Saudis won’t delay slash in crude-oil production after Biden admin ‘midterm’ plea

If gas shortages come to America, your community needs to hold Democrats accountable. When rationing begins, democrats to the back of the line.
The production was higher than the demand. No one to buy it.
Nowhere to store it.
That sounds like it was the Saudis' problem. It is not like we had to buy it. Yet, Trump asked them to cut production at the same time the US oil industry was shut down for Covid. It is these shutdowns, stopping drilling, crews finding other work, equipment going to storage, exploration slowing in 2020 that could not or would not start up again like flipping a switch, when the world was coming back from Covid that cause the world shortage in 2021, and continuing today, though production has increased in the US since the Biden administration came to office. The oil industry profited from all these situations and still are. It looks like we became energy independent with Trump in office, only for trump to personally jiggle the market by having the Saudis cut production at the same time ours was cutting, creating an imbalance and production ability, we still have not recovered from, but leaving it for 2021 and the future.
That sounds like it was the Saudis' problem. It is not like we had to buy it. Yet, Trump asked them to cut production at the same time the US oil industry was shut down for Covid. It is these shutdowns, stopping drilling, crews finding other work, equipment going to storage, exploration slowing in 2020 that could not or would not start up again like flipping a switch, when the world was coming back from Covid that cause the world shortage in 2021, and continuing today, though production has increased in the US since the Biden administration came to office. The oil industry profited from all these situations and still are. It looks like we became energy independent with Trump in office, only for trump to personally jiggle the market by having the Saudis cut production at the same time ours was cutting, creating an imbalance and production ability, we still have not recovered from, but leaving it for 2021 and the future.

That sounds like it was the Saudis' problem.

Our problem too.

Yet, Trump asked them to cut production at the same time the US oil industry was shut down for Covid.

Yes, to stop our producers from going bankrupt.

that cause the world shortage in 2021, and continuing today, though production has increased in the US since the Biden administration came to office.

Really? No credit for Biden and his idiocy?

The oil industry profited from all these situations and still are.

Yeah, you threaten to kill oil, oil is reluctant to make big investments. Weird, eh?

It looks like we became energy independent with Trump in office, only for trump to personally jiggle the market by having the Saudis cut production at the same time ours was cutting, creating an imbalance

Bigger imbalance with no Saudi cuts. Right?
That sounds like it was the Saudis' problem.

Our problem too.

Yet, Trump asked them to cut production at the same time the US oil industry was shut down for Covid.

Yes, to stop our producers from going bankrupt.

that cause the world shortage in 2021, and continuing today, though production has increased in the US since the Biden administration came to office.

Really? No credit for Biden and his idiocy?

The oil industry profited from all these situations and still are.

Yeah, you threaten to kill oil, oil is reluctant to make big investments. Weird, eh?

It looks like we became energy independent with Trump in office, only for trump to personally jiggle the market by having the Saudis cut production at the same time ours was cutting, creating an imbalance

Bigger imbalance with no Saudi cuts. Right?
Is anybody dumb enough to have believe Biden was going to kill the oil industry, but "stars in the eyes" environmentalist? I didn't sell and oil stock. Did you? Oil industry sure has made good money since Biden came to office 2021. He didn't kill it or even try. It just did not start up, like flipping a switch after the shutdown in 2020.
Is anybody dumb enough to have believe Biden was going to kill the oil industry, but "stars in the eyes" environmentalist? I didn't sell and oil stock. Did you? Oil industry sure has made good money since Biden came to office 2021. He didn't kill it or even try. It just did not start up, like flipping a switch after the shutdown in 2020.

Is anybody dumb enough to have believe Biden was going to kill the oil industry,

We're supposed to know which of his stupid threats are real and which are fake?
What about threats of windfall profits taxes? Fake? Jailing oil execs? Fake?

He didn't kill it or even try.

Killed some pipelines and some leases.
Added more stupid regulations.

It just did not start up, like flipping a switch

How much of your money would you have invested in new oil projects when that moron took office?
Is anybody dumb enough to have believe Biden was going to kill the oil industry,

We're supposed to know which of his stupid threats are real and which are fake?
What about threats of windfall profits taxes? Fake? Jailing oil execs? Fake?

He didn't kill it or even try.

Killed some pipelines and some leases.
Added more stupid regulations.

