Sarah Palins's Call To 'Take Back The 20' Districts Was A Success (Her Scorecard 19)

Pretty good record. She is a Force. Democrats do their best to deny this but it is the truth. I would like to see her heading up the RNC. She would be much more effective than Steele. The Republicans need to hurry up and find a power position for her. She will help.

I hadn't thought of that, but you're right. She would be the perfect choice to head up the RNC IF the GOP platform is a Tea Party platform. She isn't going to compromise the Tea Party basics for anybody. She's 100% right that the GOP has been doing that for far too long and that's why its hands aren't clean. The GOP is going to have to transform and become the conservatives they haven't been in a long time if Sarah Palin is going to be their spokesperson.
Pretty good record. She is a Force. Democrats do their best to deny this but it is the truth. I would like to see her heading up the RNC. She would be much more effective than Steele. The Republicans need to hurry up and find a power position for her. She will help.

I hadn't thought of that, but you're right. She would be the perfect choice to head up the RNC IF the GOP platform is a Tea Party platform. She isn't going to compromise the Tea Party basics for anybody. She's 100% right that the GOP has been doing that for far too long and that's why its hands aren't clean. The GOP is going to have to transform and become the conservatives they haven't been in a long time if Sarah Palin is going to be their spokesperson.

Yea they have to find an effective position for her. I would like to see Steele moved out. Palin would be perfect for that position. Like her or not,she is a one tough Pit Bull. Hopefully the Republicans will figure out something for her.
Sarah wanted to take back 20 districts--districts WON by Sarah Palin and her running mate from Arizona, but that had DEMOCRAT REPRESENTATIVES in the House who voted for Hussein's DeathCare plan. People listened to her because they saw the strong patriotism and convictions she has toward this country. They saw that she was right and that the only way to get this country back on track was to vote the democrats out. This is their response to her calling to 'Take Back The 20' with her endorsements.

Take Back the 20

How did Sarah do?

1. Florida 24: Sarah's Candidate Sandy Adams won.

2. Florida 2: Sarah's Candidate Steve Southerland won.

3. South Carolina 5: Sarah's Candidate Mick Mulvaney won.

4. Virginia 5: Sarah's Candidate Robert Hurt won.

5. West Virginia 1: Sarah's Candidate David McKinley won.

6. West Virginia 3: Sarah's Candidate Spike Maynard lost.

7. Pennsylvania 3: Sarah's Candidate Mike Kelly won.

8. Pennsylvania 10: Sarah's Candidate Tom Marino won.

9. Ohio 6: Sarah's Candidate Bill Johnson won.

10.Ohio 16: Sarah's Candidate Jim Renacci won.

11. Indiana 8: Sarah's Candidate Larry Buchson won.

12. Indiana 9: Sarah's Candidate Todd Young won.

13. Tennessee 6: Sarah's Candidate Diane Black won.

14. Arkansas 2: Sarah's Candidate Tim Griffin won.

15. North Dakota (at large): Sarah's Candidate Rick Berg won.

16. Colorado 3: Sarah's Candidate Scott Tipton won.

17. Colorado 4: Sarah's Candidate Cory Gardner won.

18. Arizona 1: Sarah's Candidate Paul Gosar won.

19. Arizona 5: Sarah's Candidate David Schweikert won.

20. Arizona 8: Sarah's Candidate Jesse Kelly NO CALL YET MADE! Looks like he will win though

At worst, Sarah Pac is 19 won, lost 1.

95% success rate. Excellent. This shows the power and influence she has.
All or nothing. She FAILED.:eusa_whistle:
I don't believe I mentioned the Presidency did I? Having a bit of a meltdown there my friend? :)

I don't see any meltdown. I see him remarking about the cold hard truth, your choice whether to accept that or not. From the looks of it, you rather not and instead assume he's having a "meltdown".
Another Palin thread by the right and she is not running for anything or hold any office.
not even close little buddy.

keep swinging

I can see why they like her, she's personable and in real life, I'd have her as a friend but to say she's qualified to be president is psychotic. It's as if they don't even care what happens to the country as long as the suit fits.

