Sarah Palin being considered for Secretary of Veterans Affairs

You don't know what you're talking about. bedwetter

Nice try but we are talking about the man for whom you voted. Why did you support such a person that trashed POWs?

A man who never served & never cared about the military who trashed our Generals when he claimed he knew more about ISIS than they did. He might as well screamed " Our military is stupid".

You petend patriots make me sick.

Simple truth: Being a POW doesn't make a person a hero and some Generals (like other politicians) are very very stupid. Stating simple truth is not "trashing" anybody. Another simple truth is that anyone who would appoint John Kerry to any government position is going to earn the scorn of veterans and active military. Also someone needs to make Hillary aware that children throwing flowers is not actual sniper fire.

Another POW basher & calling the military stupid all to defend their orange buddy. John Kerry served, he volunteered for dangerous duty in Vietnam. Kerry is a prime example of how asshats like you trash veterans. And Clinton landed under the threat of sniper fire.

John McCain flew dangerous missions over enemy territory under enemy fire & you & your orange fuckhead buddy claim that he is not a hero. WOW.

You really ought to stick to subjects that you know at least a little bit about. I (like 99.9% of other Vietnam veterans) consider Kerry a coward, traitor and monumental sleeze who brought extreme discredit upon himself, the Navy, the military, and his Country.
McCain served courageously and with considerable distinction under extremely adverse circumstances. But that does not make him a hero. Trump is correct in that the act of surrender is not heroic.

" And Clinton landed under the threat of sniper fire."

Idiotic bullshit.

Speaking of idiotic bullshit....

99.9%, huh? You do know Kerry got 41% of the military vote, right?

No, I don't; neither do you. And the subject was Vietnam veterans in any case.
I know what she did as governor -- she quit.

And all you of the Khmer Rouge had done was call for her 14 year old daughter to be raped on national TV, funded a stalker and peeping tom to live next door to her and try to get embarrassing photos while harassing her children. Convicted rapist and pornographer - hero of the filthy scum democrats, did a porn called "Nailing Paylin" which you filth thought was great.

Oh but hey, you little Goebbels aren't waging war on women, are you scumbag?

I would say you Soros soldiers were like the Mafia, but the Mafia has standards - you filthy fucks don't.

Tell me, since you're a pile of shit with no integrity, why should Creepy Stalker Joe McGinnis, in the employ of George Soros, not have been shot in the face as the dangerous fuck that he was? Had he stalked MY children like that, his odds would have been much lower.
Awww, poor baby. Here ya go...


There you go - you support the vicious war on women that your owner wages.
Palin is a tough minded former soccer mom who ran against the entrenched political establishment in her city and became mayor. Later she became governor of Alaska. She shows what women can achieve but the left still hates her for some reason. Surely anything is better than the current democrat establishment that encourages desecration of the Flag and the abandonment of Veterans.
The left doesn't hate Sarah Palin! We pity her and anyone who mistakenly thinks she's competent.

And could you please tell us specifically who in the Democrat party is encouraging flag burning and the abandonment of veterans? Just because you say it, doesn't make it true.
Problem with you snowflakes is you actually believe your own Bullshit....
I don't hate Palin! Hate is something the Trumpians traffic in, not Liberals. We just see her as a buffoon who should not be around the levers of power for her own good and ours.

If you can show me that Sarah Palin of Wassila Alaska is a competent leader of anything beyond the night shift at Wendy's, I'll listen.
No point in trying.
If you actually believe Trumpers are killing cops and burning CVS stores in our inner cities then you're a lost cause.

In case you missed it this guys an idiot.

He doesn't even know what Palin did as Gov. of Alaska.

He has no problem criticizing her but has no idea what an effective Governor she was.

You can't cure stupid.

Her biggest accomplishment as Governor of Alaska was the huge windfall profits tax she put on Alaska oil producers.
She did that in league with Alaskan Democrats, against the opposition of the conservatives in the legislature.

That was how she was an effective governor,

before the national spotlight turned her into a rightwing lunatic.
How many under Bush were part time? How many under Bush were illegal How many under Bush were minimum wage.

You assholes have an excuse for everything. Obama started with an ecomony losing 800,000 jobs a month & shrinking at a rate of 6.2%.

Your buddy Bush started with a balanced budget on the path to paying down the debt & left with an economy losing 800,000 jobs a month & shrinking at a rate of 6.2%.

