Sandy Hook Parents Sue Alex Jones For Defamation...

I don't like the idea of suing someone because of things they should be free to say.

Jones is a giant bag of rotten dicks though.

I don't like the idea of suing someone because of things they should be free to say.

Jones is a giant bag of rotten dicks though.

he has the 1st amendment right to free speech, but not to the consequences they may produce.
Parents of children who died in Sandy Hook shooting sue Alex Jones for defamation

The parents of two children killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting have sued Alex Jones, alleging defamation.

The two lawsuits filed Monday accuse Jones — a noted conspiracy theorist who has claimed the Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting was a hoax — of peddling lies that have resulted in death threats, HuffPost reported.

The lawsuits, which were both filed in Austin, Texas, are seeking more than $1 million in damages from Jones, Infowars and Free Speech Systems LLC.

The lawsuits were brought by Neil Heslin, the father of a six-year-old boy killed in the massacre, and Leonard Pozner and Veronique De La Rosa, who also lost their child in the Sandy Hook shooting.

“Even after these folks had to experience this trauma, for the next five years they were tormented by Alex Jones with vicious lies about them,” Mark Bankston, the lawyer handling the cases for the parents, told HuffPost.

“And these lies were meant to convince his audience that the Sandy Hook parents are frauds and have perpetrated a sinister lie on the American people.”

Bankston said he thinks it is a "surreal experience" as a father.

“Anyone, parents or not, who spends 15 minutes talking to one of these parents will understand immediately how vile this lie was, and how genuine their pain is," he told the publication.

There are at least two other cases that accuse Jones of defamation, according to the report.

Jones has in the past raised conspiracy theories about the Sandy Hook shooting. In November 2016, he said: “The only problem is, I’ve watched a lot of soap operas, and I’ve seen actors before. And I know when I’m watching a movie and when I’m watching something real.”

The 2012 Sandy Hook shooting left more than 20 people dead. Gun control has become a central issue in the country recently since a gunman opened fire at a high school in Parkland, Fla.

Students who survived the shooting have been rallying lawmakers and demanding new gun laws to prevent future shootings.

Parkland students have also been at the center of multiple conspiracy theories since becoming vocal gun control advocates.

Good for them. This snake oil salesman has robbed his followers of millions with his bullshit supplements and boner pills. Take him for everything he's got for all I care.

Good, because each one suing will have to give their own deposition under oath along with discovery requiring proof that any child died there including death certificates and autopsy photos. Dr Wayne Carver and other major players will also be required to testify under oath and penalty of perjury. It's time for this issue to be settled once and for all.....unless ALL of this is brought to light? Then Jones is simply being used as a shill to validate this non-event.

Of course. They fabricated the existence of the children. The existence of the families. The friends of the children. The friends of the family. The neighbors, and everyone else who has ever seen these imaginary "children". Hell, I doubt there's really even a "Sandy Hook". Makes a hell of a lot more sense than some guy shooting at people.

I don't like the idea of suing someone because of things they should be free to say.

Jones is a giant bag of rotten dicks though.

I don’t think people should be able to lie with impunity. I believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion but not their own set of facts.

The problem with people like Jones is there a lot of idiots like Dale Smith, who actually believe his bullshit and act on it. The doofus who shot up the pizza parlour in DC is one of them. So are the people who threatened these parents.
Parents of children who died in Sandy Hook shooting sue Alex Jones for defamation

The parents of two children killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting have sued Alex Jones, alleging defamation.

The two lawsuits filed Monday accuse Jones — a noted conspiracy theorist who has claimed the Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting was a hoax — of peddling lies that have resulted in death threats, HuffPost reported.

The lawsuits, which were both filed in Austin, Texas, are seeking more than $1 million in damages from Jones, Infowars and Free Speech Systems LLC.

The lawsuits were brought by Neil Heslin, the father of a six-year-old boy killed in the massacre, and Leonard Pozner and Veronique De La Rosa, who also lost their child in the Sandy Hook shooting.

“Even after these folks had to experience this trauma, for the next five years they were tormented by Alex Jones with vicious lies about them,” Mark Bankston, the lawyer handling the cases for the parents, told HuffPost.

“And these lies were meant to convince his audience that the Sandy Hook parents are frauds and have perpetrated a sinister lie on the American people.”

