Sarah Palin Unleashes Attack On Obama Over $4.00 Gas And His Refusal To Drill


May 29, 2010
I read this article she wrote today and I was astounded by the knowledge that she has on the petroleum industry as well as what is at stake for our country if we don't start drilling here in the states domestically. This refusal by Obama to lift the moritorium on drilling is mindboggling. He is deliberately wanting to hurt the American consumer, their jobs and way of life. I have to wonder, does Obama want to unstabalize America or stabalize it? Obviously his actions are to make America unstable on all walks of life. The man is obvious against making America and it's people prosper. Governor Palin explains this well and proves she is very intelligent on the issue because Oil & Gas is Americas number one national security resource that sustains this nation. Please read:

Sarah Palin Facebook:
The $4-Per-Gallon President

Is it really any surprise that oil and gas prices are surging toward the record highs we saw in 2008 just prior to the economic collapse? Despite the President’s strange assertions in his press conference last week, his Administration is not a passive observer to the trends that have inflated oil prices to dangerous levels. His war on domestic oil and gas exploration and production has caused us pain at the pump, endangered our already sluggish economic recovery, and threatened our national security.

The evidence of the President’s anti-drilling mentality and his culpability in the high gas prices hurting Americans is there for all to see. The following is not even an exhaustive list:
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Nobody is this stupid. does Alaska sell their oil cheaper than Canada because they are part of the good old USA? What your saying is the price of oil will drop at the pump if we drill. Wrong, all it will do is make some people very rich and you the consumer paying just as much. All that would happen is other countries will cut back.

would it help the economy of the USA, maybe a little but we all know that 2.5 trillion didn't get spent doing anything and they didn't have to even drill a well.

You want to show me anything in any legislation put forth to drill that says they must sell to the USA and for a good price at the pump?
Nobody is this stupid. does Alaska sell their oil cheaper than Canada because they are part of the good old USA? What your saying is the price of oil will drop at the pump if we drill. Wrong, all it will do is make some people very rich and you the consumer paying just as much. All that would happen is other countries will cut back.

would it help the economy of the USA, maybe a little but we all know that 2.5 trillion didn't get spent doing anything and they didn't have to even drill a well.

You want to show me anything in any legislation put forth to drill that says they must sell to the USA and for a good price at the pump?

Your right. The estimated 55000 jobs that would be created by drilling in Anwar would make those 55000 workers rich. Drilling is about more that oil, it's jobs, and that is what will bring us out of this recession, stagflation or whatever we're in. The price of oil would come down because of the increased inventory. It's a win/win situation for the country. We have no good reason to NOT drill in Anwar. It's not like your going to bother anyone. Nobody lives there and the caribou don't care.
Nobody is this stupid. does Alaska sell their oil cheaper than Canada because they are part of the good old USA? What your saying is the price of oil will drop at the pump if we drill. Wrong, all it will do is make some people very rich and you the consumer paying just as much. All that would happen is other countries will cut back.

would it help the economy of the USA, maybe a little but we all know that 2.5 trillion didn't get spent doing anything and they didn't have to even drill a well.

You want to show me anything in any legislation put forth to drill that says they must sell to the USA and for a good price at the pump?
Typical lib attitude that keeps us from drilling for what is ours, that and the socialist backed environmentalist nut cases. Drilling here would make some American rich instead of some sheik in the mideast and it would create jobs, but the libtards don't care about that.
The Palin bit is good, but I also disagree that production lost due to the Gulf moratorium has had an effect on crude prices. It's the world market reacting to events around the... world.

But the rest of her rant is right on.

