Santorum's wife had six-year affair with abortion doctor

Is she running for office? How about an investigation in Santorum's parents? There might be a good manufactured scandal in there someplace.

Let's have a reread of Mooche's Princeton Thesis while we're at it.

over your head Katz.....

was she or was she not a supporter of birth control or was she a good little Catholic and did not support birth control, as her stance is, now that she cleaned up her act?

simple, really.... a yes or a no....

and as stated earlier, I seriously DOUBT that you and other right wing supporters, would have said this is not about her because she isn't running, IF this had been about Mrs Obama having an alleged 6 year affair with a man 40 years her senior, during the 2008 campaign....

I personally do not care about the affair previous to her marriage....people grow and change and learn from any mistakes.....that's what we are suppose to do....

BUT the question of whether she supported birth control then is a valid question, considering her stance now and the position of the Catholic Church has taken in this political battle on contraceptions being a part of a health care policy.

Seems like she supported contraception in her early sexually active years or a baby would have come forth, OR IT IS POSSIBLE that this alleged affair was only a platonic relationship and NOT as others are stating.....?

Karen was a progressive non practicing Catholic nursing student at the time. We're talking 30 years ago. From what I gather she was in love with the man at the time and lived with him. Not an "affair".

30 years ago. It's not a valid question. It's bullshit. And she's become a practicing Catholic and they have 8 kids so we know how she feels about contraception now.:lol:

On the other hand it's been less than a decade for Obama to have not supported the Illinois Born Alive Infant Protection Act.

And that's a cold cold heart the President has.

3 times in a row.
so, she was allowed to make her own mistakes when younger, sleeping with a man out of wedlock, 40 years her senior, using contraceptives to keep from getting pregnant etc....

yet, all on her own, she lived her life and learned from her mistakes or previously positioned wrong beliefs, without the Church forcing her or government forcing her to shape up or ship out.....she chose to not use birth control later in life, she chose to be married and she chose to be a good mother of 8.....all by her lonesome....

why does the government or the Church need to meddle in other people's business? Why can't everyone have the same choices as Mrs Santorum did when she was young and foolish and be allowed to find their way back to God, on their own as well? (this is going back to the contraception debate and the stance of the Catholic Church on BC)

I believe strongly, that mistakes are for a reason, and this is to learn from them and to bring one closer to God through His's humbling to know that God forgives ones sins imo, and it makes us try to be better....looks like this is what has happened to Mrs. Santorum.
When was obama smart enough to fly a jet aeroplane?

And when was Bush smart enough to get into a mid level Texas lAw school, let alone Harvard Law. SAT SCORE: 1205, AFTER ANDOVER. Not a bright boy.

The power of affirmative action is enormous.

How did obama get into those schools. He describes himself as an indifferent and lazy student who commonly failed because he loved his blow. There is a reason why obama's past is sealed.
Bush posed in one; his planes in the TANG were decommissioned. Just at the time he moved out of state to work on a political campaign. He claimed to have to "war" but the Vietcong did not make it to the liquor stores and bars of Texas.
And when was Bush smart enough to get into a mid level Texas lAw school, let alone Harvard Law. SAT SCORE: 1205, AFTER ANDOVER. Not a bright boy.

The power of affirmative action is enormous.

How did obama get into those schools. He describes himself as an indifferent and lazy student who commonly failed because he loved his blow. There is a reason why obama's past is sealed.
Bush posed in one; his planes in the TANG were decommissioned. Just at the time he moved out of state to work on a political campaign. He claimed to have to "war" but the Vietcong did not make it to the liquor stores and bars of Texas.

And when was Bush smart enough to get into a mid level Texas lAw school, let alone Harvard Law. SAT SCORE: 1205, AFTER ANDOVER. Not a bright boy.

The power of affirmative action is enormous.