Bankston said he thinks it is a "surreal experience" as a father.

“Anyone, parents or not, who spends 15 minutes talking to one of these parents will understand immediately how vile this lie was, and how genuine their pain is," he told the publication.

There are at least two other cases that accuse Jones of defamation, according to the report.

Jones has in the past raised conspiracy theories about the Sandy Hook shooting. In November 2016, he said: “The only problem is, I’ve watched a lot of soap operas, and I’ve seen actors before. And I know when I’m watching a movie and when I’m watching something real.”

The 2012 Sandy Hook shooting left more than 20 people dead. Gun control has become a central issue in the country recently since a gunman opened fire at a high school in Parkland, Fla.

Students who survived the shooting have been rallying lawmakers and demanding new gun laws to prevent future shootings.

Parkland students have also been at the center of multiple conspiracy theories since becoming vocal gun control advocates.

Good for them. This snake oil salesman has robbed his followers of millions with his bullshit supplements and boner pills. Take him for everything he's got for all I care.

Good, because each one suing will have to give their own deposition under oath along with discovery requiring proof that any child died there including death certificates and autopsy photos. Dr Wayne Carver and other major players will also be required to testify under oath and penalty of perjury. It's time for this issue to be settled once and for all.....unless ALL of this is brought to light? Then Jones is simply being used as a shill to validate this non-event.

Of course. They fabricated the existence of the children. The existence of the families. The friends of the children. The friends of the family. The neighbors, and everyone else who has ever seen these imaginary "children". Hell, I doubt there's really even a "Sandy Hook". Makes a hell of a lot more sense than some guy shooting at people.


LMAO!!!! ""! The trusted site for commies everywhere!
These fuckers are looking for paydays however they can get them. Its pathetic.
Suing Remington? Suing some douchebag on the internet? Come on guys.. smh

"These fuckers"? What the fuck is wrong with you? These people had their children's bodies splattered on the walls of their classroom by an AR15. They started the Sandy Hook Promise to push for better legislation on illegal gun sales, mental health and background checks. And this fat fuck Alex Jones, whose OWN attorney told the court during Jones's divorce trial that Jones is nothing but an entertainer, should be allowed to defame and undermine SHP and them as individuals?
You're the biggest asshole on this site.
Promise to push for better legislation on illegal gun sales,
Maybe if the fucking Democrat Politicians wouldn't pardon criminals and start putting people away or shot, there wouldn't be as much crime with illegal guns.

New York governor to allow 35,000 paroled felons to vote
“They work, pay taxes, and support their families, and they should be permitted to express their opinions about the choices facing their communities through their votes, just as all citizens do,” Cuomo said in a statement.
And they can buy weapons again?
Parents of children who died in Sandy Hook shooting sue Alex Jones for defamation

The parents of two children killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting have sued Alex Jones, alleging defamation.

The two lawsuits filed Monday accuse Jones — a noted conspiracy theorist who has claimed the Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting was a hoax — of peddling lies that have resulted in death threats, HuffPost reported.

The lawsuits, which were both filed in Austin, Texas, are seeking more than $1 million in damages from Jones, Infowars and Free Speech Systems LLC.

The lawsuits were brought by Neil Heslin, the father of a six-year-old boy killed in the massacre, and Leonard Pozner and Veronique De La Rosa, who also lost their child in the Sandy Hook shooting.

“Even after these folks had to experience this trauma, for the next five years they were tormented by Alex Jones with vicious lies about them,” Mark Bankston, the lawyer handling the cases for the parents, told HuffPost.

“And these lies were meant to convince his audience that the Sandy Hook parents are frauds and have perpetrated a sinister lie on the American people.”

Bankston said he thinks it is a "surreal experience" as a father.

“Anyone, parents or not, who spends 15 minutes talking to one of these parents will understand immediately how vile this lie was, and how genuine their pain is," he told the publication.

There are at least two other cases that accuse Jones of defamation, according to the report.

Jones has in the past raised conspiracy theories about the Sandy Hook shooting. In November 2016, he said: “The only problem is, I’ve watched a lot of soap operas, and I’ve seen actors before. And I know when I’m watching a movie and when I’m watching something real.”

