Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

Capstone is just pissed off because he won't get to see the gory pics of blood and dead kids.

Well, there's that, but there's also the fact that I encouraged others in this very thread to wait and see the official reports before engaging in further speculation (and this I did in agreement with you, BTW).

" much as I hate to admit it, I think some of the amateur investigative journalists on YouTube would do well to take Ollie's advice; not to stop searching, collecting, and saving material, but to hold off on further speculation until the official investigation is completed and until more information becomes available."

In retrospect, Mr. Beale's response to me is looking more and more prophetic with each passing day.

Fair enough. I sense when I am being lied to and when a report is being fabricated. You have convinced me to wait however. One more thing. . . What is with having the government post a detail to each and every family member? Making sure they toe the line eh?

I assure you, another 911 commission hatchet job type report is on it's way at the out come of this trial. "[T]hose with stockpiles of data to fatally contradict the official narrative in its fully formed state," will be the ones writing the report. Remember, those were the same ones that had all the "data" after the Kennedy assassination. Fat lot of good that did the public. We were told to wait then. Wait till what little information we had was cold and in the grave. No sir. That is the point. They are holding all the cards. If you can't see that, you are being obtuse. That is why the families have armed escorts. They are not being protected, they are being arrested and detained. My, what would the government do if they were to act like Cindy Sheehan, Rosie O'Donell, or Charlie Sheen and point out the inconsistencies? What if they actually got the spot light and woke the citizenry up and pointed out that gun control and assault weapons legislation was on the docket before this tragedy went down? What would happen then?

I don't see the need to wait, the narrative has already been tried and dyed in the government, media, and public's mind. Go to "" and look it up. If we are supposedly waiting for all the information to come in and data to be tested and secured, why do they already "know" what has happened?

As Bush said, it is important to "catapult the propaganda" into the minds of the public. :tongue:

And I feel like a fool for having believed that maybe, just maybe, certain state and local authorities in Connecticut hadn't been so deeply corrupted as hindsight has shown them to be.
Capstone is just pissed off because he won't get to see the gory pics of blood and dead kids.

And I feel like a fool for having believed that maybe, just maybe, certain state and local authorities in Connecticut hadn't been so deeply corrupted as hindsight has shown them to be.

BTW, thanks for posting that article. I feel like its that chopping up of the WTC steel and carting it off all over again. I don't need to see bodies, but yeah, some photos of the class room would be nice. Something, anything substantial.

Where is the report on this thing? Has it been released? Or are they waiting until all the hard ballistic evidence is destroyed first? I mean, when there is no crime scene, certainly there will be no contradictions then, right?

If I were you, I wouldn't feel like a fool though. I felt somewhat like an idiot for posting such a speculative and off the cuff post. It just shocked me that they didn't take anyone, not a single person to the Hospital. That is usually SOP. Even if they are dead on the scene. Not a single ambulance rushed anywhere. It was just too unreal. The media seemed to have more priority than first responders.

And of course, as the days and months went by, we learned that there was a shooter drill going on as well ?!? Also, now we learn that this tends to be SOP for false flags. Nobody cares though. People living in the establishment paradigm wishing to avoid cognitive dissonance have no better counter than to throw out ad hominem attacks at anyone that brings these facts to light. No frank discussions of these issues are to be had.

I salute your noble efforts to try to have a mature dialog. Most of the skeptics behavior, I am not surprised at. We could do with out 9/11's immature posts lowering the level of dialog, but eh, it's par for the course. Generally though, I was shocked by Ollie's attack on you though, that isn't usually in his character. Sometimes I think he views our questioning of the establishment as attacks on the government that he so proudly served. And he should be proud of his service, God bless him for that. But that just isn't the case. I wish he knew that. Just as Daniel Ellsberg discovered and released the Pentagon papers to reveal to patriotic Americans that the public was being manipulated into a war, it should be every patriotic American's duty to find out if we are being manipulated into giving up our 2nd Amendment rights. Certainly, as one of USMB most noble posters, he needn't lower himself to the level of these other trolls, both critical of the establishment, and defenders of it alike.

