Sarah Palin Endorses Donald Trump

You DO realize that Governor Palin does this stuff only because of the savage amusement of watching liberals with their little girl panties all knotted up.

Wonder she's not prosecuted by the (former) Justice Department for extreme cruelty to poor dumb animals.
Another act of genius with Palin.... Takes away MANY Tea Party and Patriots that were leaning to Ted, also causes the MSM and the subversives idiots on USMB, and RINO moderates to continue to talk about Trump and Palin, thus SHUTTING OUT all other candidates, keeping Trump FIRST in the mind of most also completely shuts out ANYTHING that the lying, corrupt, criminal, murderous Hildebeast would have to say to the public..... BTW, where is the Hildebeast today, or for that matter, any of the other Republicans?..... PR taken to the NEXT LEVEL!!!
Big deal I seriously wonder how many times someones endorsement of a candidate has convinced another to vote for them.
It convinces me. As an Iowa voter who will be caucusing on February 1sr, Sarah's endorsement means a lot. I really love that gal. Drove 2 1/2 hours to see her speaking last time around. The auditorium was packed with fellow Iowans, waiting for hours to hear Sarah give her rousing speech. Sadly, I couldn't make it to Ames tonight. I know she will fire up the crowd. I'd wait in the cold for 2 hours just to get inside the center Trump rented.

It would be perfect if The Donald would hint that he's putting on his short list Sarah for his VP running mate.

We can only hope.
Don't get over confident. Look at the turds you get to choose from. LOL

I'm well satisfied with my choices.
Don't care. Palin can say or do whatever she wants and I couldn't care less. Now if she does an expose in Hustler I MIGHT look into it

Remember, all liberals lie.

Now consider that you cared enough to read the thread and to comment.

Wanna tell another?
Remember, the dumbest motherfuckers on earth call me a liberal, wanna share some more?
Sarah Palin Endorses Donald Trump

And so ends Trump. Palin can't pick a winner in a one-horse race.
out of ~ 60 people she supported for congress 58 won
Where'd you get that lie from? That's what it is BTW. The Sarah Palin 'Kiss of Death' Endorsements for 2014 ~ Politicalgates

Palin Endorsements Tracker - The Washington Post

My favorite endorsement of Sarah's was when she endorsed Tom Ermer for Michelle Bachmann's old seat in the House. Ermer was already up 20 plus% in the polls, I guess she needed a sure thing. Then Ermer went moderate on her and worked with the other side, stating compromise was important in getting things done, thus keeping his campaign promise. Whoops!
Remember, the dumbest motherfuckers on earth call me a liberal, wanna share some more?

If you turn off your ad blocker you'll get the Aricept discount offers you obviously have been missing....
How many times am I going to make fools of you dip shits? Just because I don't like someone or something they say DOES NOT automatically make me a member of the opposition.

I AM a hardcore rightie. What I am not is a dumbfuck drone who puts all his eggs in one basket and hangs on the word of any one person.

Now REACH for the nearest insult you can find and sling it cause that's all you got
Sarah Palin speaks to everyday Americans. Like her or not she is popular. McCain didn't lose because of her. He lost because he's a beltway boy who's out of touch with America

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