It just did not start up, like flipping a switch

How much of your money would you have invested in new oil projects when that moron took office?
Look at the world, it's dependence, all the equipment powered by petroleum products and the money being made producing them by established tooled industry. You thought it would go away within 4, 8 or even 20 years? I didn't and still don't. Sure, I made A's in Econ, but it is not like nobody else passed. The tech is just not mature enough to fill the bill. Have you seen the resale prices on gas powered trucks and SUVs? They are getting those kinds of prices, because the buying public at large wants them and knows they will be around for a while. It is unlikely I will ever be without a gasoline powered truck or SUV. My brother-in-law is the same way. If the market is out there, people will buy them. I always knew this. Are you thoroughly enjoying your EV? The people that had them in water down in Florida are not. I have had a gasoline powered truck in water deep enough to kill it, but when it was out, it started. It did not spontaneously catch fire. Somebody here published a test on pickup trucks pulling trailers with a load for 250 miles (a short haul on vacation for me, less than any vacation destination we go to. The EV made it, but had to stop for an hour and a half at a quick charge station along the way. It is a seller market out there for petroleum based fuel and for vehicles that use it and probably will be until I am dead.
Look at the world, it's dependence, all the equipment powered by petroleum products and the money being made producing them by established tooled industry. You thought it would go away within 4, 8 or even 20 years? I didn't and still don't. Sure, I made A's in Econ, but it is not like nobody else passed. The tech is just not mature enough to fill the bill. Have you seen the resale prices on gas powered trucks and SUVs? They are getting those kinds of prices, because the buying public at large wants them and knows they will be around for a while. It is unlikely I will ever be without a gasoline powered truck or SUV. My brother-in-law is the same way. If the market is out there, people will buy them. I always knew this. Are you thoroughly enjoying your EV? The people that had them in water down in Florida are not. I have had a gasoline powered truck in water deep enough to kill it, but when it was out, it started. It did not spontaneously catch fire. Somebody here published a test on pickup trucks pulling trailers with a load for 250 miles (a short haul on vacation for me, less than any vacation destination we go to. The EV made it, but had to stop for an hour and a half at a quick charge station along the way. It is a seller market out there for petroleum based fuel and for vehicles that use it and probably will be until I am dead.

No, I didn't think Biden's idiocy would end oil in 4, 8 or 20 years.
No, I didn't think Biden's idiocy would end oil in 4, 8 or 20 years.
Neither did anybody else, that knows money, resources, the speed of technology mass implementation, and the resistant mindset of the public with appreciation of what they have vs the promise of the unproven future technology, still not perfected.

Saudis won’t delay slash in crude-oil production after Biden admin ‘midterm’ plea​

Slash deep, slash often. It will be worth a little suffering to get these goddam anti-american chicom-sucking democrat weasels out of power, then when MAGA takes back over again with its pro-America First platform, we will have American crude again pumping out of every faucet putting the wealth back in our pockets.
Asking Ukraine to investigate Hunter Biden is "rigging" the election? Interesting concept. Trump was trying to let the country know just how corrupt the Biden family has been when it comes to influence peddling. Something that was hidden from the electorate by the FBI and the Main Stream Media.

So explain to me what having the Saudis hold off on production cuts for one month does for the country other than give people the illusion that gas prices aren't going up again?
He asked Ukraine to "announce" an investigation, not actually investigate anyone. You should learn to pay attention.
He was impeached for trying to rig his own election. He`s not allowed to shake down foreign leaders and threaten to withhold foreign aid.
And it’s ok for Biden to try and shake down the Saudi’s to help the midterms? Quite the double standard you have.
The Middle East would be the problem of the Middle East, and Israel a legitimate US Ally would be the main one dealing with the dealing with it, buy weapons from us, and unleashed in it's own self-defense. If you have not guessed, I am Pro-Israel and Anti-Saudi Arabia.
Really? Doesn’t sound like it…You’d blow up ME relations, leave Israel on its own, and continue the farce with Iran so they can get nukes….Yeah, that sounds smart…Why are we begging the Saudis anyway when we have more oil?
And it’s ok for Biden to try and shake down the Saudi’s to help the midterms? Quite the double standard you have.
If he was trying to rig his own election you might have something. He wasn`t so you have nothing. A president shouldn`t be allowed to do his job if there is an election coming up?
Saudi sides with Russia and republicans side with both. MAGA?

You don't get it , occupied.

Sleepy Joe was only trying to get Saudi Arabia to keep oil production up for a few more weeks until after the election.

He was colluding with a foreign power and threatening them, for the purpose of personal political gain.

And that, my friend, is an Impeachable Offense by the Democrat Party's own precedent. I'm sure that it will be investigated by a Special Congressional Committee chaired by MTG beginning in January.
If he was trying to rig his own election you might have something. He wasn`t so you have nothing. A president shouldn`t be allowed to do his job if there is an election coming up?

He was trying to rig the Midterms because Biden doesn't want investigated by Congress.
He asked Ukraine to "announce" an investigation, not actually investigate anyone. You should learn to pay attention.
An investigation into an obviously corrupt family selling political influence for cash? A politician using his political office to enrich his son, brother and himself? We ALL should have been paying attention to that, August! It would have kept us from having the worst President I've ever seen from sitting in the Oval Office!

My question for you is a simple one. If you impeach Trump over asking Ukraine for that? How can you not impeach Biden for asking Saudi Arabia to hold back on lowering oil production for a month so gas prices don't continue to soar? What's the difference?
He asked Ukraine to "announce" an investigation, not actually investigate anyone. You should learn to pay attention.

But Ukraine DID investigate the Biden Crime Family, and they have the dirt on them now.

That's the most reasonable explanation for Brandon's subservience and obedience to Zelenskyy. Zelenskyy got the dirt on the Biden Family and has to play ball or Zelenskyy goes to the media.
Now Biden is threatening to not provide Saudi Arabia with promised military defense missiles. Another petty response from this inept administration.
If he was trying to rig his own election you might have something. He wasn`t so you have nothing. A president shouldn`t be allowed to do his job if there is an election coming up?
Apparently to libs like yourself it is only a problem when a Republican President does it…
If he was trying to rig his own election you might have something. He wasn`t so you have nothing. A president shouldn`t be allowed to do his job if there is an election coming up?
Asking the Saudis not to cut production until AFTER the midterms isn't Joe Biden doing his job as President of the United States, August! It's Joe Biden using the power of his office in a desperate attempt to keep Democrats from getting wiped out in the midterms!

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