Your posts were very thought provoking and sober. Thank you.

I myself could not see any single reason why they would post armed guards to a construction site. And if there were people curious about the scene of the attack, why not have a media crew or press go in and film the scene for people to see? Why not film it for posterity and for the history books? Even for the government, you would think that those bullet holes and broken glass would be excellent propaganda for the Governments crusade to take away people's guns. What would be the harm in that?

But if you don't, yeah, you are going to have people speculate. What better way to stop people from speculating, "I suppose they didn't want people taking pictures of the classroom for the same reason they didn't want to film OBL's body being dumped at sea. :eek:" The manner in which this was done only increases conspiracy talk, it doesn't dissuade the nutter chat at all.

I was shocked they were demolishing a whole school over this. Did they rebuild the Columbine HS? No. Did they demolish and rebuild Virginia Tech? No. So this makes no sense to me. It's being all done on tax payer dime when they can least afford it. Why? If they had just done a slight upgrade, and gutted the classroom where it had occurred, in three years, the kids in that class room would have never known. Trust me, as the father of an Elementary school age child, they are completely oblivious to history, even to things that have happened in their own family when it happens a few years back. The kids that will be attending that school three years from now are age four now. They won't know a thing. So why the whole new school when a new classroom would do just as well?
Where is the report on this thing? Has it been released? Or are they waiting until all the hard ballistic evidence is destroyed first? I mean, when there is no crime scene, certainly there will be no contradictions then, right?


The public summation of the inquiry that was originally due in early 2013 and has been repeatedly delayed, is now expected to be released sometime in November, following Assistant State Attorney Sedensky's careful review of all the police reports the State Police have been working so diligently for nearly a year now "compile".


[. . .]Chief State's Attorney Kevin T. Kane told a task force on victim privacy Wednesday that State Police are finalizing reports on the carnage wrought by Adam Lanza.

Those reports are to be reviewed by Danbury Assistant State's Attorney Stephen J. Sedensky III, who is leading the inquiry into the Dec. 14 shootings and will write a summation of the crime for release sometime in the fall.

"The state police have been working very, very hard just to compile all the reports that have to be compiled," Kane said to the panel of state officials, lawmakers, attorneys and members of the news media who have until Jan. 1 to recommend changes to the state Freedom of Information Act. "We are in the process of that and, hopefully, it will get done fairly soon."

After the meeting of the 14-member group, Kane said in the Legislative Office Building that he expects the report in the next month or two.[...]

That article was posted on September 6th. The $50 million appropriation to demolish and rebuild Sandy Hook Elementary School was formally approved by the State Bond Commission on September 27th. The referendum to accept the blood money was passed by Newtown residents on October 5th. The demolition officially began on October 25th. And as of October 30th, Sedensky's report is still pending, so the destruction of potentially contradictory evidence has already preceded its release.

...I was shocked they were demolishing a whole school over this. Did they rebuild the Columbine HS? No. Did they demolish and rebuild Virginia Tech? No. So this makes no sense to me. ...

It is, however, reminiscent of the swift demolition of the Murrah Federal Building following the Oklahoma City bombing, as well as the lightning fast removal and deportation of crime scene evidence in the aftermath of 9/11.

Go figure.
strangest quote of the week:" I feel like its that chopping up of the WTC steel and carting it off all over again."-MisterBeale:cuckoo:


More legal obstruction to public disclosure:

Danbury State's Attorney Stephen J. Sedensky III is asking a Superior Court judge to delay the release of the 911 recordings from Sandy Hook Elementary School while he appeals an order from the state Freedom of Information Commission to make them public.[....]

Sedensky, who headed the investigation and is in the process of writing a report on its findings, argued that the state Freedom of Information Commission erred last month in ordering the Newtown Police Department to release the recordings to the Associated Press and other news media that requested them. ...