Where in the OP or in this discussion is there anything about qualifications to be President except that brought up by you on the Left? We aren't discussing the presidency. We're discussing her effectiveness re the campaign just concluded. The evidence suggests she was quite effective.

Can we focus on that?

The tally today of those she threw her support to is about 35%, so that's not much of a success story.
They're not going to be objective about Palin. I don't know whether she will be presidential material, but I do know she is smart, a fast learner, and an effective speaker, and I do know that her endorsement certainly has not hurt the candidates who enjoyed success yesterday.

really? i don't see any indication she's either smart or a learner at all. nor is she effective as a speaker. i'd guess for any but those who already agree with her, she sounds pretty vapid.

as for her endorsement not hurting? you might want to ask bill miller how that worked out for him in the general election.

After Tuesday's midterm vote, Sen. Lisa Murkowski appears to be heading to victory in her write-in bid to best tea party challenger Joe Miller and Democrat Scott McAdams. As the Anchorage Daily News reports, with 432 of 438 precincts reporting, 41 percent of the votes cast so far have been write-ins. By contrast, Miller has tallied 34 percent of the ballots counted thus far, and McAdams has raked in 24 percent. But it could take weeks to tabulate the write-ins.

Alaska Election Results: Lisa Murkowski Seems to Have Lead Over Joe Miller

and palin isn't so popular in her own state. that speaks volumes.

Speaks volumes to you perhaps. Obama's old Senate seat in Illinois, a Democratic seat for like forever, went to a Republican. Both he and Michelle actively campaigned in Illinois to keep that seat. Two others he campaigned for in person also lost. Does that speak volumes about him? Make him a stupido slow learner? Make him disqualified to be President? Hmmmmmm?

If you want to play that game, there is plenty of ammo to go around.

It's unbelievable. The GOP enjoyed a pretty good day yesterday due, in part, to efforts by people like Sarah Palin. So what is the Democrats' response? Is it to see if they can govern better? Maybe seen things differently through the people's eyes? Nooooo. The result is to step up and renew ugly attacks on Sarah Palin. Amazing.

You're indicating she's history and we should just forget about her. Yes, she DOES have an influence on a great many people, but her MO is missing any knowledge of historical data concerning how we got where we are today and any concrete solutions for fixing what's wrong. Just screaming and frothing and criticizing is no platform. All it does is appeal to the lesser-informed populace.
Poverty and debt is the future you want your son to have?

Yes, maybe we should all move to Alaska and get in on those annual oil subsidies their residents get. I could use an extra grand a year.
Folks the Democrats took significant losses last night. The Republicans made significant gains in both the House and Senate.

I give Sarah Palin at least some of the credit for that.

I think you guys on the left simply don't have it in you to understand WHY the Democrats took significant losses last night. You have to have a devil to accuse and you're starting to look really silly accusing George Bush. So Palin is the new whipping boy? She will be blamed now for everything from hangnails to thermonuclear war? Or is she simply the diversion so that you don't have to discuss why the vote went as it did yesterday?

And we're off and running. It isn't a very pleasant place to be when you're on the opposite end of the playing field--trying to defend your candidate(s) even after they've won. Of course Palin will be criticized, blamed, laughed at, even more than she ever was. It's par for the course, as they say. It won't be long before Republicans who want to win in 2012 jump in and start criticizing her as being more destructive than helpful.

What totally bewilders me are people like you--smart, educated, articulate--who think Sarah Palin is some kind of genius who's going to save America, when, in fact, she is anything BUT smart, educated, and articulate. And please don't try to tell us that she represents the mainstream who want "real people" in office, because if that were the case, then Angel and O'Donnell would have won. While "mainstream" Americans might like the message, when it comes down to the ballot box, they're smart enough to know that's all it is: Talk, with no real plan of action.
If you think Sarah Palin is not smart or articulate, then how did she debate and beat a incumbent Governor (Frank Mulkowski) of her own party and a seasoned former democratic governor for the governorship of Alaska when she was just 42yrs old?