Eat that, asswipe.

when did I ever say that Bush was a great president? eat that asswipe.

the facts are that Bush screwed up and Obama made his screw ups worse.

Bush ..... 4.2% to 7.8% (+86%)
Obama .. 7.8% to 4.9% (-37%)


Bush ..... 10.6K to 8.3K (-22%)
Obama .... 8.3K to 19.2K (+132%)

Lying Redfish calls that worse under Obama.

Taking statistics out of context isn't impressive to the well informed.
That's ok :itsok: I understand how painful it is to righties when the economy improves with a Democrat in the White House.
Considering the fact that Democrats intentionally ruined the economy 10 years ago and we should be doing better.....I really don't see what you have to brag about 8 after years of poor growth and stagnant wages which doesn’t indicate a good ecomony. Not one time during Obama's administration did we go over 3%. Most of the time it was just above negative growth or at best 1.5% growth. That is why interest rates have been bottomed keep from causing another recession.

Nice meltdown.
She was so tough she quit.

Yeah, a tough women would have let her 14 yer old daughter be raped by you fucking scum.
You don't even know you're crazy, do ya?

{When the Lefties aren't going after Palin, they like to attack her children. Late night host David Letterman took one of the cheapest shots when he said, "One awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the Yankee game -- during the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez."}

You utterly putrid pile of shit.

This is what you little Goebbels do.

Palin had class, and responded to you filthy fucks like this.

{Acceptance of inappropriate sexual comments about an underage girl, who could be anyone's daughter, contributes to the atrociously high rate of sexual exploitation of minors by older men who use and abuse others.}

You SHOULD be ashamed of yourself and your filthy party, but you lack the class and integrity to be.
She was so tough she quit.

Yeah, a tough women would have let her 14 yer old daughter be raped by you fucking scum.

a third grader would know how to use women and woman in a sentence ... DDDUUURRRRRRR

Internet spelling and grammar checking? :lmao: What a turd

singular and plural, what an idiot ..

It's a message board, no one is going to sit there and edit every post like it's a professionally written document. A simple typo that's going to pass a spell checker is just retarded to call someone on. It may have even been done by the spell checker.

Grow up. In the mean time here's a diaper as you seem to wet yourself regularly.

Seriously, that's your standard? People should sit and scrutinize their posts for any innocent typo? What a douche
Palin is a tough minded former soccer mom who ran against the entrenched political establishment in her city and became mayor. Later she became governor of Alaska. She shows what women can achieve but the left still hates her for some reason. Surely anything is better than the current democrat establishment that encourages desecration of the Flag and the abandonment of Veterans.
The left doesn't hate Sarah Palin! We pity her and anyone who mistakenly thinks she's competent.

And could you please tell us specifically who in the Democrat party is encouraging flag burning and the abandonment of veterans? Just because you say it, doesn't make it true.
Problem with you snowflakes is you actually believe your own Bullshit....
I don't hate Palin! Hate is something the Trumpians traffic in, not Liberals. We just see her as a buffoon who should not be around the levers of power for her own good and ours.

If you can show me that Sarah Palin of Wassila Alaska is a competent leader of anything beyond the night shift at Wendy's, I'll listen.

Oh I think Palin can handle the night shift at Wendy's just fine.

She did a great job as Governor of Alaska. Do some research and find out exactly what she did.

Every Alaskan resident gets an oil royalty check every year and that something Palin did.

Not bad for a night shift Wendy's Manager.

You should be a quarter as good as that woman is.

Nah. Your just an idiot. Never mind.
Alaska's Permanent Fund was established by a constitutional amendment passed by voters in 1976 requiring a portion of state oil revenues to be put into a savings account to be available for the distant future, when North Slope oil fields are tapped out.

1976. Wasn't Sarah Plain dropping third period Spanish and gossiping about that cute boy who doesn't smell of fish about that time?

And does a great governor quit?

Sure she does when she has a good reason. Look it up smartass.

As for the oil revenue. There was no revenue till Palin told the Oil Companies who held the leases to either shit or get off the pot. Once the oil started flowing the residents got the royalty money.
The left doesn't hate Sarah Palin! We pity her and anyone who mistakenly thinks she's competent.

