Sarah Palin being considered for Secretary of Veterans Affairs

I saw it earlier on MSNBC. How do veterans feel about that possibility? So far, this is the only link I've found:

The Immoral Minority: Reports say that Sarah Palin is under consideration to join Trump's cabinet as the Secretary of Veteran's Affairs. Update!
I think she would have the vet's best interests at heart even though I have reservations about her executive skills.

What I find most amusing about this thread are all the anti-military, non-veteran LWLs who are commenting against Palin.
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Internet spelling and grammar checking? :lmao: What a turd

singular and plural, what an idiot ..

It's a message board, no one is going to sit there and edit every post like it's a professionally written document. A simple typo that's going to pass a spell checker is just retarded to call someone on. It may have even been done by the spell checker.

Grow up. In the mean time here's a diaper as you seem to wet yourself regularly.

Seriously, that's your standard? People should sit and scrutinize their posts for any innocent typo? What a douche

its a RW idiot board,and testimony of their stupidity .. and you blame stupidity on a typo ... Palin may be too smart to rule worms.

Too say "women" instead of "woman?" You has vary little intelligence if ewe think finding that makes you smarter then any won else. Apparently ewe knows you aren'ot smarter then shit that you needs to go their two feel superior

there ya go,now you're in your realm ... please continue.

Playground! The intelligence just oozes from you

She was so tough she quit.

Yeah, a tough women would have let her 14 yer old daughter be raped by you fucking scum.
You don't even know you're crazy, do ya?

{When the Lefties aren't going after Palin, they like to attack her children. Late night host David Letterman took one of the cheapest shots when he said, "One awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the Yankee game -- during the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez."}

You utterly putrid pile of shit.

This is what you little Goebbels do.

Palin had class, and responded to you filthy fucks like this.

{Acceptance of inappropriate sexual comments about an underage girl, who could be anyone's daughter, contributes to the atrociously high rate of sexual exploitation of minors by older men who use and abuse others.}

You SHOULD be ashamed of yourself and your filthy party, but you lack the class and integrity to be.
Rightard, it was a joke targeted at Bristol Palin, who was an adult at the time.
Why does the left question Palin's ability to run Veteran's Affairs? Do they think she is not appreciative of the sacrifices that Veterans made? Do they think she is unable to handle the bureaucracy that comes with the job or do lefties just freaking hate her? It should be noted that the left wanted a woman who never had a real job that wasn't arranged by her crooked politician husband to run the whole freaking Country.

Bush ..... 4.2% to 7.8% (+86%)
Obama .. 7.8% to 4.9% (-37%)


Bush ..... 10.6K to 8.3K (-22%)
Obama .... 8.3K to 19.2K (+132%)

Lying Redfish calls that worse under Obama.

Taking statistics out of context isn't impressive to the well informed.
That's ok :itsok: I understand how painful it is to righties when the economy improves with a Democrat in the White House.
Considering the fact that Democrats intentionally ruined the economy 10 years ago and we should be doing better.....I really don't see what you have to brag about after 8 years of poor growth and stagnant wages which doesn’t indicate a good ecomony. Not one time during Obama's administration did we go over 3%. Most of the time it was just above negative growth or at best 1.5% growth. That is why interest rates have been bottomed keep from causing another recession.
You know you're insane, right? Democrats didn't control any part of government ten years ago. :cuckoo:
They laid the groundwork in 2003, during the election, and when they won in 2006..they ruined the economy as soon as they took over. It's no coincidence that the economy tanked as soon as they took control. However, much of the damage was set up during the Clinton years though.
You fucking idiot. :cuckoo: They didn't control any part of the government in 2003 either.

Why does the left question Palin's ability to run Veteran's Affairs? Do they think she is not appreciative of the sacrifices that Veterans made? Do they think she is unable to handle the bureaucracy that comes with the job or do lefties just freaking hate her? It should be noted that the left wanted a woman who never had a real job that wasn't arranged by her crooked politician husband to run the whole freaking Country.

So your case for choosing Palin is based on how much you think she's like Hillary Clinton? Funny.

btw, Hillary Clinton did more for NY's veterans when she was senator than anything Palin has ever done.

She's dumb as a rock, and spent the last few years on crack and getting into fights at parties. Sounds like she's got her face inside Trump's trousers to get this job.

let me remind you sir:

"hey can i call you Joe?"

"you can call me Joe"



she's not 'dumb as a rock'...SHE'S A GENIUS! :D

And that, folks, is what passes for genius in Conservatopia.
And the causes for the economic collapse began before the even stepped into office. The 110th Congress had nothing to do with great recession.

That is a moronic claim, despite the kernel of truth to it. To be sure, our doom was set when we comoditized residential mortgage backed securities, coupled with mandates to grant loans to unqualified buyers based on racial quotas (before you lie, I will remind you that Janet Reno was the first AG to ever file civil suit and did so to force greater CRA compliance.) CRMBS took the direct risk out of making bad loans, giving rise to insane ARM's and the "liars loan" programs. Hey, want a a million dollar home, but have no income? No problem, tell em' Bill Clinton sent you.

I'll be happy to discuss the foundation causes of the housing collapse with you. You can grab Toro if you like, I will happily admit he is the one person on the board with greater knowledge of the situation than I. But then, you won't find much support for your false dialogue...
I'm amazed there are retards who still blame the CRA for the economic collapse.

That this topic has 350 posts is a tribute to just how many of you have too much time on your hands and nothing of interest beyond this...