Sarah knows a lot about Alaska. I'll be sure to watch her reality show on TLC, which will confirm that. But I'm not sure she "beat" Mulkowski in the debate. The fact that she beat him for the governorship isn't surprising. Wasn't there some scandal over a private plane? And also, I remember some deal regarding the gas pipeline and graft concerning that. So, as everywhere, when that kind of publicity is ripe, whomever is doing it hardly stands a chance (usually). All politics is local, remember? But that still doesn't qualify her to govern 305 million people from 50 differing states just because she knows Alaska and its politics so well. Maybe she should have stuck it out and furthered the learning process instead of quitting to become a super star.
Pretty good record. She is a Force. Democrats do their best to deny this but it is the truth. I would like to see her heading up the RNC. She would be much more effective than Steele. The Republicans need to hurry up and find a power position for her. She will help.

I hadn't thought of that, but you're right. She would be the perfect choice to head up the RNC IF the GOP platform is a Tea Party platform. She isn't going to compromise the Tea Party basics for anybody. She's 100% right that the GOP has been doing that for far too long and that's why its hands aren't clean. The GOP is going to have to transform and become the conservatives they haven't been in a long time if Sarah Palin is going to be their spokesperson.

That will NEVER happen. She simply is not as popular when the basic questions by pollsters are asked. They are ALL here, for you to see:

Political Figures: P
Pretty good record. She is a Force. Democrats do their best to deny this but it is the truth. I would like to see her heading up the RNC. She would be much more effective than Steele. The Republicans need to hurry up and find a power position for her. She will help.

I hadn't thought of that, but you're right. She would be the perfect choice to head up the RNC IF the GOP platform is a Tea Party platform. She isn't going to compromise the Tea Party basics for anybody. She's 100% right that the GOP has been doing that for far too long and that's why its hands aren't clean. The GOP is going to have to transform and become the conservatives they haven't been in a long time if Sarah Palin is going to be their spokesperson.

That will NEVER happen. She simply is not as popular when the basic questions by pollsters are asked. They are ALL here, for you to see:

Political Figures: P

I think you missed the point. Your polls don't address who should head the RNC. And until somebody conducts a credible poll on that among the people who would be affected by that, we wouldn't have any way to know what the opinion about that would be do we.
Saying 20 and getting 19 is a loss. If this were the lottery, she would have lost. If this were shooting practice and the minimum were 20, she would have lost.

She predicted 20 and got 19.

Boy Ozmar. I wonder if you require yourself to score 100% in everything before you claim success? I bet you don't.

But the final tally is much more than 20 races for Sarah. Of those candidates she endorsed at all levels, 62 won their contests, 23 lost, and seven are still too close to call with Palin's endorsees running behind in five of those.

That gives her about a 70% win rate which isn't too bad considering she had a really late start and did it mostly at the grass roots level and was up against big unions, George Soros, and a lot of big corporate money all backing liberal candidates.

I don't know a soul who lost who thinks Palin's endorsement hurt them in any way. Some simply couldn't overcome the demographics. Some couldn't overcome the big money and smear campaigns thrown in at the end. And some were simply really flawed candidates.

But Sarah sure doesn't have to hang her head. She did well. And she will be a force to be reckoned with in 2012.
Swing districts going to the out of power party in a midterm election when the economy is in a rut

is a gimme.

It's a pretty sad commentary on the state of the Republican Party if these guys needed Sarah Palin to carry them over the finish line.
If I have a car loan for $20 thousand, and only pay $19 thousand, will they say my loan was a success and not repossess my car?
If I have a car loan for $20 thousand, and only pay $19 thousand, will they say my loan was a success and not repossess my car?

I suggest you look up the definition for Non Sequitur. :)

If Obama had predicted 20 and got 19, you would call him a failure.


If Obama had predicted 20 and got 19, you would call him a failure.


I also suggest you look up the definitions for Red Herring and ad hominem and personal insult.
I know the definitions. Now stop with the red herring.

Sarah Palin's shit don't stink in your eyes, and it's really quite ridiculous.

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