Santorum to Puerto Rico.......Learn to speak English dammit!

Based on what? I just said I would rather have someone else as the nominee but to say he's "worse than Obama" Come on man that ridicules and totally off base but maybe you have a higher opinion of Obama than I do we can take anymore Obama but maybe I have different priorities than you just saying

Come on man, I know you don't like Obama but don't you at least want the guy to replace him to be better? you think a guy whos main focus is getting rid of porn is going do better? come on.

he's a fundie nutter too... just a different religion's fundie.

he figures what's a little crusade or two among friends.
and screw women... he thanks G-d every morning for not being one.

please....Maybe you should step outside your little protected world you've always been in, because you have no idea what your talking about must be nice to be you.
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So then there’s no problem and stuff like this is why I don't think Santorum should be the nominee he's too easily attacked for all these side issues we need to defeat Obama that's all I care about right now

Santorum is worse than Obama bro, just saying.

That is debatable, but a Santorum Presidency scares the hell out of me. I am pretty sure if it was Rick or Barack, I would go third party. Not that Obama would need my vote, he would smoke Little Rickie!

Santorum is not going to be the nomineee so I wouldn't worry about it but look the leftist righwinger as done what he wanted to do how easily we can be distracted.
Grant Wizard of the Brown KKK Luis Gutierrez! A man who drove all the white and black residences of his district out. A man who state his first allegance is to the "immigrant" community (which he mean the Illegal Immigrant community). A man who openly stated he didn't care about the white and black residents of district (which went from 25% non-Hispanic to under 2% and shrinking). His racist rhetoric has sparked Brown on white and black violence throughout Chicago. The man does more campaigning for Puerto Rico then he does for his own district. The man makes sure illegal immigrants have more protections than US citizens. The joke in Chicago (even amongst Hispanics) is you don't want to get into a car accident with a drunk driving illegal in his district, because Luis with toss you in jail, make you pay for the damages to the illegals car, take away your driver license and then label you a racist! A joke in his district is the reason Luis fights so hard against vote ID laws, is because they don't give Driver's License at the DMV.

This is a man who OPENLY hates on Whites (and black to a lesser extent) and his loyalties are not with America!

As long as they take this flaming homo with them, grant them independence, grant 100 years of Billion dollar grants, just make them take this homo with them!


Who is that?

Why is he so passionate about illegals if he is Puerto Rican? makes no damn sense.:confused:
Modern English, sometimes described as the first global lingua franca,[19][20] is the dominant language or in some instances even the required international language of communications, science, information technology, business, seafaring.

English language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

:lol: Whomever wrote that is one ignorant SOB and is so completely oblivious to the fact. Does anyone see the irony? Please, oh please, tell me somebody does!
if old ricky boy is advocating for smaller government and a return to states rights.... then how is the fed forcing a state to make english mandatory an example of this? by his previous logic shouldnt this be a state issue?
You know, what I find truly disgusting about this, is the fact that it seems that Santorum is just trying to take a cheap shot at people who can't come back to bite him in the ass. Puerto Ricans have no voice in the Presidential election. He can kick them in the teeth all he wants with a rant like this all he wants in hopes of pumping up more base energy in his pursuit of the nomination. It's not like they can retaliate by voting against him. That is just tasteless and vile, IMO.
You know, what I find truly disgusting about this, is the fact that it seems that Santorum is just trying to take a cheap shot at people who can't come back to bite him in the ass. Puerto Ricans have no voice in the Presidential election. He can kick them in the teeth all he wants with a rant like this all he wants in hopes of pumping up more base energy in his pursuit of the nomination. It's not like they can retaliate by voting against him. That is just tasteless and vile, IMO.

