Santorum and Gingrich need to gracefully end their candidacy's


Senior Member
Mar 15, 2009
It's over, now is the time to bow out. I thought they both might have had a better chance to pull it together in the southern states but now I don't. Alabama is a southern state.

Romney Takes Lead in Alabama According to New Poll - WHNT

They are both big boys, get it together, stop with the Romney bash, he is going to be our nominee, put their ego's aside for the good of the party and our country and just do it.
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It's over, now is the time to bow out. I thought they both might have had a better chance to pull it together in the southern states but now I don't. Alabama is a southern state.

Romney Takes Lead in Alabama According to New Poll - WHNT

They are both big boys, get it together, stop with the Romney bash, he is going to be our nominee, put their ego's aside for the good of the party and our country and just do it.

WHNT Staff Reports

8:57 a.m. CST, March 8, 2012
Mitt Romney has taken a lead in Alabama just days ahead of the Republican Primary according to a new poll. The poll was released Thursday by the Capital Research Center.

The new poll is surprising, because a poll conducted by the same firm just a few weeks ago showed Rick Santorum in the lead, however, he has now fallen to third place.
Romney was crowned long before the primary. Paul, newt adn ricky should all just accept that this isn't a contest based on fair play. The king makers already crowned someone.
Romney was crowned long before the primary. Paul, newt adn ricky should all just accept that this isn't a contest based on fair play. The king makers already crowned someone.

ever since Romney was declared the winner in Iowa... long before Santorum was declared the 'official' winner almost as an afterthought... you knew this contest was not based on fair play....
It's over, now is the time to bow out. I thought they both might have had a better chance to pull it together in the southern states but now I don't. Alabama is a southern state.

Romney Takes Lead in Alabama According to New Poll - WHNT

They are both big boys, get it together, stop with the Romney bash, he is going to be our nominee, put their ego's aside for the good of the party and our country and just do it.

I think Romney needs to bow out.
Romney was crowned long before the primary. Paul, newt adn ricky should all just accept that this isn't a contest based on fair play. The king makers already crowned someone.

So somehow the Republicans in the party were forced to vote for him?
No one needs to bow out. Let the race continue. Let people have their choice. Romney has nothing to lose with a longer campaign season. Quite the opposite.
It's over, now is the time to bow out. I thought they both might have had a better chance to pull it together in the southern states but now I don't. Alabama is a southern state.

Romney Takes Lead in Alabama According to New Poll - WHNT

They are both big boys, get it together, stop with the Romney bash, he is going to be our nominee, put their ego's aside for the good of the party and our country and just do it.

The problem is that whichever drops first will give enormous momentum to the other, and hence a reason to stay in. They're likely to both stay in banking on the brokered convention at this point

I agree, they should both drop. Mitt's chances of beating Obama drastically increase the sooner this whole thing ends. The problem is there's just too much ego in play for either to admit they've lost.
It's over, now is the time to bow out. I thought they both might have had a better chance to pull it together in the southern states but now I don't. Alabama is a southern state.

Romney Takes Lead in Alabama According to New Poll - WHNT

They are both big boys, get it together, stop with the Romney bash, he is going to be our nominee, put their ego's aside for the good of the party and our country and just do it.

I think Romney needs to bow out.

There's an argument for that, as he's clearly not wanted. However, as long as both Rick and Newt are still in, he's not going to get beat. Plus, if Ohio and Michigan are any indication he can blow enormous amounts of money to buy a win if necessary.

So the problem is the guy no one wants is the only guy with the money and organization to actually win. The former speaker can't win because every time he pulls ahead, he shoots himself in the foot. And Santorum can't beat a liberal governor from a blue state even among Republicans.

At this point, if you're a Conservative, you should be pulling for a brokered convention and a dark horse candidate to emerge from there. Someone totally new.
Romney was crowned long before the primary. Paul, newt adn ricky should all just accept that this isn't a contest based on fair play. The king makers already crowned someone.

So somehow the Republicans in the party were forced to vote for him?


Who needs a vote when not all of them count.

Romney declared winner in Iowa and then OOOOPS! Actually, that was Santorum. Maine caucus? Well, you know, just not everyones votes counts. To name a few examples of how the media and the king makers are MAKING this primary instead of voters.

Romney was the crowned candidate right from the gate. So it isn't a fair game at all.
I think Santorum needs to fight to the end as it would help Obama.

No.... what will help Obama is for only Romney to be running.

But only so he can focus all his bullshit attack ads on one candidate.

