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Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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The funny thing about all this is that IRosie probably has more Gentile friends than Frau Sherri has Jewish or even Hindus friends. I think the haters like Frau Sherri think they are insulting people by mentioning their age.

even funnier----I probably have more muslim friends than does sherri

I have probably been in more churches, mosques---and well---attended
more HINDU activities (never been in a hindu temple--but one buddhist)
-----than she ever has---if ever
i am curious connery----did samer---in his trial provide an explanation as to his "peaceful" reasons for harboring weapons and explosives?, do
you have any information on the "attempted murder charge" ----was it a planned terrorist action and what was the evidence like?

In the us---the crime you described would probably be a life sentence

rosie i am so glad you asked. I will amend my post to include your question...

what have we learned about samer issawi​

  • samer issawi of issawiyeh, jerusalem was arrested in april 2002 and sentenced to 26 years for attempted murder, belonging to an unrecognized (terror) organization, military
    training, and possession of weapons, arms and explosive materials.
  • sammi was a third party beneficiary of an agreement between israel and hamas to
    release israeli soldier gilad shalit in exchange for 1,027 prisoners, he was then released during the gilad shalit prisoner exchange.
  • the un security council gave it's overwhelming approval of the israeli/palastinian
    agreement for prisoner exchange.
  • in july 2012 sammi reportedly violated the terms of his release by leaving jerusalem
    and crossing into the nearby neighborhood of a-ram, and was therefore rearrested.
  • according to israeli and palestinian officials sammi eats periodically although it is claimed that sammi is a on a hunger strike.


oh gee-----as evil as that? Well---such people do not easily
reform especially when there are filthy whores in the usa eager
to lick his shit for his "skills". There is no easy approach---but i
do hope that if he is released his future victims include all those
the the cock sucking jihadist lawyer cherishes---and no one else

"capt. Eytan buchman, an idf spokesman, has provided additional details about issawi's terror activities. He writes that issawi was convicted of severe crimes, which including five attempts of intentional death. This included four shootings, between july 2001 and february 2002, in which isawi and his partners fired on police cars and buses travelling between ma'ale adumim and jerusalem. In one attack, a policeman was injured and required surgery. On october 30, 2001, isawi, together with an accomplice, fired at two students walking from the hebrew university campus to their car in a nearby parking lot. In another case, isawi provided guns and explosive devices to a squad, who fired on a bus. Finally, in december 2001, isawi ordered an attack on security personnel at hebrew university, providing a squad with a pistol and a pipebomb. Two of the squad members tracked security personnel but opted not to execute the attack."
Palestine is the name for the land that goes back thousands of years, before the name Israel was even uttered!

A totally meaningless fact, if true.

You are attempting to derail your own thread.

Sammi is a terrorist that has been jailed, given a change at freedom and violated the terms of his release.

Samer is a Martyr for God, a Palestinian Gandhi, and his detention violates intl law and is a war crime. Zionists like you always hunted down and persecuted and killed men like Samer. We know who you follow! You disgust me and your lies I will never stop speaking out against them.

When someone begins raving like the poster above (sherri) - it's easy to see they are incapable of rational discussion.
sherri yet struggles in her quest for the attainment of perfection
in the skill of obscene Sophistry in the name of isa and the rapist.

I feel so sorry for you, for your hate of Gentiles, pathetic to be old and dying soon and consumed with all that hate! And, sadly, I do not expect all that hate is going to bode well for you in the afterlife. But there is still time to let go of it and repent of your sin of hate of Gentiles and turn to God, act now, please do not wait, the time to act is running out!

Now look at yourself in the mirror, sherri - and repeat that post, changing 'Gentiles' to 'Zionists'..... Unless you understand that you need to take your own advice first, the advice you have will always be worthless.
sherri lied----the word PALESTINE---in fact PALESTINA
was invented by the greek historian Herodotus ---circa
400 BCE which is a time of scholarship in many
parts of the world -----including babylond and Israel----it is
one of the most prolific of the TALMUD WRITING TIMES

The word palestina is GREEK ----which was close to the
language of the seafaring AEGEANS who had a kind of
colony in the northern part of what is now GAZA----

that society lasted centuries ---not milennia probably
disbanded as a result of war and/or weather-----in the first
millennium BC-----the whole area saw shifting of demo-
graphics. It is amusing that sherri insists that the word
PALESTINE is the ORIGINAL word for the area since arabs
cannot even PRONOUNCE IT -----it is simply not a word with
semitic origins ----she is that stupid