And could you please tell us specifically who in the Democrat party is encouraging flag burning and the abandonment of veterans? Just because you say it, doesn't make it true.
Problem with you snowflakes is you actually believe your own Bullshit....
I don't hate Palin! Hate is something the Trumpians traffic in, not Liberals. We just see her as a buffoon who should not be around the levers of power for her own good and ours.

If you can show me that Sarah Palin of Wassila Alaska is a competent leader of anything beyond the night shift at Wendy's, I'll listen.
No point in trying.
If you actually believe Trumpers are killing cops and burning CVS stores in our inner cities then you're a lost cause.

In case you missed it this guys an idiot.

He doesn't even know what Palin did as Gov. of Alaska.

He has no problem criticizing her but has no idea what an effective Governor she was.

You can't cure stupid.
What did Sarah Palin do as governor? Quit!

She did much more than quit. Look it up dipshit.
The left doesn't hate Sarah Palin! We pity her and anyone who mistakenly thinks she's competent.

And could you please tell us specifically who in the Democrat party is encouraging flag burning and the abandonment of veterans? Just because you say it, doesn't make it true.
Problem with you snowflakes is you actually believe your own Bullshit....
I don't hate Palin! Hate is something the Trumpians traffic in, not Liberals. We just see her as a buffoon who should not be around the levers of power for her own good and ours.

If you can show me that Sarah Palin of Wassila Alaska is a competent leader of anything beyond the night shift at Wendy's, I'll listen.
No point in trying.
If you actually believe Trumpers are killing cops and burning CVS stores in our inner cities then you're a lost cause.

In case you missed it this guys an idiot.

He doesn't even know what Palin did as Gov. of Alaska.

He has no problem criticizing her but has no idea what an effective Governor she was.

You can't cure stupid.

Her biggest accomplishment as Governor of Alaska was the huge windfall profits tax she put on Alaska oil producers.
She did that in league with Alaskan Democrats, against the opposition of the conservatives in the legislature.

That was how she was an effective governor,

before the national spotlight turned her into a rightwing lunatic.
Yeah and she's also a wasist.....
She was so tough she quit.

Yeah, a tough women would have let her 14 yer old daughter be raped by you fucking scum.

a third grader would know how to use women and woman in a sentence ... DDDUUURRRRRRR

Internet spelling and grammar checking? :lmao: What a turd

singular and plural, what an idiot ..

It's a message board, no one is going to sit there and edit every post like it's a professionally written document. A simple typo that's going to pass a spell checker is just retarded to call someone on. It may have even been done by the spell checker.

Grow up. In the mean time here's a diaper as you seem to wet yourself regularly.

Seriously, that's your standard? People should sit and scrutinize their posts for any innocent typo? What a douche

its a RW idiot board,and testimony of their stupidity .. and you blame stupidity on a typo ... Palin may be too smart to rule worms.
What precisely did we "filthy fucks" do aside from frame a cohesive argument and expose those with inadequate vocabularies such as yourself? Did we embarrass Sarah Palin? Did you complain that Barack Obama was not fully vetted by the press? Did we expose her to a heated situation requiring quick, effective executive decisions? Did we not adequately prepare her to answer pertinent questions?

Your kidding, you're going to try the "who me" lie?

Look, you're stupid, you have to know this. This is why you're a democrat, you lack the intellect to examine the facts of a situation and draw a reasoned conclusion.

Because you are a democrat, I will assume that you have virtually no knowledge of recent history. Some think that the Nazis and Goebbels were the most vile demagogues of our time, but that isn't true. Oh to be sure, they were scum. But the worst of the worst were the Khmer Rouge under Pol Pot. They declared war on knowledge. In pursuing this war, the Communist agents would do things like accuse college professors of molesting students based on nothing other than the desire to slander them - just as you democrats have done to Palin. The Khmer Rouge would hire thugs to rape the wives and children of doctors and dentists, similar to how you democrats went on national TV and suggested that Palin's 14 year old daughter Willow be raped by Alex Rodriguez. Pol Pot would have his agents stalk professionals night and day, spy on them in their homes to intimidate them, just like you democrats did by putting Creepy Stalker Joe McGinnis next door to Palin.

It was this vicious and prolonged war that you animals waged on this woman that made me understand, you ARE the Khmer Rouge, there is NO difference between you Soros fucks and those who followed Pol Pot.

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