How did obama get into those schools. He describes himself as an indifferent and lazy student who commonly failed because he loved his blow. There is a reason why obama's past is sealed.
Bush posed in one; his planes in the TANG were decommissioned. Just at the time he moved out of state to work on a political campaign. He claimed to have to "war" but the Vietcong did not make it to the liquor stores and bars of Texas.
oh my goodness! that's pretty funny!
I'm not supporting Rick Santorum but this topic is irrelevant.

Sure it's relevant. Santorum made it relevant. He's been dictating what he thinks people in their personal lives should be doing.

And his wife didn't follow his own construct.

Hypocrisy is always relevant.

In any case..this is the sort of campaign that the right wing encourages. it's biting them hard.

Like it?
Did anyone cover this?

I wonder if mrs santorum used birth control pills while having her alleged 6 year affair with the Doc? Did she have any out of wedlock children with the Doc? Was the relationship just platonic and not sexual?

Is she running for office? How about an investigation in Santorum's parents? There might be a good manufactured scandal in there someplace.

Let's have a reread of Mooche's Princeton Thesis while we're at it.

over your head Katz.....

was she or was she not a supporter of birth control or was she a good little Catholic and did not support birth control, as her stance is, now that she cleaned up her act?

simple, really.... a yes or a no....

and as stated earlier, I seriously DOUBT that you and other right wing supporters, would have said this is not about her because she isn't running, IF this had been about Mrs Obama having an alleged 6 year affair with a man 40 years her senior, during the 2008 campaign....

I personally do not care about the affair previous to her marriage....people grow and change and learn from any mistakes.....that's what we are suppose to do....

BUT the question of whether she supported birth control then is a valid question, considering her stance now and the position of the Catholic Church has taken in this political battle on contraceptions being a part of a health care policy.

Seems like she supported contraception in her early sexually active years or a baby would have come forth, OR IT IS POSSIBLE that this alleged affair was only a platonic relationship and NOT as others are stating.....?

Whatever is possible doesn't matter. Suppose she supported contraception, maybe even had an abortion herself, does not make an inch of difference. We don't know because she's not campaigning for anything. She has not given an interview and has not debated. She could have simply changed her mind. Many women have. This controversy is not about contraception, it is about payment for contraception and freedom of religion in not financially supporting what someone considers immoral or wrong.

When the left doesn't have a position worth supporting, they make up something they prefer no matter how little basis it has to do with reality. This is about contraception. Only a racist would oppose obama. This election is going to be about more than who will be president. It is a test to see just how gullible the American people are.
Is she running for office? How about an investigation in Santorum's parents? There might be a good manufactured scandal in there someplace.

Let's have a reread of Mooche's Princeton Thesis while we're at it.

over your head Katz.....

was she or was she not a supporter of birth control or was she a good little Catholic and did not support birth control, as her stance is, now that she cleaned up her act?

simple, really.... a yes or a no....

and as stated earlier, I seriously DOUBT that you and other right wing supporters, would have said this is not about her because she isn't running, IF this had been about Mrs Obama having an alleged 6 year affair with a man 40 years her senior, during the 2008 campaign....

I personally do not care about the affair previous to her marriage....people grow and change and learn from any mistakes.....that's what we are suppose to do....

BUT the question of whether she supported birth control then is a valid question, considering her stance now and the position of the Catholic Church has taken in this political battle on contraceptions being a part of a health care policy.

Seems like she supported contraception in her early sexually active years or a baby would have come forth, OR IT IS POSSIBLE that this alleged affair was only a platonic relationship and NOT as others are stating.....?

Whatever is possible doesn't matter. Suppose she supported contraception, maybe even had an abortion herself, does not make an inch of difference. We don't know because she's not campaigning for anything. She has not given an interview and has not debated. She could have simply changed her mind. Many women have. This controversy is not about contraception, it is about payment for contraception and freedom of religion in not financially supporting what someone considers immoral or wrong.

When the left doesn't have a position worth supporting, they make up something they prefer no matter how little basis it has to do with reality. This is about contraception. Only a racist would oppose obama. This election is going to be about more than who will be president. It is a test to see just how gullible the American people are.
If the debate is about the Church not paying for the health insurance coverage for contraceptives then I guess YOU support the compromise of President Obama's that protects the Church of not having to pay for the contraception coverage. So the Catholic Church DOES NOT HAVE TO PAY for contraceptives as you stated.