Obama is going to get his ass handed to him next November.
Romney was crowned long before the primary. Paul, newt adn ricky should all just accept that this isn't a contest based on fair play. The king makers already crowned someone.

So somehow the Republicans in the party were forced to vote for him?


Who needs a vote when not all of them count.

Romney declared winner in Iowa and then OOOOPS! Actually, that was Santorum. Maine caucus? Well, you know, just not everyones votes counts. To name a few examples of how the media and the king makers are MAKING this primary instead of voters.

Romney was the crowned candidate right from the gate
. So it isn't a fair game at all.

I tend to agree with ya on this.

The Repubic elites are in the bag for Romney big time.
No one needs to bow out. Let the race continue. Let people have their choice. Romney has nothing to lose with a longer campaign season. Quite the opposite.

I agree and hope they all keep on swinging.

Shit. Hilary and Barry took it to the wire in 2008.

Why shouldn't Santorum, Gingrich and Romney??
Romney was crowned long before the primary. Paul, newt adn ricky should all just accept that this isn't a contest based on fair play. The king makers already crowned someone.

So somehow the Republicans in the party were forced to vote for him?


Who needs a vote when not all of them count.

Romney declared winner in Iowa and then OOOOPS! Actually, that was Santorum. Maine caucus? Well, you know, just not everyones votes counts. To name a few examples of how the media and the king makers are MAKING this primary instead of voters.

Romney was the crowned candidate right from the gate. So it isn't a fair game at all.

Both Romney and Santorum got the same amount of delegates from Iowa. Regardless of what order they are placed, they were tied. And it was a close race. The Maine caucus the only other thing you are going to even attempt to point to? Because no one forced them to support Romney.
I think Santorum needs to fight to the end as it would help Obama.

No.... what will help Obama is for only Romney to be running.

But only so he can focus all his bullshit attack ads on one candidate.

Obama is going to get his ass handed to him next November.

I think Romney should simply focus on Obama. That's what the base wants. He starts running ads against Obama in any states under contention and it will change perception of the race. People will start thinking of him as the nominee.

Not to mention, I think he gets better than longer he is campaigning. He gets more free publicity because they media cant ignore the races.

Why do you think Obama did so well in 08? The race between him and Hillary had all the medias focus and McCain was getting no press.

Not only that, it will unify the Republicans because those who are claiming they had no choice with Romney can't make that argument if the race goes on longer and they are presented with a choice. If people feel like they have no choice, they will be much more likely to be stubborn and break ranks. If they feel they had a choice, but simply lost, they will be much more likely to go along with the vote.
Yup. All the candidates should start swinging at Barry boy.

Lord knows they have enough ammunition.
Both Romney and Santorum got the same amount of delegates from Iowa. Regardless of what order they are placed, they were tied. And it was a close race. The Maine caucus the only other thing you are going to even attempt to point to? Because no one forced them to support Romney.

Even in the event of a tie in delegates (what really matters), the election night headlines help set up momentum and frame a narrative. IF you lose by 5 votes, you still lose even if you got the same number of delegates. The next guy gets to go on to the next state saying he's winner and you're the loser.

If Iowa had been properly called for Santorum, this would be a very different race. He's have come out of Iowa with momentum enough to skip New Hampshire and win South Carolina, at which point Newt's out of the race along with Perry and Bachmann. Santorum is now the Anti-Romney and Romney's air of inevitability is gone, along with his electability.

As it is, Romney got a few really incredible calls in his favor at the beginning. He couldn't close the deal, but he also couldn't be shut out.
I think Santorum needs to fight to the end as it would help Obama.

No.... what will help Obama is for only Romney to be running.

But only so he can focus all his bullshit attack ads on one candidate.

Obama is going to get his ass handed to him next November.

I think Romney should simply focus on Obama. That's what the base wants. He starts running ads against Obama in any states under contention and it will change perception of the race. People will start thinking of him as the nominee.

Not to mention, I think he gets better than longer he is campaigning. He gets more free publicity because they media cant ignore the races.

Why do you think Obama did so well in 08? The race between him and Hillary had all the medias focus and McCain was getting no press.

Not only that, it will unify the Republicans because those who are claiming they had no choice with Romney can't make that argument if the race goes on longer and they are presented with a choice. If people feel like they have no choice, they will be much more likely to be stubborn and break ranks. If they feel they had a choice, but simply lost, they will be much more likely to go along with the vote.

Good points... thanks.

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