Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

Hey stupid.......get the shit out of your eyes..........or were you born this past Monday s0n??

Newtown Bill Being Crafted in Secret

May 22, 2013 2:08 AM

Connecticut lawmakes putting together legislation that would withhold records linked to the Newtown investigation like......911 calls......victims photos.......and more to be withheld from the public.

Newtown Bill Being Crafted in Secret « CBS Connecticut

Ollie s0n.....why are you so fucking desparate to continue to embrace the established matrix? Whats up with that? If the media went on tomorrow morning and told you to walk out to the street and drop your drawers because it was the new manner of displaying your patriotism, would you do it? Know what I'd march out there and proudly moon the whole community:eusa_dance: Pretzel logic is gay s0n.......

Got any REAL proof? Nope.

oh the irony.:lmao::lmao::lmao:

Where is the proof?

four farts in a row from the agent trolls.:clap2::clap2::9:

To question and seek truth is now considered taboo in our Nation. Truth is Treason in the Empire of Lies.

I get the feeling you think you are being profound, but really, you remind me of a politician. Constantly putting out sound byte slogans without any actual depth.

Well then fuck you too. Profound enough for ya dipshit?

At least you didn't call me a goose stepper or government shill! That's a step in the right direction. :tongue:
Not that the two are mutually exclusive, but the lengths to which they've gone indicate to me that they're out to cover up something slightly more nefarious than mere incompetence; but regardless of the underlying motivation, at some point the overall effort to prevent public disclosure becomes nefarious in its own right. Either way, the people of Connecticut (and of the United States) deserve to know the truth.

Indeed.......the hopelessly duped like SAYIT and Ollie dont want to know the truth. They prefer the bubble as do most. Its exceedingly understandable!!

But..... Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt - Clearing the rubbish from the road to reality

actually this post would be accurate if you were talking about Montrovent.He has been conditioned and brainwashed by the media to believe that out media and the government are looking out for us.

Gomer PYle Ollie and say it-the sock puppet of dawgshit and rat in the ass,are government agent trolls that have penetrated this site,they are paid to troll these boards.they know whats going on as much as we do.they know these events were staged and 9/11 was an inside job as much as we do.

Dude. You must get all your "facts" from the voices in your toaster.
To question and seek truth is now considered taboo in our Nation. Truth is Treason in the Empire of Lies.

I get the feeling you think you are being profound, but really, you remind me of a politician. Constantly putting out sound byte slogans without any actual depth.

Well then fuck you too. Profound enough for ya dipshit?
at least it not as pretentious as most of the rest of your ravings
that would leave you and the rest of the CT gang, out as nothing you presented is reasonable, [...]

That's exactly the sort of reply I've come to expect from you, Daws: an overarching generalization labeling all perceived messengers from "the CT gang" as unreasonable, without a single specification of ANY aspect of their respective messages -- which is, sort of ironically, pretty much the definition of at least one stripe of fallacious reasoning (see the Ad Hominem Fallacy).

Speaking of specifics, I can now point to three separate instances of highly suspicious behavior on the part of the Connecticut AG's office and of state legislators apparently working in concert with the AG to permanently suppress public knowledge of key facts of this case, shoring up the factual basis for my informed opinion that a fairly obvious cover-up has taken shape and has become more pronounced with each passing instance.

Coloring this reasonable assumption with some other deeply puzzling occurrences from the day of the incident (independently verified police scanner audio, multiple reports of strangely attired potential accomplices on the run, ETC.), and the apparent cover-up takes an even darker tone.

Now, you can lump me in as a member of The CT Gang and try to dismiss me with all of the insulting baggage carried by the term, but the facts on which my opinion is based will continue to stand ...and to stare you in the face.
To question and seek truth is now considered taboo in our Nation. Truth is Treason in the Empire of Lies.


Contriving controversies, conspiracies, and ‘scandals’ where none exist motivated solely by some perceived partisan gain is neither ‘questioning’ nor seeking any ‘truth.’

Trust me it's not Partisan.........These guys are way out there on their own somewhere.....
Sure, why not? I'm game. I've heard enough and researched enough about weather engineering technology to know that the world's major super-powers can use weather as a weapon. So why not? You do have to admit, the timing was awfully convenient, wasn't it? lol Well, after all, you did bring it up. We could just say, storms were brewing, and they, uh, just helped things along a little. . . . .

Thanks for posing this as a possibility. And what would be the motive? Why would the administration want to throw the media and that nation's attention onto this? Is there anything going on right now that they would want to distract the nation away from?

I don't know, wars, nominations, unemployment, the debt ceiling. . . After all, the public and media do have such a short attention span. Could we think of anything? The continuing scandals? Maybe America will forget about all these false flags, eh?


Thank you for your useful post and your industrious research. What do you know that we don't? Is it true what they say about you being an insider after all? :dunno:

Got any REAL proof? Nope.

oh the irony.:lmao::lmao::lmao:

Where is the proof?

four farts in a row from the agent trolls.:clap2::clap2::9:


I posted them in videos on 9/11 being an inside job when you first came on here and started mocking this thread starter saying crap like-let me guess,you believe 9/11 was an inside job right? I have posted the proof for you and those videos over a hundred times,its not MY fault you are too much of a chickenshit coward to look at them and comment on them.:cuckoo::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao: all you ever do when you are cornered by those videos is come back with pathetic one liners.:cuckoo:

oh and if you want me to go away,there IS something called an ignore button you know? but I guess your too stupid to know that as well though.:cuckoo::lmao::lmao::funnyface:

and one last thing, you sound like a dude and Im not gay-have always preferred women so no thanks,i dont think I'll kiss your ass. XXXXXXX :D:D:lol:
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Per the Chicago Tribune, the razing of the site is slated to begin today.

As for the non-disclosure requirement, assuming the official narrative is true, such an unprecedented measure is every bit as strange as the actions of state legislators to deny public access to unedited reports and information. If there were nothing to hide, these measures would serve no purpose ...other than to support the sort of speculation they reportedly wish to dispel.
Per the Chicago Tribune, the razing of the site is slated to begin today.

As for the non-disclosure requirement, assuming the official narrative is true, such an unprecedented measure is every bit as strange as the actions of state legislators to deny public access to unedited reports and information. If there were nothing to hide, these measures would serve no purpose ...other than to support the sort of speculation they reportedly wish to dispel.

Yep, destroy the most important evidence. The cornerstone of any credible thorough investigation. :confused:
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Per the Chicago Tribune, the razing of the site is slated to begin today.

As for the non-disclosure requirement, assuming the official narrative is true, such an unprecedented measure is every bit as strange as the actions of state legislators to deny public access to unedited reports and information. If there were nothing to hide, these measures would serve no purpose ...other than to support the sort of speculation they reportedly wish to dispel.
must be halloween ..another dead thread has risen from the grave....

Like they need to preserve the bullet holes and Bloodstains to convict a dead person.....

Oh that's right it's actually a massive cover up...Only outdone by the 911 cover up...

I almost forgot.....

...Like they need to preserve the bullet holes and Bloodstains to convict a dead person.....

This isn't about the demolition per se, Ollie; it's about the compulsory gag order that's been placed on the construction workers, particularly as it stands in light of other unprecedented measures by state lawmakers in Connecticut.

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