The 2012 Sandy Hook shooting left more than 20 people dead. Gun control has become a central issue in the country recently since a gunman opened fire at a high school in Parkland, Fla.

Students who survived the shooting have been rallying lawmakers and demanding new gun laws to prevent future shootings.

Parkland students have also been at the center of multiple conspiracy theories since becoming vocal gun control advocates.

Good for them. This snake oil salesman has robbed his followers of millions with his bullshit supplements and boner pills. Take him for everything he's got for all I care.
I'd settle out of court for the ability to kick him in the crotch until is was to tired to stand.
Alex retracted like he did with "pizzagate" because he has no shred of the truth to stand on.
Parents of children who died in Sandy Hook shooting sue Alex Jones for defamation

The parents of two children killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting have sued Alex Jones, alleging defamation.

The two lawsuits filed Monday accuse Jones — a noted conspiracy theorist who has claimed the Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting was a hoax — of peddling lies that have resulted in death threats, HuffPost reported.

The lawsuits, which were both filed in Austin, Texas, are seeking more than $1 million in damages from Jones, Infowars and Free Speech Systems LLC.

The lawsuits were brought by Neil Heslin, the father of a six-year-old boy killed in the massacre, and Leonard Pozner and Veronique De La Rosa, who also lost their child in the Sandy Hook shooting.

“Even after these folks had to experience this trauma, for the next five years they were tormented by Alex Jones with vicious lies about them,” Mark Bankston, the lawyer handling the cases for the parents, told HuffPost.

“And these lies were meant to convince his audience that the Sandy Hook parents are frauds and have perpetrated a sinister lie on the American people.”

Bankston said he thinks it is a "surreal experience" as a father.

“Anyone, parents or not, who spends 15 minutes talking to one of these parents will understand immediately how vile this lie was, and how genuine their pain is," he told the publication.

There are at least two other cases that accuse Jones of defamation, according to the report.

Jones has in the past raised conspiracy theories about the Sandy Hook shooting. In November 2016, he said: “The only problem is, I’ve watched a lot of soap operas, and I’ve seen actors before. And I know when I’m watching a movie and when I’m watching something real.”

The 2012 Sandy Hook shooting left more than 20 people dead. Gun control has become a central issue in the country recently since a gunman opened fire at a high school in Parkland, Fla.

Students who survived the shooting have been rallying lawmakers and demanding new gun laws to prevent future shootings.

Parkland students have also been at the center of multiple conspiracy theories since becoming vocal gun control advocates.

Good for them. This snake oil salesman has robbed his followers of millions with his bullshit supplements and boner pills. Take him for everything he's got for all I care.

Good, because each one suing will have to give their own deposition under oath along with discovery requiring proof that any child died there including death certificates and autopsy photos. Dr Wayne Carver and other major players will also be required to testify under oath and penalty of perjury. It's time for this issue to be settled once and for all.....unless ALL of this is brought to light? Then Jones is simply being used as a shill to validate this non-event.

Of course. They fabricated the existence of the children. The existence of the families. The friends of the children. The friends of the family. The neighbors, and everyone else who has ever seen these imaginary "children". Hell, I doubt there's really even a "Sandy Hook". Makes a hell of a lot more sense than some guy shooting at people.


LMAO!!!! ""! The trusted site for commies everywhere!

this particular movement is more than 'moveon'. btw- your boy alex caved. or should i say 'flipped'?
Parents of children who died in Sandy Hook shooting sue Alex Jones for defamation

Good for them. This snake oil salesman has robbed his followers of millions with his bullshit supplements and boner pills. Take him for everything he's got for all I care.

Good, because each one suing will have to give their own deposition under oath along with discovery requiring proof that any child died there including death certificates and autopsy photos. Dr Wayne Carver and other major players will also be required to testify under oath and penalty of perjury. It's time for this issue to be settled once and for all.....unless ALL of this is brought to light? Then Jones is simply being used as a shill to validate this non-event.

Of course. They fabricated the existence of the children. The existence of the families. The friends of the children. The friends of the family. The neighbors, and everyone else who has ever seen these imaginary "children". Hell, I doubt there's really even a "Sandy Hook". Makes a hell of a lot more sense than some guy shooting at people.


LMAO!!!! ""! The trusted site for commies everywhere!

this particular movement is more than 'moveon'. btw- your boy alex caved. or should i say 'flipped'?