Meanwhile, as mentioned in the article in my previous post, the legal minds are working to formulate recommendations for changes to the state's Freedom of Information Act (which no doubt would retroactively nullify the order that's currently under appeal).

Something damning to the official story is on those 911 tapes.
More legal obstruction to public disclosure:

Danbury State's Attorney Stephen J. Sedensky III is asking a Superior Court judge to delay the release of the 911 recordings from Sandy Hook Elementary School while he appeals an order from the state Freedom of Information Commission to make them public.[....]

Sedensky, who headed the investigation and is in the process of writing a report on its findings, argued that the state Freedom of Information Commission erred last month in ordering the Newtown Police Department to release the recordings to the Associated Press and other news media that requested them. ...

Meanwhile, as mentioned in the article in my previous post, the legal minds are working to formulate recommendations for changes to the state's Freedom of Information Act (which no doubt would retroactively nullify the order that's currently under appeal).

Something damning to the official story is on those 911 tapes.

Maybe they just haven't figured out how to make the tapes yet. This is sort of like the missing black boxes for the four 911 airplanes that were taken over by terrorists on 911. You know how inefficient and sloppy making these things go off can be. :lol:

That would be funny if that is the one aspect they overlooked. If they didn't have any 911 emergency operators in on the whole deal, than they would have to place a real emergency call to one on the day of the event. I have always gone under the assumption that something did happen. But if nothing did, it would be easy to see how bumbling government could forget to make a real 911 emergency call the day of the event. So if no time stamped call exists, then they would need to somehow convince an average ordinary 911 operator that worked at the emergency services switchboard to participate in fabricating one.

First we would have to assume such an operator would agree, and let's face it, with what they make, yeah, that would be no problem. After the call was made, it would be curious to see how long that operator did not have a heart attack, suicide, or suffer some mortal trauma some time after. And there is practically no way we would ever get that piece of info. You would have to live in Newtown, Connecticut and read the obits every day. :( (If they even choose to publish that one. I don't see how they couldn't, unless the 911 operator didn't have family or friends.)

Generally, if it is the truth, all pieces will fit nicely. Once you start lying, you need to make up more lies to cover your first lie. This is the first rule of deceit.

We are taught as children that honesty is the best policy. Why do we think that acting differently as adults will lead to anything good?
The Sandy Hook conspirators (if there are any) could have their ducks all lined up in a row, including false and/or heavily edited police reports and 911 recordings, so that the release of information into the public domain would be entirely moot in terms of protecting the official story. The true goal may well be a string of disclosure-squashing legal precedents leading all the way up to the top rung of the ladder -- the SCOTUS.

The FOIA has been a thorn in the side of many power brokers ever since its inception.
The Sandy Hook conspirators (if there are any) could have their ducks all lined up in a row, including false and/or heavily edited police reports and 911 recordings, so that the release of information into the public domain would be entirely moot in terms of protecting the official story. The true goal may well be a string of disclosure-squashing legal precedents leading all the way up to the top rung of the ladder -- the SCOTUS.

The FOIA has been a thorn in the side of many power brokers ever since its inception.

Very True.
Heads up.

NEWTOWN -- Family members of those slain at Sandy Hook Elementary School got to review a draft copy of the state's attorney's investigation report Thursday to prepare them for the eventual public release of the information, which is expected later this month. [...]

Sedensky has officially tested the waters.

Expect the release of the summary soon.

*breaks out the fine-toothed comb*
According to Police, the release of the summary has been slated for Monday the 25th (a date that corresponds to a second hearing in Superior Court regarding the release of the 9/11 recordings, BTW. -- Nice distraction, eh?).

Of course, given Sedensky's record of setting and then breaking his own deadlines (June, September, ...), it would come as no surprise if he found or manufactured a reason to delay yet again.

In any case, it's a pretty safe bet that the summary will be innocuous enough by virtue of omission.