Good point.
no one cares what language they speak

if they want any part of being american then all govt communications should be in english only...........

its all about assimilation........

same thing for mexifornia
You know, what I find truly disgusting about this, is the fact that it seems that Santorum is just trying to take a cheap shot at people who can't come back to bite him in the ass. Puerto Ricans have no voice in the Presidential election. He can kick them in the teeth all he wants with a rant like this all he wants in hopes of pumping up more base energy in his pursuit of the nomination. It's not like they can retaliate by voting against him. That is just tasteless and vile, IMO.

Not to worry. Many citizens of the US are or Puerto Rican descent. Rickie's stupidity will cost him in votes that will count in the general, should he be lucky enough to unseat the GOP appointed candidate.
You know, what I find truly disgusting about this, is the fact that it seems that Santorum is just trying to take a cheap shot at people who can't come back to bite him in the ass. Puerto Ricans have no voice in the Presidential election. He can kick them in the teeth all he wants with a rant like this all he wants in hopes of pumping up more base energy in his pursuit of the nomination. It's not like they can retaliate by voting against him. That is just tasteless and vile, IMO.

That doesn't really make sense when you consider that his comments could be expected to piss off more than just Puerto Ricanos. It was unlikely to have been a calculated statement.
I don't give a shake N Bake about Santorum. Romney's my Guy.

In fact, I want Ricky boy to keep talking and scaring people away from him. Soon, he will be less appealing than Newt(Who is a sore loser and nagging jackass, by the way)
I don't give a shake N Bake about Santorum. Romney's my Guy.

In fact, I want Ricky boy to keep talking and scaring people away from him. Soon, he will be less appealing than Newt(Who is a sore loser and nagging jackass, by the way)

Given his competition of Santorum, Gingrich and Paul.......Romney is, by default, the only adult in the room
Alot of the Puerto Ricans I met do know English.

Try like almost all of them.

English classes are required in Puerto Rico.

I lived in Puerto Rico for several years. My brother was born there.

Santorum is a real card. Dunno why the right is so interested in this sort of nonsense.
I don't give a shake N Bake about Santorum. Romney's my Guy.

In fact, I want Ricky boy to keep talking and scaring people away from him. Soon, he will be less appealing than Newt(Who is a sore loser and nagging jackass, by the way)

Given his competition of Santorum, Gingrich and Paul.......Romney is, by default, the only adult in the room

If it comes down to a brokered convention..which is a good possiblity..Santorum might get the Vice slot to placate the tea party.

That would be really interesting.

Alot of the Puerto Ricans I met do know English.

Try like almost all of them.

English classes are required in Puerto Rico.

I lived in Puerto Rico for several years. My brother was born there.

Santorum is a real card. Dunno why the right is so interested in this sort of nonsense.

I honestly think he got Puerto Rico mixed up with Mexico.
Alot of the Puerto Ricans I met do know English.

Try like almost all of them.

English classes are required in Puerto Rico.

I lived in Puerto Rico for several years. My brother was born there.

Santorum is a real card. Dunno why the right is so interested in this sort of nonsense.

I honestly think he got Puerto Rico mixed up with Mexico.

Do you think he thought he was campaigning in Mexico. It reminds of the Ford gaffaw in the debate with Carter, about the Soviet Union not having influence on Eastern Europe. Maybe Palin could introduce him to the president of Africa for a geography lesson.
I don't give a shake N Bake about Santorum. Romney's my Guy.

In fact, I want Ricky boy to keep talking and scaring people away from him. Soon, he will be less appealing than Newt(Who is a sore loser and nagging jackass, by the way)

Given his competition of Santorum, Gingrich and Paul.......Romney is, by default, the only adult in the room

If it comes down to a brokered convention..which is a good possiblity..Santorum might get the Vice slot to placate the tea party.

That would be really interesting.


In order for Romney to have a chance, Santorum needs to stay out of politics.

But then, The possibility of a brokered convention is slim. There are alot of delegate rich states (i.e. urban heavy states) that is in Romney's corner. The only thing that is keeping this primary active is that New York, California and Texas has not voted yet. It ends after they make their choice.

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