Alex Jones is a carnival barker and part of the controlled opposition. He has thrown out breadcrumbs of truth while directing attention away from the real threats this country faces. The topic of Jesuits and Zionism were never discussed on his program back when I was looking for source material. IMHO, purposely obscuring bits and pieces of the puzzle is just as bad as missing the big ones. There is not one poster here that will honestly debate about Sandy Hoax nor refute what I have found. I am open minded and I have changed my mind when presented with new evidence that is contrary to what I believed...but I seek the truth and I am very jaded about this corporate entity and their back pocket bitches in the lamestream media. Convince me that I am wrong that Sandy Hoax was a staged "Operation Gladio B" type of event.

Step up to the plate and let's discuss Sandy Hook..........
He'll just go in and roll over like he did with the Pizzagate thing. He'll say he is just an actor and no different than Saturday Night Live... so he can't be sued.
Alex retracted like he did with "pizzagate" because he has no shred of the truth to stand on.

Comet Ping Pong And Pizza had their server hacked revealing that it was connected to eight other servers that sold child porn and snuff films using bitcoin to purchase them. Washington D.C detective Marcus Stevens was in contact with the hacker...then all of the sudden Comet Ping Pong and Pizza was the "victim" of an alleged vigilante by the name of Edgar Welch ( an actor that had recently gotten in legal trouble) that came all the way from North Carolina, entered the establishment with a gun, fired one single shot through a door and hit the Comet Ping Pong and Pizza server........imagine that?
Alex retracted like he did with "pizzagate" because he has no shred of the truth to stand on.

Comet Ping Pong And Pizza had their server hacked revealing that it was connected to eight other servers that sold child porn and snuff films using bitcoin to purchase them. Washington D.C detective Marcus Stevens was in contact with the hacker...then all of the sudden Comet Ping Pong and Pizza was the "victim" of an alleged vigilante by the name of Edgar Welch ( an actor that had recently gotten in legal trouble) that came all the way from North Carolina, entered the establishment with a gun, fired one single shot through a door and hit the Comet Ping Pong and Pizza server........imagine that?
Yeah I've heard that theory before.
Good, because each one suing will have to give their own deposition under oath along with discovery requiring proof that any child died there including death certificates and autopsy photos. Dr Wayne Carver and other major players will also be required to testify under oath and penalty of perjury. It's time for this issue to be settled once and for all.....unless ALL of this is brought to light? Then Jones is simply being used as a shill to validate this non-event.

Of course. They fabricated the existence of the children. The existence of the families. The friends of the children. The friends of the family. The neighbors, and everyone else who has ever seen these imaginary "children". Hell, I doubt there's really even a "Sandy Hook". Makes a hell of a lot more sense than some guy shooting at people.


LMAO!!!! ""! The trusted site for commies everywhere!

this particular movement is more than 'moveon'. btw- your boy alex caved. or should i say 'flipped'?

Alex Jones is a carnival barker and part of the controlled opposition. He has thrown out breadcrumbs of truth while directing attention away from the real threats this country faces. The topic of Jesuits and Zionism were never discussed on his program back when I was looking for source material. IMHO, purposely obscuring bits and pieces of the puzzle is just as bad as missing the big ones. There is not one poster here that will honestly debate about Sandy Hoax nor refute what I have found. I am open minded and I have changed my mind when presented with new evidence that is contrary to what I believed...but I seek the truth and I am very jaded about this corporate entity and their back pocket bitches in the lamestream media. Convince me that I am wrong that Sandy Hoax was a staged "Operation Gladio B" type of event.

Step up to the plate and let's discuss Sandy Hook..........

it's not a matter of 'stepping up to the plate' ---- it's a matter of not wasting my time with whackadoodles such as yourself. one thing i don't think i've ever asked you about your insanity wrapped conspiracy....

was adam lanza a crisis actor too?
These fuckers are looking for paydays however they can get them. Its pathetic.
Suing Remington? Suing some douchebag on the internet? Come on guys.. smh

Grief makes people do fucked up things. Suing Remington was silly; however, suing someone that claims you’re lying about your children being slaughtered likely meets the legal standards of defamation.
A Jew liar will offer to sue God for allowing it on the air waves if he thinks it will get him out of his mothers basement before age 50

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