Also, did you know that the federal government with our taxes, contributes 50% of all funds collected by Catholic charities.....? Do tax payers get 50% of the say in the matter?
And when was Bush smart enough to get into a mid level Texas lAw school, let alone Harvard Law. SAT SCORE: 1205, AFTER ANDOVER. Not a bright boy.

The power of affirmative action is enormous.

How did obama get into those schools. He describes himself as an indifferent and lazy student who commonly failed because he loved his blow. There is a reason why obama's past is sealed.
Bush posed in one; his planes in the TANG were decommissioned. Just at the time he moved out of state to work on a political campaign. He claimed to have to "war" but the Vietcong did not make it to the liquor stores and bars of Texas.

What are you talking about with Bush's education?

He never went for Law school. GW went to Yale and graduated with a degree in History.
"Beginning in the fall of 1973, Bush attended the Harvard Business School, where he earned a Master of Business Administration. He is the only U.S. President to have earned an M.B.A".

He claimed to have to "war". What does that mean?
I'm not supporting Rick Santorum but this topic is irrelevant.

Sure it's relevant. Santorum made it relevant. He's been dictating what he thinks people in their personal lives should be doing.

And his wife didn't follow his own construct.

Hypocrisy is always relevant.

In any case..this is the sort of campaign that the right wing encourages. it's biting them hard.

Like it?

Hey his stance has been known for a long time. If the left really want to make this an issue again I am so loaded for bear this time around with "stuff you independents didn't know about Obama".

I'm going to love tying Obama refusing to vote to allow treatment for babies born alive after a botched abortion.

I'm going to love every minute of every day hitting boards making sure people understand the close relationship between Kathleen Sebelius and her very close ties to George Tiller.

Yay!! This is going to be a fun election!!
I'm not ocd. I have 10 posts per day, and I'm online for a living.

Also - if you cant stand the gutter style crap on these forums, why have you posted over two THOUSAND M.S. PAINT PICTURES WHICH ALL - ESSENTIALLY - call the other side a "poopy head" for all intents and purposes?

Seems a bit odd to participate in that which you cannot stand.

Sorry to butt in here, but you're the one that took the time and effort to investigate his PB history.

OCD? Yea.....but, at, least, be proud of it.

jus' sayin'
I'm not supporting Rick Santorum but this topic is irrelevant.

Sure it's relevant. Santorum made it relevant. He's been dictating what he thinks people in their personal lives should be doing.

And his wife didn't follow his own construct.

Hypocrisy is always relevant.

In any case..this is the sort of campaign that the right wing encourages. it's biting them hard.

Like it?

Wasn't this "affair" that really wasn't an "affair" since neither party was married all "pre-Rick"??

'Who's to say that ol' Rick didn't bend her in to his 'construct' and now she's toeing the Santorum line?

I'm not supporting Rick Santorum but this topic is irrelevant.

Sure it's relevant. Santorum made it relevant. He's been dictating what he thinks people in their personal lives should be doing.

And his wife didn't follow his own construct.

Hypocrisy is always relevant.

In any case..this is the sort of campaign that the right wing encourages. it's biting them hard.

Like it?

Sure it's relevant. Santorum made it relevant. He's been dictating what he thinks people in their personal lives should be doing.

links please.

Hypocrisy is always relevant.

unless its a democrat then you change your tune like the poltroon you are and its all good, ala super pacs. it's biting them hard.

what bites hard is your lack of integrity....
I'm not supporting Rick Santorum but this topic is irrelevant.

Sure it's relevant. Santorum made it relevant. He's been dictating what he thinks people in their personal lives should be doing.

And his wife didn't follow his own construct.

Hypocrisy is always relevant.

In any case..this is the sort of campaign that the right wing encourages. it's biting them hard.

Like it?