Romans were enamoured of all things GREEK---they
harbored a kind of awe of greek science and art etc
and thus picked up the word PALESTINA ---for
Israel/judea----but actually it became something like
the official word for the area only after they sacked
Israel/judea in the first century CE Sherri is that
stupid They even renamed JERUSALEM to
AELIA CAPATOLINA and they renamed SHECHEM to
NEOPOLIS (arabs cannot pronounce NEOPOLIS so they
call the place NABLUS which also is NOT ARABIC )
Sherri is that stupid----somehow she misses aspects of
knowlege so commonly known that even I know them---and
unlike SHERRI----I do not resort to propaganda---just---a
penchant for picking up facts----here and there
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sherri lied----
Think so? Would you like me to prove that she didn't? I don't mind. It's not very hard. You don't set the bar all that high, so it's really no trouble at all to do this.

Sherri said Palestine goes back a "thousands years".

Originally Posted by SherriMunnerlyn
Palestine is the name for the land that goes back thousands of years, before the name Israel was even uttered!

You said it started in 400BC.
the word PALESTINE---in fact PALESTINA
was invented by the greek historian Herodotus ---circa
400 BCE
If we take a conservative "thousands", meaning more than 1, that puts us at 2. So if we subtract 2000 years from today, that puts her time estimate right in the ballpark of 400BC. So you basically confirmed what she said as accurate.

And the difference of Palestine and Palestina, is nothing more than an issue of pronunciation. You're both talking about the same area of land.

You both said the same thing. So your either both lying, or you're both speaking the truth.

"Sherri lied", boy is that a hoot! Who the fuck are you? Ms. Joe Wilson? You say some pretty dumbass shit!
Why does she keep repeating such stupid grossly inaccurate fabrications and then insist her posts are worth reading?
Now that's rude!

Saying she "repeats stupid grossly inaccurate fabrications", without showing (or explaining) why they are, is nothing more than a smear campaign. Smearing someones credibility, because you don't like what they said, is very, very, rude.

And it's not just rude to Sherri, it's rude to everyone at this website that's happens to read your mean-spirited post.
Why does she keep repeating such stupid grossly inaccurate fabrications and then insist her posts are worth reading?
Now that's rude!

Saying she "repeats stupid grossly inaccurate fabrications", without showing (or explaining) why they are, is nothing more than a smear campaign. Smearing someones credibility, because you don't like what they said, is very, very, rude.

And it's not just rude to Sherri, it's rude to everyone at this website that's happens to read your mean-spirited post.

Oh, go fuck yourself.
Why does she keep repeating such stupid grossly inaccurate fabrications and then insist her posts are worth reading?
Now that's rude!

Saying she "repeats stupid grossly inaccurate fabrications", without showing (or explaining) why they are, is nothing more than a smear campaign. Smearing someones credibility, because you don't like what they said, is very, very, rude.

And it's not just rude to Sherri, it's rude to everyone at this website that's happens to read your mean-spirited post.

Oh, go fuck yourself.
Can't. He has a bad back.
Lointoy and cherry pit post their propaganda 24/7 and then whine about someone being "mean spirited". Must be from Bezerkistan
crotch-slob Marge was alluding to sherri's assertion
that the land ---which constituted the ancient kingdoms
of Judah and Israel and were located within a land
mass known as CANAAN in ancient times----was
called "PALESTINE" long before the kingdom's of
israel and judah came into existence. Sherri is
parroting a very absurd element of islamic
revisionist history. The term PALESTINA
was introduced by the greek historian Herodotus
because ---people who either spoke
greek --or a language similar to greek ---to wit
AEGEAN SEA FARING people maintained a
colony in what is today northern Gaza.
In the bible those people are called
PHILISTINES. They had a written
language and a religion which seemed
barbaric to jews----which may have involved
child sacrifice. At around the time of Herodotus
they LEFT the area. It was a time of lots of
demographic shift in the middle east due
to LOTS OF WARS and also changes in weather
affecting agriculture.
for jews the same period of time involved lots of
wars too and the "BABYLONIAN CAPTIVITY"---which
was---actually an exile of prominent jews--rulers -
etc----a custom of conquorers in those days.