I just don't like her style. Kinda like Howdy Doody on hormone replacement therapy.
I read this article she wrote today and I was astounded by the knowledge that she has on the petroleum industry as well as what is at stake for our country if we don't start drilling here in the states domestically. This refusal by Obama to lift the moritorium on drilling is mindboggling. He is deliberately wanting to hurt the American consumer, their jobs and way of life. I have to wonder, does Obama want to unstabalize America or stabalize it? Obviously his actions are to make America unstable on all walks of life. The man is obvious against making America and it's people prosper. Governor Palin explains this well and proves she is very intelligent on the issue because Oil & Gas is Americas number one national security resource that sustains this nation. Please read:

Sarah Palin Facebook:
The $4-Per-Gallon President

Is it really any surprise that oil and gas prices are surging toward the record highs we saw in 2008 just prior to the economic collapse? Despite the President’s strange assertions in his press conference last week, his Administration is not a passive observer to the trends that have inflated oil prices to dangerous levels. His war on domestic oil and gas exploration and production has caused us pain at the pump, endangered our already sluggish economic recovery, and threatened our national security.

The evidence of the President’s anti-drilling mentality and his culpability in the high gas prices hurting Americans is there for all to see. The following is not even an exhaustive list:
Has to be the stupidest rant I've ever read!!!

First of all, American oil production is the highest it's been since 2003 and the price of gas is RISING with the increase in production!!!!! That tells you the oil monopoly is manipulating the price independent of supply. Celebutard Palin and her audience are too stupid to see that.

But my favorite bit of Celebutard Palin stupidity was this moronic quote, "the White House stood idly by watching the prices go up and allowing America to remain increasingly dependent on imports from foreign regimes in dangerously unstable parts of the world." The dumb bimbo is too stupid to know that imported oil is DOWN!!! That's Right!! America has become increasingly LESS dependent on foreign oil!!!!! Imports have declined from 60% to 50%. To retards, a decrease in imports means an increase in dependence on imports. :cuckoo:
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Sarah who?

You mean Palin?

I didn't Sarah Palin was still around.
I read this article she wrote today and I was astounded by the knowledge that she has on the petroleum industry as well as what is at stake for our country if we don't start drilling here in the states domestically. This refusal by Obama to lift the moritorium on drilling is mindboggling. He is deliberately wanting to hurt the American consumer, their jobs and way of life. I have to wonder, does Obama want to unstabalize America or stabalize it? Obviously his actions are to make America unstable on all walks of life. The man is obvious against making America and it's people prosper. Governor Palin explains this well and proves she is very intelligent on the issue because Oil & Gas is Americas number one national security resource that sustains this nation. Please read:

Sarah Palin Facebook:
The $4-Per-Gallon President

Is it really any surprise that oil and gas prices are surging toward the record highs we saw in 2008 just prior to the economic collapse? Despite the President’s strange assertions in his press conference last week, his Administration is not a passive observer to the trends that have inflated oil prices to dangerous levels. His war on domestic oil and gas exploration and production has caused us pain at the pump, endangered our already sluggish economic recovery, and threatened our national security.

The evidence of the President’s anti-drilling mentality and his culpability in the high gas prices hurting Americans is there for all to see. The following is not even an exhaustive list:
Has to be the stupidest rant I've ever read!!!

First of all, American oil production is the highest it's been since 2003 and the price of gas is RISING with the increase in production!!!!! That tells you the oil monopoly is manipulating the price independent of supply. Celebutard Palin and her audience are too stupid to see that.

But my favorite bit of Celebutard Palin stupidity was this moronic quote, "the White House stood idly by watching the prices go up and allowing America to remain increasingly dependent on imports from foreign regimes in dangerously unstable parts of the world." The dumb bimbo is too stupid to know that imported oil is DOWN!!! That's Right!! America has become increasingly LESS dependent on foreign oil!!!!! Imports have declined from 60% to 50%. To retards, a decrease in imports means an increase in dependence on imports. :cuckoo:

Show me some links for proof. Also do you think the moritorium on drilling should be lifted to create jobs for effected areas like Louisiana?
I read this article she wrote today and I was astounded by the knowledge that she has on the petroleum industry as well as what is at stake for our country if we don't start drilling here in the states domestically. This refusal by Obama to lift the moritorium on drilling is mindboggling. He is deliberately wanting to hurt the American consumer, their jobs and way of life. I have to wonder, does Obama want to unstabalize America or stabalize it? Obviously his actions are to make America unstable on all walks of life. The man is obvious against making America and it's people prosper. Governor Palin explains this well and proves she is very intelligent on the issue because Oil & Gas is Americas number one national security resource that sustains this nation. Please read:

Sarah Palin Facebook:
The $4-Per-Gallon President

Is it really any surprise that oil and gas prices are surging toward the record highs we saw in 2008 just prior to the economic collapse? Despite the President’s strange assertions in his press conference last week, his Administration is not a passive observer to the trends that have inflated oil prices to dangerous levels. His war on domestic oil and gas exploration and production has caused us pain at the pump, endangered our already sluggish economic recovery, and threatened our national security.

The evidence of the President’s anti-drilling mentality and his culpability in the high gas prices hurting Americans is there for all to see. The following is not even an exhaustive list:
Has to be the stupidest rant I've ever read!!!

First of all, American oil production is the highest it's been since 2003 and the price of gas is RISING with the increase in production!!!!! That tells you the oil monopoly is manipulating the price independent of supply. Celebutard Palin and her audience are too stupid to see that.

But my favorite bit of Celebutard Palin stupidity was this moronic quote, "the White House stood idly by watching the prices go up and allowing America to remain increasingly dependent on imports from foreign regimes in dangerously unstable parts of the world." The dumb bimbo is too stupid to know that imported oil is DOWN!!! That's Right!! America has become increasingly LESS dependent on foreign oil!!!!! Imports have declined from 60% to 50%. To retards, a decrease in imports means an increase in dependence on imports. :cuckoo:

Show me some links for proof. Also do you think the moritorium on drilling should be lifted to create jobs for effected areas like Louisiana?
Celebutard Palin gave no links for proof.

'That which can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.'
- Christopher Hitchens

And there is no moratorium on drilling in the Gulf. They are drilling and capping at this very moment.

Do you think the caps should be removed to create jobs in effected areas like Louisiana?
Has to be the stupidest rant I've ever read!!!

First of all, American oil production is the highest it's been since 2003 and the price of gas is RISING with the increase in production!!!!! That tells you the oil monopoly is manipulating the price independent of supply. Celebutard Palin and her audience are too stupid to see that.

But my favorite bit of Celebutard Palin stupidity was this moronic quote, "the White House stood idly by watching the prices go up and allowing America to remain increasingly dependent on imports from foreign regimes in dangerously unstable parts of the world." The dumb bimbo is too stupid to know that imported oil is DOWN!!! That's Right!! America has become increasingly LESS dependent on foreign oil!!!!! Imports have declined from 60% to 50%. To retards, a decrease in imports means an increase in dependence on imports. :cuckoo:

Show me some links for proof. Also do you think the moritorium on drilling should be lifted to create jobs for effected areas like Louisiana?
Celebutard Palin gave no links for proof.

'That which can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.'
- Christopher Hitchens

And there is no moratorium on drilling in the Gulf. They are drilling and capping at this very moment.

Do you think the caps should be removed to create jobs in effected areas like Louisiana?
No they are not drilling:

Bill Clinton: Drilling delays 'ridiculous' - Darren Goode -

Appeals court issues a stay on drilling ruling
I'm confused!
Mitch McConnell agrees that domestic oil production is up - according to this article.
And it seems that net oil imports are dropping.

Obama, McConnell Take Oil Import Data for Spin |
March 14, 2011

President Barack Obama and Sen. Mitch McConnell used the same data to score apparently conflicting points about U.S. dependency on foreign oil. Obama said oil imports account for less than half of consumption while McConnell said 60 percent of our oil comes from abroad.

Both can claim to be correct, depending on how you interpret the data. But Obama was using the figure preferred by energy experts.

With gas prices rising, the United States’ dependence on imported oil is once again in the spotlight and has been the source of debate between the two parties in Washington. During his March 11 press conference, Obama touted an increase in domestic oil production last year, saying it has reduced our reliance on foreign oil.

