Sanitizing American History

We glorify and romanticize war because it's big business and what we want more of. Not surprising then we don't talk about in equal amounts the aftermath of them cause then we might have less of them, and make less money.
You and Robert Fisk seem to be on the same page, at least as far as "big business" and war are concerned:
"SO WHO is winning the war? Isis? Us? The Kurds (remember them?) The Syrians? The Iraqis? Do we even remember the war?

"Not at all.

"We must tell the truth.

"So let us now praise famous weapons and the manufacturers that begat them.

"Share prices are soaring in America for those who produce the coalition bombs and missiles and drones and aircraft participating in this latest war which – for all who are involved (except for the recipients of the bombs and missiles and those they are fighting) – is Hollywood from start to finish.

"Shares in Lockheed Martin – maker of the 'All for One and One for All' Hellfire missiles – are up 9.3 per cent in the past three months. Raytheon – which has a big Israeli arm – has gone up 3.8 per cent.

"Northrop Grumman shares swooped up the same 3.8 per cent.

"And General Dynamics shares have risen 4.3 per cent. Lockheed Martin – which really does steal Alexandre Dumas’ Three Musketeers quotation on its publicity material – makes the rockets carried by the Reaper drones, famous for destroying wedding parties over Afghanistan and Pakistan, and by Iraqi aircraft."
Who s winning the war against ISIS No contest it s American arms manufacturers - Stop the War Coalition
Uhm yeah. War is all about making money, even if it puts us a few trillion in the hole.
War seems to be a good way to ensure each generation carries a cradle to grave debt burden. Smedley Butler saw it clearly during the years between WWI and WWII:

"Who provides the profits -- these nice little profits of 20, 100, 300, 1,500 and 1,800 per cent?

"We all pay them -- in taxation.

"We paid the bankers their profits when we bought Liberty Bonds at $100.00 and sold them back at $84 or $86 to the bankers.

"These bankers collected $100 plus.

"It was a simple manipulation.

"The bankers control the security marts. It was easy for them to depress the price of these bonds. Then all of us -- the people -- got frightened and sold the bonds at $84 or $86.

"The bankers bought them.

"Then these same bankers stimulated a boom and government bonds went to par -- and above.

"Then the bankers collected their profits."

Butler also makes the case it was baby boomers who finally retired the debt from the war to end all wars.

War Is A Racket by Major General Smedley Butler 1935
And this proves what? You just keep flinging more poo against the wall.
A big reason why war is sanitized has to do with the profits earned by US bankers who sold Liberty Bonds during WWI or financed the rise of Hitler and Stalin prior to WWII. Would it really come as big surprise to you to discover gangsters have controlled every government and economy on this planet since the first?
And this proves what? You just keep flinging more poo against the wall.
A big reason why war is sanitized has to do with the profits earned by US bankers who sold Liberty Bonds during WWI or financed the rise of Hitler and Stalin prior to WWII. Would it really come as big surprise to you to discover gangsters have controlled every government and economy on this planet since the first?
And so now the conspiracy has moved on to every government and economy. I guess you proved me wrong.
And this proves what? You just keep flinging more poo against the wall.
A big reason why war is sanitized has to do with the profits earned by US bankers who sold Liberty Bonds during WWI or financed the rise of Hitler and Stalin prior to WWII. Would it really come as big surprise to you to discover gangsters have controlled every government and economy on this planet since the first?
And so now the conspiracy has moved on to every government and economy. I guess you proved me wrong.
But not in the way you think.
Assuming the estimate is correct and more than died in battle, yes.

Assuming you can read, it is not at all accurate to say;

{Many of these suicides involve older veterans; 69 percent of the suicides recorded were by veterans age 50 and older. But another way to look at this is that 31 percent of these suicides were by veterans 49 and younger. In other words,by men in the prime of life.

And then there are the shockingly common active duty suicides. Just two weeks ago, the military released data showing that suicides among those on active duty hit a record high in 2012. There were 349 suicides among active duty personnel – almost one a day. That means there are now more suicides among active duty soldiers than there are combat deaths.}

These are vets from ALL wars, not just Vietnam.
Assuming the estimate is correct and more than died in battle, yes.

Assuming you can read, it is not at all accurate to say;

{Many of these suicides involve older veterans; 69 percent of the suicides recorded were by veterans age 50 and older. But another way to look at this is that 31 percent of these suicides were by veterans 49 and younger. In other words,by men in the prime of life.

And then there are the shockingly common active duty suicides. Just two weeks ago, the military released data showing that suicides among those on active duty hit a record high in 2012. There were 349 suicides among active duty personnel – almost one a day. That means there are now more suicides among active duty soldiers than there are combat deaths.}

These are vets from ALL wars, not just Vietnam.
Good point; however, I hope you remember the current Pentagon initiative designed to revise the history of the Vietnam War:
"The goal of the History and Education effort is to provide the American public with historically accurate materials and interactive experiences that will help Americans better understand and appreciate the service of our Vietnam War veterans and the history of U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War."
Do you think the scope of the anti-war movement and its role in ending that war along with the facts about military suicides belong in the "History and Education effort."
Education Centers Request Materials Education Vietnam War Commemoration
So she wants to teach actual facts and that pisses you off? The Zinn propaganda is important to the dismantling of the Republic and the dissolution of civil rights.

I get it, clearly Julie Williams gets it as well.

Where exactly is a "fact" listed??

“promote citizenship, patriotism, essentials and benefits of the free-market system, respect of authority and respect for individual rights” and do not “encourage civil disorder, social strife or disregard of the law.”
So she wants to teach actual facts and that pisses you off? The Zinn propaganda is important to the dismantling of the Republic and the dissolution of civil rights.

I get it, clearly Julie Williams gets it as well.
That's not what they said. "[the] course plans to ensure that they “promote citizenship, patriotism, essentials and benefits of the free-market system, respect of authority and respect for individual rights” and do not “encourage civil disorder, social strife or disregard of the law.” That isn't about teaching "facts"; it is about filtering historical events to fit an agenda. There's a difference.
Left being out-Alinskyed again.

Tough shit.

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