Wasn't this "affair" that really wasn't an "affair" since neither party was married all "pre-Rick"??

'Who's to say that ol' Rick didn't bend her in to his 'construct' and now she's toeing the Santorum line?


don't bother dude, hes got a bone....
I'm not supporting Rick Santorum but this topic is irrelevant.

Sure it's relevant. Santorum made it relevant. He's been dictating what he thinks people in their personal lives should be doing.

And his wife didn't follow his own construct.

Hypocrisy is always relevant.

In any case..this is the sort of campaign that the right wing encourages. it's biting them hard.

Like it?

Why is Santorum responsible for his wife's actions?
I'm not ocd. I have 10 posts per day, and I'm online for a living.

Also - if you cant stand the gutter style crap on these forums, why have you posted over two THOUSAND M.S. PAINT PICTURES WHICH ALL - ESSENTIALLY - call the other side a "poopy head" for all intents and purposes?

Seems a bit odd to participate in that which you cannot stand.

Sorry to butt in here, but you're the one that took the time and effort to investigate his PB history.

OCD? Yea.....but, at, least, be proud of it.

jus' sayin'

huh? It's right in the link when he posts pictures. nothing investigatory about it.
I'm not ocd. I have 10 posts per day, and I'm online for a living.

Also - if you cant stand the gutter style crap on these forums, why have you posted over two THOUSAND M.S. PAINT PICTURES WHICH ALL - ESSENTIALLY - call the other side a "poopy head" for all intents and purposes?

Seems a bit odd to participate in that which you cannot stand.

Sorry to butt in here, but you're the one that took the time and effort to investigate his PB history.

OCD? Yea.....but, at, least, be proud of it.

jus' sayin'

huh? It's right in the link when he posts pictures. nothing investigatory about it.

Unless you, instead of simply looking at the picture, take the time to copy the img tag into your address bar and do some editing........

I'm not supporting Rick Santorum but this topic is irrelevant.

Sure it's relevant. Santorum made it relevant. He's been dictating what he thinks people in their personal lives should be doing.

And his wife didn't follow his own construct.

Hypocrisy is always relevant.

In any case..this is the sort of campaign that the right wing encourages. it's biting them hard.

Like it?

Why is Santorum responsible for his wife's actions?
He's NOT responsible for his wife's previous actions, no matter how one can try to twist it.

It's still discussion worthy " in this day and age " least to some.
Sure it's relevant. Santorum made it relevant. He's been dictating what he thinks people in their personal lives should be doing.

And his wife didn't follow his own construct.

Hypocrisy is always relevant.

In any case..this is the sort of campaign that the right wing encourages. it's biting them hard.

Like it?

Why is Santorum responsible for his wife's actions?
He's NOT responsible for his wife's previous actions, no matter how one can try to twist it.

It's still discussion worthy " in this day and age " least to some.

But his marrying a "ho" tell us a lot about his character?:eusa_whistle:
He attacked Obama on Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers and one 5second rant by Wright has not reflection on Obama ability to lead or Ayers actions before Obama was born. Both are heroes in my book. Wright a great historian and Ayers a great activist against the atrocities of the Vietman war.
Why is Santorum responsible for his wife's actions?
He's NOT responsible for his wife's previous actions, no matter how one can try to twist it.

It's still discussion worthy " in this day and age " least to some.

But his marrying a "ho" tell us a lot about his character?:eusa_whistle:
He attacked Obama on Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers and one 5second rant by Wright has not reflection on Obama ability to lead or Ayers actions before Obama was born. Both are heroes in my book. Wright a great historian and Ayers a great activist against the atrocities of the Vietman war.

My Ignore function is glad to hear you say it.

Sorry to butt in here, but you're the one that took the time and effort to investigate his PB history.

OCD? Yea.....but, at, least, be proud of it.

jus' sayin'

huh? It's right in the link when he posts pictures. nothing investigatory about it.

Unless you, instead of simply looking at the picture, take the time to copy the img tag into your address bar and do some editing........


yea, allllll that time it takes

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