Get real. VA Secretary. That is hardly AG or SoState...
who would you on the left recommend for VA secretary? give us a list of names acceptable to you.

or you could just STFU
Taking statistics out of context isn't impressive to the well informed.
That's ok :itsok: I understand how painful it is to righties when the economy improves with a Democrat in the White House.
Considering the fact that Democrats intentionally ruined the economy 10 years ago and we should be doing better.....I really don't see what you have to brag about after 8 years of poor growth and stagnant wages which doesn’t indicate a good ecomony. Not one time during Obama's administration did we go over 3%. Most of the time it was just above negative growth or at best 1.5% growth. That is why interest rates have been bottomed keep from causing another recession.
You know you're insane, right? Democrats didn't control any part of government ten years ago. :cuckoo:

The Democrats were in control of the House and Senate beginning in January 2007--that was 10 years ago short a little less than two months. They retained that power until 2011 when the House returned to a GOP majority and 2015 when the Senate returned to a GOP majority.

There is plenty of blame to go around, but the Democrats have NOT done a good job with the economy either in the last two years of the GWB Administration or for the past eight years.

And none of that has absolutely anything to do with whether Sarah Palin would make a good administrator of veteran affairs as she had absolutely nothing at all to do with the U.S. economy during any of that period.
And the causes for the economic collapse began before the even stepped into office. The 110th Congress had nothing to do with great recession.

Yes they did. They didn't create the problem--it had been developing since the Carter Administration--but President Bush sent Congress warnings 21--count them--21 times that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were in serious trouble and that a housing bubble crisis was imminent. And the Democrats, most prominently Chris Dodd and Barney Frank, went before the cameras each time to say that those institutions were just fine and there was no problem. And the GOP did not have the committee chairmanships or votes to do anything.

Had Congress acted in early to mid 2007 to correct the problems, we might never have had the collapse of 2008 or it would have been much less severe.

I think even Sarah Palin would have seen that. Which makes her a better choice for the V.A. and able to recognize and correct problems than any of the Democrats who refused to act.
Oh God...I love you Americans!!!!
The comedy is just long can you keep producing at this high standard though?!

no worries ... the world will be laughing at right wingers for hundreds of years ..

Yeah, ok... I guess you missed the point where Democrats have the lowest numbers since the twenties?

- Minority control of Senate
- Minority control of the house
- Minority control of governorship's including state houses
- Lost the presidency
- Will not be able to appoint judicial activists to the courts for possibly a decade or better

Yeah.... run with that.
The best thing about 2-4 years is all on you guys.
Well now, I don't know about that. You guys did an awful lot of whining about Republicans blocking all kinds of crap, even when they didn't have the votes to stop anything. Be prepared for that, because Reid and crew are masters at obstruction.
Rightard, it was a joke targeted at Bristol Palin, who was an adult at the time.

Bristol was not present, Comrade Pot.

The issue is the incessant demagoguery from you of the Khmer Rouge in your war on women. The call to rape a 14 year old is but one of a thousand instances. I actually find the dispatch of Creepy Joe McGinnis to stalk the Palin family far more disturbing. George Soros paid for a house next door to the Palin's so his agent could stalk and harass the entire family for two years. Straight out of the STASI playbook.

It doesn't bother you that your new Khmer Rouge uses methods identical to the KGB, Gestapo, and STASI, but it sure bothers decent people.
Simple truth: Being a POW doesn't make a person a hero and some Generals (like other politicians) are very very stupid. Stating simple truth is not "trashing" anybody. Another simple truth is that anyone who would appoint John Kerry to any government position is going to earn the scorn of veterans and active military. Also someone needs to make Hillary aware that children throwing flowers is not actual sniper fire.
Another POW basher & calling the military stupid all to defend their orange buddy. John Kerry served, he volunteered for dangerous duty in Vietnam. Kerry is a prime example of how asshats like you trash veterans. And Clinton landed under the threat of sniper fire.

John McCain flew dangerous missions over enemy territory under enemy fire & you & your orange fuckhead buddy claim that he is not a hero. WOW.

You really ought to stick to subjects that you know at least a little bit about. I (like 99.9% of other Vietnam veterans) consider Kerry a coward, traitor and monumental sleeze who brought extreme discredit upon himself, the Navy, the military, and his Country.
McCain served courageously and with considerable distinction under extremely adverse circumstances. But that does not make him a hero. Trump is correct in that the act of surrender is not heroic.

" And Clinton landed under the threat of sniper fire."

Idiotic bullshit.
Speaking of idiotic bullshit....

99.9%, huh? You do know Kerry got 41% of the military vote, right?

No, I don't; neither do you. And the subject was Vietnam veterans in any case.
Sure I do... Election 2004

...and now, so do you.

Wrong. After this election only an idiot would take a CNN poll as anything more than a wild guess heavily weighted by their own agenda.
Why does the left question Palin's ability to run Veteran's Affairs? Do they think she is not appreciative of the sacrifices that Veterans made? Do they think she is unable to handle the bureaucracy that comes with the job or do lefties just freaking hate her? It should be noted that the left wanted a woman who never had a real job that wasn't arranged by her crooked politician husband to run the whole freaking Country.

Palin is a woman.

The Khmer Rouge is about as tolerant of women as the Taliban, a woman's place is barefoot and serving the party. Any woman who DARES defy the party will be savaged, and every Conservative woman HAS been savaged by these putrid scum.

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