Sarah Palin: We Must Have A Honest Discussion About The Jihadist Threat


May 29, 2010
She is right on target again. She thinks & speaks like an average American. This woman sure doesn't go with the flow. Thank you God. She's just the kind of president we need in these troubled times. Palin knows we must have an honest discussion about Islam in general. Concrete decisions must be made and implemented about this growing threat to our way of live. The country will not survive this threat if Islam is ignored and continued to be considered taboo to talk about. Our time is running out and Sarah Palin is not letting political correctness get in her way. - SARAH PALIN: We Must Have An Honest Discussion About the Jihadist Threat

At a time when our country is dangerously in debt and looking for areas of federal spending to cut, I think we’ve found a good candidate for defunding. National Public Radio is a public institution that directly or indirectly exists because the taxpayers fund it. And what do we, the taxpayers, get for this? We get to witness Juan Williams being fired from NPR for merely speaking frankly about the very real threat this country faces from radical Islam.

We have to have an honest discussion about the jihadist threat. Are we not allowed to say that Muslim terrorists have killed thousands of Americans and continue to plot the deaths of thousands more? Are we not allowed to say that there are Muslim states that aid and abet these fanatics? Are we not allowed to even debate the role that radical Islam plays in inciting this violence?

More of this serious national security story in link:
She is right on target again. She thinks & speaks like an average American. This woman sure doesn't go with the flow. Thank you God. She's just the kind of president we need in these troubled times.
Yeah that's all we need, another unqualified indivdual as president.
She is right on target again. She thinks & speaks like an average American. This woman sure doesn't go with the flow. Thank you God. She's just the kind of president we need in these troubled times.
Yeah that's all we need, another unqualified indivdual as president.
Palin is more qualified than Obama to be President. She has a record to prove it.
I like Sarah Palin. Her popularity continues to grow despite all of the personal attacks against her. We haven't heard the last of her. I think more and better things from her are yet to surface.
Yes... let's have an honest conversation. I strongly believe that civil discourse is the crucible of Truth and reason and evidence are its flame.

But first.... lets set some ground rules.

1) I will never advocate the initiation of violence against you and I will not pretend to have civil discourse with someone who advocates the initiation of violence against me.

2) Principles are universal. By applying a principle to anyone you de facto accept the universality of that principle which must then be consistently applied to yourself.

3) Reason and evidence. I won't entertain arguments after clear logical fallacies or factual errors have been exposed, nor will I attempt to remonstrate the prejudices of an unreasonable person.

If these aren’t observed than I can’t call it a civil discourse, and life is too short.

Here are my first thoughts... if you consider "Islam in general" to be a "growing threat to our way of live(sic)" what should be done with me? I was born and raised in America. I live, work and pay taxes here. The US government regards me as a citizen. I will not renounce any authentic part of Islam, and I will not submit to any religious litmus test administered by the government. In your view, what should be done with me?

I agree that political correctness is stifling open debate, which is never good for an open society. I think firing Juan Williams was a mistake, although I don't think he was making nearly as strong a point as you're ascribing to him. I also don't think defunding NPR is anywhere near enough to solve the US debt problem. You'd have to cut military spending to even approach addressing that.

Regarding the "Jihadist threat" I concede that Muslim terrorists have killed thousands of Americans and continue to plot the deaths of more. I condemn this. I reject their ideology. And I want to see them brought to Justice, and if guilty put to death. But if we're going to have an honest discussion about it, I think we should start where any good criminal investigator starts, and that's motive. What did Osama bin Laden say was his motivation to attack America? I think it's also worthwhile to agree upon a definition of "terrorism." I use "the use or threat of violence against a civilian population to achieve social, political or religious objectives." I believe that verbiage comes from a federal statute, but I don't have the citation handy. Do you agree?

I don't know know whether or not Muslim governments aid terrorist groups, but I don't put government and civilian actors in different moral categories. If it's wrong for a civilian to do it, it's wrong for a government to do it, and I condemn it equally.

If we are going to discuss the role that Islamic extremism plays in inciting violence, which I'll admit it does, I think it's only right to also discuss the role that US foreign policy has played in inciting violence, and popularizing extremist interpretations of Islam.
She is right on target again. She thinks & speaks like an average American. This woman sure doesn't go with the flow. Thank you God. She's just the kind of president we need in these troubled times.
Yeah that's all we need, another unqualified indivdual as president.
Palin is more qualified than Obama to be President. She has a record to prove it.

Now keep in mind, I don't think Obama has that much of a record, but what record does Palin have, besides quitting her governor's position in Alaska and shilling for big oil and the corporate owned faction of the Republican Party.

She's an actress, put on a national stage appealing to a certain type of individual. Aside from her notes and scripted parroting, she's really nothing special looking good to certain chaps who fancys that schoolmorm hairbun, sexy librarian glasses, well turned legs and high heel 'fuck me pumps' Yeah, under an assumed name, a couple of zombies and in a cheap motel room, I'd love to see her in a short skirt playing - "Hey Sarah, could you bend over and pick up that quarter I dropped,,, for the 10th time ?"

But I wouldn't want her as Commander and Chief.
She is right on target again. She thinks & speaks like an average American. This woman sure doesn't go with the flow. Thank you God. She's just the kind of president we need in these troubled times.
Yeah that's all we need, another unqualified indivdual as president.
Palin is more qualified than Obama to be President. She has a record to prove it.
Har, har, har!
I'm positiive the USArmyRetired has the hots for Palin. I think he's started 1,271 threads about Palin.
Anyway, what's Palin's record that makes her qualified to be prez? I hope if she runs, she would have studied up on the responsibilities of the job, unlike what she didn't do when she was the VP nominee, the woman had not idea of the VP responsibilities.
Let's see.

Rep. Anthony Weiner wants Imams banished from Youtube. Barack Obamadinejad is targeting at least one American Imam overseas for assassination.

Who's being extreme?

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