As noted by The Courant:

[. . .]According to Courant sources, Mr. Sedensky next week will release only a summary of the long-awaited state police report on the horrific shootings. The date for release of the full report, said to run thousands of pages, has apparently not yet been determined.

The investigative summary will be released almost a year after the first-graders and educators were shot to death at their Newtown school. There's no good reason why it has taken this long for the prosecutors and police to prepare the report.

Further, the summary, according to sources, will be heavily redacted — censored, with much detail blacked out.

This grudging, minor concession to the requirements of open government — the people's right to know — is consistent with Mr. Sedensky's and the police's behavior all along. [emphasis Capstone's][...]

The "thousands of pages" of the non-summarized report should contain records related to the already publicized police scanner audio (and the pursuit of multiple suspects other than Lanza).

Still, what's not in the summary could prove to be telling.
Nobody cares anymore. The People have been fed their steady diet of Bullshit. They're satisfied and full. Very few Americans care about truth anymore. They're much more interested in their porn, social media, sports, reality TV, celebrity-worship, and so on.

Always keep in mind the times we're living in...Truth is Treason in the Empire of Lies.
It's just like this one...Bombs in backpacks go off at the Boston Marathon, killing and wounding several Americans. Yet the MSM won't ask about these guys. Who are they? Why weren't they wearing their backpacks after the explosions? It's like they never existed....

Gee, isn't it a real shame that you might not ever hear about how little Suzy's brains were scattered all over the floor mixed in with little billy's guts.......

It's hard for me to see how little Suzy's brains and little Billy's guts should prevent the disclosure of facts related to the pursuit of multiple suspects, both on the day of the incident (purple van, men in holy drag, ETC.) ...and in the months that followed.

As I recall, part of Sedensky's reasoning for the motion to seal search warrants for an additional 90 days back in February ...was based on the possibility of "potential suspects" still at large.

Connecticut State's Attorney Stephen Sedensky has argued that unsealing warrants in the Sandy Hook case might "seriously jeopardize" the investigation by disclosing information known only to other "potential suspects."[...]

The additional 90 days gave Sedensky's office time to review, redact, and heavily censor the information that would eventually be released in May, without so much as a passing reference to any other "potential suspects".

Something stinks, Ollie, and I'm not just talking about your upper lip.
It's just like this one...Bombs in backpacks go off at the Boston Marathon, killing and wounding several Americans. Yet the MSM won't ask about these guys. Who are they? Why weren't they wearing their backpacks after the explosions? It's like they never existed....


Nice try. Your picture is purposely cut-off to take it out of context and make it seem like those two guys were no longer wearing those backpacks after the explosion. Here is the panned out from where your picture was cut from, it was clearly taken after the explosions went off.


Here is an image even farther back a few seconds later that shows the destruction from the bomb, and yes you can still see them standing in almost the exact same place, and yes you can see the backpack still in the hand of the dude on the left.


So you are either:
1) Intentionally spreading false rumors by posting a misleading image
2) A sucker who fell for someone else's false rumors

Which is it?
It's just like this one...Bombs in backpacks go off at the Boston Marathon, killing and wounding several Americans. Yet the MSM won't ask about these guys. Who are they? Why weren't they wearing their backpacks after the explosions? It's like they never existed....


Nice try. Your picture is purposely cut-off to take it out of context and make it seem like those two guys were no longer wearing those backpacks after the explosion. Here is the panned out from where your picture was cut from, it was clearly taken after the explosions went off.


Here is an image even farther back a few seconds later that shows the destruction from the bomb, and yes you can still see them standing in almost the exact same place, and yes you can see the backpack still in the hand of the dude on the left.


So you are either:
1) Intentionally spreading false rumors by posting a misleading image
2) A sucker who fell for someone else's false rumors

Which is it?

You have successfully illustrated the typical methodology of the typical CT. They crop, fudge, and otherwise use any disingenuous means to keep their silliness afloat. Nice work.

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