Both the jews and the philistines were literate and
there is no evidence whatsoever that "israel/judea"
was called "PALESTINA" in general use UNTIL AFTER
the sack of jerusalem by Titus in the first century
AD Islamic revisionist history even includes the idea
that "arabs" lived in "palestina" and that hebrew which
was a written language several thousand years before
arabic had an alphabet is a "dialect" of arabic.

hebrew is a semitic language like arabic----MOST LIKELY having roots
in the semitic language AMHARIC amongst others---
ARABIC is an off-shoot of that group of languages----
a younger one rather than a newer one. LOTS of the
semitic languages were written languages thousands
of years ago----arabic did not have an alphabet or script
until 300 AD
Breaking News: An administrative detainee named Arafat Jaradad, age 30, has died, reportedly after being tortured. He had been held by Israel for 3 months under administrative detention. He was from Jenin and was held in Majddi Prison. This was bound to happen, it was only a matter of time.
Breaking News: An administrative detainee named Arafat Jaradad, age 30, has died, reportedly after being tortured. He had been held by Israel for 3 months under administrative detention. He was from Jenin and was held in Majddi Prison. This was bound to happen, it was only a matter of time.

What took so long?? Look at the bright side; He is now a Male Whore with all those Virgins :clap2:
People die in prison just as they die outside of prison
Sherri is a propagandaist whore

for the record---I have never encountered an inmate who
did not claim "TORTURE" I was so credulous at one
time in my life that I refused to send a patient back to jail
before examining the jail------they let me do it----the inmate
had lied. Whenever a person dies in jail SOMEONE claims
he was tortured It is far more likely that if he WAS
murdered----it was by a fellow inmate In fact the most
dangerous inmates in the jails of the state in which I once
worked were JIHADIST SCUM
Breaking News: An administrative detainee named Arafat Jaradad, age 30, has died, reportedly after being tortured. He had been held by Israel for 3 months under administrative detention. He was from Jenin and was held in Majddi Prison. This was bound to happen, it was only a matter of time.

What took so long?? Look at the bright side; He is now a Male Whore with all those Virgins :clap2:

yes---with ALL THAT TORTURE ----one person finally died---proving
Breaking News: An administrative detainee named Arafat Jaradad, age 30, has died, reportedly after being tortured. He had been held by Israel for 3 months under administrative detention. He was from Jenin and was held in Majddi Prison. This was bound to happen, it was only a matter of time.

He was arrested for throwing stones. The Zionist way: throw a stone, be tortured to death!
Breaking News: An administrative detainee named Arafat Jaradad, age 30, has died, reportedly after being tortured. He had been held by Israel for 3 months under administrative detention. He was from Jenin and was held in Majddi Prison. This was bound to happen, it was only a matter of time.

He was arrested for throwing stones. The Zionist way: throw a stone, be tortured to death!

really A 30 year old man throwing stones? at what? humans---
moving vehicles? In my town that lump of shit would be lucky if
the cops (the gentile cops) did not shoot him in the head. Good thing
he dealt with zionists Zionists have not learned the ISA RESPECTING
way-------in fact in JUSTINIAN LAW and IN SHARIAH LAW -----it was legal for
some people to throw rocks as some people----to wit----isa respecters could
throw rocks at jews-----but ---should a jew return the compliment----the
charge was A CAPITAL ONE

in my town----a man walking around with an axe------died because he
refused to give the axe up to a cop. ---the cop was a conscientious
christian----and was cleared of blame despite the fact that jewish neighbors
of the mentally disturbed christian with the axe----testified that
they did not see the christian axe bearer as a threat
Breaking News: An administrative detainee named Arafat Jaradad, age 30, has died, reportedly after being tortured. He had been held by Israel for 3 months under administrative detention. He was from Jenin and was held in Majddi Prison. This was bound to happen, it was only a matter of time.

He was arrested for throwing stones. The Zionist way: throw a stone, be tortured to death!

He died because of heart failure, but don't let facts confuse you:eusa_whistle:
Breaking News: An administrative detainee named Arafat Jaradad, age 30, has died, reportedly after being tortured. He had been held by Israel for 3 months under administrative detention. He was from Jenin and was held in Majddi Prison. This was bound to happen, it was only a matter of time.

He was arrested for throwing stones. The Zionist way: throw a stone, be tortured to death!

He died because of heart failure, but don't let facts confuse you:eusa_whistle:

His death was caused by torture, no truth in Zionists like you. You are taught to kill! A disgrace to Humanity!
Sherri, once you stop the emply slogans and propaganda, and search for the truth, you realize you're wrong.

First, he was not a hunger striker, and Second, he wasn't at all healthy, he got a stroke and died.

But the "Blame the Zionists" game doesn't get to old with you, eh?

do some research and come back wiser.
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