Obama, March 11: "Our oil production reached its highest level in seven years. Oil production from federal waters in the Gulf of Mexico reached an all-time high. For the first time in more than a decade, imports accounted for less than half of what we consumed."

Two days later on "Fox News Sunday," McConnell responded to the president’s claim. He agreed that domestic production is up (crediting the Bush administration) and then gave a different — naturally, higher — figure for oil imports.
McConnell, March 13: "Sixty percent of our oil is coming from overseas. That’s unacceptable."

Is it 60 percent or less than half? Who’s right? It’s a matter of interpretation.

The Energy Information Administration says "U.S. dependence on imported oil can be measured in at least two ways:" total petroleum imports or net imports (total imports minus exports). Yes, the U.S. exports oil. The EIA says the U.S. exports "about 2 million barrels a day of oil, almost all of it in the form of refined petroleum products."
McConnell was referring to total imports, which amounted to 61.2 percent in 2010, while Obama was referring to net imports, which came to 49.3 percent. Both figures are revised estimates that can be found in the EIA’s February 2011 Monthly Energy Review.

EIA prefers to use net imports when discussing energy dependence and has for many years. In a 1995 report, the EIA explains why:
EIA, August 1995: EIA believes that the net-imports definition gives a clearer indication of the fraction of oil consumed that could not have been supplied from domestic sources and is thus the most appropriate measure.
She should be attacking Bush for not getting us that Iraqi oil while we were there. What was the point otherwise? Getting oil is in our national interest; nation building and personal revenge isn't.
Show me some links for proof. Also do you think the moritorium on drilling should be lifted to create jobs for effected areas like Louisiana?
Celebutard Palin gave no links for proof.

'That which can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.'
- Christopher Hitchens

And there is no moratorium on drilling in the Gulf. They are drilling and capping at this very moment.

Do you think the caps should be removed to create jobs in effected areas like Louisiana?
No they are not drilling:

Bill Clinton: Drilling delays 'ridiculous' - Darren Goode -

Appeals court issues a stay on drilling ruling
Yes they are drilling and capping. The moratorium was on NEW drilling.
New permits for deep water drilling will be issued to those companies that have a workable plan to stop a leak in deep water.

From your own link;

The ban was lifted Oct. 12


The first deepwater permit since the oil spill for activity that was previously suspended was issued Feb. 28. A second one was issued just recently.

Now again I ask, do you think the caps on the wells should be removed to create jobs in effected areas like Louisiana?
There's no question in my mind that Palin can speak with more knowledge on the subject than any current politician.
ANWR drilling needs to happen and happen now.
I read this article she wrote today and I was astounded by the knowledge that she has on the petroleum industry as well as what is at stake for our country if we don't start drilling here in the states domestically. This refusal by Obama to lift the moritorium on drilling is mindboggling. He is deliberately wanting to hurt the American consumer, their jobs and way of life. I have to wonder, does Obama want to unstabalize America or stabalize it? Obviously his actions are to make America unstable on all walks of life. The man is obvious against making America and it's people prosper. Governor Palin explains this well and proves she is very intelligent on the issue because Oil & Gas is Americas number one national security resource that sustains this nation. Please read:

Sarah Palin Facebook:
The $4-Per-Gallon President

Is it really any surprise that oil and gas prices are surging toward the record highs we saw in 2008 just prior to the economic collapse? Despite the President’s strange assertions in his press conference last week, his Administration is not a passive observer to the trends that have inflated oil prices to dangerous levels. His war on domestic oil and gas exploration and production has caused us pain at the pump, endangered our already sluggish economic recovery, and threatened our national security.

The evidence of the President’s anti-drilling mentality and his culpability in the high gas prices hurting Americans is there for all to see. The following is not even an exhaustive list:

Sarah, the only ban on drilling is 33 projects in the gulf that were being drilled at the time of the BP blowout, and any new deep water drilling project until the partnering comapanies can submit workable plans to prevent a BP Type of disaster. The US rig count is up from a year ago. US Production is up from a year ago.

Kind of proves she don't know what's what in the Oil Patch. Her baseless denigration of the President continues for all to see.

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