both the collection and assimilation of the latter group.

Furthermore, above and beyond the anti-gun agenda, the report is likely to be cited in support of future legislation that would increase state and federal oversight of mental health evaluations and management nationwide.

noun: propaganda; noun: Propaganda

information, esp. of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. [emphasis Capstone's]

The key to supporting my assessment of the summary as a propaganda piece will only be turned by the manner in which the document is used by lawmakers in the future.

The kid is a ghost. No one knows anything about him. And you are Spot-On. It's all about disarming the Citizenry. I firmly believe they did bring 'Crisis Actors' in. But it doesn't matter in the end. As usual, our Government will lie and the Sheep will lap it all up. It is what it is.
[. . .] I firmly believe they did bring 'Crisis Actors' in. [...]


The deployment of 'Crisis Actors' to shape the story in the media needn't be viewed as mutually exclusive to the mass murder that took place inside the school building.
our Government will lie and the Sheep will lap it all up. It is what it is.
Says the guy who was just caught repeating a blatant lie about two dudes no longer having backpacks because he heard it on some tin-hatter website.

Sheep much?

He blindly believed it like a good little goose stepping sheep. Alex jones can tell him the sky is green and he'd be drawing pictures of peas as clouds.
our Government will lie and the Sheep will lap it all up. It is what it is.
Says the guy who was just caught repeating a blatant lie about two dudes no longer having backpacks because he heard it on some tin-hatter website.

Sheep much?

So you have no questions at all about these guys?

Anyone who has bothered to look into it KNOWS who they are dipstick. Noone has to "wonder" except the gullible sheep like yourself who was already caught posting faked photos. Fuck outta here freak, i hope a family who has lost someone in the tragedy seriously fucks you up someday in a karmic justice sort of way. easy is it to pick out the dopes who MUST cling desperately to the established matrix......those people who buy every official report no matter what!!!!

But for those who want to explore a profound level of fuckedupedness >>>>>

[ame=]Sofia Smallstorm Unraveling Sandy Hook - YouTube[/ame]

Oh.......and of course, its clearly legit that there has been not a single lawsuit related to Sandy Hook!! LMAO.......if a kid breaks his arm falling off a stage in a school auditorium, the district gets its ass sued off. Oh.....but 26 people......all just fine with everything!!!:coffee:
Anyone who has bothered to look into it KNOWS who they are dipstick. Noone has to "wonder" except the gullible sheep like yourself who was already caught posting faked photos. Fuck outta here freak, i hope a family who has lost someone in the tragedy seriously fucks you up someday in a karmic justice sort of way. least youre consistent......and still the most naïve fuck on the whole message board!!! Although Ollie is tough to beat........I must admit. easy is it to pick out the dopes who MUST cling desperately to the established matrix......those people who buy every official report no matter what!!!!

But for those who want to explore a profound level of fuckedupedness >>>>>

Sofia Smallstorm Unraveling Sandy Hook - YouTube

Oh.......and of course, its clearly legit that there has been not a single lawsuit related to Sandy Hook!! LMAO.......if a kid breaks his arm falling off a stage in a school auditorium, the district gets its ass sued off. Oh.....but 26 people......all just fine with everything!!!:coffee:

Thanks for the video. Very interesting. This clearly didn't happen the way we've been told. But most people really do believe everything they see on the Idiot Box. I mean, if CNN and ABC News are saying it, it must be true. I just saw it on the TV. Why would they lie?

If this really did happen, it's highly unlikely he acted alone. And what was the "The Clergy" comment in the President's speech about? It seemed very out of place in the speech. Was he told something different about what happened?
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Anyone who has bothered to look into it KNOWS who they are dipstick. Noone has to "wonder" except the gullible sheep like yourself who was already caught posting faked photos. Fuck outta here freak, i hope a family who has lost someone in the tragedy seriously fucks you up someday in a karmic justice sort of way. least youre consistent......and still the most naïve fuck on the whole message board!!! Although Ollie is tough to beat........I must admit.

No, dweeb. The gullible are those who subscribe to each and every single conspiracy theory like good little boot licking lemmings.

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