Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

All this knowing that it would take a full blown war to disarm the American Public.....

What better way to win a war than by disarming as many of one's potential enemies as possible in advance?

The militarization and federal consolidation of command and control of domestic law enforcement agencies across the country (I.E. the building/equipping of a massive domestic army to deal with any level of civil unrest) aren't the fodder of conspiracy theorists anymore. The shit's been happening out in the open ....for a reason.
First off, I'll let you guys know when i have an hour and a half of my time to waste on a conspiracy video.

militarization and federal consolidation of command and control of domestic law enforcement agencies across the country

Really? Where do you see this happening? I know Ryan (Or police chief) would be pretty pissed if someone told him he had to report to anyone other than the Mayor or city council. Same way it's been since about 1849 when the village first had a sheriff....
Really? Where do you see this happening? ....



Repeal of redundant authority to ensure interoperability of law enforcement and emergency responder training (sec. 351)

The House bill contained a provision (sec. 351) that would amend section 372 of title 10, United States Code, to ensure that Department of Defense support to a federal, state, or local law enforcement or emergency response agency to prepare for or respond to an emergency involving chemical or biological agents is consistent with the national preparedness system and other statutory changes made since the creation of the Department of Homeland Security.

The Senate amendment contained a similar provision (sec. 343) that would result in an identical outcome. [...][emphasis Capstone's]

What are some of those "other statutory changes made since the creation of the Department of Homeland Security"?

Summed up in their own words:

[. . .]State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Partners

DHS has focused on getting resources and information out of Washington, D.C. and into the hands of state and local law enforcement, to provide them with the tools to identify and combat threats in their communities. Because state and local law enforcement are often in the best position to notice the first signs of a planned attack, homeland security efforts must be integrated into the police work that they do every day, providing officers on the front lines with a clear understanding of the tactics, behaviors, and other indicators that could point to terrorist activity.

DHS supports these efforts through robust information sharing with public and private sector partners; fusion centers to build analytical capability at the state and local level; participation in the Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting Initiative – an Administration effort to train state and local law enforcement to recognize behaviors and indicators related to terrorism, crime and other threats, and FBI-led Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTF) that investigate terrorist threats. DHS also helps state and local partners build and sustain capabilities to prevent, protect against, respond to, and recover from threats or acts of terrorism through grant funding, training and technical assistance. In 2009, DHS designated Tribal liaisons in every operational component to work directly with tribal communities. In 2011, DHS announced a new Tribal Consultation Policy outlining the guiding principles under which all elements of the Department will engage with sovereign tribal governments.[...]

That overriding "redundant authority" could result in a bunch of pissed-off podunk mayors and sheriffs ...has apparently taken a backseat to ensuring the interoperability of state and local law enforcement bodies with the feds.

The so-called "terrorists" all this collusion has been largely geared to guard against over the past 12 years in particular are those of the homegrown variety.

The war you mentioned earlier has been raging covertly for more than a decade.
So you are afraid that the local law enforcement receives information and even possible training that might enable them to spot a possible terrorist attack......

So you would rather the locals were more like Barney Fife?

You people are fucking nuts.....
So you are afraid that the local law enforcement receives information and even possible training that might enable them to spot a possible terrorist attack......

It's the "getting resources [...] into the hands of state and local law enforcement, to provide them with the tools to identify and combat threats in their communities" (this goes to the militarization part of my assessment) that bothers me a little, especially in conjunction with legislation that increases federal control over state and local cops and singles out links in long-established chains of command that can now be skipped by simply identifying them as "redundant authorities" (which covers the command and control aspects of my earlier assessment).
And to answer your question, yes, I'd prefer my local Sheriff and his deputies to look more like this:


...than this:


That's probably just me though.
Then again, maybe not...

[ame=]Police State Too Much? Send in a Marine! - YouTube[/ame]
There aren't enough Police in the country to make us a police state....

Even my little village we outnumber them better than 200 to one.

And in the major cities I'll bet it's more like 2000 to one, and that's just counting those with guns....
If the police weren't facing battlefield weapons they wouldn't have to wear battlefield armor.
Anybody who believes the OP is quite clearly a dumbass.

I can just imagine the government meeting where they would have planned something like that...

Biden walks into the President's Office. Obama turns, sighing, towards his gaff-prone vice president, "What do you want now, Biden? Can't you go be an idiot somewhere else?"
Biden just frowns at the president, then speaks up. "But, sir, I actually have an idea to raise your approval rating towards something hopefully near forty percent!"
Obama simply gives Biden his most exasperated look. "Look, Biden, your plans never work out quite right. And in order to pull off raising my approval rating so much, you'd have to pull off a miracle!"
"I can sir! Here's my plan: we make it look like this deranged guy shot up a whole bunch of first-graders and kindergarteners. And get this: we can blame it on mental heath and video games! We can try to prevent people from getting more firearms, attempt to get violent video games even more reviled, and get more people to like us at the same time. It's genius!"
Obama reaches his hand out to Biden, a wide grin on his face. "You know what Biden? I think this might actually work! Let's do it!"
There aren't enough Police in the country to make us a police state....

Even my little village we outnumber them better than 200 to one.

And in the major cities I'll bet it's more like 2000 to one, and that's just counting those with guns....

I like your attitude. Really.

The reality is that the numbers only tell part of the story; and by the time gun confiscations begin in earnest, years of legislation based in no small part on black operations (such as the Sandy Hook massacre) will have gutted the public's arsenal to the point where any armed resistance will be limited to single-shot peashooters.
Anybody who believes the OP is quite clearly a dumbass.

I can just imagine the government meeting where they would have planned something like that...

Biden walks into the President's Office. Obama turns, sighing, towards his gaff-prone vice president, "What do you want now, Biden? Can't you go be an idiot somewhere else?"
Biden just frowns at the president, then speaks up. "But, sir, I actually have an idea to raise your approval rating towards something hopefully near forty percent!"
Obama simply gives Biden his most exasperated look. "Look, Biden, your plans never work out quite right. And in order to pull off raising my approval rating so much, you'd have to pull off a miracle!"
"I can sir! Here's my plan: we make it look like this deranged guy shot up a whole bunch of first-graders and kindergarteners. And get this: we can blame it on mental heath and video games! We can try to prevent people from getting more firearms, attempt to get violent video games even more reviled, and get more people to like us at the same time. It's genius!"
Obama reaches his hand out to Biden, a wide grin on his face. "You know what Biden? I think this might actually work! Let's do it!"

Ever heard of the spooky protocol called plausible deniability?

The real string pullers in this country would never allow the expressions on their puppets' faces to be shaped by knowledge of every filthy aspect of their clandestine activities.
If the police weren't facing battlefield weapons they wouldn't have to wear battlefield armor.

That's exactly what the twisted minds behind all these high-profile operations want the public to think.

Problem, reaction, solution.

Don't get me wrong; there's definitely a need for SWAT programs all across the country, but incidents requiring the large scale deployment of fully outfitted soldiers ...should be handled by the National Guard.
There aren't enough Police in the country to make us a police state....

Even my little village we outnumber them better than 200 to one.

And in the major cities I'll bet it's more like 2000 to one, and that's just counting those with guns....

I like your attitude. Really.

The reality is that the numbers only tell part of the story; and by the time gun confiscations begin in earnest, years of legislation based in no small part on black operations (such as the Sandy Hook massacre) will have gutted the public's arsenal to the point where any armed resistance will be limited to single-shot peashooters.

Do I take that to mean you are convinced that Sandy Hook was a gov't perpetrated black op?
None of the tin hats have provided a logical rational reason why the government would slaughter grade school kids..
here's one that fits their twisted criteria: [ame=]Village of the Damned (Original Trailer) - YouTube[/ame]
None of the tin hats have provided a logical rational reason why the government would slaughter grade school kids..

For some reason, they find it easier to believe that Teh Ebil Guvvmint would slaughter kindergarteners and first graders. It saves them from having to face the harsh reality that random crazy people do, indeed, go on killing sprees.
There aren't enough Police in the country to make us a police state....

Even my little village we outnumber them better than 200 to one.

And in the major cities I'll bet it's more like 2000 to one, and that's just counting those with guns....

HOLY FUCK:ack-1:

How does somebody live as long as this guy and STILL :eek::eek::eek: be such a naïve mofu??!!!

Dumbass never heard of the term "shelter in place". Never heard of martial law?

Im still laughing about 10,000 cops being out searching for the Boston bomber guy in one neighborhood that Friday morning in April........and so many in the country just took it as face value and bought it hook, line and stinker!!!

Hey.......they had to make sure they got their man!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:
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